Chapter Nine

After being released from the hospital wing, Theo was given to the care of his siblings and friends to make sure he wouldn't stress himself, and they were having a hard time doing it as Theo was stressing himself every minute of every day! They tried to hide any copy of The Daily Prophet from him, but Theo would magically get one from the trash bin and read that, they tried to get him to focus on his studies and not what was happening outside, but they can't really control his mind! Then there was the fact that their parents haven't been writing back to them – especially to Theo. Sofia explained to him that their father was currently busy and hasn't gone home for the past couple of days, while their mother on the other hand, had problems of her own and was asking why Theo wasn't writing to her. And just hearing that from his sister worried Theo even more.

"I have to go back – I have to talk to McGonagall and ask her if she would let me see Mum!" Theo said.

"Theo! You're stressing!" Albus said.

"Mum isn't getting any of my letters! You know that I write to her every day!" Theo exclaimed, but he then winced as he slipped with his Occlumency for a moment.

"Theo, calm down or I will shove this vial of sleeping drought down your throat!" Rose threatened.

"That's a bit too much," Romulus and Viktor said.

November passed by faster than anyone expected, and during those days, nothing much happened in the prophet – other than the continuous crucifying of the Ministry and the fact that Euphemia Rowle was getting more supporters to her cause of Anti-Magic movement – a couple of students were pulled out but stopped when McGonagall finally released a statement that "Hogwarts is the safest place your children could be! As long as I am Headmistress, I will not let my students come to harm! You have my word in that!"; other than that, it was just school and Theo trying to contact his parents, but it seems that his father was still too busy to open the letters and his mother was still not getting his! In Hogwarts, Quidditch wasn't as hyped as usual with all that was going on. The match between Hufflepuff and Gryffindor ended just as Theo predicted and betted his money on – Hufflepuff winning and James making a fool of himself. The loss disappointed his brothers since they planned on getting the Cup since it was their last year at Hogwarts – and the match between Slytherin and Ravenclaw ended with Slytherin winning as their Seeker caught the Snitch.

When November 25th came, the Nott children thought of sending a parcel to their mother as a gift – knowing how stressed she was. It was a cake that Romulus made at the kitchen (after sweet-talking the house-elves) and then they all wrote short messages to her, and this time, Theo made sure to write two letters to her, a birthday card and the urgency of their meeting. He just hopes that these letters would get to her now.

"If Mum still doesn't get that letter, I am going to bloody –" Theo muttered.

"Scream?" Romulus said.

"Kick you, Rom."

"Why me?"

"Because you're the closest there is."

"And because you have a very kickable arse," Viktor added. "Don't worry, Theo, Mum will get your letters."

"But I am very concerned to how she hasn't been getting Theo's letters," Sofia said. "It's weird."

"Sofia, we have a chimera, a three-headed-dog, and a phoenix as house pets – we have Roman Alston as our godfather – you should be used to weird things," Romulus stated.

"I get it."


Carina was given a day-off at her birthday, which she was thankful for. She couldn't even think about spending a late night with Delphini when she could be having a nice dinner with her husband. That is if Theodore would be home.

For the past couple of weeks, after seeing Delphini's interaction to children's books, she took notes on the teenager's child-like behavior. Instead of letting read the texts, Carina started reading to her. It was odd. There were nights when Delphini insisted they would stay and read longer, but as always; Carina would tell her that they would continue at their next session. It was odd having to treat a teenager like a ten-year-old child... no more like a seven-year-old since she doesn't remember having to read aloud to her children constantly when they were ten years old. They would only do so if they suddenly wanted to cuddle with her. There were times when Delphini would be disappointed – which alarms Carina since she was still not sure about this girl's abilities – but with soothing words, she would have Delphini understand that she had to go home to see her husband.

When her birthday came, Carina woke up alone, which disappointed her a bit, but knowing that Theodore had much more important things to do, she scolded herself for even thinking such selfish thoughts. Getting out of bed, she went to the kitchen to prepare herself some breakfast. But just before she could even prepare the ingredients she needed, a Kai arrived and with him was a parcel.

She raced to where Kai was, knowing that it was from her children. With everything going on, Carina would have the mixed feelings of worry, relief, and excitement every time a letter comes back from her children. But this time, it was a parcel that they sent. Pulling the ribbon and opening the box, she smiled at the sight of the beautiful strawberry cake that Romulus made, and on top it had the message "HAPPY BIRTHDAY, MUM!" and at the side, it had small figurines of them waving at her. Carina let out a few tears of joy at the gift.

Kai let out a purring sound and then nudged her shoulder. Turning to the phoenix, Carina saw her looking down at the attacked envelope at the side of the box. It was letters. She opened each letter that her children wrote to her and read them one by one. Romulus had the knack of having confetti explode at Carina's face every time it was her birthday, so she made sure to get ready for that. Sofia and Viktor's letters were heartfelt and wished her a happy birthday that she would spend with their father. When it was Theo's letter, Carina was full of worry – especially after she was told that he was sent to the hospital wing because he slipped with his Occlumency due to stress. He sent her two letters, one had his beautiful penmanship that said "Mum" and the other had "Happy Birthday, Mum". She decided to read the first letter since it had a sense of urgency. And she was right.

Theo's letter started with him apologizing to her for something she didn't know what he did, and then he told her about the voice or memory he heard during his lesson with Remus and the voice or memory he saw after the summer dinner with their friends and family. He apologized over and over for eavesdropping on them when they talked about the attacks, and that he was worried about if what he was hearing had anything to do with it. And by the end of it, he told her that he has been writing to her and asked why she hasn't been writing to him. He was worried.

He's been writing to me? Carina thought. But for the past weeks, all the letters she's been receiving were from Romulus, Sofia, and Viktor. She would look for Theo's letter at her desk or on the floor, just in case it got blown off the table because of the wind just to make sure she had all their letters – she even asked Delphini if she saw –

Carina paused at the sudden thought of it. Her children's letters would always come late at night while she was still at Sinora for Delphini's private lessons, and since then Theo's letters stopped arriving. Could she have been –


Carina jumped at the sudden call of her name. Turning, she saw Theodore walk into the kitchen with a couple of paper bags in his arms, all full with food. She noticed how tired he looked and how dirty he was because of the days and nights he worked with Harry to look for the Obscurial. For a moment, she saw the Theodore back when they were in sixth year, the one who was always tired and stressed.

"I'm sorry if I wasn't there to greet you good morning on your special day," Theodore placed the bags on the table. "But I promise that I'll be here with you – I'm all yours – Potter let me go home to rest since we've been up for days... Carina, is everything alright?"

When a cry escaped Carina's lips, Theodore panicked, he went to his wife and caught her before she fell to the ground when her knees buckled. He carefully settles them both on the floor and keeps her in his embrace and lets her cry. She was shaking violently, and the way she was crying had him worry because it was as if she has been carrying something for so long that she couldn't do any anymore.

"Carina, what's wrong?" Theodore asked.

"Theodore, something is wrong!" Carina cried. "I could feel it!"

The door of their home opened, Theodore could hear Roman, Sirius, Charity, Remus, and Tonks enter to wish Carina her 43rd birthday, but when they saw them on the floor, with Carina in his arms crying, their smiles fell and they were full of worry, Charity and Tonks ushered Roman, Remus and Sirius outside for a moment to let them talk.

"Carina, please, tell me," Theodore cupped her face and brushed her tears away.

"I know that it's selfish of me to ask but Theodore please don't leave me like that – come home – because I need you! I need your right now! I'm scared – I've been scared for the past few weeks – I've been scared for you – the children – and I'm scared with what's happening at the school!"

"What's happening there?"

Taking a breath to stop her sobs, Carina began her story. "After we came back from the lecture at Hogwarts, things changed at Sinora – Theodore – the Headmistress gave me a new student and she had his name! She's in her late teens – I know that it's impossible but I'm not sure anymore! She scares me! Every minute I stay with her I feel like something was going to happen."

"Carina, calm down, I need you to tell me what's going on – and who is this student of yours?" Theodore asked, his voice was trembling as a thought came to mind.

"Her name is Delphini Riddle," Carina cried.

The name Riddle sent chills down Theodore's spine.

"I know that there's rumors that it's him that's causing the attacks – and I know it's foolish – and I know it's even more foolish to think that she's related to him! But I feel like there's something wrong!" Carina then buried her face on his chest. "I thinks she's been taking Theo's letters as well –"

"Theo's letters? Why?" Theodore's heart was now beating ten times faster.

"I don't know – but since we started our private lessons, I never got Theo's letters," she then reached up to get the latest one that she got from their son. "He sent me this today."

Handing Theodore the letter, they both read its content and at the end of it, Theodore wanted to get to Hogwarts and take his children, but if he did that, the McGonagall would have a harder time with keeping Hogwarts afloat with all the parents demanding to stop the school-term and have their children be at home until the attacks were stopped. Permanently.

"Have you written to him?" Theodore asked.

"I haven't now – I haven't written to them because I don't know what to say – Theodore, Theo was sent to the hospital wing because he was stressed and couldn't control his Legilimency, I don't want to add me to his worries. – Theodore, I don't know what to do – I'm scared – I'm worried..."

Theodore thought for a moment. That girl that Carina mentioned, there was a possibility that she was the child they were looking for. As much as Theodore wanted to tell Harry about what Carina told him now, he knew that his wife needed him at the moment. Helping Carina to her feet, he led them both to the table and lets her sit on the seat, he then used magic to let their family inside, but before they entered, Theodore said to her.

"Carina, I am so sorry that I wasn't here for you... but I promise you that I will be here with you, and you don't have to carry this all on your own. We'll talk to Harry and you'll tell him everything that you told me... I won't let her hurt you or our children."


Another day passed and Theo still has not received any reply from his mother. And due to his desperation to find the answers on what an Obscurus is – and having no luck in looking for it at the books present at the library, Theo decided to go rogue and venture to the Restricted Section, and to do that, he would need James' Invisibility Cloak, and he doubt his sister's boyfriend would lend it to him since Sofia has given them strict orders to not indulge Theo's stressful activities. So, he asked the least expected person that would work for him to ask for the Cloak. And it wasn't Albus.

For three wand licorice, two chocolate bunnies, ten Chocolate Frogs, Theo, Albus, Rose, and Scorpius got Lily Potter to agree with their plan on borrowing the Invisibility Cloak from her brother with any excuse. They made sure to have her ask James when he is at his most vulnerable – meaning, when he was on cloud nine because he was with Sofia by the Black Lake.

"And they say Lily is the sweet and kind Potter from all of us," Albus muttered as he watched his sister sweettalk their brother to let him lend her the Invisibility Cloak.

"Well, the thing about being the youngest, Al, is that we will always be the sweetest, kindest, and cutest sibling," Theo smiled mockingly.

Albus turned to him and then made a gesture of vomiting.

"You're just jealous because Lily actually got James to lend her the Cloak and not you."

"What?! That fast?!" Albus turned and saw James giving Lily the Invisibility Cloak, and then his little sister kissed their brother at the cheek and even gave Sofia a small daisy.

"Your sister is an evil genius," Theo chuckled as they watched Lily act all innocent towards James and Sofia.

"I will never see her the same sweet and kind Lily again," Rose stated. "Thank you for ruining that for me."

"You have Hugo, Rose, wouldn't be long until he has his own underground operations," Theo smirked.

Lily finally came back to the castle and then handed Theo the Cloak, and in return, he handed her another pack of toffee.

"Thank you, Lily," Theo said, smiling.

"Pleasure doing business with you, Theo," Lily grinned and then skipped away to eat her sweets with Hugo.

"Why is it that it's the youngest sibling that has dark secrets?" Albus asked.

"Because we're the least expected," Theo shrugged. "Come on."

"So, what's the plan?" Rose asked.

"What do you mean?"

"How are we going to the Restricted Section – tonight, right? It's tonight?"

Theo turned to her. "Do you think that we'd all fit in this?! I'm going alone!"

"No, you're not," Scorpius crossed his arms over her chest.

"Yes, I am," Theo copied his actions.

"Theo, the last thing we need is for you to faint because you "slipped" and the last thing you need is getting caught at the Restricted Section by Filch and get detention – and we know that that's the last thing you need your parents to know," Albus stated. "We're going with you."

"Again, how are we all going to fit in this?!" Theo waved the folded cloak around.

"Simple, we don't," Rose answered.

"Merlin's beard, that is the stupidest thing that has ever come out of your mouth!" Theo exclaimed. "I expected more from you, Rose!"

Rose glared at him. "Just so you know, Nott, there are spells that could be used to camouflage."

"Just so you know, Rose, there is an anti-thief spell at the Restricted Section, so you can't hide there."

"But, James and Sofia could," Scorpius spoke.

"What?" Albus asked.

"I overheard James talking to his friends about how he and Sofia almost got caught by Madam Pince at the library after curfew – I think they hide behind the shelves... not sure," Scorpius shrugged.

Theo, Albus, and Rose looked at Scorpius with wide eyes, and were conflicted of either vomiting or laughing at the fact that James and Sofia were almost caught by Pince on their "after curfew studying" at the library.

"Scorp, don't ever mention that again – but good idea," Albus said as he tried to remove the mental image whatever his brother was doing to Sofia at the library.

"Well, that explains why Romulus kept buying the contraceptive potion that Dad had us all learn how to make," Theo said.

"Seriously, I will never see your siblings the same again," Rose stated.


That night, after curfew, and after Theo was sure Sofia was done with her rounds, Theo, Albus, and Scorpius jumped out of their beds and then walked out of the common room easily as everyone was deep asleep. With Theo hiding under the Invisibility Cloak, Scorpius and Albus used the camouflage spell to hide themselves. They managed to blend on the walls, but one looked closer, they could see the silhouette of a boy trying and failing to sneak around. They went to the library, with a simple unlocking spell, Theo and his friends got in.

"I didn't know the library was this scary at this time of the night," Scorpius muttered.

"Scorp, we've been sneaking around Hogwarts since we were first year, the castle itself is creepy," Albus stated.

After Theo locked the door again, they all ventured to the Restricted Section and got in through the gates easily, and the moment Scorpius and Albus stepped inside, their camouflage disappeared, while Theo was still invisible.

"Let us in," Albus said as he lifted the cloak and squeezed inside.

"Al!" Theo said in a harsh whisper.

Not long, Scorpius joined them.

"Scorp! This cloak isn't big enough for all of us!" Theo said.

"We're exposed!" Albus said.

"We'll get caught!"

"If you three won't shut up then we will get caught."

The three Slytherin boys jumped at the sudden voice, turning, they saw Rose standing there with an impatient look on her face.

"What too you three so long?" Rose asked.

"We're sorry, the dangeons are far from the library unlike the Gryffindor Tower," Theo rolled his eyes. "And these two had a bit of trouble with casting the camouflage spell."

"Yeah, blame it all on us," Albus glared at him.

"I can, and I am, now let's go and find this book," Theo took off the cloak and stuffed it in his hoodie's pocket, and then started to look for the book he needs, and Rose joined him on the search. They checked every shelf there was and have gotten deep into the Restricted Section where it was all dusty.

"But what book are you looking for?" Scorpius asked.

"The Witch Trials: The Darkest Age of Magical History," Theo said as he pulled out the book.

"Oh, you found it," Rose frowned.

"Hoping for a bit of a treasure hunt?" Theo raised his brow.

"But why witch trials?" Scorpius asked.

Theo had Rose give him a dim light so they could read the book. "We read it at The Prophet – the Minister said that it was a Obscurial that's attacking these magical communities – according to Rose's Mum, an Obscurial is a witch or wizard who developed a parasitical magical force as a result of being forced or abused to suppress their magic."

"If you know that, then what are we doing here for?" Albus asked.

"We're looking for an answer on how to stop it," Theo said.

"Have you told your parents about this?"

"Yes, I have, but they still haven't written back – if they have we wouldn't be here."

"There, Obscurials!" Rose pointed at the page. "Obscurials or Obscurus is a dark parasitical magical force developed by a young witch or wizard when forced to suppress their magical nature. Obscurials are common int eh 15th to 18th century as this was the age where Witch Trials were mostly done and magical children were forced to hide their magical abilities."

"The child possessing an Obscurus is called an Obscurial, and while they could be seen interacting physically, the Obscurus is mostly invisible, but there are rare instances when the Obscurial transforms to an Obscurus. The Obscurus is often summoned by distress, anger, and other intense emotions, thus creating a destructive force," Theo finished the paragraph.

" And, usually, children possessed by an Obscurus dies before their tenth birthday," Rose read the last part. "Hold on – Mum didn't mention that it was a child... so, that means... the one who's been killing people and destroying magical communities is a kid?"

"Yes," Theo sighed.

"But the question is why – why would a kid kill these people – why destroy magical communities – " Scorpius said.

"I'm much more concerned with why there is an Obscurial in the first place," Theo said as he read more on the text. "With the magical world finally able to make a way to hide itself from Muggles, there shouldn't be any more of them. And the fact that there is, means that a child is being abused to hide their magic."

"Who would do that?" Rose asked.

"I doubt it's a magical family," Albus said.

"So, what, it's a Muggle family?" Scorpius asked.

"It has to be – it's not that I'm being prejudice – that's the last thing I would be – but think about it, Anti-Magic Rallyists exists, and the members are not just Squibs but also Muggles with magical relatives."

"But there are also witches and wizards who even side with them now," Rose said. "Which is very conflicting since they have magic themselves."

"Unless they plan to die after their whole crusade," Theo stated.

"So, what, a Muggle family created the Obscurial? But how would they know that it would turn to that?" Scorpius asked.

"Maybe it wasn't intentional, they didn't know it would turn like that," Rose shrugged.

"Then why is it rampaging at magical communities? Wouldn't it make more sense if the Obscurial have its revenge on Muggles than on magical folks? Again – not a Muggle-hater, just stating a fact," Scorpius raised his hands in defense.

"Ever heard of brainwashing?" Theo spoke. "Well, I won't call it brainwashing since that is the environment the kid grew up in – look at it in the kid's perspective – a kid gets their sense of right and wrong from their parents, so, if the parents keep on telling them that having magic is bad, then that is their sense of what is bad."

"So, the kid is killing witches and wizards because their parents said so?" Scorpius asked.

"We don't know – still just a theory," Theo shrugged.

"Are we done? We've been here long enough," Albus said.

"Hold on, I need to find how they stop it," Theo said as he turned page after page. "Here, look – after the Ministry was made and witches and wizards managed to hide their existence, cases of Obscurials decreased, and those who were possessed with an Obscurus were cured as the child was given a sense of belonging and security."

"So, love," Scorpius shrugged.

"So, to stop this Obscurial, it needs love," Albus sighed. "Tell me, Theo, would you love a killer?"

"This is a child, Albus!" Theo said. "A child born in fear, full of trauma – and will die if we don't do something!"

"Exactly what do you want us to do? We can't do anything – we're stuck in Hogwarts!"

"Write to your father."


"Your father is the Head of the Magical Law Enforcement – and he's pulling his hair out because of this case – tell him about what we know and he'll listen."

"You have this idea that everyone's parents are like yours – my Dad won't listen to me!"

"How would you know if you won't try?! Albus, people are dying – write to your father –"

"Shh!" Rose covered their mouths with her hands.

Silence came to the Restricted Section again, but then they heard someone walking towards their direction. Wide eyes, the four fifth years then looked around to hide somewhere. Albus took the Invisibility Cloak from Theo to use, but before he could hide them, Theo and Scorpius helped Rose to get to the top of the shelf, and in return, she used the Levitation Spell to get them up there as well.

"Wasn't expecting that," Albus said.

"Shh!" Rose covered his mouth.

When they saw the light of the lamp, the four fifth years laid down straight on the shelves and listened as Filch walked pass them, as the man said a few mocking words to those hiding in the Restricted Section.

"That you, Potter? You and Nott having a midnight stroll?!" Filch called out.

Albus and Scorpius had to bite on their shirts just to stop themselves from laughing. While Theo and Rose were having a hard time to stop themselves from groaning out of embarrassment for James and Sofia. After a while of Flich lurking at the place they were at, Theo, Rose, Albus, and Scorpius sat up and watched as Filch left the library disappointed to not have given James and Sofia detention. Theo was the first to get down with the help of Rose using the levitation spell, and then Albus was next, and the Scorpius, when it was Rose's turn, Theo levitated her, but before he could put her down, they heard someone enter the library, and Theo lost focus and dropped Rose. Luckily, Scorpius caught her in his arms.

"Hi," Scorpius said to her.

"Hi, Scorp," Rose blushed.

Theo then grabbed Albus and had them hide behind the shelf. They waited and listened to see who it was that came to the library. They cursed under their breaths when they heard the gates of the Restricted Section open, and then the sight of a dim light heading their way. Rose gestured to Theo to head towards the other direction so they could outrun this person. But just before they could leave, the light blinded them.


"James?!" Theo, Rose, Albus, and Scorpius said.

"James, what's going – Theo?!" Sofia came to view. "What are you doing here – no, what are you four doing here?!"

"I should be asking you that – you know what, don't answer that," Theo said.

"Hold on, is that my Invisibility Cloak?!" James snatched the cloak from Albus' hands. "You put Lily up to it, didn't you?!"

"And it only cost us our whole stash of sweets for the month, I can't believe you fell for Lily's sweet and innocent act," Albus said with a smug look.

"The fact that you paid her sweets just to get her to do your dirty work isn't an achievement, Al," Sofia spoke. "Besides, Theo – what in Merlin's beard are you doing here?! You'll get in trouble! And don't even think about using the "midnight study session" as an excuse!"

Theo scoffed. "Oh, yes, like you and James wouldn't get in trouble with your nightly adventures in the Restricted Section... and for you information, dear sister of mine, we were studying. And, if we get in trouble, it's nothing new to Mum and Dad since I always sneak into the Restricted Section to read – what about you? What would Mum and Dad say if you get in trouble because of your midnight "studying" with your boyfriend at the Restricted Section."

Sofia and James' eyes widened.

"Fine, we'll keep this to ourselves – not a word to Mum and Dad," Sofia hissed.

"Especially Dad," James added.

"Fine," Theo triumphantly smiled.

"Are you done with your study session?" Sofia asked him.

"Yeah, we are."

"Just get out of here and go back to the dorm," Sofia pointed to the direction of the door.

"We will, oh, but before we do," Theo fished something from his pocket and then handed it to James. "I expect your payment tomorrow."

James opened his palm and blushed deeply when he saw the familiar potion in the vial. How could he forget, at the summer of their fifth year, Theo and Sofia's father had them all learn how to brew a contraceptive potion for protection and have them swore to not have sex until they perfected it. They never perfected it. But Theo did, and he was only thirteen when he did, and since then, they would order a potion from Theo... but James made Romulus buy him since he knew that Theodore Nott would not like to know that he and Sofia use the potion more than once a month.

"Thanks," James muttered and then handed the potion to Sofia.

"Have fun!" Theo called out as he and his friends left.


After walking back Rose to Gryffindor Tower, the three Slytherins went back to the dungeons and crept back to their dorm. And, just as he and Rose argued with Albus, he had Albus write to his father about what they found, and then sent it the letter with Scorpius' owl that was perched by their window.

"Dad is going to kill me," Albus said.

"Why? Because you sneaked out after curfew?" Scorpius asked.

"He won't because he does that all the time when he was a student," Theo said.

"Like I said, no one has parents like yours."


"You have both cool parents!"

Theo laughed. "Let's get to bed, I don't want to think what about what James is doing to my sister now."

"Yes, please!" Scorpius jumped to his bed.

But just before Theo could get to his own bed and shut his curtains, Kai came to their down and with him was a letter. Theo raced to his phoenix and took the letter. He smiled when he saw his name written with his mother's penmanship. After Kai left, Theo went to bed and closed his curtains, with his wand, he cast the lumos charm and read the letter.


I'm sorry that I haven't written back to you. Something happened at Sinora and I haven't gotten your letters. I'm fine right now, and I've already told your father about what you wrote to me. We're currently talking to Harry when I wrote this, and like you said, there might be a connection with what you heard.

And as much as we want to meet up with you, your father and I can't. Not right now. But, we will see you come the holidays. Right now, we need to take care of the situation here. So, while you wait, please, don't get into trouble. DON'T try to look for that voice. Focus on your school and your lessons with Professor Ennis. When you get home, we'll talk.

I love you, sweetheart.

Stay strong.

Love, Mum.

P.S. send all your future letters to the Estate, and have it addressed to Grandpaddy.

After reading the letter, he read it again, and again, and again, as he tried to grasp what his mother wrote to him about his letters. She hasn't gotten any of his letters? But why? And what was it that happened in Sinora? Was it that serious that his mother would ask him to address his letters to her to his grandfather? But he shook his head from thinking of it further as he remembered the last part. Something was wrong, and his parents were dealing with it now, so he can't afford to have them worry even more. Now that he got a bit of reassurance that his mother was fine, that she was with his father, he could finally get a bit of sleep without worrying too much about her.
