Chapter Seventeen

"Your mother is going to kill me once she finds out about this," Theodore muttered as he fastened the Nemean lion skin vest on his son.

After reluctantly agreeing with Theo – and arguing with Charity, and Maisie about the plan – Theodore quickly apparated to their home to retrieve the Ancient Greek armor that he got in his inheritance and had his son wear it. Once all the fastens were finished, Theo went to get his black jacket and zipped it up to try and hide the armor since it was weird seeing a fifteen-year-old kid wearing Ancient Greek armor over a t-shirt and paired with some trousers and sneakers.

"You don't have to tell you, you know," Roman said.

"The thing secret to our marriage is that there are no secrets," Theodore told him.

"You don't have a helmet or a sword, do you?" Theo teased his father. "How about a large wooden horse that I could hide into?"

Theodore was not amused with his son's humor at the time.

"Just trying to defuse the tension," Theo muttered.

"There has to be another way!" Charity spoke, tears building in her eyes as worry was taking over. Her grandson was heading straight into danger, for crying out loud! Normally, children or any normal person run from it.

"I know that you're worried, Grandma, but this is the only way we could stop Delphini," Theo said as he went to get his wand from the table and hid it in his sleeve.

"But how will you get through her?!"

"I'll think of something," Theo said.

"You haven't thought of it through?!" Rose exclaimed. "Theo, this is dangerous!"

"He won't be alone, we'll be there with him," Theodore said as he took off his coat to ready his magical tattoos if needed.

"You're overestimating yourself, Theodore," Maisie said. "I know that you're powerful, but you said it yourself, this is something we haven't faced! You don't know what would happen!"

"You're right, but I do know is that if we don't stop this and the whole world finds out about the existence of magic, we're done for – Euphemia Rowle maybe a fucking bastard but she's right on one thing, even with magic, the magical world cannot protect itself with the full power of Muggles – we're outnumbered and who knows what they would do to us. And if they do succeed, then expect more Obscurials being made, and more children dying."

"We'll be alright, Charity," Sirius said.

"And who says you're going with them?!" Charity exclaimed.

"I can still fight! Of course, I'll go with them!"

"You haven't fought in years! If they're going out there, the last thing they need is to look out for you!"

"How old do you think I am! I could still fight!"

While Sirius and Charity argued about him going with Theodore, Roman, and Theo, Rose, Scorpius, and Albus went to his side.

"We're coming with you," Rose said.

"No, you're not," Theo said.

"Yes, we are – you need us!"

"We're underage – and from the four of us, I'm the only one with clearance to use magic outside of Hogwarts! You'll get expelled! Besides, you might find yourselves in danger!"

"Listen, we're your best friends and we're going out there to help you! Besides, your siblings, and James are going, then so do we!"

"Because they're of age! And because they would only try to escape once we leave this place!"

"We're going with you –"

"Grandma, Rose, Albus, and Scorpius are trying to come with us!" Theo called out.

"Over my dead body!" Charity told them. "My grandchildren are already going out there to risk their lives, I can't let you three go there as well – you're also underage!"

Theo turned to them and shrugged. "See?"

"Theodore, let's go!" Roman called out.

Theodore went to Theo. "If anything goes wrong, I'm taking you and your siblings out of there, understand? That's non-negotiable."

Theo nodded. "But nothing will go wrong, Dad."

"You'll never know, have you forgotten? We plan – we get there – and all hell breaks loose?"

"How can hell break lose when it did?"

After saying goodbye to his grandmother and aunt, and friends – who were glaring at him – Theo went to his mother's side and squeezed her hand softly, and whispered "I'll come back", and then left with his father, grandfather, godfather, siblings and James and headed the Ministry.


Hermione, Harry, and Morgan hid behind the wall of a building, avoiding the attacks of the Rowle's supporters, they were using magic and Muggle weapons and they barely got out alive with the Obscurus storm happening in the middle of the street. Nothing could contain it, and it was destroying the buildings around them. The police even came to see what was happening and try to stop the attack, but even they were unable to do anything. This truly was a disaster for the Ministry, and the first disaster that Hermione had to deal with during her term.

"Petrificus Totalus!" Morgan petrified a Muggle with a gun and lets it fall on the ground. They can't harm Muggles, even if they were being hunted with guns, knives, and axes.

"We need to try and control the area – lock out anyone else that would enter!" Hermione called out.

"We'll protect you – get the shield up!" Harry told her.

Nodding, Hermione then got out of the wall they hid and pointed her want at the sky, she muttered incantations that would create a shield surrounding the area where the Obscurus was attacking, she was then followed by other Aurors and other Ministry members to speed up the process, but with their little number of Aurors at London, they were not as fast as they should to stop the spread of the destruction. The whole time, Harry and Morgan protected Hermione as she cast the shield, fending off those who were going to attack them and continue Rowle's work and some flying debris heading their way.

Just before the shield was complete, Theodore, Roman, and Sirius came with Theo and as well as Romulus, Viktor, Sofia, and James. Once there, Sirius helped with setting up the shield and finally closing it, but before it completely trapped them all inside, three fifteen-year-old witch and wizards still managed to slip, and almost got their limbs chopped off when the shield was finished.

"What are you doing here?!" Harry exclaimed.

"You know, save the day, nothing big," James shrugged.

"This isn't the time for your jokes, James! It's too dangerous out here!" Harry grabbed his son and hid him behind him and stopped an attack that was about to get to them.

"I'M OF AGE! I CAN FIGHT!" James said as he petrified a Muggle with an axe. "AND I KNOW WHAT I'M DOING!"

"Hermione!" Theodore came to her side. "We need to get Theo to storm!"

"IT'S TOO DANGEROUS!" Hermione told him.

"No, listen! He's the only one who can talk to Delphini and make her stop! He can enter her mind and talk to her!"

"Minister, please! She's just a kid and she's afraid!" Theo said.

"Can't you do it all the way here?!" Morgan asked.

"This is a storm! It's too dangerous if I stand outside of it – the safest place I could be is at the eye – inside of it!" Theo told them.

"But how will you get there?" Sofia asked.

Before Theo could give his embarrassing answer of "I don't know", witches and wizards of Rowle's movement attacked them, and they were forced to engage in battle. Theo took out his wand and dueled with one of the followers and managed to disarm them, but then Muggle followers came and he had no idea how to not hurt them when they were swinging an axe. Theo ducked and rolled before the Muggle could chop off his head, and then ran to the direction of the storm, he needed to get there. He ignored his father's calls and just continued to run, calling out to Delphini with his Legilimense as he did.

Before he could get any closer, a Muggle appeared and fired his gun, to Theo's surprise, it did not hit him and only ricocheted from the Nemean skin armor, he smirked, and with a wave of a hand, he turned the Muggle's gun to a water-gun. Now that was dealt with, he needed to get to Delphini's mind. Distracted, Theo did not notice the Muggle coming up behind him that carried an axe, but luckily, before the Muggle could chop off his head, someone hit the Muggle with petrifying spell. Turning to the sound of someone behind him, Theo's eyes widened when he saw the Muggle with his axe raised, petrified and falling to the ground, and behind the Muggle, Theo saw Rose with Albus and Scorpius, holding their wands.


"We followed you!" Rose told him.

"We apparated!" Theo exclaimed.

"And Teddy, Ethan, and Elias know how to Apparate as well!"

"Theo, don't think about us – think about that!" Scorpius pointed at the large storm made by the Obscurus.

"While you try to talk to her, we'll cover for you!" Albus said.

Theo nodded and then faced the large storm, he could hear Delphini crying in pain and in fear. He just needs to get into her head. While his friends protected him from debris and Rowle's followers out to get them, he tried to call for Delphini. He needs to get to her, but it seems that she can't hear him. He needs to get inside, that would call her attention, but how?! From above, flames burst and from it appeared a phoenix, flying above Theo. It was Kai.

The sight of Kai had Hermione, Morgan, Theodore, Harry, and Roman stunned, and they remembered the prophecy, the phoenix giving a feather to a boy. Theo was the boy! This was his fate! He's the only one who can stop Delphini!

Kai flapped her wings above Theo and then flew towards the storm, it was as if Theo understood his phoenix and followed her towards the storm with no plan but to follow her lead. He heard friends call out for him, but he ignored them and followed Kai. As he neared the Obscurus, Kai lowered before Theo, and let out a squawk, and Theo held out his hand and took hold of Kai's talons. The flames devoured Theo and he and Kai disappeared from everyone's eyes.

"WHERE DID HE GO?!" Albus asked.


Theo was right about the eye of the storm. Outside the Obscurus tornado, it was chaos, but inside, it was calm, and he and Kai were squeezed inside the eye. Kai flapped her wings and protected Theo with her flames from the attacks that the Obscurus made towards him while Theo reached out to Delphini. He looked at the dark sand swirling around him and focused on her thoughts. They were loud, all crying out to be left alone. He saw what happened a few hours ago, how everything led to this. She panicked when the Auror placed the enchanted cuffs on her and placed her in a bubble.

"I know you're afraid!" Theo called out. "But you need to calm down!"

She can't hear him.

They need to go somewhere to think. They needed to go to Alcander's Island, but he when he goes to Alcander's Island, it's just him, he's never done sharing his mind with someone or send visions to them like how Voldemort does when tricking someone.

Calm down and think, he remembered his mother's words. He needs to calm down and think, there has to be a way to get Delphini's mind out of this place so she could calm down.

Closing his eyes, Theo focused on Delphini's mind and entered her thoughts. He saw all her memories, the pain, the sadness, the happiness –


Theo jumped at the sudden voice of Delphini inside his head. Kai protected him from Delphini's attacks and he tried once again to enter her mind, but this time, he went deeper into her mind. Further and deeper, passing her memories until he finally found himself inside a room. He opened his eyes and saw himself inside a dirty room with creaking floorboards, a dirty mattress for a bed, walls covered in drawings made out of coal, and a book. It was The Tales of Beedle the Bard.

"What are you doing here?"

"Delphini?" Theo turned expecting to see a teenage girl but instead he saw a little girl around seven or eight years old. She wore a ragged dress, had long black hair that was tangled, a busted lip, dark eyes, barefoot, and held on to a rag that was tied to create a shape of what he believes to be a bunny. He wasn't in any memory... he was speaking to Delphini directly... and this was her psyche – or soul.

"You're Professors Blacks son!" Delphini's eyes widened and she backed away and hid herself behind the curtains. "Please, don't hurt me!"

Theo approached her.

"I'm not going to hurt you," he then sat down on the floor before Delphini with his legs crossed. "I just want to talk."

Delphini peeked out of the curtain. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to hurt you – I was just – they said that if I removed you then Professor Black would love me! I'm so sorry!"

"It's alright," Theo coaxed her.

"No! If I hadn't attacked you, then Professor Black wouldn't have been angry – my mother wouldn't have gone into the school – and she would still be alive!" Delphini cried furiously.

Theo noticed how the room creaked and some of the walls and floorboard broke as she cried.

"Delphini, Mum's alright," Theo told her. "She's alive – she's just resting at the hospital."

"But she won't ever love me now! Not after what I did... and these people would take me away – Mother said that they will take me to this awful place called Azkaban!"

"No, they won't! I won't let them!" Theo told her. "Please, calm down and let's talk." He held out his hand to her. "Let's sit down and talk."

Delphini hesitated to take his hand, especially when she saw that it was bandaged. She did that to him. Theo saw her sadness when she saw the bandage and tried to calm her down.

"It's okay, it doesn't hurt," Theo told her.

Delphini reached out and took his hand and then sat before Theo, with her rag-toy in her arms. She fidgeted at her spot and rubbed her bunny's ear to find comfort.

"Is this where you live?" Theo asked as he looked around the room.

Delphini shook her head. "Mother said it was only temporary, my first home was at Am... Am..." she tired to remember the country that Carina taught her, the one she came from. "America."

Theo's eyes widened. "Is Euphemia Rowle really your mother?"

"It's hard to explain... my first mother was called Sister Jocasta; we live with other Sisters who were also my mothers and also other children..."

She's an orphan, Theo thought.

"Did you like it there?" Theo asked. "At your first home?"

Delphini shook her head. "They were horrible to me... they kept bullying him – called me the Devil's Spawn because whenever I'm angry or sad, something bad happens to them... but I would rather stay there than go with Mother."

"How did you come to be with Euphemia Rowle?"

"She was just walking by the gardens – outside the gate – and she saw me playing with my bunny and with the flowers... making them grow," Delphini handed Theo her toy-rag that had knots to make it look like a rabbit. Theo frowned at the sight of it. "She told me that she help me make the other children like me if I went with her."

"So, you left your home," Theo muttered.

"I wished I never left," Delphini started to cry. "When I went with Mother, she kept hitting me, saying that it was all part of it... she hit me with that stick."

Theo turned to where Delphini pointed and saw a long and narrow stick.

"She made me do those things – saying that we were just helping people by removing the bad ones," Delphini tried to wipe her snot and tears but more fell. "And then she told me to go to the school and try to kill the people there as well..."

"But you didn't, why?" Theo asked.

"Because," Delphini hiccupped. "Because I saw Professor Black... we saw you that night when you ate outside the house... she was so kind to you – she hugged you, she kissed you, she cared for you... and I saw her with the other kids at the school, she was so kind to them... I just wanted a mother like that... is that so hard to ask?"

Theo watched as the girl before him cried even more, he felt tears build up in his eyes after hearing her story, her yearning for a mother. He reached out to Delphini, the girl flinched at the sight of his hand but then he carefully took her hands with his.

"Do you want to leave this place?" Theo asked her.

"I can't, Mother will be angry," she replied.

"She won't get to you where we're going, I promise," Theo told her. "You'll be safe."

Delphini nodded. Smiling, Theo then got up from where he stood and helped Delphini to her feet as well, they then went towards the door. Delphini stopped. That door was where her mother would always come in with the stick.

"It's alright, she's not there, trust me," Theo told her.

Hand in hand, Theo and Delphini opened the door, and to her surprise, it wasn't the shabby living room of the house she saw but rather a body of water reflecting the night sky that was filled with stars. She stepped out of the room, she felt something different under her feet, looking down she saw that it was neither soil or pavement. It was... she thought for a moment what Carina told her the kind of dirt was found by the waters where people would swim on sunny days... Sand. She was stepping on sand. Following Theo through the sand, Delphini smiled to see how peaceful the place was, there were trees, a swinging bed, and a bonfire!

"This is Alcander's Island," Theo said.

"Al... can... der," Delphini said the name carefully, she then smiled when she remembered what Carina told her about a magical beast that had the head of a lion, the body of a goat, and then the tail of a dragon. "Alcander he's a chi... chi... chimera, right?"

Theo chuckled, "he is."

He led Delphini to sit on the sand near the water where her feet could touch it, she giggled when the water reached her toes.

"I would always come here to think, especially when I'm tired from hearing the voices in my head," Theo said.

"Why did you take me here?"

"Because you're afraid, and when I'm afraid, I go here to calm down and think."

Delphini turned to him. "You're afraid? What are you afraid of?"

"A lot of things," Theo told her. "I'm afraid for my family, who is outside fighting, for my mother who still hasn't woken up... I'm afraid of ghouls and vampires."

Delphini giggled when he mentioned ghouls and vampires.

"I'm afraid of the dark."

"You are? But you're so big now!"

Theo chuckled. "When I was a boy, whenever I would go to sleep, I was haunted by the voices in my head. They were so many and they won't stop talking... one night, it got louder and it was hurting my head. I cried out to my Mum and Dad and they went there to help me... as it turns out, I was a Legilimense, meaning I could hear people's minds. To stop me hearing those voices, I had to study how to control my magic, and as a boy, it was hard... there were nights that I couldn't sleep because they were so loud, there were days when my head hurts so much that I just want to bury it under the sand... there were times when I hated my abilities because of how hard it was and how much it hurts...

"But, my Mum told me that it would pass, that I would learn how to control my magic and later see how beautiful my gift was... and until I could control my Legilimense, she would be there with me. She would stay up with me every night until I fall asleep, she would help me when my head hurts, and then she told me about finding a place where I could only be by myself and hear nothing... she told me to make a special place in my mind where I could be alone and just stay there when my head hurts or when I'm afraid."

"You made Alcander's Island!" Delphini grinned.

"In my mind," Theo told her. "The thing is, Delphini, we all fear something. Right now, you're afraid because you think that they will take you to Azkaban and you'll never see Professor Black again, but I promise you, they won't. I won't let them!"

Delphini frowned. "But they put those things around my wrists!"

"Because they're afraid... they were doing that because they were afraid of you..."

"But I don't want them to be afraid of me! I won't hurt them! Can't they see that I won't hurt them?!"

"They can, but fear clouds all sense of reason," Theo took her hands. "Right now, they're terrified because they don't know how to stop what's happening outside... I know that you're scared that they will take you, but I promise, they won't take you to Azkaban, they just need to take you to the Ministry until they figure out what to do."

"But won't I get to see Professor Black again?" Delphini's lip trembled.

"I'm sure you will."

"What about you?"

Theo smiled. "You will, I promise... now, show these adults how braver you are than them."

"How do I do that?"

"The thing about bravery, Delphini, is that it only exists because of fear, and it takes courage to face that fear... and that's how you become brave... and don't worry, I'll be there with you the whole time. I promise."

Delphini nodded.



"I'm sorry for attacking you."

"It's alright... water under the bridge."

Delphini cocked her head to the side in confusion.

"Just an expression," Theo told her.

Delphini giggled. "You're a good friend, Theo... and now that I got to look at you, I see that you have Professor Black's eyes... they're really pretty."

Theo chuckled and then messed with Dephini's hair. "You look pretty as well... now, ready to show those adults how braver you are than them?"

Delphini nodded.


Theo opened his eyes and saw that he was no longer at Alcander's island under the night sky. He was on the pavement at London. The Obscurus was no longer rampaging, and the sky was already dark, and before him sat Delphini, no longer a child, holding his hand. She looked up at him with a smile, her face tearstained. He reached out and wiped her tears, and then he saw that she was wearing tattered clothes, so he removed his jacket and had h er wear it.

"That's a funny looking shirt," Delphini giggled when she saw the armor.

Theo chuckled. "It's an armor, Dad got a bit protective and made me wear it before going here."

"Dad," Delphini said carefully. "Professor Black's husband..."

"That's right."

Theo then helped Delphini to her feet and then zipped up the jacket. They were then approached by his father along with Harry, Hermione, and Morgan. Delphini hid behind Theo, afraid to look at Theodore in the eye. Theodore made a gesture to approach them calmly as Delphini was still afraid. Luckily, they did and Theo reassured Delphini that everything is alright.

"Her name is Delphini," Theo told them. "And she'll go with you without a fuss, right?"

Delphini nodded.

"Hello, Delphini," Hermione said.

"I'm sorry," Delphini told them in a soft voice. "I'm sorry for causing all this."

"It's alright, you were afraid, but there's nothing to be afraid of now... Delphini, I know that you don't want to wear these," Hermione showed the enchanted cuffs. "But people are afraid, and it would help them see that you won't hurt them if you wear these."

Delphini was hesitant, she turned to Theo and saw him nodding. Theo then asked for the cuffs and then held them out to her.

"It won't hurt, I promise... it's will protect you," Theo said. "Remember what I said? Fear clouds all sense of reason."

Delphini finally agreed to wearing the cuffs, she held out her hand and lets Theo put it around her wrists, and once on, a magical bubble surrounded her and has her floating inside. She slightly giggled when she floated around, and Theo smiled at the sight of her smiling.

"Will I see you again?" Delphini asked him.

"You will, I promise, and the Minister won't take you to Azkaban, you're just a kid," Theo said, making sure to let Hermione, Harry, and other Minister members hear.

Delphini then turned to Theodore. "I'm sorry for attacking Theo... and I'm sorry for doing that to Professor Black."

Theodore smiled sadly. "It's alright."

"Will she be okay?"

Theodore nodded. "Carina's stubborn, she'll wake up as soon as she can."

Delphini smiled.

Delphini was then taken by the Minister herself, and as well as Harry inside the Ministry, and following them were the caught followers of Rowle all chained and escorted by Aurors. The whole time they took her to where she would be placed in a cell, Theo was with her, telling her that everything will be fine. But when it was time to leave, Theo had his father conjure a toy – white stuffed bunny – and then had Hermione give it to her. Delphini smiled at the gift.

Once the followers were captured, the next problem were the Muggles who witnessed the attack. There was a huge possibility that the whole city has seen the attack, luckily, they managed to cut all lines at the area to prevent any social media uploads of what was happening.

"What do we do about the Muggles?" Harry asked.

"They say that the Swooping Evil's venom can erase bad memories when diluted," said James.

"And how do you know that?" Harry raised a brow.

"Uncle Theodore," James pointed his thumb at Theodore.

"And because it was used by Newt Scamander to erase the memories of the Muggles at New York at 1926, when a similar event happened with this one," Albus said. "Seriously, Dad, open a book."

Theo and Rose rolled their eyes and then punched Albus at the shoulder, since they were the ones who told him that. Luckily, Theodore had the Swooping Evil in his pocket and managed to extract the venom and diluted it on the spot.

"So, that's why you always have that in your pocket!" James exclaimed while the Healer went to heal his injuries.

"I have this in my pocket to scare away boys who try to sneak into my daughter's bedroom," Theodore told him.


After getting the diluted venom, Theodore handed the vial to Harry and he, Roman, Morgan, and a few other Aurors flew up to the clouds and cast a weather spell to make it rain at London, with magic, Harry got the venom to rain all over the Muggles. With the venom released, Theo, his friends, and siblings took shelter at the Ministry and watched as the Aurors – all protected by magic – fixed the broken buildings, streets, parks, cars, streets, and pavement. Making as if nothing ever happened.

With everything under control, Theo, his siblings, and his friends were taken by his father, Roman, Sirius back to St. Mungo's to be treated as all of them got injuries from the battle. When they got there, they were surprised by the sight of Ginny, Ron, and Draco Malfoy pacing around the hall outside of Carina's room, worrying for their missing children, and when the adults finally saw them, James and Albus hid behind Sofia and Romulus in fear of their mother's wrath.

"You two, are grounded, you hear me! Grounded!" Ginny scolded them as she pulled them by their ears.

"Mum, please, not now, my whole-body hurts," Albus said.

"Grounded?! We just saved the city and the Magical World!" James exclaimed.

"Rosie, what were you thinking?!" Ron scolded his daughter. "Wait until your mother –"

"She already knows, and she said to wait until she gets home for punishment," Rose sighed. "Which is very unfair since I did just save her while we were out there."

And while Theo's friends were being scolded, it was only Scorpius who didn't get an earful from his father as Draco brought his son to a loving embrace.

They were all led inside the room, Maisie and the other Healers went to tend to them, and when they got inside, Theo was greeted by the sight of his mother wide awake, talking to Charity. When they heard the door open, Carina's eyes fell on them and tears fell from her eyes.

"Mum!" Theo grinned and ran to her side. He was joined by his siblings. They wanted to tackle their mother to a hug but they were reminded by their aunt that she her bones were still healing, and as well as the deep wound she got from the gunshot.

"You're all alright," Carina said in relief as she reached out and touched her children to see if they got any injuries at the head. "Thank Merlin you're all safe... now where's your father."

"He's right here," Romulus pointed with his thumb. "Hiding behind Grandpaddy and Uncle Roman."

They all turned to Theodore and saw him indeed casually hiding behind Sirius and Roman, trying to avoid his wife's murderous gaze. But then he got out of his hiding place and went to greet his wife with a kiss, but before he could even lean down, Carina grabbed him by his face with a tight grip.

"Once I'm healed and have my strength again, I will kick your fucking arse for letting our children face that danger, you understand?" Carina told him.

"In my defense, I knew that they would be safe and that they could handle themselves. And I was there the whole time – I kept them under watch," Theodore said. "Besides, they are our kids, so they are far more capable in engaging in battle and coming out alive."

"Flattery, you always got with flattery, but this time, Nott, it won't work, and I will kick your arse for letting our kids to that kind of danger!"

"But, Mum! Theo did it!" Romulus exclaimed. "He stopped the Obscurial on his own! He went there inside then did stopped it himself!"

Theodore sent a look at his eldest son that said "really?!", while Theo, Sofia, and Viktor stepped back from their mother.

"You were saying, Nott?" Carina said to Theodore.

"Let's not wash our dirty clothes in front of people," Theodore said.

"You're lucky that I'm stuck here for – how many days?" Carina turned to Maisie.

"A week," Maisie answered.

"A week, so you better get your story straight and hope that I accept it!"

"Knowing you, you won't be angry with me after a week," Theodore rolled his eyes.

"The fact that you said that is infuriating!"

"Mum!" Theo went to her side. "I'm fine, Rom, Sofe, and Viktor's fine – Dad didn't let us go there until he was sure we were safe – he even made me wear this!" Theo knocked on the armor.

"Then why is there blood on your shirt?!" Carina exclaimed.

Theo looked down and saw that there was indeed blood on his shirt, and then finally felt a stinging pain on his chest. Maisie led Theo on his bed and had him sit down, Ron and Roman pushed Theo's bed closer to Carina by her insistence. Theodore then took off the armor and helped Theo out of his shirt and then saw that the wound he had was not fully healed and was bleeding. And the sight of it did not help Theodore's case with Carina's anger.

"You are dead, Nott. You hear me. Dead," Carina stated as she watched Maisie heal Theo.

"I know," Theodore sighed.

"Mum," Theo called to her. "Delphini's fine."

Carina smiled, she then reached out to her son with her uninjured hand and held his own bandaged one.

"I'm proud of you, Theo."

"Stay strong."

Carina smiled as she finally saw the meaning of the words in her son's eyes.

"Stay strong."


Two more chapters to go! 
