Chapter Ten

"Her name is Delphini Riddle."

After calming Carina's breakdown, Theodore wasted no time in contacting Harry and Hermione to meet with him at the reserve to discuss what Carina told him. It was risk to talk at the Ministry given that there was a possible leak happening since Euphemia Rowle and her Anti-Magic Rallyists were getting information before they could release a statement, and with the sensitivity of the case that Carina was going to say, they knew that Rowle could easily manipulate those words to gain the support of the people on her side and finally their rallies would take action and "dispose of" those who possess magical blood.

Confined in Theodore's office with only a handful members of the Ministry that Hermione trusted, Carina told Harry of the student she was privately teaching, and just by the mention of the name alarmed the members in the office.

"Rumors have been spreading that the Dark Lord has risen again," a Minister member spoke. "And the fact that this child is alive and bears his name means that it could be true."

"If it is, then what should we do? I doubt the Ministry could face this again – we're already backed up against the wall with The Prophet publishing information before we could even make a statement! We have Anti-Magic Rallyists at our doorstep whose numbers are growing! We can't have this – and this rumor is too far stretched to be true! The Dark Lord is gone! Harry Potter made sure of it!" Said another.

"And we are certain that he is," Hermione said. "None of Death Eaters that the Ministry has captured have shown any suspicious behavior with their marks... and Dragonologist Nott's mark is also not showing – Voldemort is gone, so this is a totally different situation."

"But that girl – Riddle – it can't be a coincidence –"

"It can – Riddle is a common name," Carina spoke.

All of their eyes fell to her. All with an incredulous look.

"Don't tell me you're defending this girl, Professor Black?" A Minister member, Harvey, spoke.

"I'm... I'm not – I," Carina gulped. "I don't know."

A Minister member scoffed. "Clearly, your time with the girl has softened your heart – she has fooled you with her "innocent" acts!"

"She hasn't fooled me!"

"Carina," Theodore spoke in a hushed tone.

"Even if it is a coincidence," Harry spoke. "We can't have the public know – it would only cause panic, and that's the last thing we need."

"The last thing we need is to have this creature kill more people! We must take action – eliminate –" Harvey exclaimed.

"Eliminate?" Theodore spoke. "Kill her? She's just a girl!"

"She's of age! We saw it in the memory – she's no longer a child!"

"She's not registered under our country's Ministry – she's registered in America – even Grindelwald was given a trial here he hadn't escaped!" Theodore argued.

"What difference would it make?! The MACUSA does not have prisons, Dragonologist Nott."

"Even if she's not registered in our Ministry," Hermione spoke. "It is still my duty as Minister to ensure the safety of our people... and the MACUSA President is still looking for her identification, so Mister Harvey, before we start giving children death sentences, best to see a different course of action."

"Azkaban?! You're going to send her to Azkaban?!" Carina got up from her seat. "She'll die there!"

"I am starting to doubt your loyalties, Professor Black, it seems that you have developed an attachment towards this Riddle-girl," Harvey mocked her.

Carina turned to him with glaring eyes and walked up to him. Theodore sighed as he knew that he couldn't stop the fury that Harvey was to get from her, while Harry tried to stop her, but Carina shrugged him off of her as she stood before the Ministry member, showing no fear.

"How heartless can you be to even think about killing children?"

"She's no longer a child," Harvey stood his ground.

"She's still a child – here –" Carina pointed to her heart and then her temple. "And here! Who has no idea what she's doing – she's being forced to do this!"

"You have no proof! She may be acting on her own accord!"

"I don't believe that a child would do this on their own!"

"Unless they were raised like someone like the Dark Lord!"

"The Dark Lord is gone. It's been twenty-three years! He's gone!"

Theodore took Carina by her arm and gently took her from Harvey.

"We still don't have proof that she isn't!" Harvey pressed on.

"Then check his grave!" Harry spoke. "Because I already did, and there were no signs of tampering. He's gone – the Death Eaters are not behind this. And, even if this is a coincidence – with her name – we need to take precaution, because clearly, whoever is controlling this girl knows what strings to pull."

"Meaning?" A Ministry member spoke.

"They know that it would bring chaos to the people and the Ministry, which is happening right now," Hermione spoke. She then turned to Carina. "Carina, I know that after learning about what this girl is that you want to help her, and we will, but we first need to secure her – make sure that she won't destroy another magical community."

"How?" Carina asked.

"There is a way to cure an Obscurial," Theodore spoke, with a wave of a hand, he summoned a book entitled, The Witch Trials: The Darkest Age of Magical History, and with magic he had it turned to the mage he had marked. "An Obscurial can be cured by giving a sense of belonging and security... Carina, the way you described how Delphini acted was like of a child – she clings to you like a child clinging to a mother."

Carina frowned.

"I know that she scares you," Theodore faced her and held her hands. "And it's cruel of me to even ask you of this, but if you could give her this sense of belonging – this love she's looking for, then we can save this child."

Harvey scoffed. "Tell me, Dragonologist Nott, could you love a killer?"

Theodore glared at him.

"I heard that you and your wife have a soft-heart towards orphans and would not hesitate in adopting them – would you adopt this girl?" Harvey mocked.

When Theodore did not reply, he smirked.

"Professor, how long has this Delphini Riddle been your student?" Hermione asked.

"A month and a half," Carina answered.

Hermione looked down at the reports at the table.

"Since September, there were no attacks seen but for the recent one at Drumnadrochit," Hermione looked through the photos that were taken of the aftermath.

"That's another thing," Carina spoke again. "Since the middle of the October, the Headmistress at the school started to act differently. She's not herself lately – she was the one who gave me Riddle to teach, she was also the one who let her in the school."

"We'll have an investigation on that as well," Hermione said. "We'll send Aurors in Sinora to keep watch on recent activities."

"Minister, we don't have much man-power – we're stretched – our Aurors are everywhere," Harry said. "We're not even sure if this Riddle is the Obscurial – it could be any kid out there!"

"This is a lead – the first lead that we got since the attacks happened, I won't let this get away from us," Hermione said to him.

"You can get the Aurors from the Scotland reserve," Theodore said.

"That would leave you vulnerable, Theodore, we can't let the biggest magical community be destroyed!" Hermione said. "We could send more up north –"

"Harry is right, with the rallyists at your doorstep – a leak in the Ministry – we don't have much of a choice – we could defend ourselves here – triple the security – add more wards if needed – and if we are needed to engage in battle, I need the reassurance that my Dragonologists and Magizooligists will not be arrested," Theodore told her.

"You have my word," Hermione nodded.

"This is madness!" Harvey scoffed. "You're giving power to non-Aurors to engage in battle!"

"What choice do we have – we have little man-power in the Ministry – we could only trust so little people."

"And even if you give these Dragonologists and Magizoologists the permission to engage in battle, what power do they have against the manifestation of destruction itself?!"

"We have dragons, Mister Harvey, and I do believe we are far more trained than you think, I made sure of it," Theodore told him.

"Auror Potter, gather the Aurors protecting the reserve and head south to Sinora, they will keep watch on any activity there is at the mountains and report back to us – here," Hermione said in a commanding tone.

"And Riddle, if they saw her?" Harry asked.

"Don't engage, let her go to the castle," Hermione said. "Are you certain that she doesn't have a dorm there, Professor?"

"I am, I walked her once to her dorm... she only led me to the cellars," Carina answered.

"Then that means that she's going somewhere – we'll also keep an eye on the Headmistress, and Carina, I know it's too much to ask, but I am counting on you to save this girl's life."

Harvey threw his hands in the air and scoffed.

"And if possible, gain her trust and have her tell you who is behind all of this."

"I will, Minister," Carina nodded.

Theodore took Carina's hand and held it tight.

"What should we tell Theo?" Theodore asked.

Hermione turned to the couple. "None that we have spoken, be vague as you can. We'll talk to him once they come back for the holidays... and I promise you, both of you, Theo will not be a part of this... neither of our children would have to face what we did twenty-three years ago... we'll conclude this meeting for now – Mister Harvey, I expect that Mister Alston and Mister Morgan's papers are settled for their trip to Greece."

"They will, but I still don't understand why a trip abroad is important now?" Harvey spoke.

Hermione turned to him with an intimidating glare. "For your information, Mister Harvey, one of the little reasons why I had you here is because my little trust in you – I know that you've been giving statements to The Prophet of my "incompetence to handle the crises" anonymously – yes, I've known, because like you, Mister Harvey, I have friends in powerful places as well, but unlike you, I am not a backstabbing rat who hides behind false names because his loyalty is only those with power. And right now. I am the Minister, so I have the power. Disrespect me again, I will have you replaced. Now, Mister Alston and Mister Diggory's papers – it's apparent they head to Greece as soon as they could, considering there are lives at stake."

Theodore tried to hide his mile but it only looked like a smirk when he spoke. "I'll tell Roman about the papers, have him and Morgan get ready for their departure – I'll also contact Perses to escort them to Delphi as soon as they arrive."

"Good," Hermione nodded. "Once we leave, we'll be taking the Aurors with us and have them stationed at the mountains of Sinora... we'll leave the security of the reserve to you, Theodore."

Theodore nodded.

After Hermione and the other Ministry members left, Carina and Theodore were finally able to breathe. It was as if the moment they came to the reserve, they've been only breathing shallow breaths as the tension was too thick. Nott and Sofia Nott came back from wherever portrait they gone to and sat on their seats to ask what was discussed.

"Well?" Nott asked.

"Dear," Sofia Nott chastised. "Carina, you look better."

Carina smiled, "I doubt that I am considering I haven't slept since the 25th, and because I'm spending three hours at the night with a dangerous girl... alone in my office."

Sofia Nott smiled sadly. "This will pass, dear."

"Thank you," Carina said as she started her letter to Theo.

"Have him address his letters to your father instead – and have him send it there as well – if you're sure that Delphini Riddle is taking them, it's best that we keep his letter far from her reach as possible," Theodore said as he read what his wife has written.

"Theodore, what if she goes after Theo?" Carina asked after she finished the postscript.

"She won't, and we won't let that happen."

"And what if we do save her – what if we manage to cure her of the Obscurus – then what? She's just a girl who has no idea of what's going on – Azkaban is too much for a girl like her!" Carina sighed. "I know I sound crazy for defending her because she's killed so many people, but... when I'm with her, it's hard to even think that this girl who is fascinated by illustrated books could do something like that."

"Carina, Delphini isn't doing it on purpose – it's the Obscurus that is triggered only by her emotions. We still don't know what they did to this girl but once we do, we'll think of something to help her feel safe."

"The Ministry nor the people would never let her be free – the people will demand she be sent to Azkaban, or have her case be taken by the MACUSA where she could be killed with no further trials... I don't know if it's just my motherly instincts, but I can't let her die... if I did, then I feel like I've failed her – I deceived her."

Theodore knelt down before Carina and took her hands with his. "I don't think it's because of your motherly instincts that has you protecting this girl, Carina... you're a good person, and you always do what is right. And you know that protecting this girl is the right thing to do... I know that it's hard to look past on what she did, but, like you said, she's just a girl – a teenager, but her mind and heart never really grew with her body. Right now, she needs a mother, and you're the only one who could give her that."

"And after this, then what? As much as I want to save her... I'm still scared at the thought of her near our children."

"Then the Ministry should put up a new way to help rehabilitate people like her. Not Azkaban. A place where she could be safe and be given a home until she's paid for her crimes," but Theodore doubted that the Ministry or the people would ever let her leave that kind of prison for all that she's done.

Seeing that Carina was still worrying, he wanted to ease her mind, even just a little while. Since he came home, he hasn't seen her smile. Leaning up, Theodore pressed a kiss on her lips.

"We'll be fine, I promise," he whispered and kissed her again. "Stay strong."

Carina smiled. "Stay strong."


Days passed and to Theo was surprise it was already December, and with December it was the holidays – meaning they get to go home – and also the twins' birthday. And, as always, it would always start with a loud bang. As Romulus and Sofia made it a tradition to try and prank each other as a way to greet their twin a "HARRY BIRTHDAY!" So, when December 18th came, the Gryffindor common room and the Slytherin common room was filled with laughter and the sound of the twins screeching with the pranks set up on each other. And when they came to the Great Hall, the student laughed at the sight of the twins about to strangle each other.

"YOU GAVE ME A BALD HEAD?!" Romulus exclaimed as he tried to get his sister off of him.



And while his siblings tried to strangle each other, Theo ate one of the many cupcakes their mother sent the twins for their birthday as he was relieved to finally get a reply from her. For the past remaining days before the holidays, Theo has been receiving more letters from his parents telling him that everything will be fine, and it eased Theo's nerves to see that they were safe. And nothing bad has happened to them because of his stubbornness to not tell them of what he heard from the very beginning.

"Should we try to stop them?" Scorpius asked as he ate a biscuit from the basket that Carina sent the twins.

"Nah, let them fight it out," Viktor said to him.

"But they do this every year! I don't understand why they still want to strangle each other!" Rose said.

"It's their thing," James shrugged. "Besides, it's also their way to settle on who is the older twin."

"Eighteen and still acting like bloody first years, my brother and sister, ladies and gentlemen," Theo slow-clapped as he watched Sofia and Romulus get separated by Filch and were given detention. "You know, I am very concerned by the new graduating batch with your kind of maturity, Vik, I doubt the Ministry could handle workers like these two."

Viktor sighed. "Why do you think none of us are going to work at the Ministry? To save the Wizarding World of the United Kingdom from exploding right at our faces."

"Don't worry, I'm sure with everything that is happening, it's going to explode at our faces before any of us would even think about working for the Ministry."

"You make it sound like your family are a bunch of ticking timebombs," Rose told him with an incredulous look.

"Aren't we? Well, I am to myself, considering if I let put down my Occlumency and if I don't control my Legilimence, I'd find myself stuck St. Mungo's for the rest of my life."

"Not funny," Viktor punched him at the shoulder. "And before that even happens, Rom, Sofia and I will do whatever we can to keep your head leveled."

"I suggest you try harder," Theo smirked.

Annoyed, Viktor flicked Theo at the forehead.

"Ow!" Theo rubbed his red forehead.

Not long, the holidays finally came and Theo found himself packing his trunk for the next few weeks he would be staying at home with his family. The day they were to leave Hogwarts to head home, McGonagall made sure to give a few words informing them about the Aurors stationed throughout the journey to keep watch on them, and then an advice to the students to stick together and to not wander off while at home or inside the castle. It was a precaution that the school and the Ministry so the academic year would not be stopped because of these attacks.

Throughout the journey home, Theo sat in a compartment with Scorpius, Albus, and Rose, all talking about what they were hoping for the coming holidays; with Theo, Albus, and Rose's family being close family friends, they expected a part to happen, but with Scorpius – since the Malfoys were still not fully accepted by everyone – it was expected that he would celebrate with his father at home, but Theo, Albus, and Rose told him that they would ask their parents to have them come over to the party so they could all be together. Besides, the Malfoys are family through the Blacks – distant relatives that is. But still, family.

When they arrived at Platform 9 ¾, the first thing Theo saw at the station was his father standing there waiting for him and his siblings. A smile etched at his face when he saw him waving at their way, calling for them to get out now. They wasted no time in getting their things from the rack the moment the train stopped and raced out to get to the platform to greet their parents that came. Theo raced out of the train, much faster, as he hoped to see his mother alright that he didn't even hear Nadia Scott wishing him a Happy Christmas. Stepping out of the train, Theo went to his father and greeted him a fist-bump, but when he looked to his father's side to greet his mother, she wasn't there.

"Where's Mum?" Theo asked.

"She's still at Sinora," Theodore answered, grimly. "But don't worry, she promised to be at home to greet us."

"I don't understand, but Mum never stays late at the school."

Theodore held him by his shoulders. "Your mother is alright," and then with a hushed tone he said. "We'll talk once we're at home."

Theo stiffly nodded.

His father's attention was then taken by the sight of his siblings. Sofia literally jumped into their father's arms and wrapped him in a loving embrace.

"I missed you, Dad!" Sofia laughed as their father lifted her off the ground and twirled her around.

"I missed you too, sweetheart – boys, I'm glad to see that we didn't get any detention notices from McGonagall," Theodore turned to his two older sons.

"Well, let's just say we got better in hiding our mischief," Romulus blew on his nails.

Viktor rolled his eyes. "Some times I worry if we share too much information with our parents."

"Don't worry, we share just enough, right, Sofia?" Theo smirked.

Sofia's eyes widened, but before their father could see, she grinned innocently.

"So, where's Mum?" Sofia asked.

"Still at work, but don't worry, she'll be there when we get home – come on, let's go, I'm sure she's dying to see you now!"

"Please don't tell me that we're riding with Uncle Roman – we love him, but we really want to be there at the graduation – all limbs intact," Romulus said.

"Don't worry, your Uncle Roman won't be back until the 23rd," Theodore told them.

"He went somewhere?" Viktor asked.

"Yes – he and Morgan left to head to Greece – just a quick trip, but he did leave me this," Theodore showed them the keys.

"No!" Romulus grinned. "Dad, all this time you know how to drive?!"

"Your Uncle Roman may be a reckless driver, but he taught me the basics that helped me pass the test... and it only took me – what – ten years until he agreed to let me drive his expensive car!" Theodore chuckled.

The Notts left the platform with the Potters – Ginny being there to pick up the children – and the Granger-Weasleys – Ron went to pick them up – they all headed to the parking lot to get to their vehicles. With Ginny not having a license, she and her children had to hitch a ride with Ron – who surprisingly got a license himself. Ron rides an economy car, which was fitting for a family of four, and with magic, he extended the seats for his sister and nieces and nephews. When Theodore pressed the keys to unlock Roman's car, James and the others were at awe to see that the red Mustang parked beside them was the Notts' ride home.

"This is totally unfair," Albus said.

"I'm surprised Roman lent it to you," Ginny chuckled.

"Took me ten years, Ginny," Theodore said.

"I'm surprised Nott got his license!" Ron exclaimed.

"And it's right-hand drive?!" James said as he peaked through the open door of the vehicle. "That must have cost him a fortune!"

"Well, if you're a retired Professional Quidditch Player with so many endorsers and have no children – you'd also spend your money on these," Romulus grinned as he got in the car.

"Or travel," Sofia shrugged as she willingly got at the front.

"See you guys at the party," Theo said as he waved goodbye to their family-friends.

"Bye Theo!" Lily called out.

Theo turned to her and smiled, "bye Lily. I'll see you at the party!"

"See you! Save me a dance?!"

Theo chuckled. "Sure."

After Theo got in, Theodore backed out of the parking lot and drove home, leaving the Potters and Granger-Weasley in Ron's economy car.

"Why can't we get that kind of car?" Hugo asked.

"Because we don't need it," Ron answered. "Besides, you heard what Nott said, they only borrowed it from Roman, so it's not really theirs."

"Fast brooms, motorcycles, fast cars, dragons, what else?!" Albus threw his hands at the air after counting the list of transportation that the Black-Nott family has.

And while his siblings were talking about Roman's red Mustang, and his uncle finally pulling out of the driveway and drove at the rode, James was more concerned with Lily's dreamy gaze on Theo when she said goodbye. No. He was already dating Sofia, Lily can't like Theo!

"Don't you think Theo is handsome, Rose?" Lily spoke.

"I guess," Rose shrugged. "He's smart-arse."

"Oi, since when did you started using that word, Rosie?" Ron called out from the front.

"Since she started hanging out with Theo, James, and Scorpius," Huge said.

"I think he's cool," Lily smiled dreamily.

"No – nope – not happening," James spoke out his thoughts.

And with him saying "no" all of a sudden made his family confused.


Like Hogwarts, Sinora was also having a holiday break to let students and faculty members be with their family during Christmas. For the past few days – since the talk with the Ministry – Carina has been taking care of Delphini, teaching her about the idea of right and wrong, giving her a proper education that the girl completely lacked, and she was giving her the motherly love that the girl was looking for. But as much as wanted to continue their sessions, the holidays were approaching, there was an option for them to continue the lectures during the holidays with her having to come to the school for their three-hour lessons, but the Headmistress insisted that they follow the holiday break as Delphini was needed "home". But when the Headmistress said that, Carina saw the sadness in the girl's eyes.

On their last day of the lecture until the resume of classes, Carina read to Delphini a book she knew the girl would enjoy. It was a Christmas storybook that was full of magic and a moral story for the children to understand. And before they could wrap things up, she gave Delphini a cake to eat as well.

"We've been having good progress for the past couple of months and I want to congratulate you," Carina said as she presented the girl with the chocolate cake with strawberries on top.

"Thank you," Delphini said as she looked at the pastry with lovestruck eyes. "Thank you, Professor!"

"And, since it's almost Christmas, I got you something," Carina went to her desk and got out a present that she wrapped. "I hope you like it."

Delphini placed the small cake down and went to take the present, she turned to Carina, asking for permission to open it, with her teacher's permission, she unwrapped the present and a smile etched at her lips. It was books. The Tales of Beedle the Bard and Stories of the Night Sky.

"I remember you enjoying it when we read it the other day," Carina said. "I hope you like it."

"I do, thank you, Professor," Delphini smiled.

The sound of Carina's wristwatch beeping caught their attention, and Delphini frowned, knowing that it was time for them to separate ways. The lesson was over and her teacher was going home to her family, while she would be at her shack. Alone. And it would be a long time until she would see her teacher again.

"Can we stay a bit longer?" Delphini asked timidly.

Carina smiled sadly, she reached out a tucked stray lock of hair behind the girl's ear.

"I have to see my family, Delphi, you must understand that," Carina said softly. "It's been a while since I saw my children, and I miss them very much."

Delphi's lips trembled. Her teacher's children and husband. They would always be the reason to end the lessons.

"We'll see each other soon – I'll try to speak with the Headmistress to let us resume our lessons earlier, alright?" Carina said, as she sensed that the girl was upset. "Until then, read these, and when we resume classes, we'll talk about it, alright?"

Delphini nodded reluctantly.

"Good, shall I walk you to your dorm?" Carina asked as she collected her things.

Delphini shook her head.

"Alright, then," Carina then helped Delphini in fixing her things. She placed a charm on the cake to not get squished or ruined in the girl's bag during her travel. But before they left, Carina noticed that the girl only wore her uniform, and knowing that she lived elsewhere from the castle, she knew that it would be too cold for her to journey back with only a uniform. Shedding her coat, Carina had Delphini wear it.

"Why are you giving me your clothes, Professor?" Delphini asked.

"You looked cold," Carina answered.

"But what about you, aren't you cold?"

"I'll be fine, it's just a quick trip home, goodnight, Delphi... and Happy Christmas."

"Happy Christmas."

After they separated ways, Carina went to the floo to head to the London point, and then from there, she apparated home. When he arrived at the hill, she smiled as she heard the noise coming from the house. It was her children's laughter. Running through the field, Carina raced to the door, and when she got in she raced to the kitchen, and there she was greeted by the sight of her children and husband cooking dinner and setting the table.

"Mum!" Sofia ran around the table and went to greet her with an embrace and a kiss on the cheek. She was soon followed by Viktor, Romulus, and then Theo, all of them wrapping her in an embrace. Carina had all of her children in her arms and held them tight, she kissed each one of them on the head as she was relieved and happy to see them there. Safe. And her worries were finally put at ease.

As Carina greeted their children with such affection, Theodore stood there and watched as his wife finally smiled.
