Together Again {Sam Winchester}

{SPN imagine}

{A/n: This imagine contains ZERO spoilers for SPN! Please do not comment any spoilers for the benefit of the people who have not seen it yet! (specifically S15) Enjoy the imagine!}

{A/n: Hey besties, it's been a hot minute. I know this is a really long imagine but hopefully, it makes up for lost time :) Anyways, I finished Supernatural, that was not fun -_- I cried a lot. I also started, finished, and started Rewatching Outer Banks in the span of a week! So hopefully I can get some OBX imagines written at some point!

To be honest, I haven't had the motivation to write for this book, but it's slow coming. I've been focusing on my other ideas, writing for them here and there.

I would also like to mention that me, @saltyackles67 , and a few other authors have started a book together called Shitty Writes. It mimics terrible fanfiction if you would like to got check it out, it's pretty funny!

Anyways, hope you enjoy the imagine, and I hope I can start publishing more stuff soon!}


The tires screeched to a halt against the wet pavement, parking in front of an abandoned building. The doors clicked as three sets of boots stepped out of the 1967 Chevy impala and hit the ground beneath.

"Alright, this looks about right." The eldest Winchester said, looking around as he used his keys to unlock the trunk, lifting the top to reveal various amounts of blades, guns, stakes, and bullets. He pulled three machetes from their covers and handed two of them out to Sam and Bobby.

"Okay, Bobby and I will go in, machetes blazin', we'll kick some vampire ass, find her, then come back out. You stay out here in case there are any stragglers or if she breaks free. Capiche?" Dean pointed to his younger brother, attempting to keep him outside.

Sam never enjoyed it when Dean treated him like a child that couldn't defend himself. He clenched his jaw and shook his head, irritated that his brother would want to bench him at such a desperate time. "Dean this is Y/n we're talking about! I have to find her." he raised his voice, arguing back.

Dean never liked Sam running head-on into danger, whether it was a regular case, or something much more than that. He never wanted to see his brother hurt. This was a different type of hurt that Sam felt however, more emotional than physical. "Sammy, I said you're staying out here and that's final. I promise that I'll bring her back to you," he reassured his brother, patting him on the shoulder..

Sam glanced towards Bobby, trying to get some sort of back up, only to receive a shrug, and a look that said, 'Don't look at me, this is between you two.' The younger Winchester reluctantly accepted the fact that he was going into the building and nodded his head. "Go."

Bobby and Dean shot a head nod back before they both jogged to the entrance, taking out their flashlights and holding their machetes close as they entered.


What sounded like water dripped from the ceiling and into a small puddle on the floor. A terrible smell filled her nose. It smelled like death. With a disgusted look on her face, she attempted to open her eyes, her vision slightly blurry and sensitive to the bright light. It was when she was finally aware of her surroundings that she felt the pain. The whole right side of her face ached and throbbed, making her head pound.

"I'm going to ask you this one more time," a deep voice had said from the shadows. "What have the Winchesters done with the Alpha?" It was then that Y/n remembered what happened.

She was just on a simple hunting trip, a nest of vampires. When she arrived, she called Sam and Dean for backup, but before she could hang up the phone, she was ambushed by the vampires and taken to wherever the nest was. An abandoned building, out of reach from civilization.

Y/n winced at the raise in his voice. "Bite me!" she answered, not willing to give any information. On top of all of it, she was exhausted and just wanted to go home.

The vampire wasted no time to stand extremely close to the girl. So close that she could feel his breath on her face. He had pinned an arm to the back of her chair, trying to pose as a threat, "Boss just requested to bring you in for questioning, an interrogation, but since you refuse to tell a soul, I'll have to resort to new measures."

Although she was scared, she stood her ground, resulting in the vampire slapping her across the face, bloodying the same side just a little more. Y/n bit her lip from the pain, accidentally tasting her blood in the process. She knew she couldn't break no matter how much they tortured her, she had to stay strong.

"Where the hell is the Alpha!" he yelled once more, his voice laced with anger.


Dean walked ahead with Bobby at his back, flashlights lighting up one room to the other. Whenever a vampire appeared from the shadows, one of the machetes would run through the air before decapitating the creature, the head making a 'thud,' noise as it hit the floor. They kept the noise to a minimum as they searched for Y/n.

Just as they both had finished killing two vamps, they heard a distant yell coming from a few rooms down, "Where the hell is the Alpha!" Dean and Bobby both shot one another a worried look before quickly rushing towards the room.

They both paused on one side of the door frame, the oldest Winchester poking his head around to see Y/n tied to a chair. Her face was bloodied and she looked exhausted. Dean hated to see her like this, she was like a little sister to him, and he felt that he had failed to protect her.

Seeing the vamp so close to her set an uneasy feeling in his stomach. The blood-sucker was just inches away, hand wrapped around her jaw in an attempt to use force to get information. He had to give Y/n credit though, she really wasn't going to tell him anything.

"Bite. Me." she retorted again, a grin finding its way to Dean's face for a brief few seconds. He then looked back to Bobby, making motions with his hands, and began mouthing words, executing a plan. Bobby sent a nod back, showing him that he understood. 

Dean sucked in a breath before stepping out from behind the door frame, "Hey twilight! Looking for me?" The vamps head shot his way, moving his attention away from the girl. As soon as she heard his voice, she felt instant relief, she knew they would show.

"You," the blood-sucker grumbled, pointing an accusing finger. "You caused all of this!" He lugged for the Winchester, pinning him to the wall behind him, hands at his throat. He pressed his hands to the vamp's shoulders in an attempt to relieve the pressure around his neck.

"You Winchester's cause too many problems," he snarled, crazy filling his eyes. "Boss said to leave you untouched, but one little bite couldn't hurt, right?"

Dean started to mentally panic as the vampire leaned in closer. Just as his teeth were about to sink into his neck, a 'zing,' sound went through to air following with a thud as the head of the creature fell from the body. Standing behind it with a machete in hand was Bobby.

Once the entire body dropped to the floor, Dean was able to catch his breath. "Thanks, Bobby," he breathed out, patting his shoulder. After taking a minute for himself, he remembered the reason they were there in the first place. "Y/n."

The both of them hurried back into the room, Bobby rushing to untie her hands from the ropes that kept her in the chair. "It's about time, I'm ready to get the hell out of here." She grinned, trying to lighten the moment.

"Apologies that Dean had to go and kill Edward," Bobby said, sarcasm obvious. Y/n snickered, pulling her hands free and standing up. "Where's Sam?"

"Oh, well he's back at the car in case you came running out-" Dean started, only to get cut off.

"You benched him? In a time like this? I'm gonna be surprised if he's still there when we come out." Y/n rolled her eyes before slowly walking from the chair to a small table that held her blade. "Okay, let's just get going before the rest come back."

Dean paused for a brief moment to really look at the injuries to her face. It could've been a lot worse. Blood fresh and dried covered the right side of her face. Her lip was cut and her eyes looked a bit swollen. She didn't seem to have any injuries to her arms or legs, but she looked overall weak. Like she hadn't had proper sleep in quite a while.

Dean led the way with Y/n behind him and Bobby at her back. They rushed out as quickly as they could, only running into a vamp every now and again.

As tired as she felt, Y/n knew that in just a few seconds, she would be able to see Sam. The thought of him holding her close only made her miss his touch even more than she already did. It had been only a day since she went missing, but it had been a few weeks since she'd last seen the boys all together.

The relationship she had with the youngest Winchester was definitely unique. With Dean, it was more of a brother and sister duo, but with Sam, everything felt different. She felt an overwhelming sense of happiness and joy when they hung out. Every time Dean and Bobby would go on a hunt, Y/n would stay behind with Sam to read up on some lore. It was at those points where they bonded the most when they were by themselves.

It was unspoken of, Dean, Bobby, and Cas could always see the connection, but for them, it took the two quite a bit to figure things out. Their relationship for the most part was kept low-key to avoid any creature trying to use it against them. They were careful with what they said and where they said it.

Finally finding the door, the three of them rushed out and onto the small staircase that led to the ground. Y/n paused for a moment when she saw who was leaning against the trunk of the car. "Sam," she smiled brightly, her heart filling with joy. She rushed down the steps as quickly as she could and pushed through the pain as she ran towards him.

Sam heard an all too familiar voice and looked up from the ground to see Y/n running towards him. "Y/n," he called, dropping his weapons to meet her in the middle. He began to jog towards her as well.

As soon as she was close enough, she threw herself onto him, wrapping her arms around his neck and resting her head on his shoulder.

The youngest Winchester felt as if he could finally breathe knowing that she was in his arms. He wrapped them around her, a hand on her head, holding her tight. He could feel a single tear trickle down his cheek as he glanced over to his brother to mouth, "thank you."

Dean sent back a nod in return, giving the two a minute to reunite.


The tires were slick on the road as Dean continued to drive the car through the rain. Bobby sat in the passenger's side so Sam could ride in the back with Y/n to keep an eye on her.

Exhausted from the day she had, Sam had his arm wrapped around her shoulders, holding her close as she instantly fell asleep as soon as the car began moving. His gaze would travel from the window to her, watching her chest rise and fall in a steady pattern. Sadness found its way to him as he studied her injuries. Even in the dark, the amount of blood on her face was still noticeable and would be painful to clean.

Dean and Bobby kept their voices low, knowing that Y/n was asleep for the first time in most likely a few days. She had always struggled with sleep, especially if she was by herself. The girl could go days without sleep with the exception of the occasional nap. It was only when she was with Sam that she could even sleep at all. The comfort of his presence was just enough for her to know that she was safe and that someone was there.

Sam's mind wandered as he thought of the unfortunate outcomes if Dean and Bobby hadn't shown up in time along with his own thoughts of mentally beating himself up. 'Would she be turned?' 'Would they have killed her?' 'Why couldn't I protect her?' 'One simple task and I couldn't do it.'

He didn't realize how deep in thought he was till Dean had called for his attention. "Sammy, did you hear what I said?" Sam shook his head, notifying his brother that he wasn't paying attention. "I said that Bobby and I are going to go get take-out if you wanna take Y/n inside to get her cleaned up."

He never even noticed that the car was no longer on the road, but parked in front of the motel. "Yeah, that sounds fine," he answered. Sam began to slowly rub Y/n's shoulder to wake her up. "Hey," he greeted her as she opened her eyes. The car ride was about an hour, but to her, it only felt like five minutes. "C'mon, let's get you cleaned up."

She groaned, still very tired, but she nodded her head, telling him that she understood. The Winchester opened the car door and stepped out first, boots hitting the pavement before she followed behind. He wrapped an arm around her shoulder to keep her stable as they walked to the door.

Dean and Bobby watched as they disappeared into the room, knowing that they were together and safe, Dean backed out of the parking lot, driving to the nearest Chinese restaurant.


Once in the room, Sam helped Y/n to sit on one of the beds before walking towards the bathroom to claim the medkit.

While he dug through the bathroom, Y/n found one of Dean's jackets lying next to the bed. Knowing what she wanted, she leaned down and picked up the jacket, attempting to ignore all of the pain that followed. She shuffled through the pockets before coming across what she was searching for. She pulled the half-filled flask of Whiskey from the pocket, dropped the jacket back on the floor, untwisted the cap, and took a swig of the liquor. Drinking was never a normal thing for her, it burned the back of her throat, but she didn't care.

Sam watched her actions from the bathroom door before stepping out with the med-kit. Sometimes she could be much like Dean in a way, and that was never good.

He walked to the side of the bed she was sitting on and placed one knee on the ground in front of her. He placed the med-kit on the ground next to him, opened it up, and began getting to work.

"Okay, this might sting a little," he warned before dabbing the alcohol-soaked cotton ball onto her bloodied skin. She sucked in a sharp breath, gritting her teeth together, trying to get through the pain. "Sorry," Sam apologized, having great sympathy for her. Whenever he had to change the cotton ball, Y/n would take another swing from Dean's flask.

"Dean and Bobby went to get food, they should be back soon," he said, attempting to distract her from what he was doing with small talk.

She watched as he concentrated on cleaning her wounds, his eyes rarely leaving the sight of her injuries. He was tender and caring, careful to make it hurt as little as possible. He placed small bandages on a few of the cuts while the others didn't need any.

Right as Sam was about to put on another bandage, he jumped right to his point. "Y/n, you know you can talk to me, right?" He was concerned for her and wanted to remind her that he was there for her.

Y/n took a hold of his hand, stopping him from putting on another bandage. "I know Sam, it's just," she paused, feeling as if she had buried everything up until this point. Another characteristic that she was much like Dean. "One moment I was walking outside of the building, then the next I woke up tied to a chair with a bag over my head. It was dark Sammy, real dark." She sniffled, feeling her emotions surface. Sam stopped what he was doing and stood up, sitting right next to her and wrapping her in his embrace as the tears slipped from her eyes.

"I was alone till I wasn't. The bag was removed and I was faced with five vampires looking at me like I was their dinner. I didn't want them to know how terrified I was, so I put on a mask. Sly remarks and hateful comments, only ending in me getting smacked or threatened, and when they were done talking to me for the time being, I was knocked out, only to wake up to more questions."

Sam's heart broke for the girl, he hated that he wasn't there when she needed him most. He could feel the tears welled in his eyes and that her breathing was becoming a little uneven. He slowly began to pull away from the hug, having Y/n look him in the eyes. "I'm sorry, Y/n. I'm sorry I wasn't there then, but I'm here now, and you're safe." He pulled her back into his chest and held her as she cried.

Like Dean, Y/n would keep her emotions in a tiny bottle and store it at the bottom of her heart. She hated crying more than anything in the world and she always has. But when she's with Sam, she never feels the need to suppress her emotions too much. She knows that she can come to him for anything and visa versa.

She could feel her tears sting the cuts on her cheek, but she couldn't hold them in any longer. She would fear that she'd be judged for crying, but Sam had always encouraged her to talk to him and tell him how she's feeling. He knew her better than anyone, and he knew how she could be when it came down to certain situations.

After a long time of him holding her in his embrace, he felt that she had stopped crying. She sniffled a few more times, but for the most part, the tears had stopped falling. They were both now just sitting on the bed, wrapped in each other's arms.

Sam didn't want to say anything more, and neither did Y/n. She had taken a couple deep breaths after a while, inhaling Sam's scent in the process. It was an extremely comforting smell that she felt that she just couldn't get enough of at times.


"Alright, we waited way too long for these egg rolls so they better be good," Dean had said a little too loudly as he and Bobby entered the motel room, several bags of Chinese food in their hands.

Bobby had lightly smacked Dean's shoulder when he had noticed before him, asleep on one of the beds was a very exhausted Y/n with Sam sitting up next to her, rubbing her shoulder. "Idjit," the older man had mumbled, regarding Dean's obnoxious entrance.

Sam's attention shifted from Y/n to his brother and adoptive Dad, holding food in their hands. He carefully stood from the bed, careful not to wake her, before heading towards the small table that sat by the window of their room.

"How's she holding up?" Bobby asked as he removed the food from the bags and set it on the table. Dean immediately grabbed his boxes of food and began to dive in.

The younger Winchester sympathetically glanced back over to the girl before answering. "She might need some time, but I'm sure she'll be okay. The whole thing just really scared her, I wouldn't blame her if she wanted a day off or something."

"With this job comes a lot of baggage. I'm just glad that she has you to lean on." Bobby said, patting Sam on the shoulder. "You're real good to her."

The three chatted amongst themselves quietly, careful not to wake Y/n. Sam had set aside a few boxes of food and shoved them in the mini-fridge so she could eat it later. By the looks of it, the girl was out for the rest of the night.

They all wrapped up whatever trash they had and threw it away before Bobby left for his room. Dean unzipped his duffel and checked a few of the guns before zipping it back up and sitting it beside his bed. As he was setting the bag back down, he noticed a small silver flask sitting on the nightstand.

"Sammy," he spoke quietly, staring at the flask. All the younger Winchester had to do was send his brother a certain look for him to understand why it was out. Dean nodded his head and decided to leave it there.

After both preparing everything they needed for the morning, Dean laid down on his bed, falling asleep as soon as his head hit the pillow, meanwhile, Sam turned off the lights and changed before crawling into bed next to Y/n.

She was asleep, but awake enough to feel a dip in the bed and hear the rustling of the covers. She rolled over to rest her head on his chest as he wrapped an arm around her, holding her tight. He hoped that she would be able to get some sleep before the morning came around, and they would have to leave for their next case before heading back to the bunker. 
