Chapter Eight

Theodore was in the middle of researching on the types of beasts that could have possibly done the attack at Inverness and the other magical communities in Scotland when Harry came to the reserve. It was the middle of the night, and with Carina still in Sinora – since she still has not come to the reserve as they agreed to help each other in the search – he would be continuing his search alone. His reading was disrupted by his parents' portrait telling him of someone knocking on his office door, tired, he didn't bother to move from where he stood and just called out "come in!". The doors opened and Harry Potter came with a couple his Aurors.

"Why does it always look like you're going to arrest me with that excessive number of Aurors following you around?" Theodore yawned as he went to grab another of Romulus' special sweets to keep him up all night.

"Theodore, Drumnadrochit was attacked," Harry began.

Theodore woke upon hearing the news, he turned to Harry and with a wave of a hand shut the door and the curtains of his office. It slightly made Harry's Aurors jump.

"Casualties?" Theodore asked.

"Still counting," Harry then reached into his pocket and took out a vial. "This is a memory from one of my Aurors that was stationed at Drumnadrochit and saw the attack."

"You mean."

"Yes, the creature was seen."

"Accio pipe," Theodore cast and from the mess due to the research, Carina's magical pipe came to his hand. A device his wife made to teach Astronomy in a microscopic view, but in his and the Ministry's case, they use it in a Pensieve kind. "Drop the memory here."

Harry opened the vial and poured the memory into the pipe. Theodore then breathed in three times before he blew out the smoke across the room, and from the smoke the memory started to form.

"What time was this?" Theodore asked.

"Just this afternoon – everything is in chaos – the Prophet is crucifying the Ministry, the Anti-Magic rallyist are blaming witches and wizards on this," Harry said. "Hermione needs to know what is causing this now."

"That's exactly what we're doing," Theodore said as he watched the scene.

The first few minutes were quiet. A peaceful afternoon at the community, but suddenly from the distance, an explosion happened. People were running, Aurors helping with evacuation, locals running to the nearest Apparition point and portkey, and then there were the Aurors who were trying to control the beast. The unstable, and uncontrollable dark force that would burst out when attacking, leaving nothing but destruction.

"That's impossible," Harry head Theodore and Nott say in a whisper.

"Why, what is it?" Harry asked.

"Whose memory is this?" Theodore asked in a commanding tone.

The Auror raised his hand.

"Are you sure about this?" Theodore pointed to the dark entity that was rampaging at the community. "Of what you saw?"

"Yes, I am," the Auror said. "But what is it?"

"Theodore do you know what that is?!" Harry asked.

"I do, but it's impossible – it's an Obscurus," Theodore answered.

"A what?"

"An Obscurus," Theodore repeated. "It's a manifestation of the repressed magic of a child born with magical blood... it's created when the child attempts or is forced to repress their magical abilities or were forced to do so through physical or psychological abuse."

"You said a child," Harry said.

"Then why is it impossible?" An Auror asked.

"Because Obscurus or Obscurials were a norm during the witch hunts or witch trials, but since the Ministry was erected and witches and wizards learned how to conceal themselves from the Muggle world, cases of children creating Obscurials stopped," Theodore explained.

"But during the Global Wizarding War, an Obscurial appeared again, and he was used as a weapon by Grindelwald," Nott's portrait spoke.

"What happened to him?" Harry asked.

"Like any other of his kind. He died," Theodore answered. "We've been wrong this whole time... it wasn't a creature that's been killing all these people... it was this child."

Theodore stabled himself with his table as he watched the Obscurus kill so many people, but what had him weak was the idea of a magical child created to do this... created, he thought.

"This is no coincidence," Theodore grabbed his salamander coat.

"I'll tell Hermione –"

"We don't have time," Theodore grabbed Harry's arm. "Send one of your Aurors to give Granger the message, we need to find this child now before it does."

"We can't send it by floo or anything, there is a leak in the Ministry," Harry said in a hushed tone. "Someone has been giving information to The Prophet and the Anti-Magic Rallyists."

"Then let me send a Patronus to tell her, since mine could get there faster."

With Harry's permission, Theodore cast his Patronus. A corporeal of a peregrine falcon appeared and then flew out of the Manor. And with Harry's orders, they were to leave to Drumnadrochit as soon as they could but before Theodore could left, he left a message to his parents.

"Once Carina comes over, tell her that I had to leave with Harry and that I'm sorry for not telling her."

"She will understand, son," his mother said. "Is there anything else you want to say?"

"She should go home and she shouldn't wait up... and I love her."

"We will, just take care of yourself," Nott said.

Nodding, Theodore then called for Matthias and leaves the Reserve in his care, and once they were out of the grounds, Theodore, Harry, and the Aurors left by apparating to Drumnadrochit.


Days have passed and Theo could not see the Headmistress, and he was desperate to see her. He needed to see her and tell her what was happening. He's sent a letter to his parents that he needed to talk to them but neither of them has responded. He's read the news about the attacks and finally figured out what it was that was being used to destroy these communities, and for the first time, it was something he was not very familiar with but for what it was called. He and his friends would search the library whenever they could for this Obscurial but nothing in the books says anything about it. And they were not the only ones who were interested in knowing what it was as almost every student in Hogwarts was looking for a book about it as well.

"It's not here," Rose sighed in disappointment.

"Don't look at magical creatures, because it's not one," Theo told them.

"Then where should we look?!" Albus exclaimed. "Besides, are we even sure that it's in these books, because we have checked every book there is!"

"Theo, have you tried telling Professor McGonagall about what you heard?" Rose asked.

"She's still not accepting any visitors – she's busy with keeping the school afloat – parents are trying to pull their children out of Hogwarts because of what's happening," Theo irritably said as his head was hurting with so much going on.

"I heard Randall was pulled out earlier, her parents insisted," Scorpius added.

"Also, Avery," Albus added.

So much was happening. Panic was seen inside and outside the school. An Obscurial was a destructive force that could appear any moment. It's spontaneous attacks made it even more dangerous. And with all the panic, the guilt, the stress, and fear, Theo was slipping with his Occlumency. His head was hurting as minds of people around him were there for him to see and read.

"Shut up!" Theo whispered.

"Theo?" Rose asked in concern.

Albus and Scorpius got up and went to his side. "Theo, are you okay?"

The bell rang and Theo returned the book he was holding to the proper place and then grabbed his bag. "We need to go; we still have class."

"Theo, I think you need to head to the hospital wing, you're sweating – and it's cold!" Scorpius said.

"I'm fine, let's just go," Theo brushed passed them.

With so much going on in his head, Theo was struggling to keep his Occlumency – career, O.W.L.s, the attacks, studies, expectations, the urgency to tell McGonagall, his parents not responding to his letters. There were times in class that he would slip and he would see the minds of his classmates, and because of the large range of his Legilimense, he could hear and see the whole school. And it was during Ancient Runes that he finally lost control. There were so many thoughts, his head was throbbing and he just couldn't take it anymore. He needed air.

He stood up from his seat abruptly, surprising not only Rose – who sat beside him – but as well as his other classmates, his friends, and Professor Babbling.

"Mister Nott, is there a problem?" Babbling asked.

"I... um..." Theo muttered as he tried to keep his mind focused at his teacher. "I just need some air."

"Theo," Rose got up and held him by his arm, steadying him.

"Miss Granger-Weasley, could you kindly escort Mister Nott to the hospital wing?" Babbling asked.

"Theo," Scorpius and Albus came to his side. "Come on, let's get you out of here."

They both took each of his arms and then helped him out of the classroom, with Rose following after them. Walking through the halls, Theo suddenly felt the sharp pain in his head. It was too much; the pain was trailing from the back of his brain to his eyes and then his temples.

"Stop, stop," Theo clutched his throbbing head, and held on to the wall for support.

"Theo," Albus came to his side, seeing that he was in pain, Albus turned to Scorpius and asked him to get Theo's bag and grab Theo's medication.

Scorpius didn't have to ask and just bolted back to the classroom.

Albus helped Theo sit down on the ground and lets him lean back on the wall. He remembered Theo's lessons with Remus, how the man would instruct Theo with calming his mind and closing it with Occlumency if he was stressed.

"Theo, breathe and just focus on my thoughts, alright?" Albus said.

"Al?" Theo could hear Romulus.

"Al, what's going on?" Viktor came to their side.

Romulus took Albus' place and then grabbed Theo by the face. He snapped his fingers to get Theo's attention. Behind them, Theo could see a blurred silhouette of Viktor and James asking Albus for Theo's medication.

"Hey, Theo, look at me," Romulus caught his attention. "That's right, okay, listen to my voice and only my voice – can you hear me now?"

"Yeah, and it very annoying," Theo attempted to joke.

Romulus ignored his joke and continued to get Theo's attention. "Now, try to find my thoughts."

"I'm trying," Theo said through gritted teeth.

Not long Scorpius came back with Theo's bag, who looked concern with the sight of Theo on the ground. He tried to shake his head to stop himself from looking into their private memories. He didn't want to know them. Rose then ran off with Viktor to get Madam Pomfrey.

"Theo, found my thoughts yet?" Romulus asked.

"Yeah," Theo panted. "And why the hell would you sing that song in your head?"

It was In The 80's by Crazy Frog.

"It was the last thing that Jordan played at the common room, and now I have last song syndrome," Romulus grunted as he slung his brother's arm over his shoulder and helped him to his feet. James then took Theo's other arm and then they both dragged him to the hospital wing. "Now, be a good brother and keep reading my thoughts and sing along as well."

As they dragged Theo down the hall and to the hospital wing – which was very far – they passed by Sofia's classroom where she just got out of class and was very concerned when she saw her twin and James dragging Theo. She knew better than to ask Romulus what happened since he had Theo fixed in his thoughts, so she asked Albus and Scorpius instead. Just before they could arrive at the hospital wing, they saw Madam Pomfrey with Viktor and Rose bringing a stretcher. They managed to get Theo into the hospital wing without a fuss and settled him into the far corner of the room with a closed curtain. Knowing of his situation, Madam Pomfrey gave him his proper dosage of Sleeping Drought to help him rest and block out the thoughts around him. As he waited for the potion to take its effects, his family and friends – even Nadia – stayed at his side the whole time and he made sure to keep focus on Romulus' mind that is still playing In The 80's.

"Thanks, now I can't get rid of this song in my head," Theo let out a groggy chuckle.

Sofia laughed lightly, she sat down beside her brother and brushed away some of his bangs that clung to his face because of sweat. "And what has our dear brother been singing in his head?"

"You know that funny song... the one with the... robot going bing bing?"

Viktor, James, Albus, Romulus, and Scorpius tried to stop themselves from laughing at Theo's groggy state.

"Oh, that song," Sofia chuckled.

"Yeah, that song... I need to... talk to Mum and Dad."

"We'll send them a letter," Sofia told him.

Theo shook his head, but it was a bad idea since it just made the aching worse. "Something is wrong, they're not writing back."

"Get some rest, Theo, we'll talk tomorrow," Viktor said to him.

Theo closed his eyes. "Can't you call them?"

"We'll try tomorrow – they might be busy with work," Sofia told him.

Theo struggled to keep his eyes open, but it seems the draught was finally taking effect. But he wanted to tell them that this wasn't the time to sleep, that he needed to talk to their parents or at least Roman, but the potion was already taking effect on him. And finally, he succumbed to slumber.


Carina was unsure on what to feel. She felt guilty of not being able to write back to her children who have been asking her what was going on in the wizarding world, as she was facing something, she could not explain herself. She couldn't tell Theodore about it because he hasn't come home since he left with Harry to find the Obscurial that was attacking the communities and try to understand why it was doing so. She remembered her husband's last message that he sent via Patronus, about the fact that he and Harry are still trying to look for the Obscurial and people that created the Obscurial. She was worried for her husband, for her children, and right now, she was afraid as she was alone in the school with this mysterious girl named Delphini Riddle that she has been tutoring since the Headmistress tasked her to do so. So much was happening that there were times she would talk to her father about how worried she was.

But like her emotions in chaos inside her, she was unsure about what to feel with the girl sitting across from her trying to learn how basic Astronomy! The first lecture they had, Carina gave her a test to see how much she knew, after checking the girl's work, not only was Delphini's handwriting similar to a child's, but also because for a girl in her late-teens, Theo has more knowledge in Astronomy when he was only eleven. She tried asking her who she was or who her family were but the girl was unresponsive. She also raised this concern to the Headmistress, but the old woman told her to start the girl's education, and she will be compensated for it. But Carina was not looking for compensation, she was looking for answers on who this girl was. The questions that have been clouding her mind – distracting her – where was Theodore? Is he alright? Are their children alright? Was Theo alright?

"Professor Black?" Delphini began.

Carina jumped at the sudden call. Blinking, she turned to the girl and saw her looking at her.

"Yes?" She asked.

"You're..." Delphini gestured to her face. "You're... um... crying?"

Carina reached to her cheek and felt her tears. She was crying and she didn't notice it.

"I'm sorry," Carina stood up from her seat. "I need to go and freshen up; I'll leave you for a moment."

"Alright," Delphini nodded with a smile.

Carina left her office and went to the nearest bathroom. She didn't even need to use the toilet but she locked herself inside one of the cubicles and sat down and let out all what she was feeling at the moment. She muffled her cries with her handkerchief. She misses and worries for Theodore, for Romulus, Sofia, Viktor, Theo, Roman since they were all apart, and she couldn't find anyone to talk to about what she was facing in Sinora. The mysterious girl with a name so similar to the fallen Dark Lord. But just reading or even speaking his real name would send chills down her spine. As much as she wanted to say that the war no longer has an effect on her, there were times – especially when it involved the safety of their family – that the names of the people who would haunt her dreams then would scare her still. It's been twenty-seven years, she should be fine now!

After staying for a while in the bathroom, Carina finally went back to her office with her tears wiped away, and when she got there, she saw Delphini still at her place, but there was an owl that arrived at her desk. It was Romulus' owl! Racing to her desk, Carina went to see the letters that her children wrote to her, there were only three – Romulus, Sofia, and Viktor. Where was Theo's? He would always write to her! She checked her desk, the floor, her files – maybe it was blown away by the cold winds, but there was nothing.

"Is everything alright, Professor?" Delphini asked.

"Yes, it is," Carina sighed. "Are you finished there?"

"Um..." the girl blushed in embarrassment. "I'm... I'm having a bit trouble with understanding some of the words."

Carina's brows furrowed. "What do you mean?"

"I can't understand some of the words," Delphini muttered as she showed Carina the book.

Carina saw the text she was reading and was surprised. The book she was reading was fitting to her age, how could she not understand the words? Carina didn't ask the girl any more questions as she saw her embarrassed face, instead, she got up from her seat and then went to her little library at the corner and then read the spines of the books she had. A book that the girl would understand. She tried to think what would fit the girl... every time the girl was in class, she was isolated, she didn't answer any of the questions asked, she would only talk to her, and when she was bored she would doodle at her notebook... out of a whim, Carina pulled out a book that she remembered reading to her children when they were around ten years old. It had illustrations of the stars, planets, and comets and was very easy to understand.

Walking back to her desk, Carina pulled her chair and sat down before Delphini and then handed the book to her.

"How about this?" Carina handed her the book.

Delphini's eyes widened at the sight of the colorful book, and when she opened it... she smiled. Carina observed the girl as she looked at the illustrations, and for a moment, Carina remembered her children when she would the book to them.

"Would you like me to read it to you?" Carina found herself asking the question.

She, herself, and the girl were surprised by her offer, but before she could even back out, the girl handed her book with pleading eyes for her to read it. Carina carefully took the book and then adjusted her seat to be beside the girl, and like how she would read to her children, Carina read aloud the children's book to the girl. Each page they turned; Carina noticed how the girl would have an awestruck look at the illustrations. She was already in her late teens but it was like she was only seeing such things for the first time... it was like she was a child. Just as they finished the book, it was time for them to end the lesson, but the girl wanted to read some more.

"On our next session," Carina told her. "I have to go home to my husband."

Delphini nodded.

Carina then gathered her things, hid her children's letters in her bag and then left her office with the girl beside her. She told Delphini to head back to her dorm since it was already late, and the girl merely nodded and said "goodnight", and in return, Carina said her goodnight as well and then raced to the fireplace to use the floo to head home.

Unknowing to Carina, the girl did not go to her dorm as she didn't have one in the castle, instead, she ventured back to the shack that she calls home. She made sure to take off her uniform and hide it in her bag, not wanting to get it dirty, and then changed into her ragged clothes. Once in her shabby room, the girl hid her bag under the floorboard but took out the book that she was reading earlier – the boring book as she would call it – and opening it, between the two pages lies a letter. Theo's letter. The envelope was already torn open as she got curious to know what Professor Black's children would write to her, and it was as if the fates had it planned, she got Theo, who was writing to his parents in distress, asking to meet with them because he might have something that could help with their investigation.

And something told Delphini to take the letter and hide it. So, she did. Even if it caused Professor Black to cry, because if she didn't, she had a feeling that she might never see her teacher again.
