Chapter Three

The morning of September 1st, Sofia managed to outsmart Romulus in his traditional back-to-Hogwarts-prank by using a spell to reveal all of possible joke products that he may have planted in her path and laid it out for her twin brother's surprise. And like any other morning of September 1st at the Black-Nott household, it began in with bang. Almost everyone got used to it, especially Carina and Theodore, who didn't bother to see what the commotion was when Romulus started crying out from the shower that he smelled like rotten eggs, they didn't bother to fix the problem and let their older and of age children deal with their problem, and when it was time for them to go did Romulus finally used his head and used magic to fix his problem.

"That took him twenty-minutes," Theodore mused as he checked his pocket watch.

"Can't blame him, Rom's on a "no magic" streak since he started setting up his menu," Carina said.

Once everyone was ready – and Romulus finally got the rotten egg smell – they family used the floo to the Estate to say their goodbyes to Sirius and Charity, and then waited for Roman to arrive for their ride to the station. When Roman came with his red, right-hand drive Ford Mustang (which he is very proud of when he bought it a couple of years ago), the family got in the magically extended car to fit them in, but when they were to enter, the children were surprised to find Morgan missing.

"So, who is going to sit with me at the front?" Roman asked, grinning as he did.

The siblings glanced at each other, and like a bolt of lightning, they tried to squeeze themselves into the backseat, not wanting to sit at the front, knowing how scary their Uncle Roman was when driving. Theo managed to use his still growing body and squeezed inside, and the following him was Viktor, who managed to push Romulus away and then dove into the seat, crushing Theo as he did. There were two seats left, since their parents could sit at the front, but Carina and Theodore got in quickly through the other door and took their place beside Theo and Viktor.

"No!" Sofia and Romulus screamed in a whisper.

Theo and Viktor laughed as their brother and sister had to sit at the front. While Carina and Theodore gave them an apologetic look.

"We've been hitching rides with your Uncle Rome even before you were born, it's your time, and just in case – " Theodore conjured two barfing bags. "Wouldn't want to make a mess."

"We love you," Carina smiled.

Sofia and Romulus went to sit at the front. Sofia sat at the middle, and she took Romulus' seatbelt and clipped them both in it, and then held on to the closest she could find. Her twin brother.

"I know that I always said that I hate you little brother, but I really do love you," Sofia told him.

"You too, little sister, you too," Romulus held on to her.

"Seriously, I am very offended that you think I'm a reckless driver!" Roman exclaimed as he drove out of the estate.

"Because you are," Carina said.

"By the way, where's Uncle Morgan?" Theo asked.

"Oh, he's got some business to do at the Ministry," Roman answered. "You know, Moirai business."

Theo didn't need to ask the specifics; he had a hunch what it was. Since eavesdropping on the conversation of the adults at his parents' study, and as well as hearing that voice, he's been trying to find out what was happening in the Wizarding World. He'd read The Daily Prophet to try and find any recent attacks that he's been overhearing from his parents but none have been reported since the attack at the magical community in Invergordon; when practicing his Legilimens, he would try to find that voice again, but it seems that the voice was no longer in his range.

They arrived at King's Cross alive and twenty minutes ahead of schedule, and that was thanks to Roman's near-death experience with a bus. When they got out of the car, Sofia and Romulus got on their knees and hugged the ground. That received odd looks from Muggles.

"That's disgusting – you do know that people spit on the pavement, right?" Theo said.

"You go sit at the front and see if you won't appreciate the ground!" Romulus exclaimed.

"Have you forgotten? I would always sit at the front because I was the smallest!"

After crossing the barrier to Platform 9 ¾, the family found the Potters and Granger-Weasleys just about to enter the train. As usual, Sofia, Romulus, and Viktor went to James and Fred, while Theo went to greet Albus, who was already with Scorpius and Scorpius' father, Draco Malfoy.

"Uncle Draco," Theo greeted.

"Hello, Theo, how was summer?" Draco asked.

"The usual," Theo shrugged.

Not long, Theodore, Roman, and Carina greeted Draco when they saw him, they asked him how he was since they rarely saw him, and though the man reassured them that he was fine, his eyes said otherwise. Two years ago, the Malfoys experienced a terrible loss. Astoria Malfoy – Scorpius' mother – passed due to her blood-curse. After a year of mourning, Scorpius managed to get back on his feet with the help of his friends, his father on the other hand, though Carina, Theodore, Roman, Blaise, and Adrian would be there for him, he was having a hard time with coping. Draco loved his wife and he will continue to love her even in death.

"Did you do what I asked you to?" Theo asked Albus and Scorpius.

"Yeah, we did, it's here in my bag," Scorpius said. "Theo, you haven't told us what this is about –"

"We'll talk later, alright – in the compartment," Theo hushed them.

Albus sighed loudly, "Oh, look, Polly Chapman is here."

They turned and saw the girl with long brown hair, pug-face, already wearing her Gryffindor sweater, saying goodbye to her parents. While Albus and Scorpius muttered profanities about their bully, Theo's eyes was no longer at Polly Champan but at the girl who just passed Chapman and was boarding with her friends. She was a fifth-year Ravenclaw with short and wavy dark brunette hair, brown skin, thick brows, full lips, and deep brown eyes that Theo can't help but remember the rich soil with.


Theo jumped at the sudden call of his name, turning, he saw Albus and Scorpius looking at him with confused looks and then pointed at the direction of his parents. Blushing in embarrassment, Theo faced his parents and saw them looking at him a mischievous look.

"Please don't," Theo begged.

"Don't what?" Carina grinned.

"I know that look, it's the same look when you found out about Viktor's crush."

"You should have seen this coming, Theo," Draco smirked.

"I'll just head inside – see you two at the holidays!"

"Hey! Theo!" Carina grabbed him. "We promise we won't meddle, we're just happy that –"


"We're dropping the subject, now, can we have our hug?" Carina opened her arms.

Sighing, Theo wrapped his arms around his mother to give her their until-the-holidays-hug, and then Carina placed an exaggerated kiss on his cheek.

"Mum!" Theo rolled his eyes.

"Sorry, I can't help it," Carina grinned. "Now, go say goodbye to your father."

Theo went to his father and bumped fists with him.

"Theo, don't stress yourself, alright?" Theodore said. "Just have fun – and don't worry about O.W.L.s, you'll do fine."

"You know, it really doesn't help if you keep saying that, but, thanks anyway!" Theo chuckled. "Bye, Uncle Rome!"

"Goodbye, Theo, and please do introduce us to that lovely girl –"

"And that's our cue to leave, come on you two," Theo pushed his friends inside.

Just as they got on, the train started to move, Theo didn't go in immediately as he enjoys hanging at the side during the departure.


Turning, he saw his mother walking with the train's pace.

"A little mischief won't hurt... and... Stay strong!"

Theo smiled, "Stay strong."

Hogwarts Express finally left the station and Theo watched from where he hung as no longer saw his parents. Finally entering the train, he followed his friends to their private compartment, upon closing the door after him, he faced his friends and saw that they have already laid out what he asked them to bring. A collection of newspaper clippings about the recent attacks placed in a scrapbook that Scorpius made, a map that had Inverness and Invergordon circled with red ink.

"We got what you asked us to find – where's yours?" Albus asked.

Theo then tapped on his temple, "Got it all here."

His two friends frowned.

Rolling his eyes, he then opened his jacket and then pulled out chocolate bars, wand licorice, toffee, and chocolate bunnies for them to snack on.

"Happy?" Theo said.

"Very," Scorpius and Albus smiled.

"Good, now, let's get started," Theo opened a pouch of wand licorice and then sat beside Albus as he read the map.

"But first, can you explain to us why you asked us to get these?" Scorpius asked.

Theo told his story from the very start, from the conversation between his parents that he heard – about the attack at Inverness and how it was close to Sinora, where the Astronomy school that his mother works for was located, then he told them about the voice he heard that day when he and Remus practiced by the borders of the reserve, the one that was ordering someone to kill, and then, there was the voice that seemed to be talking to someone – no, a memory... of someone that was close to the Hill or maybe within the range of his abilities, and then the conversation he listened to that night after the dinner at the Hill.

"If you're so concerned, then why not tell your parents?!" Albus exclaimed.

"Because I'm not sure! What if it's just a false alarm and I... and I derail them at the real perpetrator! I don't want to cause problems!" Theo said.

"But, Theo, you heard someone telling someone to kill!" Scorpius said.

"I'm not sure if that was even a present memory – maybe it was a deeper memory – I'm not sure – and I don't need my parents to worry about me right now when they have more important things to do. You both have seen it in the papers – and the Ministry is even asking my father to join in the investigation!" Theo said in a hushed tone.

"So, it's that serious," Albus stated.

"You should have heard Mum and Dad that night..."

"Why?" Scorpius asked.

Theo frowned as he remembered that night, even when he was just listening through the door, he knew exactly what his parents were feeling then. And it was the first time he's ever heard them like that... and it scared him.

"They were afraid... Dad was... he was," Theo trailed off. "For the first time, I could feel Dad is afraid of something... and Mum, said something about him coming back alive." He sighed. "I just don't want to add any more worry to him now – especially with that going on."

"But, Theo, what if what you're hearing is connected to this?" Scorpius asked. "Don't you think we should tell them?"

"We're not sure yet... and that's what we're doing right now," Theo took the map and them got out a market – one of the colorful ones he got from the Weasley's Wizard Wheezes, and then started circling the magical towns starting from Clachtoll down to Inverness, and then he circled Invergordon with a different color. "If we figure out the connection about what I heard to the recent reports, then we tell them."

"And if we don't?" Albus asked.

"Then we tell the next person who could help them. Professor McGonagall," Theo but the end of the market as he pondered about three possible targets of the attack that was heading south. "Dad mentioned that there is a magical community at Drumnadrochit and Aviemore... and then there's Sinora... if what he said is true that they're heading south –"

"Which he probably is," Scorpius added.

"— then there is a possibility that they would head to Drumnadrochit..."

"Why? Why not Sinora? That's the closest one."

"Because Sinora is on one of these mountains," Theo pointed at the symbol of mountains. "We still don't know what they're motive is – and what creature they're using to attack these communities."

"Are you sure it's a creature?" Albus asked.

"They think it is."

"But what if they're wrong?" Albus asked.

"Al, I don't think witches and wizards can do this kind of damage and leave no trace behind... and see those markings?" Theo pointed at the image at the clippings, one of them had the image of the men and women who died. Clearly The Prophet was trying to show the negligence of the Ministry, and all because the Minister, Hermione Granger, denied their current Editor-in-Chief of the passion as the Head of Public Relations for the Ministry.

"What did those anyway?" Scorpius asked.

"I don't know, but I'm sure that those aren't made from knives," Theo muttered.

"How sure are you?" Albus asked.

"One-hundred percent sure."

"Why – how – have you seen knife scars?"

Theo's jaw clenched as he remembered the scars that his mother had on her arm. "I have. And I see it every day."


They arrived at Hogwarts by nightfall, Theo, Albus, and Scorpius were already in their Slytherin uniforms and joined the others in heading to the carriages that would take them to the castle. As they lined up with the others, Theo saw Nadia Scott with her friends, waiting to get in line at the carriage. Theo smiled when he saw her laugh at something that her friends said. Just as Nadia got on the carriage, she was called by a Hufflepuff and then pointed at another carriage. Before she left, Theo saw her finally meeting his gaze. He offered her a small smile, and she in return gave him a little wave, and then left. With Nadia gone, Theo's eyes finally saw the blurred scene of James, Romulus, Viktor, and Fred being searched by Filch with his stick for joke products, and the four best friends held up their hands while whistling innocently as they made sure to hide their joke products at the one place Filch would not even think be hidden. In Theo's pockets.

After Filch found nothing, he glared at the four boys and then lets them join the others to the carriages, as Sofia would always be found by Theo's side, the four Gryffindors went to their line, cutting in the other Slytherins, receiving glares from them. James slung his arm around Sofia and then messed with Theo's hair.

"You are a life saver, Theo," James grinned.

Theo pulled out the bag that he hid under his robes and handed it to James. "Seventh-years and still pulling pranks, and I thought you'd outgrown them."

"No one outgrows fun, little brother," Romulus slung an arm around Theo. "But, don't worry, we're just going to save these things for special occasions."

"Such as?"

"Who knows."

"This is going to be the year that none of us is going to forget," James grinned. He then leaned close to Sofia and kissed her on the cheek. "And I can't wait when we finally graduate and move to that place we've been scouting."

"You two are moving in together?" Romulus raised a brow.


"Have you told Mum and Dad?" Viktor asked.

"We haven't," Sofia fidgeted at her place. "We thought that it'd be best if we told them at the holidays."

Theo, Albus, and Scorpius grinned.

"This is going to be an interesting Christmas," Theo said.

"Say, James, what are your measurements?" Albus asked.

"Measurements for what?" James asked.

"For your suit."

"And your coffin," Theo added.

Just before James could grab his little brother and Theo, Cillian Diggory – Cedric Diggory's eldest son – approached their little group. His presence had other girls swooning as he was considered one of the most handsome boys in Hogwarts.

"Sofia, I think we should head with the other Prefects," Cillian told her.

"Oh – yeah – we should, I was just heading there myself, actually," Sofia said.

While Sofia and Cillian spoke to each other, Romulus, Viktor, Fred, Theo, and Albus and an amused look, especially when James kept on switching his glances with the Hufflepuff and his girlfriend. But before James could ask, Sofia said goodbye to them all, and kissed him on the side of the lips before leaving with the handsome Hufflepuff.

"What was that? Why is Sofia leaving with Diggory?" James asked as he kept his eyes on Sofia and Cillian, muttering how close they were.

"Jealous, Jamesie?" Romulus grinned as he climbed the carriage, then Theo, Albus, and Scorpius followed.

"Don't you think they're standing a bit too close to each other – hold on – and now they're sitting beside each other at the carriage?!" James exclaimed as he climbed the carriage and kneeled on the seat to keep an eye on the carriage. "WHO DOES HE THINK HE IS?!"

"Sofia's ex-boyfriend," Viktor snorted.

That made Theo, Romulus, Fred, Albus, and Scorpius laugh.

"If you haven't figured it out, James, Cillian Diggory is the Head Boy," Albus said.


The carriage jerked forward as it started to move on its own, James fell off his seat and landed on his side on the wooden floor. Albus made sure to take the chance and "accidentally" step on his brother, but James didn't notice nor did he care because at the moment his concern is mostly on the fact that Sofia would be working and spending rounds in the night with Cillian Diggory. Her ex-boyfriend.

"NO, NO, NO!" James exclaimed.

"James, calm down," Romulus sighed and pulled his best friend to sit down.


"Sofie's going to be fine," Viktor told him.

James then turned to Romulus. "DID YOU KNOW ABOUT THIS?"

Romulus pushed James' face away from him. "Say it don't spray it – and yes, we did."

"Overheard Uncle Morgan mentioning it the last time he and Uncle Rome were at the house," Viktor added.


"We would very much appreciate it if you stopped yelling," Theo covered his abused ear.

"Have mercy on our eardrums, James!" Albus kicked his brother at the shin.

"Two reasons why we didn't tell you –" Fred began. "One, because we'd know you'd overreact, which is what you're doing right now. And two, when you get jealous you become possessive, and when you become possessive it pisses out Sofia, and when she's pissed... she ignores you and you'd look like a sad puppy trying to make her notice you, and we'd just be there to watch as you make a fool of yourself."

"I do not!" James exclaimed.

"James, we saw you doing cartwheels during your Defense Against the Dark Arts class," Albus said with a deadpan look.

"And you kept yelling, "Sofie, love, look at me! Sofie, look at me!" – it's not cute, it's annoying," Theo crossed his arms over his chest.

"Let me give you some advice, James," Romulus slung his arm around his best friends' shoulder. "Don't. Screw. This. Up. Because if you do, and Sofia cries, I'm sorry but I'd have to take drastic measures."

James scoffed. "Like what?"

"Tell Dad."

James fell silent.

Theo sighed with a whimsical look. "I can see it now. Christmas Day. James' head is on a plaque over the fireplace at the Manor at the reserve, and his body being ripped apart by the Peruvian Vipertooths."

"What is wrong with you?" James turned to Theo.

"You know, I still don't know where your reserve gets the human flesh," Scorpius said to Theo.

"No one knows," Theo shrugged. He then turns to the only person that has handled dragons. "Vik?"

Viktor shrugged. "Don't know, whenever I'd find them feeding the Peruvian Vipertooths, the meat would already be... cubes of flesh..."

Silence came to the carriage.

"Let's not talk about that any further," Fred said.

When they arrived at the castle, James literally jumped off the carriage and ran up to the carriage that Sofia was at. He pushed a couple of students away just to get to her and helped her off the carriage. Theo swore he heard that James offered to carry Sofia to her table, but Sofia told him to join their brothers at the Gryffindor table and that she would see him tomorrow. But before they could separate, James made sure to kiss her in front of Cillian. And it wasn't the usual kiss that they would have, this one was deep and longer. James even dipped her a little. The sight of them kissing attracted the attention of the Head Mistress who liked to greet the newly arrived student at the doors and tapped James on the shoulder and stopped the inappropriate public display of affection.

"Busted," Albus snickered.

"Five Sickles that this pisses off Sofia and she ignores him for a week," Theo snorted.

"Sofia gets pissed in three days and she ignores him for two weeks," Albus added.

"I don't think it's a good idea to be making bets about that," Scorpius said, but then his eyes found the familiar red hair of Albus' cousin. "HI ROSE!"

Rose flinched at Scorpius' loud call. She and her fellow Prefects turned to their little group of Slytherins and she was red of embarrassment. While Scorpius continued to wave at her, Albus laughing at Rose's embarrassment, Theo noticed that one of the girls that Rose was with was Nadia. She didn't look like she was interested in what was happening, especially when she tapped Rose on the shoulder and told her that she was heading to her table.

"You think that was too much?" Scorpius asked.

"No, not at all," Theo and Albus said as they slung an around Scorpius and led him to the Slytherin table. They sat down near where Sofia sat and then got out their bag of sweets for the long Sorting ceremony. Theo gave Sofia her favorite – toffee – and then he started to eat a wand licorice. They were already halfway through the Sorting of the first years, and Theo had his eyes at the Gryffindor table where he could see his brothers joke with Fred about James being jealous, then his eyes went to Lily and Hugo, who looked like they were starving, and beside them was Rose, who was speaking with Alice Longbottom – Professor Longbottom's daughter.

Hold on, Rose is a Prefect, Theo thought, and she rode with the other Prefects. So, does that mean, Nadia was a Prefect?

"Yes, Theo, Nadia Scott is a prefect," Sofia spoke in a hushed tone.

Theo turned to his older sister with wide eyes.


"It doesn't take for a Legilimence to know that you like her, little brother," Sofia whispered to him.

Theo blushed. He found the wrapper of the wand licorice more interesting at the moment.

Sofia then leaned closer. "Makes you regret not taking the Prefect badge?"

"No," Theo turned to her. "It doesn't. Because I don't want it."

Sofia smiled; she then took her brother's hand under the table. "Good."

"Speaking of Prefects," Theo spoke in a normal volume. "Who did Slughorn replace me with?"

"He asked the previous Prefect to take the job again," Sofia replied.

"And the Head Boy? Tell me, sis, how are you working with your ex-boyfriend?" Theo rested his elbow on the table and then his chin on his fist. "Just out of curiosity... and probably for messing with James."

Sofia chuckled. "To be honest, it was a shock, but I should have expected that Cillian would be Head Boy –"

"Why not James?" Albus asked, with a sly grin on his face.

"Gee, I don't know, maybe it's because James spends most of his time in detention?" Sofia raised a brow.

"But you like that, right? You like the "bad boy"," Theo teased his sister.

Sofia blushed, she then pulled Theo's hood over his head and hid his face. "He's not a "bad boy" he's just... well, James is fun."

Theo pulled off his hood. "And Diggory isn't?"

"He is, but in a different way. But with James... it's different...he's my best friend..." Sofia smiled as she watched James laugh with her brothers and Fred.

Theo could see clearly that what Sofia felt for James was more than just interest, infatuation, or the like-like that other people would call it. He's seen it before with his parents. A thought then came to Theo's mind. But what if they weren't best friends? What if they barely spoke to one another?

"Hey," Sofia nudged him at the side. "You know, all friends start out a strangers."

Theo turned to her with a raised brow.

Sofia chuckled when she saw her brother's oblivious look. She then brought him to an embrace and pressed her cheek on his. "How are you so smart and yet so oblivious at the same time – it's just adorable!"

"Please, stop," Theo muttered as he was sure that it wasn't just the other Slytherins laughing at him, but as well as the Ravenclaws behind them.


Unlike other teachers and Astronomers at Sinora, Carina much preferred to head home after work even when the children were at Hogwarts, she enjoys coming home to spend time with her husband. Hours after work and day-offs during the school-term was their time together. After saying goodbye to her co-workers, Carina took her things and then walked out of the office and then headed to the main part of the castle to use the Floo-network to head home. While she walked through the halls, she would pass by some of her students who used the dorms there, and as well as other co-workers.

Once at the courtyard, Carina went to the once barracks and now Floo-gates to head home –

The wind blew, and it wasn't one of the normal winds there. It was different. It had a different sound... sand-like. It sent chills down Carina's spine. She looked around to see what it was, but nothing seems to be out of the ordinary.

Probably just my imagination, she thought. She has been worried about the recent attacks at magical communities in Scotland that maybe it was getting to her. Shaking her head, Carina got into the barracks to use the Floo that would take her to the London-end of the school, and from there, she would apparate home. But just as she disappeared, a girl with black hair was standing from where she stood. She was deathly pale, her hair long, tangled, and greasy, and her eyes – brown eyes – were fixed on Carina Black. 
