Chapter Two

"Are you sure about this, you're giving up all the privileges!"

Theo stared at his two best friends with a deadpan look. After hearing about Theo's Prefect badge from their parents, Albus and Scorpius went straight to the Black-Nott house to congratulate him, but when they were about to even say "CONGRATULATIONS!" and throw confetti at his face, they saw him already writing a letter back to Slughorn, asking for their Head of House to assign someone else.

"Theo, you're over thinking things, calm down, and just think for a moment," Albus took him by his shoulders.

"Al, all I do is think, that's my thing – like your thing is the whining-teenager, and Scrop's thing is the-dorky-rich-kid," Theo stated.

"Like you're not bloody rich," Albus muttered.

"Yeah, but I'm not a dork, am I?" Theo grinned.

"I think it's only fair that we call you the-stubborn-idiot-who-is-letting-his-chance-get-away!" Scorpius exclaimed. "Seriously, Theo, think about it – it's a Prefect badge – think about the privileges –"

"And the added responsibilities."

"— the bathroom that's bigger than ours! The pool there –"

"We have a lake at Dad's reserve."

"—you get to do rounds after curfew –"

"We always sneak out after curfew."

"— you can dock points off of anyone –"

"Power tripping? I'd rather give them hell," Theo crossed his arms over his chest. "I don't see the fun in being Prefects – they're insufferable twats who act like they own the school – NO OFFENCE, SOFIE – VIK!"

But his two older siblings sent him the middle-finger, and Viktor made sure to knock on his head when he passed his way before heading upstairs to his and Romulus' room.

"You know, what, why don't you two become Prefects if you're so dying to get that large bathroom and the power to take points... not like that would change anything," Theo said.

"But Slughorn appointed you," Albus said.

"And, if I return this to Slughorn, he might make you or Scorpius Prefect."

"That's not a bad idea," Albus shrugged.

"But Slughorn chose you – you can't do that – you can't just return the badge just because you don't want it – you're the chosen one!" Scorpius exclaimed.

"Actually, you can," Sofia spoke, joining in their conversation, but her eyes were still in her book. "Dad did it when he was appointed Prefect – returned the badge and a letter saying "go find someone else"."

"See," Theo smirked triumphantly.

"But, as your sister, I think you should take it."


"It's a new experience – and like what Scorp and Al said, people would kill to be Prefect."

"But not me."

"You are stubborn, little brother – besides, have you talked to Mum and Dad about this?"

Theo turned to full face his sister. "Yes, I did, and they're fine with it."

A lie... ish. A couple of days ago, after tiring lesson with Remus, Theo approached his parents about the Prefect title and told them about not wanting to be one. Carina and Theodore asked him about why, and all his said was that "I'm just not interested," but that didn't sound reassuring, so they had him sleep on it before giving them his final decision, and after a tiring sleep, trying to control his Legilimency, he was finally decided not to take the title. Of course, his parents were slightly disappointed, knowing that he was holding himself back because of his abilities, but knowing him, they understood that Theo was much prefer to read at his own time than do rounds. He was their son after all. So, they agreed and told him to make the letter himself and send it to Slughorn as soon as possible so the Head of Slytherin could find someone for the badge.

"Of course, someone has to keep up the tradition of turning down prefect badges," Sofia teased. "But I was really hoping to be working with you this year, little brother." She pouted.

Theo patted his sister on the leg, "Don't worry, we can still see each other at the common room and at Slughorn's parties."

He and Sofia cringed at the thought of the Slug Club. One of the unfortunate perks of being the children of famously known witches and wizards was that they were target of collectors like Slughorn. After hearing from their parents on who were the members of the unfortunate club, they knew that right now – in their generation – Slughorn has James, Albus, and Lily as his "most prized possessions" – they were the children of Ginny Potter and Harry Potter, the Chosen One, the Boy-Who-Lived, the War Hero... and many more titles. They on the other hand – himself and his siblings – were the second prize since they were the grandchildren of Sirius Black, and the children of Theodore Nott (who was not part of the Slug Club) and Carina Black (who was, unfortunately, part of the Slug Club). And Slughorn loved his network with powerful and influential witches and wizards.

After finishing his letter – with Albus and Scorpius still trying to make him change his mind – Theo sealed it with the wax seal of their family crest; a coat of arms with the symbol of the chimera and the Carina constellation (by the insistence of his sister, who knew that Slughorn would very much appreciate the seal), he went to his parents' office and gave the letter to Kai, his phoenix.

Another interesting story about him – aside from his Legilimency. When Theo finally got his Hogwarts letter, he and his parents went with him to get his things for school and they made sure to save Ollivander's for last since it was the most awaited part. He was excited the whole trip, and his siblings even teased him that he was literally skipping when they were at Diagon Alley. When they finally came to Ollivander's, Theo was joined by his father while his mother and siblings promised to wait by the restaurant they always go to. He tried a couple of wands, trying them out, and like the others, they were not for him, but unlike the others, he stayed in the shop longer than anyone and no wand fit him, and Ollivander told them that no wand was choosing him as their wizards. He was heartbroken – his whole family got their wands at Ollivander's and he wanted to get his there as well.

Theodore thanked Ollivander for his time and then led Theo out of the shop, and when they met up with his mother, Theo ran up to her to hide his tears. After explaining to them the problem, the family went back home, Theo's siblings tried to comfort him by telling them, "we heard Mum and Dad that we might go to Norway and try wands there – there's a good wandmaker there." But that didn't help. For a while, Theo was devastated, even when his parents told him that they were going to Norway and try the wandmakers there. Just before they could leave to visit the Kholers and see the wandmaker, Theo heard something, something calling for him. He went to his parents' study and saw Kai – their family phoenix – perched at his nest, looking at him with observant eyes. It was as if Kai was waiting for him this entire time, and when he was close enough, a feather fell from Kai and settled at Theo's palm.

That wasn't possible, Theo thought, phoenixes can't shed feathers, they were flames materialized into feathers, but then he remembered what Ollivander said about phoenix feathers, that they were given to them by the phoenix themselves. Running to call his parents, Theo then showed them the feather that Kai gave him, and they wasted no time in journeying back to Ollivander and showing the old wandmaker the feather that Kai gave Theo. And seeing that the connection of Theo and the phoenix was strong, Ollivander agreed in making the wand. And in a week, the family came back to the shop and Theo was given his wand. It was narrow, its wood had a rich-brown color, and at its holder, it had golden marks wrapped around it. When he would hold his wand, Theo felt it pulsing, like it was alive.

"Elder wood, phoenix feather, twelve inches, unyielding," Ollivander said. "Tricky to master, but contains powerful magic, and will only give loyalty to a powerful master... usually, witches and wizards paired with elder is marked out for a special destiny, and after being chosen by the phoenix to give her feather, there is no doubt that you are fated for great things, Mister Nott."

After that little experience, Kai would often follow Theo around, she would even bring him his letters or perch at the owlery at Hogwarts.

Theo gave Kai his letter and then watched as she flew out of the window and fly towards Hogwarts, where Slughorn was expected to be. This was the right thing, he thought, he didn't want to be prefect – sure it was an honor, but he much preferred his current status at school and not have to worry about extra responsibilities.

"There's no turning back now," Scorpius sighed. "Goodbye Prefects' bathroom."

"And good bye giving Polly Chapman detention," Albus added.

"You do know that Chapman is a Gryffindor and only Gryffindor Prefects can give detention or dock House Points, right?" Theo stated.

"Yeah, but at least you had a badge!" Albus said.

Theo reached to his friends and patted them on the shoulder, "Well, if you're lucky, Slughorn might make any of you Prefect."

Albus scoffed, "With my grades? I doubt that."

"Your dad's Harry Potter – Slughorn could pull some strings, besides, he's Head of House."

"And speaking of Dads, I believe Slughorn is standing clear of me because of my family," Scorpius shrugged.

It was no secret that Slughorn was still avoiding the Malfoy family because of their association with the Dark Lord, and because of the rumors that spread about Scorpius and his mother. They were not the best rumors nor the smartest, and whenever Theo would hear those rumors, he would be furious, "Seriously, do you know how stupid that is?! Tell me, how could Scorpius be the Dark Lord's son – and how could his mother even travel back in time – first of all, all the Time Turner's are gone, second – it's impossible – and third, that's just dimwitted! How about they use their head for once and try to make up a better rumor than that lousy excuse of fiction!"

"Hey, my father was a Death Eater," Theo smirked. "Well, he was forced to be a Death Eater – he has the mark."

"Yes, but Uncle Theodore served as a spy... ish, and come on, your family owns a Dragon Reserve, Slughorn would want a piece of that."

"Like my father would even do favors for him – unlike Uncle Harry, my father has dignity and principle, and won't be bend by old Professors... unless they're Professor McGonagall – both of my parents actually."

"I'm not even going to argue about that, Dad really needs to sort out his priorities when it comes to Slughorn and his "favors"," Albus muttered.


September was approaching quicker than everyone expected it to be, and throughout the remaining days of summer, the Black-Nott children spent their time having fun, they would visit their close family friends, visit their Grandparents and Elias at the Estate, see Teddy, and sometimes Ethan and Maeve since the couple lived at Oxford and were planning to start a family. Then, there were the trips at the reserve, where the Black-Nott family would go for a swim at the lake and see the kelpies. But, along with summer fun, Theo still had his lessons with Remus, they have been struggling with him controlling his Legilimency. He has managed to perfect Occlumency, and perform wandless magic which helped with control, focus, and discipline and as well as Legilimency, but whenever Theo would open the walls of his mind, he would be overwhelmed by the volume of thoughts flooding inside, all for him to hear. There were times when Remus would take him to the secluded part of the reserve (near the barriers) to have peace and quiet, it wasn't far enough to be alone – considering his Legilimency had a radius of fifteen-kilometers – but it was enough for him to only hear a few thoughts by wandering Dragonologists and Magizoologists.

"Concentrate, Theo," Remus said as he watched him try his hardest to focus on one thought. "Focus on my thoughts, and let the others be an echo."

Theo had his eyes closed as he tried to focus on Remus' thoughts, the one that played a scene of Teddy as a boy playing with his new broom. He was trying to focus on Remus and only at Remus' thoughts, and for a moment, he felt actually managed to hear only Remus' thoughts and the others were just echoes that were slowly fading away.

When Remus saw the ease in the boy's face, he smiled. "Good, good, now, keep going..."

There were times when Theo would slip, but it wasn't as bad as the other times, Remus' thoughts were clearer than the others...

Kill them...

Theo flinched.

Kill them...

There was a foreign voice.

They're freaks – they don't deserve to be here – KILL THEM!

Theo lost control, and all the thoughts flushed into his mind. All loud and too much for him to take. He fell to the ground trying to control himself – his Legilimency – but he kept hearing that voice, again and again, asking for something... no, someone to kill.

"Theo!" Remus knelt before him. "Calm down, son, you need to calm down and remember to build your walls, close your mind."

Theo nodded, he closed his eyes and slowly closed the gates of his mind, keeping out the thoughts of others from him. finally, in peace, Theo sighed in relief, he fell back on his bottom and tried to steady his fast-beating heart.

"I think our lesson is over for today," Remus said.

He nodded.

"You did good, you managed to focus on only my thoughts –"

"I slipped."

"Your still learning," Remus patted him on the back. "Don't be too hard on yourself. Everyone slips."

"Not my father," Theo muttered.

"Says who?" Remus' brows furrowed. He then sat down on the grass with his legs crossed and looked at Theo in the eye. "I know that your father is a powerful wizard who looks like he could do things without failing, but trust me, Theo, even he experiences failures – even he slips."

Theo sighed, "I'm sorry... it's not like I'm comparing myself to him... nor do I hate him or anything... I guess, I just want to..."

"You want to be like him."

Theo nodded.

"And that's fine, idolizing your father is fine – even I idolize him – but Theo, you must also remember that you are not him. You are Theodore Regulus Nott, and your father Theodore Achilles Nott, two different people."

"I know..."

Remus sighed, "If it would give you a bit of conciliation, I'd like to tell you a couple of failures that your father faced."

"I doubt that there are many," Theo chuckled.

"Well, it depends on a person's perspective if those were failures to them, but to him, they were... It took him eight years to perfect the brewing of wolfsbane, and I'm sure that each time he failure, he was frustrated – I'm sure you know the nature of the household he grew up in."

Theo nodded, as he remembered the story his father told him about his grandfather – Theodore Nott Sr. – a strict man who did not accept failure and would punish his father for each mistake made, so he would remember. It was hard for him to imagine his late grandfather like that, after talking to his portrait a couple of times.

"There was... he failed to brew Slughorn's potion, and from what I heard from your mother, he was very frustrated about that... even brooded about it," Remus then frowned. "And then there were your mother's scars... I'm sure you know about that."

"I know..." Theo muttered.

He could remember clearly seeing the scars on his mother's arm. From afar, her tattoos would cover them, but if given a closer look, they could see the horrible words carved on her flesh. He would often see his father reaching for his mother's scarred arm and kiss her there... a way to ask forgiveness? But he knew that it wasn't his father's fault, but until now, Theodore carries that guilt of not being to save her earlier.

"If you want, I can tell you more about your father's failures – or you can ask him about it since he would usually keep those to himself," Remus smiled.

"Any reason why?"

"He likes to keep an image that he's better than your Uncle Harry – it's an old rivalry with their group of friends – and to scare James as well."

Chuckling, Theo finally forgot about the pain and frustration earlier. He turned to the setting sun and then to his wristwatch, their lessons were over. He got up to his feet and dusted his pants, and then held out a hand to help Remus. They then walked back towards the direction of the Manor.

"Let's get you home, I'm sure your mother and father are already there, waiting – is Romulus cooking tonight?" Remus sighed.

"Probably – he's fixing up his menu – getting ready for his job at the restaurant."

"So, it's a feast then?" Remus chuckled.

"Most likely – you, Tonks, and Teddy should come along – I heard they're going to invite Grandma and Grandpaddy."

Remus snorted at Sirius' title. He's been hearing that word for seventeen years now, and even until now he would find it funny that his best friend insisted that his grandchildren, and Harry's children would call him that.

"I'll go tell them; I do hope Carina wouldn't mind the sudden intrusion."

"You're family, of course we wouldn't – and I heard Uncle Rome's coming home as well."

"Now, this is going to be a very interesting dinner."

As Theo and Remus walked back to the Manor, the boy has slightly forgotten about the foreign voice in his head, the voice that told someone to kill. It was a voice that he has not heard before. And as they come close to the Manor, the thoughts of a girl crying in despair was not heard. A girl who did not want to kill, but was too afraid. Afraid of her guardian. Afraid of the people around her. Afraid of herself.


Dinners hosted by at the Estate, the Hill, Burrow, or even Twelve Grimmauld place was something to behold. It was when family and close family friends would come together had have that last family dinner for the summer before the start of the term, and with Romulus trying out his menu, everyone was excited what the young man had instore for them. While Romulus handled the kitchen – kicking everyone out of his domain – Carina and the others decided to set the table. They took out a long table for their large crowd, and then had the children set the plates, utensils and spoons.

"James, how many times do I have to tell you – the soup bowl should be on the plate, since we don't have salad plates – then the dinner fork at the left, then at the right is the dinner knife, then the teaspoon, and then the soup spoon!" Viktor argued. "And the napkins should be folded perfectly!"




"MERLIN'S BEARD! JUST SET THE BLOODY TABLE!" Sofia exclaimed and then with magic fixed the proper setting and finished with lighting up the candles and lanterns at the field. "It's so bloody simple."

Theo stood beside Albus and entertained their Albus' younger cousins with Alcander and Snuffles, but when the younger ones lost interest with their little game, they were left to talk, but they were later joined by Rose Granger-Weasley. Unlike Albus' parents and godparents, who were close friends, he and Rose were the total opposite. It wasn't because they weren't friends – they were, and especially when they were cousins, so they had to get along – but because they just hang around different people; Rose was more of the popular-smart kid who actually lives up to her mother's reputation in school, while Albus... well, he was having a hard time living up on being the complete opposite of Harry Potter, the Chosen One. Theo on the other hand, just didn't care about what Rose thought and liked seeing her flushed expression whenever he would say a witty remark that she can't say anything back... and because he and Rose would always tie at being the most Outstanding student in Hogwarts (something he liked to tease her because he does it without effort).

"Al, Theo," Rose began.

"Hello, Rose," Albus sighed.

"Honored to be in your presence, Rose," Theo sarcastically said.

"I heard from Mum that you returned to you Prefect badge to Slughorn a couple of days ago," Rose said.

"Yes, and your point?"

"Nothing, usually students given such responsibilities take it as a compliment."

"Why, because they feel important?" Theo smirked.

Rose blushed red. "No! It's because they worked hard for it!"

"Ah, so it's recognition you're after!"

Albus snickered as Theo continued to play with the meaning of Rose's words.

"Seriously, Theo, why would you turn down the badge?! It's a privilege –"

"It's a responsibility, and I don't like babysitting first years when I already have to babysit your cousin and your secret admirer."

Rose rolled her eyes.

"It's not really a secret if you tell her, you know," Albus said.

"Not like Scorp is hiding it anyway – forgot about last year? Valentines day? He sent Rose a dozen roses and heart-shaped cards," Theo snorted.

"By the way, I've been thinking about that, that accepted?"

"What's what accepted?"

"Well – James is dating Sofia, and then Scorpius is courting Rose –"

"He's not!" Rose blushed even more.

"I don't think so – Mum and Uncle Draco are already distant relatives, so Scorp and I are very distant relatives – and it's not like James is related to us to be incest," Theo shrugged. "Besides, I think that's the least of their worries right now."

From where they stood, they saw as James talking about how he wasn't afraid of Sofia's father to Viktor, Fred, and Sofia, and just as he was telling them what he was going to do when he faces the intimidating wizard, Theodore stood behind him with his arms crossed, not so pleased about hearing about James thinking he could beat him in arm wrestling. The three coming fifth-years chuckled when they saw James make up a terrible excuse to get away from Theodore, but before he could, Sofia teased him by kissing him on the cheek. That didn't help James' situation with his girlfriend's father.

Not long, James, Viktor, and Fred II joined Theo, Albus, and Rose's group. James looking pale as a sheet while Viktor and Fred were laughing at him.

"Had a nice chat with Dad, James?" Theo teased.

"I thought you were going to show your muscles, James?! You did work out all summer just to show him who's boss!" Albus made sure to say it out loud for Theo's father to hear.

"SHHH! WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT! I CAN'T COMPETE WITH THOSE MUSCLES OF HIS!" James tried to get Theodore's favor but only saw Theodore glaring at his way, but luckily Carina caught the man's attention by telling him about something that they needed to go check inside the house. "Thank Merlin, he's gone."

"You act like our Dad is some kind of dangerous wizard!" Viktor laughed.

"Have you seen his muscles – and let's not forget about magical ability – your father can curse me without me knowing! He's scary!" James exclaimed.

"I don't remember you being afraid of my father before," Sofia came to their group and wrapped her arms around James.

"Sofie, you know how much I love it when you're this clingy, but right now, I would much prefer to be the living-in-the-flesh-boyfriend, than be Casper-the-ghost-boyfriend kind, you know hovering around you wishing we could kiss," James removed Sofia's arms off of him.

Teddy and Elias soon joined them as well.

"Saw what happened earlier James," Elias mused.

"Tell me, James, what in your right mind did you even think that Theodore will not kill you for sneaking into Sofia's bedroom," Teddy said.

"Dad won't kill you, James!" Sofia exclaimed. "He won't because he's a sweet and kind man, who actually likes to cuddle."

"I can't imagine Uncle Theodore cuddling Aunt Carina in bed," Albus said as he tried to think about Theodore's rough looks cuddling with Carina.

"Trust me, they always do," Theo said.

"And sometimes, Dad's even the little spoon, especially when he's stressed out," Viktor smiled.

"They're the cutest," Sofia smiled as she watched their parents exit the house. Theodore's arm around Carina and his eyes at her when she was talking about something.

"Of course he is with you guys! He's your father! But with me?! I doubt he'd be that cute and cuddly towards other kids –"

"Well, let's put it to the test, because I see Lily and Hugo approaching him with something," Fred pointed to the direction of the adults.

They all watched as Lily and Hugo approached Theodore with a book in hand. The two second years showed their homework that they were having a bit of trouble. Theodore knelt down to them and then explained the homework in the simplest way, after they understood it, the two happily thanked him, and Theodore patted them on the shoulder, telling them that they should save homework for later and have fun.

"See, he's nice!" Sofia said.


"Uncle Theodore gave me a cookie the other day, even helped me and Scorp with our Ancient Runes homework," Albus said.

"Oh no one asked you –"


James exclaimed at the call of his name, turning, he saw Theodore glaring at him as he was too close to Sofia. James immediately switched places with Theo and hid behind his two best friends. But Theodore's intimidating glare was stopped when Carina stole his attention by saying that Romulus needed help with bringing out the food.

"Bless you, Aunt Carina!" James clasped his hands together.

"Please don't make our mother a religion," Theo stated.

"I will since she's the only one saving me from your father's wrath!" James exclaimed.

"Again, you're making a big deal out of this!" Sofia exclaimed.

"A BIG DEAL?!" James said.

"Do you know what Dad told him after Uncle Theodore told them that James snuck into Sofia's bedroom?" Albus was laughing. "We thought he would at least give James the reassurance that there was nothing to fear, but what he and Mum said was, "You were a good son, James"."

They burst out laughing, but James remained in hiding from Theodore.

"I wouldn't be surprised that Harry is afraid of Theodore – come on, have you seen that man's body?!" Elias laughed. "It's like works out – and he's forty-one! Other fathers have a gut by that age!"

"Consequences of being a Dragonologist," Theo shrugged, quoting his father.

"Maybe you should be a Dragonologist instead, James," Teddy patted him on the shoulder.

James scoffed, "Please, an Auror is a much cooler job – what's cooler than catching Dark Witches and Wizards?!"

"Handling dragons and magical creatures?" Sofia, Viktor, Teddy, Albus, Elias, and Theo raised a brow at him.

"And by the way, even Dad admits that he lost at arm wrestling with Uncle Theodore," Albus said.

"By the way, Elias, how's Dragonologist studies?" Theo asked.

"At my last year, Theodore even lets me handle Egil now," Elias grinned.

A couple of years ago, Elias dropped out of his Auror training and decided to pursue to studying dragons. It took him three years to realize that he wasn't interested in becoming an Auror and then asked Theodore if it was too late for him to apply for the school-term. Theodore was kind enough to let Elias catch up with the others since it was just November and then gave him remedial lessons to catch up.

"But I heard that Viktor is already handling a dragon," Elias said.

"Please, Shanthi doesn't count," Viktor said.

"Oh, yeah, forgot, she was your Mama Dragon, right?" Teddy teased.

An interesting story about Viktor. Viktor was the adopted son of Theodore and Carina, and it happened when Theodore found the infant wrapped in the coils of a dragon's tale, a Padparadscha-Sapphire Dragon (a dragon whose scales are like sapphire and eggs are made out of sapphire stones). When Viktor learned about the truth that he was adopted but couldn't find his birthparents, Theodore and Carina took him to the reserve where Shanthi was and told him that she was the one keeping him alive before they found him. Since then, Viktor created a bond with Shanthi, a special bond, and only Viktor and his family could approach her and not be harmed.

"I think it's sweet," Rose said.

The cracking sound was heard.

"Are expecting someone else?" Teddy asked. "Where's Ethan and Maeve?"

"Can't come, Maeve's sick," Elias said.

"Then who's..."


The children grinned at the familiar voice, turning, they saw Roman standing in the middle of the crowd. His curly auburn hair cut short, his beard kept tidy, and his clothes... clearly, he did some shopping from where he came from. Not long, Morgan appeared as well and with him as a bag.

"UNCLE ROMAN'S HERE!" Sofia grinned, she then grabbed Theo and dragged him along as they ran to greet their godfather.

"UNCLE ROME!" They ran up to Roman.

"THERE'S MY GODKIDS!" Roman caught Sofia and Theo and brought them to a suffocating hug. "COME HERE, VIKTOR! AND WHERE'S ROMULUS?!"

"Uncle Rome!" Romulus placed down the last plate of food and greeted his godfather with an embrace.

All four Black-Nott children crowded over the newly arrived couple, asking about their trip, but when their parents came to greet them, they stepped aside, knowing that it was the Bastards' turn for a reunion.

"Roman!" Carina ran up to him and brought him an embrace. She then went to Morgan and hugged him as well.

When it come to Theodore, the two best friends had an odd way of showing that they missed each other.

"Come here, Tan, give Roman a hug. I know you missed me!" Roman grinned.

Theodore sighed and then hugged him, "And just as I thought I finally got used to you being gone. Welcome back, Rome."

With Roman and Morgan finally present, it was time to eat. They all sat down at the long table, and like their usual dinners, the conversations were grouped by those closer to each other. With Roman and Morgan sitting closer to his best friends and godchildren, they talked about the trip, and even showed them a few photos.

"The beaches are beautiful – where is this?" Sofia asked. "And you're getting better in photography, Uncle Morgan, congratulations."

"I had a good teacher," Morgan winked at her.

"That's from Palawan in the Philippine Islands, wonderful beaches," Roman told them.

"And torturous sun – Rome got sunburned," Morgan said.

Theo and Albus winced, "That hurts."

"Perks of being a wizard, you can get rid of sunburn with a wave of a wand," Roman told them. "I heard that Sofia's Head Girl, yes? And Theo's Prefect. I got you guys gifts!"

Theo blushed in embarrassment. "I turned it down, didn't want the responsibility."

Roman suddenly laughed, and so did their parents.

"He really is your son, huh, Peregrine," Roman patted Theodore at the back.

"Hey, Rome, you owe us... one Galleon," Carina held out her hand. "Pay up."

"WHAT? WHY?!\"

"Three Prefects and one Head Girl."

"But Theo turned it down –"

"Still counted," Theodore grinned.

"Fine," Roman fished for his money and then got out one gold piece and dropped it in Carina's hand. "Happy?"

"Oh, very, this will go to my collection," Carina grinned.

"Collection? I didn't know you collect coins, Mum," Romulus said.

"Oh, not money, my Roman-Loses-The-Bet-Collection."

"From the first seven Sickles and tears, to the latest one Galleon," Theodore clinked his glass of butterbeer with Carina's. "You know, you should thank your godfather because I bet half of your inheritance is from him losing in our silly bets!"

"Hey, I won a couple of bets! Especially the one where these two came along before you were even married!" Roman pointed at Romulus and Sofia.

The twins smiled, "Glad to know we're not planned."

"Please," Sirius spoke from where he was seated. "You were the accidents that were expected to happen!"

"Sirius!" Charity and Remus scolded him.

"What? I'm just telling them the truth!"

"I think we just missed something with what Uncle Theodore said," Albus said. "Tears? What do you mean tears?"

"The first bet Roman lost in – he betted seven Sickles and his tears," Carina grinned.

"I had fun extracting those," Theodore chuckled.

"It wasn't fun – he had Blaise and Adrian hold me down while he lets me cry and shoot my tears into a vial," Roman said.

James, who sat beside Romulus, looked at Theodore with wide eyes. He then turned to his own parents and saw them giving him the look that says they're not joking and you were a good son.

"Mum," James squeaked as he felt Theodore's intimidating gaze on him.

Merlin, of all the occupations, why does Sofia's father had to be a Dragonologist?!


After dinner, Ginny, Mrs. Weasley, Charity, and Hermione offered to do the dishes since Carina and the others already hosted the party, but she insisted on doing it herself, besides, they had magic! The back yard was cleared and others already left to go home, and the only ones who stayed were the Potters, Granger-Weasleys, Roman and Morgan, Sirius, Charity, and the Lupins. They all settled at the living room to try out the special dessert that Romulus made, and were congratulating him on his delicious menu.

"Uncle Rome, you can bring Ethan and Maeve their dessert, I had it packed already," Romulus said, handing the bag of boxed desserts.

"They would very much appreciate that," Roman grinned.

"I'll hold on to it, knowing that your Uncle would very much just eat it than give it to them," Morgan said as he took it from Romulus. "And thank you, Rom."

While Theo, Albus and Rose talked about O.W.L.s, Theodore was far too busy glaring at James as he and Sofia were squeezing each other in a small couch. He frowned when James kissed Sofia just to get rid of the chocolate icing on her lip.

Sirius suddenly went to his side with a loud sigh. "Karma."

Theodore turned to him with furrowed brows. "What?"

"Oh nothing, just marveling on the wonders of Karma," Sirius grinned at him. "Now you get to experience what I feel when you and Carina would sneak into each other's rooms in the middle of the night – and let's not forget that one morning."

"I said I was sorry," Theodore massaged the bridge of his nose.

"Oh, I know – and I forgive you – especially now that you're experiencing it with your own daughter! I love how karma works."

"You know that that's your granddaughter right," Theodore gestured to the sight of Sofia and James.

"Yes, and James is Harry's son – have you forgotten my goal, Theodore? The Black-Potter alliance?" Sirius grinned.

Theodore frowned. "Please, don't."

"Oh, yes, and I am proud to say that that is none of my doing!" Sirius patted him on the back. "Don't worry, having grandchildren is one of the best things in life."

Theodore frowned and his glare intensified at James. "Over my dead body."

Carina rolled her eyes at her husband's remark. "Seriously?"

Just before the night was done, Sirius, Charity, Ethan, and the Lupins left to head home as Remus said that "Sirius is already an old man and needs his beauty sleep," that got almost got Sirius to do push ups, but Carina and Charity stopped him before he could do even one. After saying goodnight to his grandchildren, godson, daughter, and son-in-law (where he slipped something to Theodore by saying "I am very much ready for great grandchildren") they left, leaving the Potters and Granger-Weasleys at the Hill.

Seeing that the children were still having the time of their lives, the adults went to the office to discuss more pressing matters, but made an excuse of having an "adult" party upstairs. While playing their games, they talked about their plans after Hogwarts and about O.W.L.s and about their future careers. The seventh-years made sure to scare the fifth-years about the horrors of O.W.L.s, telling them about the stress, the students who went mad, who fainted, and even cried.

"You're exaggerating!" Albus said.

"We're not!" Romulus laughed.

"We promise, we're not!" Sofia said.

Albus fell silent. He knew best to not believe what his brother would say, but if Sofia said it was true, then it was.

"Swear, we even witnessed it ourselves!" Viktor added. "Hey, remember Smith?"

Fred, Romulus, Sofia, and James cringed.

"Why, what happened?" Rose asked.

"Well, some say that even before the exams, Smith was already stressed out, you know – he had a bad habit of drinking too much coffee when stressed," James said. "And when he does drink coffee, he would go to the bathroom consistently!"

"But the thing was, Smith drank three cups of coffee before the O.W.L.s written exam for Defense Against the Dark Arts," Romulus was already laughing on the ground. "And you—you can't use the bathroom until the exam is finished – and right in the middle of the test someone called out "SIR! SMITH PISSED HIS PANTS!" and the Instructor went mad!"

"And Smith won't even go to the bathroom even when the Instructor asked him to!" Fred laughed.

"But I have to say, Smith is very dedicated to the test – he even got an Exceeded Expectations in his O.W.L.s and he's taking N.E.W.T.s level Defense!" James exclaimed.

"I wonder how Smith will do at the N.E.W.T.s," Romulus grinned.

They talked more about their experiences during the exam, of course the four best friends would exaggerate some things, so Theo, Albus, and Rose had to decode some of them. But, aside from the test, Theo had other things he was worried about.

"How about career guidance?" Theo asked.

"That?" James asked. "It's just you talking to your Head of House about what career you want."

"Slughorn is no help at all – kept pushing me to become an Auror," Sofia snorted. "Saying how talented I was."

Theo frowned, and just as he thought he could get good guidance for that.

"Well, it's a good thing our Head of House is Professor Ennis – she's a badass," Romulus grinned. "Even told me about the restaurant that I sent an application for."

While they continued talking about O.W.L.s, Theo suddenly needed to go to the bathroom and excused himself from the others. The whole time he did and finished his business, he couldn't help but wonder about O.W.L.s and his career, what if he still doesn't know what he wants... how long will his parents let him stay at the house until he does –

Not now – we can't attack now – people don't know us yet, they need to know our cause first – I know, but if we attack them now – without the support of the people, we will fail! They will see us as terrorists!

Theo gasped and held on to the sink, and it wasn't because he slipped, but because of what he heard. That voice, he thought, it was the same one that he heard earlier! Running out of the bathroom, he went to the window at the end of the hall to see if he could find the person whose thoughts he's been hearing, but all he could see outside was the trees that surrounded his home, and Alcander and Snuffles sleeping in their nests.

"—the attacks are getting closer."

Theo turned to the study as he heard his father's voice. He crept to the door of the study and listened to the conversation inside.

"They're going north," Harry said.

"How sure are you?" Theodore asked.

"The other day, they attacked the Wizardign Community at Inverness, and now Invergordon."

"What if it's just to shake you off their trail – they started at Clachtoll, then went down to Inverness."

"We'll take it into account," Hermione said. "We need to anticipate their next move."

"They're attacking magical communities, you need to alert the closest one next that is going south," Carina said.

"Drumnadrochit, Aviemore... Sinora," Theodore paused.

"Have you secured the Reserve?" Hermione asked.

"We already did, but like I said, we're not Aurors – we don't have licenses to engage in battle, and we very much appreciate if the Ministry could add security," Theodore said.

"We know, and we will, we just have our hands full with this, but what's important is that your area is safe – if the reserve was hit, then we lost the biggest Magical Community in Scotland, and it would endanger the Magical Creatures as well," Hermione told him.

There as a pause, and Theo was sure that his father nodded.

"Have you noticed that they only attack the magical communities?" Roman spoke. "Look – when they're at the very center, it's chaos, but when they're close to the boarder to the Muggle community, it's barely touched."

"I'm much more concerned about what the creature they're using is," Carina said. "I haven't seen anything like it."

"Neither have I," Theodore said.

"That's new," Ron spoke.

"But you will look into it, right?" Harry said.

"Of course, but it would be easier if you could be there and see it in action and come back alive with the memory so I can see the creature in action myself," Theodore said.

"Do you think it would attack Hogwarts?" Ron asked.

There was silence.

"I haven't seen anything since that prophecy I told you all – it's all been the same," Morgan said.

"I've already contact the President of MACUSA about that as well, they haven't got any clue that could match the girl's description, I'm afraid she's not registered," Hermione said.

"But, Hermione, is Hogwarts safe?" Ginny asked.

"It is, don't worry – but just to be sure, I'll have Aurors guard the perimeter as well."

"Good," Theodore spoke. "And the Muggle Minister, does he know?"

"Yes, but... given that this is mostly a problem in the Wizarding Community, he can't really let out any statements about the attacks, or warn the Muggles."

"And just as I thought what we witnessed years ago was the last war we'd have to face," Ron said.

"This isn't a war," Theodore spoke with a stern tone. "And we won't let that happen – we won't let our children experience war... right now, it's movement – they're trying to make themselves known – catching people's attention – getting their sympathy to join their cause."

"Theodore..." Carina said in a soft tone.

"But what is their cause?" Ginny asked.

"We don't know yet," Harry said. "But just as Theodore said, we're not going to let this turn to a war... but to do that we need everyone's cooperation – even if it's just this once."

Theodore sighed, "I'm all yours, Potter."

"And us too," Roman spoke.


"We came because we heard about what's happening here, and we want to help," Roman said.

"Alright, but since you're not Ministry members, we can't give you certainty that your actions would be cleared by the Ministry, so please, wait for my or Harry's orders," Hermione said.

"Theodore, I..." Carina began. "I can't leave the children."

"And there's no problem in that," Theodore told her.

"But how can I be sure that – you need to promise me that if you go out there with Harry that you will come back home to me – to our family."

"I promise."

"It's late, we should get going," Hermione said. "Harry and I have to get back to the Ministry."

"But it's one in the morning!" Ginny exclaimed.

"We can't sleep until this is taken cared of," Harry said. "I promise, I'll be fine."

Theo ran back down stairs before the adults could come out of the room, when he got there, Albus and the others were still talking about O.W.L.s and the horrors of it. Sofia noticed his presence and was about to call him out and ask why he looked like he's seen a ghost, but before she could, their parents came down with the Potters and Granger-Weasleys., and as well as their uncles. They all said their goodbyes to one another before using the floo to head home, when Theo and Albus said their goodbyes to one another, he slipped something in Albus' hand. A note. And sent him a look to not tell anyone.

Once the family was alone, the teenagers got ready for bed. They all said their goodnights to their parents, as usual, but when it was Theo's turn, Carina and Theodore stopped him for a moment. He tried to hide his sweaty palms and nervousness from them, hoping they knew that he was eavesdropping on them.

"Problem?" Theo asked.

"No, just... well, Remus told us about your lessons earlier and we just want to see how you are," Carina said.

"I'm good," Theo said.

"Theo, I hope you know that, you can tell us anything alright? We're always here for you," Theodore said.

"I know... well, goodnight."

Carina kissed him on the forehead and brought him to a hug, "Goodnight, sweetheart."

When it came to his father, Theodore embraced him as well and messed with his hair. "Goodnight. We love you."

"Love you too."

After going to his room, Theo closed his door. He hid under his covers. He closed his eyes, and this time, unlike the other nights where he imagined his mind was protected by walls, he slowly opened the gates, to find the voice he's been hearing. The one that wanted kill. 
