Chapter Eighteen

Following the event that was now called "The London Attack", the Minister of Magic addressed the issues that followed: first was the meeting with the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom where the Minister of Magic had a duty to inform the Prime Minister about the recent attack and about the Muggles involved with it, due to the fact that the Anti-Magic does not exist in the Muggle world, the two leaders agreed that it is best that the Minister of Magic would give the sentence to these Muggles (which would probably result to them having to Obliviate these Muggles before returning them to their Muggle-lives); second, was the announcement of Mister Harvey and Euphemia Rowle's motives, it was a huge scandal when the Ministry revealed that Harvey was part of this terrorist attack, which led to many witches and wizards questioning the Minister's Cabinet, this would lead to a reassigning of Cabinet Members for Hermione; third was the trials of Rowle's followers that were witches and wizards where they were given a life-sentence in Azkaban; and fourth was the biggest one of all, what were they going to do to Delphini Riddle.

Due to the fact that Delphini was not a registered witch at America, and because her crimes were at the United Kingdom, the MACUSA left her fate with the Ministry of Magic of the United Kingdom, and wanted no part in the issue. Since her capture, Delphini was placed in an enchanted cell that was designed by Theodore to hold an Obscurus, and by the insistence of Carina and Theo, Delphini was given a room with windows where she could look outside, a nice bed, a chair, a table, and books that she could read, she was also given new clothes and a few toys since she was still a child in heart and mind. She would be visited by Theodore as Carina and Theo were still not released from St. Mungo's and would simply talk to her, and it was often about how Carina and Theo were. Since the attack, she has not shown any sign of threat and was very calm.

The people wanted justice for what happened in the magical communities in Scotland, they demanded that she be sent to Azkaban with a life-sentence as well as she was of age, but knowing Delphini's case, her body may be of an eighteen-year-old but her mind was still of a child, and there was a possibility that it could lead to her Obscurus creating chaos somewhere or could lead to her death. Because of this issue, Hermione was being pressured by her Cabinet and the Wizengamot to put the child in Azkaban, but she was firm with her promise to Carina, Theo, and Theodore that Delphini would not be sent to that prison.

While the Ministry was facing so much trouble, Carina and Theo were slowly recovering in St. Mungo's. The whole time, Theodore stayed with his wife and son, taking a leave of absence from the reserve and leaving Matthias Kholer to look after it. Carina and Theo would write to Delphini and ask Theodore to give it to her, and in return, Delphini would ask Theodore to write back to them and he was patient enough to do so while listening to her dictate what she wanted to tell to them. In those days spent in St. Mungo's, Sirius, Charity, Roman, the Lupins, Potters, Weasleys, and as well as Draco would visit them to see how they were. And they watched in amusement as Theodore took care of Carina, especially when the couple who laughed, mocked, and vomited to the idea of feeding each other were now forced to do so; with Carina's wrist still healing, she only had one hand to eat, to help her, Theodore would feed her which would often result to breakfast becoming brunch as Carina kept laughing when Theodore would hold the fork with the food cut to bites and hold it before her mouth.

"Carina, would you stop laughing!" Theodore told her.

"I'm sorry, it's just so funny!" Carina laughed.

"Only you would find this funny," Draco stated.

"My mother, ladies and gentlemen," Theo stated as he watched his parents while eating his own meal on his own at his own bed.

Of course, it was no surprise that Theo's face would appear at The Daily Prophet. Come morning, after the London Attack, Theo's face was seen at the front page with the headline of


It caused quite a mess in the Ministry as it shows the incompetence of the Aurors that they needed a fifteen-year-old boy ("I'm sixteen! I turned sixteen last May!" Theo exclaimed after reading the paper) to handle the situation. To save the Ministry's reputation, Hermione had Morgan tell the prophecy of Madam Solomon, to show that it was it was only Theo who could stop Delphini. This led to many journalists crowding the corridors of St. Mungo's to interview the boy or understand Theodore Regulus Nott so special! Of course, their presence annoyed the family that Theodore tried to threatening them, but to save the family from the "magical words of journalists", Harry had assigned Aurors to guard the room and to stop any journalists to enter St. Mungo's.

And, although, it stopped the journalists, it didn't stop the gifts that Theo got from many students from Hogwarts who did not shy away in showing their gratitude and amazement, and their concern for his health. His family teased him by reading out loud the letters that his schoolmates would write to him. Along with the letters of his classmates, Theo saw Roth's letters as well, and her get-well-soon-parcel which involved Muggle sweets, pastries, and a music player that had the note that says,

Rose said that you're still at St. Mungo's and only family could visit, so I asked her to give this to you. Thought you might want to listen to something new.

I have to say, Theo, you are a very interesting guy.


Theo reached for his headphones and plugged it in the music player, and to his confusion, there were only two things in there. He pressed the first one he found. And he smiled when he heard Roth's voice.

"After reading your great heroic deeds at The Prophet," Theo chuckled as he imagined her exaggerating when she said "great heroic deeds". "I thought I might do a bit of... tweaking in my little studio – which is actually just my messy room – and made this... it's a collection of sounds that I managed to record during the chaos at London – once you're out, I like to hear what you think of it! Bye, Great and Powerful Theo!

After the first file finished, it played the next automatically, it had the title Phoenix, and to Theo's surprise the first thing he heard was the sound of the strong winds, the sirens, and then the chaos, which were all filtered out to sound like an old radio broadcast, after a few seconds of that part, he heard the sound of a violin being played and then later the piano. He could still hear the chaos at the background but it was softer as the instruments – which now included other instruments as well – were being played. His smile grew as the chaos blended perfectly with the melody, and not long, he heard Roth singing.

When the song finished, Theo was about to play it again but was called by Roman, and when he turned to his godfather, parents, siblings, and friends in the room, he groaned and hid his face in his pillow.

"What'cha got there, Theo?" Roman asked grinning. "You looked like Eros just hit you with one of his arrows earlier! So, how did you reel her in, Theo? Did you show off those gray gems of yours or did you send her a misleading gift that was actually an engagement ring, and not giving her a chance to choose?"

Theodore glared at Roman.

"DINGGALO!" Theo and Theodore exclaimed.

Finally, a week later, Theo's skin was finally fully healed, although, he did get a bit of scarring on his chest since he did not finish its recovery when he went to "save the city", and Carina's bones were finally mended and the gunshot wound was completely healed. On the day they were to leave St. Mungo's, Romulus has already started working at the restaurant he applied for and invited his family to come over so he could serve them, so once they got out of the hospital the Black-Notts, Potters, Granger-Weasleys, and as well as Sirius, Charity, Remus, Tonks, and the Malfoys were heading there to celebrate.

"Oh, look, Theo's at the front page again!" Rose said as she read The Prophet.

Scorpius peeked at the paper. "Ha! It's Skeeters that wrote it! This would be interesting!"

Carina and Theodore rolled their eyes at the mention of the journalist. How could they forget fourth year where the woman twisted words and their lives with her articles! But Theodore had to give her thanks since he managed to get a photo of Carina during the Yule Ball from The Prophet and still has it kept in his daily planner.

"Leave it alone!" Theo called out while he wore his new shirt – his siblings were kind enough to drop by every day after work and apprenticeships to give him and their mother some fresh clothes.

"Aren't you going to do something about this? Clearly, Skeeters is taking liberty in making your life "interesting"," Albus said as he took The Prophet and with a marker started drawing on Theo's picture. Scorpius joined him in doodling.

"If I agreed to one interview, then I have to do it for everyone!" Theo said. "Let Uncle Rome deal with it."

With Theo's "fame" as Sirius would call it, many journalists wanted to interview the family and kept pestering them. To give them some peace and to prevent Theodore from hexing them, Roman took control of the journalists and just answered their questions with straightforwardness and with Carina and Theodore's approval on what he was going to say. Theo would say that it was one of the perks of having a retired Quidditch Celebrity as a godfather.

After getting changed and finally Maisie telling them that it was alright for them to leave, Theo and Carina left the hospital room with their family and were headed to the restaurant that Romulus was working to see him and to celebrate. They were met by other visitors – the Lupins, Potters, Weasleys, Roman, and as well as Draco – at the lobby as only a few visitors were allowed in the room.

"There's the Prophecy Boy!" Roman greeted him. "Guess you're the new Chosen One, huh?"

"Don't, you might hurt Uncle Harry's feelings!" Theo chuckled.

"You did well, Theo," Remus messed with his hair. "And I am very happy to see that you finally learned how to control your Legilimense."

"I couldn't have done it without you Professor Remus."

"Well, now that you're well off, I guess there won't be any more lessons?"

"What are you talking about?" Theo's brows furrowed. "Of course, there are! Besides, I already made the recent homework you gave Elias and the others!"

Remus sighed in amusement. "I'll see you this Friday, I guess."

They finally left the building and were walking down the pavement, Carina, Theodore, and Roman thought it would be a good idea to have Draco and Scorpius ride the bus to the Leaky Cauldron, so they told the others that they would meet them at the restaurant while they and as well as Albus and Rose stayed to introduce the Muggle way of commute to the Malfoys. But before the others could Apparate away, Fred called Theo.

"Hey, Theo, someone's looking for you!"

Theo turned and found the last person expected to see in St. Mungo's.


Wearing her white sneakers, a black jumpsuit, and black long-sleeved shirt, and her black hair tied to a messy bun, Roth stood there with hand still in a cast and standing behind her were who Theo believed to be her parents. He could see clearly that Roth mostly takes from her mother, especially her olive skin. When Theo approached her, Roth met him half-way, making a distance from her own parents as her father kept teasing her.

"Sorry about him, Dad's a bit of a joker," Roth said.

"Don't worry, my whole family are jokers so," Theo pointed his thumb to his family.

Turning, they saw not only Roman but as well as James, Fred, Sirius, Tonks, and his friends making kissy faces at him. His parents tried to stop them by dragging them away.

"So, what are you doing here?" Theo asked.

"Visit Healer Goldstein to get this off and to have a few healing spells to get it back to normal," Roth raised her casted wrist. "And, if were haven't left your room, maybe slip the Aurors guarding it and visit you."

"Too bad, I would want to know how you would do that," Theo said.

"Please, that'd be easy," Roth scoffed.

"Hey, I know that our first date turned to a disaster –"

"I won't call it a disaster – yeah, sure the Obscurus chasing you was a huge plot twist – but, overall, I would rate that date an eight out of ten," Roth teased.

"Eight?! Come on, give me a break, that was the first date I ever went on!" Theo laughed.


"Yeah, why do you look so surprised?"

"Nothing, just surprised... I mean – seriously?"

"Yes, Siriusly – and because you gave me a barely passing grade –"

"Barely passing? How high are your standards, Nott?" Roth laughed.

"Well, Notts are known to be scholars in their respective fields, and I wish to be an expert in the field of getting to know Imogen Roth," Theo grinned mischievously.

Roth blushed deep red with Theo's words that she fidgeted at her place. "If that's the case, then you'll need to do more research."

"And when are you free so I could conduct my research?" Theo smirked.

"How about next week – Saturday?" Roth suggested.

"What time?"

"Lunch? I'll give you the place where, but for now," Roth pulled out something from her bag and handed it to Theo. It was a walkie-talkie. "As much as I find letters to be romantic and vintage, I am very impatient and am not good in writing my thoughts, and considering you don't have a phone, I went to dig this up from Dad's old stuff and had Mum enchant it so we could talk in a private channel no matter how far."

Theo took the walkie-talkie and went to test it out. "The more we learn."

Roth took out her own walkie-talkie and spoke to it, and Theo heard her at his end. "The more we learn."

"Theo!" Carina called out. "The bus is here!"

Theo made a gesture to wait, and then turned back to Roth. "I better get going, we're going to eat out at the restaurant my brother works at."

"See you at Saturday next week?" Roth said.

"See you at Saturday next week," Theo said.

And just before Theo could run towards the bus, Roth called for him and to his surprise, she pressed a light kiss on the side of his lips, making him blush red.

"A sneak-peek for next Saturday," Roth grinned.

"More like the extended clip from last time's date," Theo smirked. "Au revoir, Imogen!"

"Au revoir, Theo!" Roth playfully saluted at him.

Theo ran to the bus and got on before it could shut the doors. After paying for the fare, Theo sat down beside Albus. He saw Roth waving at him from outside and he waved at her way until he couldn't see her.

"Your new girlfriend, Theo?" Roman teased.

"Really smooth with the whole Nott-scholar and expertise bit, that was the first time I saw Roth with a different color other than black and white," Sofia teased. "Would you please, let me dress you for your date?"

"No," Theo said. "By the way, when can I get my driver's license?"

"I see where you're going!" Viktor grinned, he got on his knees to face his brother who sat behind him. "Want to show off to Roth how much of a "bad boy" you are, huh."

"Shut it!"

Viktor tried pinch his cheek but Theo swatted his hand away. Before any violence could happen, Carina stopped her sons.

"Viktor, leave your brother alone," Carina said. "You too, Roman."

"Fine," Viktor and Roman said as they sat back down.

They arrived at the street near Leaky Cauldron and walked from there. Draco and Scorpius never used that entrance before and were very alienated with it, but when they entered the pub, they were able to relax. After passing through the walls, the family walked down the street towards the direction of the restaurant, while walking, Theo was recognized by many of the people there. They shook his hand, tried to get a photograph, but before anything got out of hand his parents and godfather shielded him from them. Once they were at the restaurant, they were led to a private table where they saw their family: Sirius, Charity, Remus, Tonks, Ethan and Maeve with their one-month-old son, Ginny, Ron, Hugo, and Lily. They all sat down at the table to join the family.

"Where are the others?" Carina asked.

"Harry and Hermione are stuck at the Ministry, along with Teddy," Ginny said. "So much paperwork to be done."

"Mum and Dad still haven't gotten back from their trip to Sicily," Ron said. "And George is busy at the shop."

"Merlin, what a crowd!" Romulus came into the private table with the food floating after him. He went to greet Theo with a fist bump and then his mother with a kiss on the cheek. "Because we are in the presence of the Chosen One."

"Quit it," Theo glared at him.

"And because said Chosen One has a girlfriend now!" Viktor added.

"She's not – we're still –"

"Please, we all know where it's headed, so no need to be shy," Roman grinned.

"Why didn't you bring her along, Theo?! We would like to meet her!" Romulus hooked an arm around his brother.


"Leave your brother be," Carina told them. "But seriously, Theo, you should have invited her and her family – we would have liked to meet her... what's her name again?"

"Imogen Roth," Sofia answered.

Theo turned to his sister with an incredulous look. "Why are you all ganging up on me?"

"We're not ganging up on you!" Sofia laughed. "Just happy that you finally started doing something new."

"And the fact that you are not holding back in your flirting," Romulus added.

"I wasn't flirting!" Theo blushed red.

"You were," his siblings and friends said.

He turned to his parents who agreed with them.

"And I have to say, you are more aggressive than I was," Theodore teased.

"More aggressive?" Roman raised a brow. "You kissed Carina without having first or second or third date! You gave her an engagement ring without her knowing!"

Theodore was about to wave his hand to confund Roman but Romulus stopped him by saying "no food fights or I'll get fired". He vowed to get back on Roman some other time.

"Hey, when are our O.W.L.s results coming again?" Rose asked.

Theo and Albus groaned and hit their heads on the table.

"Rose, I just got out of the hospital, please, don't say anything that would have you dragging me bag there," Theo said.

"Still not sure on what you want as a career, Theo?" Draco asked, amused at the sight of Theo banging his head on the table.

"I still stand on unemployment," Albus sang as he grabbed a slice of pizza from the tray and ate it.

"Again, I will not be unemployed!"

"Theo," Carina called out. "I know that your father and I have told you this a hundred times now but... think about what makes you happy and find a purpose in that."

"Tell me, why did you guys pursue in your respective careers?" Theo raised a brow at his parents.

"Didn't really know what to do in life – from what I remember I had no other useful skills than reading stars and translating runes, so I took teaching," Carina shrugged.

"Your mother and godfather inspired me to study dragons since they were far worse than any creature I've handled," Theodore joked.

"Or ridden," Roman added.

This time, Carina tried to wave her wand and drown Roman in the pitcher of water but her son stopped her with a warning look. She will drown Roman later.

"Well, the only skill I know that would be great as a career and would actually make me happy is reading – guess I just have to replace Pince at the library," Theo shrugged.

"Unemployment," Albus sang.

"Why don't you be unemployed?"

"Don't really have a choice in the matter with the whole to work or not to work bit," Albus stated. "You know what, just take a job in the Ministry!"

"I'd rather hang myself than be one of those Ministry-working twats – no offence, to those who are working there!" Theo called out.

"I'll send the message to your Uncle Harry," Ginny smiled.

After lunch, the families went on their way to do where were supposed to go – Remus had to return to the reserve as he still had a class to see, and with him were Sofia and Viktor who were having their apprenticeships, Tonks and James had to return to the Ministry, Ginny had work at The Daily Prophet, while Draco had to go home, Carina and Theodore were planning on going home with Theo, but with Theo's insistence, they went to the Ministry to see Delphini. But before they left the restaurant, Theo bought something for Delphini as a gift.

With a quick apparition, Carina, Theodore, and Theo arrived at the Ministry, they were escorted by Harry to where Delphini was kept in her cell. The Aurors guarding the cell moved aside to let them in. When the door opened, Carina and Theo stepped inside, while Theodore said that he would wait with Harry, they saw Delphini sitting on the floor with her toys and books.

"Delphi," Carina greeted.

Delphini turned at the sound of Carina's voice, she grinned at the sight of her.

"Professor Black!" Delphini ran to Carina and brought her to an embrace. "I missed you!"

"I missed you too, Delphi," Carina brushed her hair. "Are they treating you well?"

Delphini nodded, she then let's go and then greeted Theo with an embrace as well. "Hello, Theo! I'm so happy that you two are now better! What's that?"

"We thought you might want some food other than the ones they're serving you," Theo said.

Theo went to the table and opened the brought out the pastries he bought for Delphini, he pulls out her chair and lets her sit and then hands her the muffin. Delphini loved the texture of the muffin and ate it in four bites. They stayed there with Delphini, talking to her, reading, and Carina even tied her hair to a braid. But as much as they wanted to stay longer, they were only giving thirty-minutes, and it wasn't enough for Delphini.

"Please don't go," Delphini begged.

"We're sorry, but we're not allowed to stay long," Carina told her. "We'll visit you tomorrow, I promise – and we'll bring you new books as well."

Tears fell from Delphini's face but she nodded in understanding. Carina wiped away her tears and lifted her head to face her.

"I miss our lessons together, Professor," Delphini said.

"I miss those too."

"Can't we have those again? You always stay much longer if we have lessons! And Theo could join as well!"

"We'll try to talk to the Minister about it, alright, but for now, this would do."

"Professor, what would then do to me?" Delphini asked.

"We don't know yet, but I promise you, I won't let them take you to Azkaban."

Delphini wrapped her arms around Carina again and just held her tight.

Theo watched as his mother held Delphini in a motherly embrace, and it was the first time he saw Delphini in peace. After they were called that the time was up, Carina and Theo said their goodbyes to Delphini and left. While walking away, Theo thought for a moment about Delphini's situation and what their plan was. They can't take her to Azkaban, they just can't! She's still just a girl who was manipulated by her adopted mother!

"Uncle Harry, what's going to happen to Delphini?" Theo asked before he and his parents left the Ministry.

"We're still figuring it out," Harry said.

"While you do, maybe you could let me and Mum visit Delphini for a couple of hours and have her continue her lessons."

"Theo," Carina chastised as she sensed the assertiveness in his tone.

"I'll tell Hermione, don't worry Theo, Delphini will be taken care of, I promise," Harry said. "We're just having a hard time in handling the situation."

Theo nodded.

After saying goodbye to Harry, the family left for home. It was odd to find the house quiet during the summer, maybe this was something they needed to get used to as Romulus, Sofia, and Viktor were now starting to live their own lives; even though they were still living there, it wouldn't be long until they decided to move out – especially Sofia who was planning to live in with James but the two still have not figured out on how to tell their parents about it.

Once it was night, Theo stayed outside and played fetch with Snuffles. The ground slightly trembled as large three-headed-dog ran around to catch the large branch that Theo kept throwing, and the whole while, Theo kept thinking about Delphini's situation.

"You're stressing again," he heard his mother.

Turning, Theo saw Carina come out of the house holding a cup of tea and then stood beside him. Just in time, Snuffles came back with the branch and placed it down before Theo, he grabbed the large branch and threw it with a good distance.

"Building some muscle?" Carina teased.

"What? Just playing fetch with Snuffles," Theo turned to his mother with furrowed brows.

Carina then reached to him and squeezed his arm. "Yeah, definitely building muscles."

Theo laughed and took his arm from his mother's grasp and then threw the branch again for Snuffles to catch, but this time, instead of running back to him, Snuffles settled on his place beside Alcander and gnawed on the branch, tired from all the running.

"You're worried about Delphi," Carina said.

"She's just a kid," Theo said. "And I just want to help her out."

"I know," Carina sat down on their porch and Theo did as well. "You did a good job earlier... teaching Delphini how to read the "big words"."

"I just did what you would when you were teaching us how to read those big words," Theo said. "Mum."

Carina hummed in response.

"Thank you."

"For what?" She turned to him with furrowed brows.

"For always being there – you and Dad, actually – for staying up all night with me when I couldn't sleep, for teaching me so many things... and for so much more."

Warmth spread through Carina's chest, she reached out and pulled her son to her arms and lets him rest on her shoulder.

"Thank you as well," Carina said in a whisper.

"For what?"

"For everything," she pressed a kiss on his temple, she then looked up at the night sky. "Oh, look, it's you up there."

Theo looked up and then laughed as he saw the Regulus star shining bright in the night sky. 
