Chapter Six

Carina yawned loudly as she tried her hardest to keep herself awake. Last night after that creepy incident at Sinora – with the mystery student lurking – she couldn't find the right position to sleep. Every time she would close her eyes, she would imagine the girl lurking there... following her, and each time she felt she was close, Carina would jump awake, and then try to sleep in another position. She's even already hogged the blanket. Theodore offered to sleep at the couch since she kept moving around but before he could get out of bed, she caged him down and asked him an embarrassing request since it was out of the blue. She needed a distraction, and this was the only thing that she could think of that would work.

"Get me tired," she said.

"It's one in the morning and you want to go for a jog?" He asked.

"You know what I mean – I need you to distract my mind and just get me tired so we can both get some sleep."

Theodore didn't have to be asked again.

Luckily it helped with her getting some sleep but it did cause her to be tired the come morning. Theodore on the other hand was fully energized and would tease her about it.

"You said to get you tired," he shrugged and then held out his fist at her.

"I get it, you still got it, now shut up," she groaned as she bumped fists with him. "Merlin, Professor Sinistra is asking me to do a talk later at Hogwarts and I can't go there looking like this."

"What are the odds, Hagrid had Professor McGonagall send a request a couple of days ago that I would do a talk as well," Theodore placed a plate of toast, bacon, and eggs before her and then sat down beside her. "You know what's odd, Hagrid asked me to do the talk."

"Nothing new, you would always do a lecture at Hogwarts."

"Yeah, but since the first lecture, they keep asking me – I don't understand."

A smile crept up at Carina's lips as she realized why. Turning to her husband, she took a good look at him before she snorted at the thought and then went to eat her breakfast. Theodore turned to her with a confused look.

"What?" He asked.

"Oh, nothing, just admiring your handsome features," Carina innocently said.

"You called me handsome, so you're hiding something."

Carina gasped and exaggeratedly placed her hand on her chest. "I am very offended that you think that I would only call you handsome when I am hiding something!"


"What? Is it wrong for me to appreciate that I married a very handsome man?" She laughed.

"You know something that I don't, tell me now!"

"The fact that I do know something that you don't, Nott, is a rare occurrence," she got up from her seat to get ready. "So, I think I'll keep it that way."

"No, you won't!"

Theodore got out of his seat and chased Carina across the house. He managed to catch her just before she got to the stairs and then carried her all the way to the living room and caged her down at the couch. He leaned down and pressed a deep kiss on her lips, trailing his hands under her shirt, caressing her skin.

"Get off of me! You're heavy!" Carina broke the kiss and hit him on the chest. "And very firm – what is it that you do every day? Push ups?"

"Consequences of being a Dragonologist," Theodore smirked.

"Yeah, you do work out – and the fact that you do just adds to the thing why Hagrid wants you to continue doing the lectures," she laughed.

"That doesn't make any sense!"


Carina and Theodore sat up from the couch and saw Roman there with a plate of food that was clearly from their kitchen.

"What the – when did you – " Carina fixed her shirt.

"I used the floo," Roman shrugged.

"Out!" Theodore pointed at the door.

"Please, like you're not used to it," Roman scoffed.

"No, outside, do it again, and use the bloody door!"


"Roman, out. Now!"

Groaning out loudly, Roman stomped out of the house – the plate still inhis hand – and slammed the door shut. A loud banging knock on the door was heard, and this time the couple called out "come in!" and Roman opened the door and marched inside.

"See, that wasn't so hard," Theodore told him.

"You act like an old man!" Roman rolled his eyes at him.

"It's called respecting one's privacy, Rome, even Dad gives us a heads up if he's going to use the floo to get here – you're the only one who pops up out of nowhere," Carina told him.

"Please, you're only like that because you two like to do out everywhere – but seriously, in the morning?"

"Shut up, Rome," Theodore got up from the couch.

They all went to the kitchen and sat down on the table to continue breakfast. Roman tried to get the bacon from Carina's plate but she slapped his hand away since he already raided their kitchen.

"So, mind telling me what had you two almost doing it on the couch – which is very disturbing since that's where your kids would sit as well," Roman said.

"We weren't going to do it on the couch, Rome," Theodore muttered as he read The Daily Prophet.

Carina smiled as she remembered the conversation earlier. "Roman, tell us, what does it mean if Hagrid keeps on asking for Theodore to do lectures at Hogwarts?"

"Because he's the only one available?" Roman raised a brow.

"No, the thing is, Hagrid and McGonagall specifically would ask him to do the lectures even though there are other capable Dragonologists and Magizoologists that could do it... and make sure to do it in the students' perspective... you know, the teenager's perspective."

Roman thought for a moment, he turned to Theodore and then suddenly burst out laughing. Carina too laughed that she needed to hold on to Roman to keep herself from falling off her seat. Theodore was still confused, and he was getting annoyed.

"Grow up, you two," he scoffed.

Carina got up from her seat to sit beside her husband and wrapped her arms around him. She kissed him on the cheek just to stop him from being annoyed.

"Could you just tell me what's so funny about me giving a lecture in Hogwarts every year?" Theodore told them.

"Have you asked Aunt Minnie why she and Hagrid keep asking you, though?" Roman asked.

"I don't know, probably."

"And what did they say?"

"Good reception – there were more students taking Care for Magical Creatures every year."

"Any idea why?" Carina asked. Her grin now reaching her ears.

"Because Hagrid is a good teacher –"

Roman made a buzzing sound, "Wrong!"

"Tell me, dear, has there been any improvement in the O.W.L.s and N.E.W.T.s exams for the past... four years?" Carina asked.

Theodore scoffed. "It's like they're not making an effort."

"And how about the students attending the school at the reserve, has it improved?"

"No, it's the same – will you two, please, just tell me what it is or we'll be late for the lectures!" Theodore glared at his wife.

"Roman, please do the honors," Carina chuckled.

"Alright," Roman cleared his throat. "Theodore, my friend, you are the Hot Dad."

"Excuse me?" Theodore said.

"You're the middle-aged man that students have a crush on!"

"What – no!"

"Yes, you are," Carina laughed.

"What – why?! No! I'm old enough to be their father!"

"Darling, you are, but that doesn't stop their fantasies to get a piece of this," she patted him on the chest.

"Ever heard of the "Daddy Kink", Tan?" Roman said.

Carina burst out laughing.

"No, that's just – and you're okay with this?!" Theodore turned to his wife.

She raised a brow at him. "Unless you would actually indulge these teenagers' fantasies, I'm okay!"

"Carina, they're thinking of me like that! What about the kids – what would they say!"

"I'm sure Sofia, Romulus, Viktor, and Theo could handle that issue themselves, gossip do spread fast in Hogwarts," Carina shrugged.

Theodore groaned. "Why would those teenagers would even think..."

"Well, since I am your wife, I am actually very thankful for this – not that I wouldn't mind if you stopped working out and got a bit of Dad-fat there," she kissed him on the cheek.

"This is humiliating... why didn't I see this."

"The fact that you didn't, is a sign of humility, my friend," Roman patted him on the shoulder. "You know, now that we know that you're the Hot-Dad in our group, I really want to ask Romulus about the talk that goes around in school when you would head over there for a lecture."

"Please don't," Theodore turned to Carina. "I can't believe you're fine with this."

"Theodore, they're teenagers, it's not like they can do anything – besides," Carina took his hand that had their engagement and wedding bands and kissed him there. "I do believe I'm the lucky... Now, come on, finish your breakfast or we'll be later for the lectures later."

"Can I call in sick?"

"Nope, you promised McGonagall, Hagrid, and all the O.W.L.s and N.E.W.T.s students that are taking Care for Magical Creatures that you will be gracing their presence," Carina teased.

Theodore groaned.

"You coming as well, Rome?"

"Yeah, don't have anything to do right now, I'll just visit Aunt Minnie and Larry," Roman said. "And see Theodore's fan club – you know, some Dads would see this as a compliment."

"I find it disturbing – maybe I should consider getting fat."

"WHAT – NO!" Carina and Roman cried out.


It was a normal morning at Great Hall, it began by the sound of the four Gryffindor best friends gracing the Hall with their presence of laughter as Romulus, Viktor, and Fred kept on teasing James about Sofia's latest rounds schedule with Cillian Diggory. Last night, after Prefect was sent to the hospital wing due to an accident during Potions class, Cillian had to cover that rounds, and to James' misfortune, that prefect's rounds was paired with Sofia. While the Gryffindor table was loud as ever, at the Slytherin table, Sofia hung around her friends, doing homework while eating breakfast, and just beside them was Theo, Scorpius, and Albus, who were much busier with reading The Daily Prophet while eating their breakfast.

"Anything?" Albus asked.

"Nothing new," Theo muttered. "Just the usual news – this Anti-Magic Rally made by Squibs and Muggles with Magical relatives, the Ministry receiving backlash, and then there's the critique of Skeeter's play which is now on its second week performing!"

"You know, I still don't understand that whole Anti-Magic Rally – I mean – what's not to like?" Albus said.

"Seriously, Albus, open a book!" Theo folded the paper to face his best friend. "The fact that there are people with magical abilities threatens those without – especially Squibs who come from..." he started to whisper. "Pureblood-fanatic families."

"Yeah, I really do feel bad for Filch," Scorpius turned his attention to the Caretaker who was sweeping the floor with his enchanted broom that was helping him.

"And let's not forget, there are Muggles who are not happy with the fact that magic exists – especially when they believed it doesn't their whole lives," Theo added.

"What about the Muggleborns?" Scorpius asked.

"Well, others have a very understanding and loving family, while there are those who are just... unfortunate to not have that kind of support," Theo shrugged.

Just as Theo was about to take a large bite from his sandwich, Romulus, Viktor, James, and Fred jumped up at him and squeezed themselves at the Slytherin table, causing him to swallow his bit whole without chewing – Scorpius handed him a glass of water to wash it down. James made sure to squeeze himself between Theo and Sofia... he looked like he was hiding.

"What now?!" Theo glared at his brothers.

"It's that time of the month again," Romulus said.


Romulus grabbed his face and then made him turn to the direction of the Hall's entrance, and there he saw his parents and Uncle Roman talking with Professor Slughorn, the Potions Master was offering them to join him for tea at his office, but just before they could say no, Professor McGonagall came and greeted them with a warm smile and gestured them to join her at the table. When their parents and Roman came to the Hall, all of the students had their eyes at the three adults, all with mixed reactions – some were murmuring and asking who the new comers were, some recognized them as "Romulus, Viktor, Sofia, and Theo's parents", other recognized Roman and was hoping to get his autograph, and then there were the admirers who were not hiding their infatuation (and lust) towards their father. They watched as their parents and uncle joined the professors at the table, all greeting their old teachers and classmates – especially Neville – with a friendly embrace.

"I was hoping this day wouldn't come," James said as he hid by using Sofia's hair to cover his face.

"Merlin, of all the days, why are Mum and Dad scheduled at the same day?!" Romulus groaned.

"I don't remember you being this stressed with Mum and Dad giving a lecture at school," Theo said. "You do know that they do this every year, right? It's also a way of recruiting new students interested in their fields."

"Yes, but never at the same day!"

"You're worried about Mum and Dad! I'm much more worried about Uncle Roman!" Viktor said. "Now that he found out about Beatrice! Besides, what's he doing here?!"

"While you two are worried about Mum and Dad being here at the same day, I'm much more worried when Mum finds out about half of the student population having a crush on Dad – I swear, the only reason why a lot of girls signed up for Care for Magical Creatures is to get a glimpse of him. It's weird," Sofia said.

"Please, don't act all miss-goody-two-shoes, Sofie," Romulus scoffed. "Shall I remind you, that you acted as the accountant for the autographed copies of Dad's photo from the interview that he did for the Witch Weekly?"

"I have to say, I indirectly owe Dad for getting me that limited edition copy of the World Magical History," Theo grinned. "Are we still selling those?"

"Ran out of copies, and Dad was getting suspicious as to why I keep asking him to sign my "Hogsmeade permission form"," Romulus sighed. "Maybe he's already forgotten – let's try it out, I still got a dozen copies of the page with me."

"Isn't it disgusting that we are indulging the students' crush on our father by selling them signed ripped out photos of him?" Viktor asked.

"Well, better than having them ask us to get his actual photo, right?"

"Shh! Here, they come!" James casually opened a book and started to fake-read, not noticing that it was upside-down.

"Hi, Mum, Dad, Uncle Rome," Theo greeted with a smile.

"Hey, how's your morning?" Carina asked as she messed with Theo's hair.

"Usual," Theo shrugged. "So, career day?"

"It came a bit early, and coincidentally, your mother and I got called at the same day," Theodore said.

"Yay," Romulus weakly said.

"Don't worry, we won't meddle with your daily lives, just here to give a lecture – as usual," Carina winked at him.

"So, how are my godkids? Finally snogging Filch's broom closet?!" Roman said out loud.

Everyone froze after hearing Roman. Theo tried his hardest to hide his face from Nadia Scott, who was looking at their direction, Viktor too tried to hide himself from his own girlfriend – Beatrice, who was laughing all the way from the Hufflepuff table – while Sofia and Romulus hid their faces.

"Dinggalo," Viktor stuttered out. "Mum, Dad – Dinggalo!"

"And that's the save-us-from-Uncle-Roman word," Carina grabbed Roman by his arm and dragged him away. "We'll see you guys at the lectures, and don't mind us, we'll treat you guys like any other student."

"But with more expectations," Theodore teased.

"Wow, that wasn't pressuring at all," Theo sarcastically said.

Theodore chuckled and bumped fists with Theo and Sofia. "See you guys later – and Potter, try reading the book right-side-up, instead of upside-down, that way you'd actually learn something."

"Yes, Uncle Theodore!" James smiled sheepishly. "And I have to say, what a very nice coat you're wearing, what is it made out of?"

"Salamander skin, wouldn't want to be burned later at the lecture," Theodore glared at him.

But just as Theodore was to excite the Hall, he passed by a couple of giggling girls who waved at him, and he sighed in embarrassment as he rejoined Carina, Roman, and Professor McGonagall.

"That wasn't so bad," Theo said.

"Not bad?!" Viktor exclaimed.

"Don't worry, Vik, I'm sure Beatrice still likes you," Sofia teased.

"Clearly, none of you saw or heard it," James began. "But your father is planning something!"

"What now, James?" Sofia rolled her eyes.

"He made sure to mention "burned" earlier – he's planning on burning me alive!"

"You're overreacting! Besides, you asked him what he was wearing, so it's obvious that he would give an example of the use of Salamander skin!"

"He's out to get me!"

"You know, what," Sofia slammed her books shut and gathered her things. James tried to stop her but she already got up. "If you're so afraid of him, then I'll do the honors of staying far away from you as possible for the whole day. See you guys later."

"Bye, Sofie," Theo, Albus, and Scorpius said with a small smile.

"Sofie!" James got up and ran after her. "Sofia, I'm sorry! Come on! Sofie!"

"You guys are actually lucky," Rose suddenly appeared behind them and sat beside Theo. "At least your parents don't make a scene by embarrassing you, unlike mine."

"What are you talking about? Uncle Ron's hilarious! If there's anyone who has embarrassing parents, it's me!" Albus exclaimed.

"Tell me, Al, how is having The-Boy-Who-Live, The Chosen One, The Harry Potter as a father, embarrassing?" Scorpius asked. "And let's not forget your Mum! She was a Holyhead Harpy! What's so embarrassing about that?!"

"Expectations, the coddling, the endless asking for autographs, the comparison!"

"And the whining begins," Theo and Rose chuckled.

"Seriously, you're fifteen now, you should be used to it!" Theo exclaimed. "I'm used to mine!"

The bell rang, and the group of family friends got up from their seats, gathered their things and went to their respective classes. While walking through the corridors, they saw James still trying to get Sofia to notice him as their sister still ignored him. It was hilarious and at the same time embarrassing and pitiful. Romulus, Viktor, and Fred said their goodbyes to Theo, Rose, Scorpius, and Albus and went to grab James and drag him to class to give Sofia her space, while the four fifth years left to get to their own class – Ancient Runes. Before the three best friends could even have their rock-paper-scissors to see who will be the sacrifice, Theo volunteered and was about to go sit with Nadia at their usual table but when he turned, he found her letting another guys sit at his usual spot. He frowned as she didn't even show a bit of hesitation when she let the other guy sit and then casually start a conversation with them.

But it wasn't like they were dating or anything for him to suddenly feel like that, nor did they even have an established friendship, right? So, he shouldn't feel like this. Maybe all those days they were hanging out studying was strictly that. He was just a study buddy.

"Want to share a table with me?" Rose offered.

"Yeah, thanks," Theo said.

Just as Theo sat down, he turned back to Nadia, hoping that she would notice him, but she didn't even give him a second glance. Rose saw his disappointed look and sighed.

"She's lucky to have someone like you looking out for her," Rose spoke.

Theo turned to her and saw her giving him a reassuring smile. "Thanks, Rose."

"No problem... don't we have Care for Magical Creatures later?"

"Yeah, we do, but with Dad giving a lecture, I'm pretty sure it's a merged class with the Hufflepuffs and the Ravenclaws."

"This is going to be interesting," Rose smirked.

"Please don't tell me you fancy my Dad as well."

Rose grabbed her hardbound book and hit Theo repeatedly on the shoulder. "You, disgusting, toe-rag!"

"I get it! Mercy! Mercy!" Theo laughed.

"Did he do something to you, Rose?" Scorpius leaned down to them as his and Albus' desk was just a step above Rose and Theo's.

Rose blushed red at his closeness. "Nothing."

Scorpius gasped. "Theo, how dare you do nothing to her! For shame!"

Theo and Albus burst out laughing while Rose tried her hardest to keep a straight face, but not long she couldn't stop herself from laughing as well. Their laughter grew when Scorpius almost fell off of his desk if not for Albus holding onto his uniform and dragging him back to his seat. Many of the students watched them in curiosity, but then shrugged as it was normal for the close family friends to be chaotic.


James Potter knew that he was dead. Of all days that Sofia would be angry with him it just had to be the day when her father was there to give a lecture, and have a suitcase full of dangerous magical creatures! Since the morning Sofia started ignoring him, he's been trying to get her attention, apologizing to her, talking to her, opening the door for her, even trying to carry her bag – which she would not let him since she would just snatch her bag from him again – he even tried writing a poem saying how sorry and stupid he was. But nothing would ease his girlfriend's anger before Care for Magical Creatures.

As the seventh-years walked down the hill leading to Hagrid's hut, James moped and dragged his feet as he watched Sofia walk with her friends ahead of them. Beside him, Romulus, Viktor, and Fred just watched, not wanting to get in the middle or even think about meddling with their "relationship problems". When they came to Hagrid's hut, James saw Sofia taking off her robes but was having trouble with her bag in the way, he thought of helping her out by taking her things but her friends were there and held her bag while she took off her robes.

"Just give her some space, James," Romulus sighed as he clipped his bangs out of his face with a large clip.

"I told you, James, if you keep making a big deal out of Dad out to get you, you'll piss her off," Viktor said.

"Oh look, Pretty-Face-Diggory is trying to be the good guy," Fred mused.

From where they stood, the four best friends watched as the Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw classes joined in their special lecture with the Head of the Scotland Reserve, and saw Cillian Diggory approach Sofia and started a casual conversation. James fumed red at the sight of Cillian being close to her but Romulus and Viktor stopped by him before he could march up and make a scene by holding him down at his place.

"You already angered Sofia by making a big deal about Theodore, the last thing she needs is a possessive and jealous boyfriend," Fred said.

"Have some sweets – it'll calm the nerves – especially this one, it's really minty," Romulus handed James one of his chocolate bites.

"Is that one of those you did?" Viktor asked.


"Can I have one?" Viktor and Fred asked.

"Sure," Romulus handed them two bars of chocolate bites.

"Merlin, that's cold!" Fred blew out and saw a whisp of snowflakes coming out with his breath.

"Good for the breath too," Viktor smiled. "Hey, Rom, mind if I..."

Romulus handed out an order sheet.

"But I'm your brother."

"It's just business, brother," Romulus chuckled.

"Gather 'round!" Hagrid came to greet them. "Now, for terday, we 'ave a special guest."

Many girls giggled at the mention of a guest, and Romulus and Viktor took in a deep breath as the long lecture with giggling girls was going to pass. It wasn't that they hated their father giving a lecture at school, it was rather... they were embarrassed for him and hated that students would only take the class to get a glimpse of the Dragonologist and not making an effort for the subject while they on the other hand do love it, and know that their father have the respect and love for it as well.

"I am having mixed feelings about this," Romulus said as they followed the class and Hagrid further into the forest where he was sure to find their father with his magical suitcase and creatures out for them to discuss.

"Love it that Dad's autographs got us money, hate it that they have no respect for the class," Viktor added.

"I hate that Diggory is getting a bit too close to Sofia," James muttered, but his muttering stopped after he watched Cillian offering a hand to Sofia as she was about to climb over a large branch, but Sofia ignored him and threw her things at the other side and climbed it herself, not caring if she were to get dirt on her hands and between her nails. It made his smile when he saw her wipe her muddy hands on her skirt.

They finally reached the area where Theodore standing by large rock with Alcander the chimera at his side and as well as Kai the phoenix, and other magical creatures that are easy to handle. After petting Alcander, Theodore walked up to the class and waited for Hagrid to start the introductions.

"As we all know, 'ere is the Head of the Scottish Reserve, Dragonologist and Magizoologist, Theodore Nott, Order of Mer—"

Theodore politely stopped Hagrid, seeing that the titles were not important.

"Right, I should give you the floor, Professor," Hagrid said and then stood beside Alcander to brush the chimera's mane.

"Thank you, Professor Hagrid," Theodore then sighed as he found it difficult to even look at the students now after what he learned from Carina and Roman. But he couldn't let that get in the way with his job. Taking a breath, he decided to simply just look at his children, but when he did, he noticed that Sofia was standing far away from her brothers and was completely ignoring James' existence. And she wasn't smiling like she would always be when he would have his lecture. Something was wrong. And it was enough to help him get in the "zone".

"As everyone knows, Care for Magical Creatures is a step to those actually want to pursue in the fields of Magizoology and Dragonology," Theodore began with very commanding voice. "If you think that taking this class is a walk in a park, I assure you, the minute you step foot in the reserve, you'll be killed."

Romulus and Viktor glanced at each other. This was not the usual lectures that their father would give them.

"There's a saying at the reserve – at first you get burned, the later days, you'll just get scratched by the talons, and believe me, I have seen experienced witches and wizards in this field still getting their limbs chopped off or bitten off. Magical Creatures are not pets, they're not possessions, they're wild creatures that have the main instincts of survival. So, before you even think about taking this profession, think of this – am I willing to handle creatures that could either tear me limb from limb or eat my brains out or even burn me alive."

A lot of students gulped at the thought. The giggling girls were no longer giggling. But Sofia was, and the sight of her smiling made Theodore smile as well.

"Let's start with a creature you're all familiar with," Theodore held out his arm and lets Kai settle there. He then reached to his pocket and grabbed out a glove, he tossed it to Sofia. "I managed to ask my son – Theo – if I could borrow his phoenix for class, and luckily he let me. A phoenix came from Greece is an immortal magical creature – all of its breeds are female which lays one egg. It's associated with fire and the sun." Theodore gave Sofia the phoenix and lets her show her classmates that were around her. "When it does, it bursts into flames and comes back alive from the ashes."

While Theodore went to get the next magical creature to show, Romulus leaned towards Viktor, Fred, and James.

"He knows," Romulus said in a whisper.

"He knows what?" James asked.

Viktor and Fred snorted and then patted James at the shoulder.

"Merlin, it's like Dad has some kind of sixth sense," Viktor laughed.

"Nott," Theodore called.

"Which one?" Viktor, Romulus, and Sofia called out.

"The one with the pretty hair," Theodore rolled his eyes.

Romulus pushed away Viktor and approached his father.

"Dad," Romulus greeted with a grin.

Theodore smirked and then handed Romulus the Occamy. Romulus laughed when the creature slithered to his arms and then settled in his hands.

"Seriously, why this?" Romulus asked him.

"I believe you mentioned that that was your favorite creature when you were a boy," Theodore said in a low voice.

"Dad, come on, what if she suddenly turns huge?"

"Then make sure to have a tea pot – this is an Occamy, a winged, serpentine magical creature that came from the East and India. They're choranaptyxic, meaning she can grow or shrink in order to fit any available space. They're eggs are made out of silver, and they are very protective of those."

"Dad, I think it's time we put her in the tea pot," Romulus said as he watched the Occamy slowly grow in size.

Theodore took the occamy and then placed her in her small home inside the suitcase. He then gestured for Viktor to come over and help him with a creature that he knew his sons could handle. Alcander.

"Next, is the chimera – for legal reasons, it is illegal to breed chimeras and the only known breeders of these creatures are those at Greece. A chimera is part lion, goat, and dragon. Its skin is as hard as the Nimean lion, and it could breathe fire, Vik, mind showing them."

Viktor and Romulus went to Alcander's side and scratched the chimera at the back of his ear. Theodore went to get the phoenix from Sofia and lets her pet one of the beasts.

"Am I doing okay?" Theodore whispered to her.

"You're doing great, Dad, as always," Sofia smiled.

Not long, Alcander finally yawned and let out a breath of fire, many of the students jumped at the sight of it. And the Notts chuckled. Alcander then laid down on the ground and slept. Theodore bumped fists with his children and had them rejoin the class, but then his eyes went to James.

"The creatures that I've been showing you are either Beasts with a rank of XXX, XXXX, or for Alcander's case – XXXXXX – and the only ones allowed to breed or handle that kinds of creatures are those with legal permits from the Ministry – locally and internationally," Theodore then reached to his pocket and pulled out a small and spiny cocoon whose web was attached to his hand. "There are also creatures that are affiliated with the Dark Arts... Potter!"

James jumped at the sudden call of his name. He turned to his best friends and saw them snickering, and then urging him to step forward. He turned to Sofia for help but she was standing at her place with her friends – and Cillian – with a stoic look. Clearly, she was still angry with him. He finally stepped forward. Just one step.

"Sir?" James squeaked.

Romulus, Viktor, and Fred were laughing on the ground now, and as well as the other students who knew of his relationship with Sofia and saw her ignoring him. Clearly, gossip spreads fast in school.

"Give me one creature affiliated with the Dark Arts," Theodore walked far from him.

James tried his harest to dig his brain for one. Just one creature. Then he remembered from one of his and Sofia's little hangouts by the lake, where he would ask her to read aloud to him whatever book she was holding.

"Swooping Evil," James said.

Theodore's brows raised. He wasn't expecting that.

"Well, then I'm sure you know what you're going to see," Theodore then released a large blue and green winged magical beast. "The Swooping Evil... is an encephalophage -- meaning, it feeds on people's brains. Its green skin can deflect spells... and it's venom – when diluted – could be used to erase bad memories – please, refer to the 1926, New York City attack."

The creature flapped its large butterfly-like wings furiously, its wolf-like skull growling and trying to reach James. James was sure that the creature would have already eaten his brains if Theodore wasn't holding it. And the fact that the only one stopping the creature from doing so was him, gave James the idea of the message his girlfriend's father was sending him. After a while of showing off the Swooping Evil, Theodore pulled it back and let sit shrink to its cocoon size and then hid it in his pocket.

He keeps it in his pocket?! James thought.

"Good job, Mister Potter," Theodore patted him on the shoulder. "Now, you all had a taste of what you will be dealing with at the reserve, I hope you think well about your career choices, because what I have shown you is just the tip of the ice berg. Dragonology and Magizoology is not just a class you take at school. It helps you understand magical creatures – you will get cut, bruised, burned, and even break a few bones or lose a limb when handling these creatures, but when you do experience those you can't really blame it at them since it's their natural instinct to protect themselves."

A student raised their hand. "Is there a dragon in that suitcase?"

"No, there isn't, because dragons are too dangerous to have in a suitcase with the other creatures, that's why at the reserve, they have a special area to nest, away from the creatures – any more questions?"

Another raised their hand. "What about the giant squid, have you handled that?"

"Larry?" Theodore raised a brow. "Yes, a couple of times... when Professor McGonagall would inform me if he's not doing so well."

"You said that the phoenix belongs to Theo Nott, how is that when you said magical creature can never be a possession?" A student asked.

Theodore smirked and the student blushed. "Good question... the thing with Kai and my son is that, Theo doesn't treat Kai as his possession. He lets Kai fly around to be free, he doesn't ask her to stay at his size to always deliver letters – Kai chooses to do so... just as she chose to be with Theo. It's a bond created by them."

"And how is that made?" Cillian asked.

"Depends on the creatures – others, especially dragons and chimeras follow those who show most power... Alcander here follows me because I show power, but also because we have a mutual respect for one another," Theodore petted Alcander's head, and then releases Kai to fly back to the owlery. "Any more questions?"

"What are the N.E.W.T.s needed to get to your school?"

Theodore smiled. "Of course, Care for Magical Creatures, Defense, Potions, Herbology, Charms, Transfiguration, but sometimes we make an exception for those who are willing to study – I know some people who had a change of career and started to attend the school and they don't have the N.E.W.T.s for it, but they're doing fine... any more questions?"

A girl raised her hand. "Can we have your autograph?"

Theodore frowned. Sofia hid her face out of embarrassment, while Romulus, Viktor, Fred, and James laughed at their place. The bell finally rang.

"Class dismissed," Theodore and Hagrid said immediately.

"Don't forget, you also have a career orientation at Astronomy," Theodore told them. "With Professor Carina Black!"

"You mean Mum, right?" Sofia teased.

"Yes, with your mother," Theodore chuckled.

Theodore snapped his finger and all the magical creatures magically entered the suitcase, but before Alcander could enter the case, he walked towards Sofia and nudged his head at her, that she fell on the ground with the large chimera on top of her. While Sofia laughed with Alcander snuggling in her embrace, the chimera then opened its eyes and glared at James' direction and let out a puff of smoke out of his nose. James looked around to see if the chimera was glaring at someone else, but it seems it was just him.

"Rom! ROM!" James grabbed Romulus.

"What?" Romulus asked.

"Did you – did you see that?!"

"Come on, Cander, I have to go!" Sofia tickled the chimera, and Alcander let out a whine begging her to stay.

After getting Alcander inside the suitcase, Theodore said his thanks to Hagrid and accepted his invitation to tea. While they walked back to the hut, Theodore walked beside his children – James and Fred walking ahead of them.

"That was an interesting lecture," Viktor began. "We were a bit surprised when you started off with scaring us with chopped limbs."

"Had to try and stop the giggling teenagers who have predator eyes," Theodore told them.

His children turned to him with a shocked look.

"You finally..."

"Yes, I know, and it was all thanks to your mother and Uncle Rome," Theodore said to them. "So, mind explaining to me why you didn't you tell me this? Or why Theo didn't tell me this?"

His children avoided his gaze, fidgeting with their fingers, whistling a tune, looking at the ground.

"Tell me the truth or you four are grounded this holiday," Theodore threatened.

"Sofia was selling signed copies of your interview at the Witch Weekly!" Romulus pointed at his twin.

"ROM!" Sofia gasped, but then pointed at him. "It was his idea – he planned it and he got you to sign those! He and Vik!"

"I only got in on it because you guys pressured me! I was telling them not to, Dad!" Viktor argued.

Theodore watched as his children kept blaming each other for what they were doing. And after learning about the selling of his photos, he already made up his mind in grounding them for the whole Christmas holidays.


The Astronomy lecture happened during at twilight, but unlike the Care for Magical Creatures lecture where the fifth, sixth, and seventh years are scheduled to meet the Head of the Scotland Reserve, that meeting, the whole student body and as well as the teachers were present and gathered at the Great Hall. Everyone sat with their group of friends – by the insistence of Professor Carina Black to make the experience fun. Theo sat with Albus, Scorpius, and Rose at on the table with Sofia, Romulus, Viktor, Fred, and James – he was still being ignored by Sofia. Sitting at their usual place at the top table, Professor McGonagall and the teachers, and the guests sat to watch the presentation. And not long – after closing all of the curtains and the only light in the Hall were the candles, Carina started the presentation by taking out the magical pipe.

Theo and his siblings smiled at the sight of the pipe, especially when their mother took a deep breath from it and then blew the smoke around the room, creating a replica of the night sky, but instead of it above them, the starts, comets, meteors, and even galaxies were around them. And they were sure to see her smirking at their father's direction, clearly, the two made a bet to see who could "wow" the students more, and it was obvious who won.

"Mum, it has to be Mum," Sofia and Romulus said.

"Married and still competing, romantic indeed," Theo snickered.

"I'm sure you've heard from Professor Sinistra's introduction on who I am – I am Carina Black, and I am a Professor at Sinora. Scotland's finest school specializing in Astronomy, Astrology, and Cosmology... for those who don't know, I am actually named after a constellation – can anyone point to me where the Carina constellation is?"

Theo, his siblings and friends were the only one raising their hands.

Carina sighed. "Anyone that doesn't have the Nott as a last name."

A few students laughed as Theo, Sofia, Romulus, and Viktor dropped their hands.

"Or is directly or distantly related to me," Carina added.

This time Scorpius dropped his hand, chuckling as he did, leaving Rose, Albus, Fred, and James.

"Miss Granger-Weasley, point your wand to the Carina constellation."

Rose did what she was told and then traced the stars to create the constellation, and from that traced illusion, an illustration of a keel appeared.

"Carina it's located at the southern sky, it's Latin for the keel of a ship. It's the Keel of Argo – the ship that Jason used to sail to Colchis to retrieve the Golden Fleece," Rose said.

"As expected from you, Miss Granger-Weasley, well done – mind showing me your set of stars, Scorpius."

Scorpius got out his wand and then drew the pattern of the Scorpius constellation with its respective stars.

"Latin for scorpion, it's located at the southern hemisphere. Many myths are associated with the scorpion, especially Orion,"

Carina smiled. "Now, how about the brightest star – aside from the sun... Sirius, will you do the honors?"

Romulus grinned and then threw his Lumos spell at the direction of the Sirius star at the Canis Major constellation, brightening the room.

"And lastly, Regulus?"

Theo took out his wand and then pointed at the Leo constellation and then at the brightest star in pattern. Regulus.

"Regulus, the brightest star in the Leo constellation. Found at the northern hemisphere, Leo or the lion has been represented in many stories of myths around the world," Theo said.

Carina smiled. "You see, Astronomy is more than just looking at stars and studying them. It tells a story – especially in the Wizarding Astronomy where it sometimes tells the story of magic. It is actually one of the few subjects that witches and wizards share with Muggles as it is a science that studies celestial objects, the universe, and even space. So, it's more than just looking out at the night sky with your telescope because you will be studying nature and understanding everything... it's like trying to put together pieces of the universe's origin story to understand it better and find where these," she gestured to the celestial objects around them. "came from to see their evolution."

Theo smiled as his mother continued her lecture. More images of galaxies were created around them, they even played a game of identifying the constellations, planets, and even galaxies and Carina gave a few sweets as a prize – and Roman happily tossed the sweets to them. By the end of the lecture, questions were asked, and then once the torches and the candles were lit again, the galaxy disappeared and everyone went back to their usual tables for each House, while Carina took her place beside her husband at the table with the teachers.

From where he sat, Theo saw his father reaching to take his mother's hand and placed a kiss on her knuckles and then said congratulations for a wonderful lecture, and in return, his mother simply smiled and whispered something to him that had his father chuckling. His parents' relationship would always amaze him and sometimes wonder if he could even have that. Glancing at the Ravenclaw table, he saw Nadia speaking with her Housemates, giggling as they looked at his father's way. He sighed and then sat down at his seat.


With Carina gone to give a lecture at Hogwarts, Padma took over her classes during the morning, not that she minded as it wasn't that hard. But throughout the day, she noticed something. Something strange in the students during Carina's classes as they always had one extra student in the classroom. She would try to ask the student if she was new, but whenever she would approach her, the student would be gone as if she wasn't there. It was very strange.

She would see this mysterious student around the school, and only of the time it was during the times when Carina was usually there. The stairs leading to the tower, the Great Hall, and even the empty classrooms. The black-haired student was there! She tried each time to approach her, but like earlier, this student would disappear when she would. That was until the student finally decided to approach her instead.

Padma didn't know what to do when she found herself standing before a very pale-looking girl with long, dark, tangled and greasy hair, with a cut at her lip, deep brown eyes, and wore the school uniform. Was she a new student, she thought. There were many new students or transferees to Sinora since it was a specialty school, but she wasn't informed of this student. If this student was new to Carina's classes, then she should have been since she was the substitute.

"P-P-Pro...fessor Ca... rina B-Black," the girl stuttered.

"Um..." Padma looked around to see if anyone was there to help her and this girl. "I'm sorry but Professor Black isn't here today, she's at Hogwarts giving a lecture. Are you new here? Are you assigned to her classes?"

The girl did not respond.

"Can I get your name? Maybe I just missed it when I checked the attendance," Padma reached for the list in her bag. "Right here – "

Just as she looked up to see the girl again, the girl was gone. As if she wasn't there earlier. She looked around to try and find the girl in the crowd of students but she was nowhere to be found.

"Is everything alright, Professor Patil?"

Padma turned and saw the Headmistress.

"I... um... Headmistress, I'm not sure, but... a student – I'm not even sure if she's a student, but this girl has been appearing in Professor Black's classes and was looking for her – I don't think her name's been placed at the list or anything... she was just here earlier but now she's gone."

"Oh, you must be talking about the new students, Professor, you know how it is here, especially at this time of the year. So many transferees," the Headmistress laughed lightly.

"Yes, but –"

"I'll make sure to take over Professor Black's other classes for today so you and this little one can rest."

"No, that wouldn't be fair, I was assigned to –"

"It's alright, Professor, now, run along now."

"Alright, thank you, Headmistress."

Padma handed the list to the Headmistress and then quickly walked towards the direction of the faculty office, not wanting to stay there any further. Not after that creepy incident.
