Thank You!

This is the end of the third book of the Inglorious Bastards Series! Thank you for reading Theo's story and also Carina, Theodore, and Roman's. The inspiration for LEGACY is this thought I had about Muggles and Squibs who do not really like magic at all and what would happen if they actually take arms to fight the magical world. This plot idea has been in my list of Harry Potter fanfiction plots for years, and I am glad to finally write it. 

One of the reasons why I really want to write this story is because it shows the growth of the Bastards and how they handle the issues as parents, where when they were young, they would jump into action without a second thought, but now they're parents themselves, they have so much to think of.  And also it shows the kind of parents and godparents Carina, Theodore, and Roman are -- they are not perfect but they are perfect towards to their children.

Like I said, there is another book coming  and it is the fourth book of the series, and this time it tells the story of Ned Goldstein -- Carina's grandfather -- as he survives Grindelwald's war, which then leads to the Marauders during their Hogwarts years, and then eventually the first wizarding war, and then how the Inglorious Bastards story started. It would take some time until I publish it because I'm still plotting down the events, the character point of views, and how the story is going to unfold (and also because I just bought the whole set of Percy Jackson books and I will be binge reading that... Continue reading to the very end of this chapter, you'll see a random doodle of the Bastards as demigods at Camp Half-Blood).

Thank you again for reading the INGLORIOUS BASTARDS SERIES, and I enjoy reading your comments -- it helps with  improving my writing and I am happy to see that my characters (or my babies as I would call them) are getting love -- especially Roman, who is just the cutest. 

Carina, Roman, Theodore, and I thank you all for reading the series.

Stay safe.

Stay Strong


Here's a really random doodle I made of the Bastards but as demigods going to Camp Half-Blood and going on quests!

I have my own own thought on who their godly parents are but I would like to know what you guys think their godly parents are.

Roman is so cute, he's just the optimist one in the group!
