
Ten Years Later

Theo was late, he lost track of time with grading papers that he forgot that he had to be at his parents' Anniversary by five. It was already five-fifteen, and he was sure that his brothers, sister, and girlfriend would kick his arse for being late. He wasted no time in grabbing his best robes and then apparating to Diagon Alley just in front of the bistro where loud music was coming from. The bistro was located at the center-corner of Diagon Alley, and had three floors, it had a Parisian and jazzy theme, its entrance was had a red door with a large frame painted red as well, the name Siriously was painted at the top of the door in gold and was embossed, and for the night, it had a sign outside that says "booked for the night for private event". Through the large windows Theo could see the party that was happening inside.

About seven years ago, Romulus finally built his bistro to have a full handle on the creativity and the menu on what he wanted to cook. Their parents supported him making his bistoro and even offered to help out if he was short in money, but as much as Romulus appreciated their parents' offer, he built it all on his own. With his first half of the inheritance and as well as the money he earned from working, he built the bistro – made the design, set the theme, created the menu, and even eventually had its first opening.

Finally entering the bistro – ready to face the wrath of his sister – Theo pushed open the doors and was greeted by the music being played by the live band. He was greeted by Remus and Tonks and then pointed to the direction where his parents were seated. Theo made his way through the crowd that were close friends and family – the Potters, the Granger-Weasleys, some of the Weasleys who were able to attend, his grandparents along with the Lupins, the Goldsteins, and of course Roman and Morgan. He passed by Rose and Scorpius who were talking to Lily and Hugo, they waved at his way when they saw him. When he finally came to where his parents, he greeted them with a kiss on the cheek.

"You finally came!" Theodore teased him.

"Sorry. Lost track of time," Theo said.

"You shouldn't overwork yourself, Theo," Carina reminded him.

"I'm not! Where's Mo?"

Carina pointed at the stage where the band was playing, turning, Theo saw his girlfriend playing the violin. He chuckled when he saw Imogen take notice of him and sent him a look that says "you're late", he shrugged and mouthed out "Sorry!".

"There you are!"

Sofia Nott – now, Sofia Potter greeted him with an embrace, but Theo made sure not to squish her baby bump that was four months old now. Just last year, James and Sofia finally decided to get married and had the ceremony at the reserve. They lived in Scotland since Sofia enjoys living near magical creatures and is close to her job, while James would simply apparate to get to his own. And now, a year later, they surprised everyone with the news of their first child. And Merlin knows how chaotic it's going to be, especially when it came to the "battle of the godparents" as Theo would like to call it.

"I thought I had to ask Viktor to go and get you!" Sofia told him.

"Again, I'm sorry," Theo chuckled.

"You should be apologizing to Mum and Dad."

"I already did – and they are much more forgiving than you, Sis."

Theo was then told to sit with their parents as the food was about to be served. Sofia sat down beside him and Viktor joined as well. Romulus personally placed their food on the table and then took his seat beside their mother. Though, usually, the whole family would eat together, especially on celebrations, but for the night, Romulus planned a special table just for them. Just like when they were at home.

"Happy Anniversary!" Romulus kissed their mother on the cheek. "Merlin, how long have you two been married?"

"Twenty-Eight years," Theodore said. "Still a young marriage for a wizard-witch couple."

"But the relationship?" Sofia smirked.

Just before Carina or Theodore could answer, Roman came and sat down at the empty seat between Romulus and Sofia. "Thirty-six years in the relationship – twenty-eight years of marriage – and forty-one years of sexual tension."

"Rome!" Carina and Theodore snapped.

"Just stating a fact," Roman grinned.

"Well, I think that your love story is sweet," Sofia said.

"I find it intimidating," Viktor teased. "Seriously, you two just set the standards too high – especially Dad."

"What did I do now?!" Theodore said.

"You just revolutionized the hot-fifty-year-old-dad-kink to a whole new level," Roman slyly grinned. "So, off to break more teenager hearts, Tan?"

Theodore had a deadpan look. "I am going to kill you... correction, I am going to torture you and then kill you."

"He's not doing any more of that," Carina chuckled. "Especially now that Viktor is the second-in-command at the reserve. He'll be doing the lectures in Hogwarts."

"Ah, so we go back to the age of thirty-year-old-hot-Professors!"

Viktor whimpered out of embarrassment.

After finishing his apprenticeship in two years' time for Dragonology, he took another three years to study Magizoology, and after completing that Viktor worked hard to get to his position as second-in-command after Matthias Kholer finally left the Scotland Reserve and returned to Norway, and his predecessor alone chose him as the new second-in-command. This makes Viktor second to his father. He would work along side his sister who was the Head Healer of the Magizoologists, where she heals injured and sick magical creatures. And in Theo's case, Viktor was also Theo's superior since he is now the new teacher for Defense Against the Dark Arts in the reserve (but he also teaches History of Magic in other schools).

While everyone ate their dinner, Imogen and her band jumped off of the stage and lets the instruments to continue playing. When she passed by Theo's table, she leaned down and kissed him on the cheek before sitting at the table where Scorpius, Rose, and Albus were seated.

"Why don't you join them, Theo?" Carina told him.

Theo shook his head. "This is your night; we're celebrating it together as a family."

"Usually, anniversaries are celebrated by the couple alone so they could have some –" Roman began.

"Rome!" Carina and Theodore scolded him.

"But I guess this works too," Roman shrugged.

"We enjoy having dinners as a family," Carina told him. "Especially now that they have families of their own... well, Sofia and James are starting a family..."

"Yes, because free food is much more delicious," Theo added.

"Oh, little brother, it seems that Viktor forgot to tell you. We're all paying for this – the four of us," Romulus said.

Theo stopped mid-chew. "Oh."

"Yeah, oh."

After finishing the main course, Romulus and the other workers at the bistro served the dessert, and during this time the band was playing once again, and this time Imogen thought of playing something she knew that Carina and Theodore loved dancing to. La Vie En Rose. By the sound of the song being played, Theodore got up from his seat and then invited Carina to dance. And the couple danced while looking into each other's eyes lovingly, forgetting about everyone around them – even the others who joined in with dancing to the song.

"Fifty-three, still a long way to go," Theodore mused.

"Are you really counting down to our deaths?" Carina chuckled. "Won't you get bored? I mean, we've been working the same jobs since we were in our twenties!"

"Carina, I work in a Dragon and Magical Creatures Reserve, something new happens every day – I won't get bored," Theodore smiled. "Besides, I wake up with you beside me, so I'll never get bored."

Carina smiled, she leaned her forehead on Theodore's and they danced to the music. "I love you."

"I love you," Theodore kissed her on the lips. "Stay strong."

Carina looked into his eyes. "Stay strong."

Theo watched from where he sat as his parents looking into each other's eyes lovingly. He was suddenly tapped on the shoulder, turning, he saw Imogen standing beside him with her hand held out. Theo took her hand and lets her lead him to the dance floor, he placed his hands on her waist while she had hers on his shoulders.

"I find it an honor to actually play this song for your parents during their anniversary," Imogen said.

"And why is that?" Theo asked.

"Well, they are my favorite couple."

"What about us – are we your favorite couple as well?"

"How about third?"

Theo and Imogen laughed.

"Third?! Who is the second?"

Imogen looked around the place to find them, and when she spotted them, she had Theo turn to see for himself. It was Remus and Tonks.

"How was work?" Imogen asked.

"Fun, as always – you?"

"Same... Theo, I've been wondering."


"We've been dating for ten years – and I know that told you that I already turned you down the last time... but," she turned to Carina and Theodore. "But just seeing them makes me wonder if we would have that as well."

Theo sighed. "The thing about my parents is that, they're still best friends even when they started dating and when they got married... and Mo, you're my best friend."

Imogen smiled. "And you're mine."

"Mo, do you want to get married?" Theo asked, his brows furrowed.

Imogen shyly nods her head. "I guess I do."

Theo smiled, he then leaned down and kissed softly. After their kiss, he then reached for his family ring – a token that Theodore and Carina gave him when he graduated from Hogwarts – and then slipped it on Imogen's ring finger, and with magic he had it fit her perfectly.

"In pureblood families – there's this custom where by giving a jewelry that had the family crest is a symbol of engagement..." Theo kissed her hand. "And I promise you, nothing will change between us once we marry – I'll still be your best friend – I'll be your equal – your partner."

Imogen smiled, "And I, yours."

Getting on her ties, Imogen kissed Theo passionately.


Theo was greeted happily by the people that worked at the castle with warm smiles. When the children saw him, they called him "Professor! Professor!" and Theo greeted each and every one of them. His visits were rare but looked forward to by the children. He went inside the castle and passed many classrooms that had classes being conducted, he saw many teachers teaching the orphans the basic lessons needed to be learned. When he finally came to the classroom he was headed, he saw the children just finished their class, and each other high-fived him as they passed. He went inside and greeted the teacher that was just collecting the papers by hand, looking at the works of her students one by one.

"Delphi," Theo called.

Delphi looked up from the works she was checking, she smiled at the sight of Theo. Like him, she has aged. She was no longer a child but rather a beautiful woman who was now a teacher. She went to greeted Theo with an embrace.

"Hello, Theo! What brings you here?"

"Came to visit, see how you were – and I do believe we left our last lesson hanging," Theo sat down on one of the chairs. "And also to give you some good news."

"How is Professor Black – I heard she and her husband just celebrated their anniversary," Delphini smiled.

"They did – and they're doing fine – and actually told me to tell you that she couldn't come for next meeting's lesson because she and Dad are going to have a little "honeymoon"."

Delphini smiled. "Well, I hope she enjoys her trip, and you? What news do you bring?"

Theo's smile widened. "She finally said yes."

"Oh, Theo! Congratulations!" Delphini wrapped him in an embrace. "I'm so happy for you!"

"Thank you... and Mo and I would like you to be there, at the wedding."

Delphini had a bittersweet smile, it has been ten years since the London Attack, and though Carina and Theo have been fighting to give her some time to get off the island, the Wizengamot won't budge.

"She wants to get your measurements for the dress as well," Theo continued.

"Dress? I don't that's necessary since I'll only be there through a two-way-mirror, you know."

"What are you talking about? You'll be there!" Theo grinned. "I already spoke to the Ministry... and they finally gave in to letting you leave the castle on some occasions."

Delphini fell silent. After ten years of trying to have the Ministry let her see the outside of the castle, she was finally able to! And not only was it just to sight see but to attend her dear friend's wedding. Tears fell from her eyes. Happy tears.

"I do hope that you're not upset by this," Theo teased.

"I'm not – I'm just, I'm just happy!" Delphini wiped away her tears. "When's the wedding?"

"Slow down, she just said yes, we're still planning on it," Theo chuckled.

"Oh, Theo," Delphini tried her hardest to stop crying but the news that she gets to leave the castle and see the outside and be able to attend her dear friend's wedding was too much for her. Theo went to her and lets her cry on his shoulder. After what seems like a long time, Theo gave her a handkerchief to wipe her tears and snot.

"So, shall we continue our lesson?" Theo reached into his bag and pulled out some books and papers. "You still want to be a historian, yes?"

Delphini nodded.

They took their seats at Delphini's desk and continued their lesson. Two unlikely people whose fates were intertwined because of a prophecy told before they could even meet. Two people who became friends.
