Runner {Newt}

{TMR imagine} 


"Darling, are you up yet?" Y/n heard a familiar voice and felt a gentle hand being placed on her shoulder. She groaned and opened her sleepy eyes, looking directly at the blonde-haired British boy. She smiled at him, her eyes still half shut. She stretched and yawned, opening her eyes fully and cuddling back into her pillow.

"Sleep well?" He asked in awe, gazing at his girlfriend. She nodded her head. "Come on love, it's your first day in the maze, up and at 'em." He patted her shoulder, getting her to sit up. He knelt down in front of her and looked right into her eyes, causing her to giggle.

"What is it?" He questioned, confused by her little burst of happiness. Y/n didn't say it out loud, but she found it quite adorable when Newt knelt in front of her, his hair flopped in front of his eyes a bit. She gently ran her hand through his hair. "You're too adorable," she blushed.

An even bigger smile was plastered onto Newt's face as he kissed her nose. "Not as adorable as you my love. Now come on, get changed, and meet me at breakfast before Minho decides to eat it all." Newt stood up, bringing her up with him, leaving no space in between. She placed a gentle kiss on his lips, making his cheeks turn all rosey.

"I'll see you in a few my love," she bowed, mocking his accent. He just shook his head and left her to change into the proper attire. All of the clothes were given to her by Minho and Thomas, so they were a little big on her, but she manages to work with them. She tied a knot in the t-shirt that Minho had given her with a string, making it fit her better. She used leather straps for the pants that Thomas had lent her and wrapped them around her upper thigh and around her shin, making them tight but not too tight. She was lucky that she had her own boots and then the only thing left was the little chest pack that Gally had given her from their previously deceased runner. Just like that, she was ready.

She walked out of the little wooden hut and scanned the area to find Newt. Once she laid her eyes on him, she jogged over to where he and everyone else was sitting. She quietly sat down next to him and taking notice of her presence, he wrapped an arm over her shoulder, holding her close.

Everyone knew about Newt's feelings towards Y/n the day she came up in The Box. The way he looked at her was unlike any way he had ever look at someone before, it was a new and foreign feeling for the most part, but as time went on, they grew to know each other, to love each other. Surely he would receive a jealous joke from the other boys on occasion, telling him how he was lucky enough to find someone in Glade. She was the first girl to be sent up to the Glade, so of course, all of the boys were skeptical and intrigued, but she seemed to only ever have eyes for Newt.

Newt passed her some food that Frypan had cooked up and she began to eat.

"You're gonna need a lot of strength and energy for today," Minho said, ruffling her hair and sitting on the other side of her. She just laughed and repeated his action towards him, earning a smile. He would always remember how they found out about Y/n's capability to run.


She was curious to explore more of the glade, she wanted to know what was there. So she ventured out into the woods on her own. No one had told her the dangers that it held, however. As she ventured farther, she began to see a few dead animal carcasses scattered throughout the woods. They were really much of animals anymore, just some bones and flesh.

Deep in thought, admiring her new surroundings, she heard a terrible scream as a boy ran towards her. He put two hands on her shoulders and violently shook her, babbling gibberish. She freaked out herself, removed his hands from her shoulders, and turned around, bolting for the hills. She luckily remembered her way back and ran as fast as she could, stumbling into Alby and Minho as soon as she saw them. Although they weren't happy with her choice of going into the woods, they waited to hear her out. Her breathing was heavy as she tried to catch her breath. Minho was interested in her explanation, but he was completely shocked by how incredibly fast she was.

She began explaining what she saw then received a hard lecture from Alby, which she felt was well deserved. After everything was sorted out from there, Minho pitched the idea of Y/n becoming a runner, along with Thomas. And after much disagreement and discussion, Gally and Alby came to terms with the idea.

When she first heard the idea, she began to freak out, unsure of what to do. She was still fairly new to the Glade at the time and it scared her. She didn't remember anything from her life before it, let alone like the idea of her running through a giant maze with two people that she didn't even know. She didn't believe, have confidence, or even think she could do it, but around that time was where Newt came in.

As she sat on a log in front of the fire that very same night, she felt a presence next to her, he introduced himself and offered her a jar of a strange looking liquid. Once she took a sip and started coughing, he began to laugh. "It's disgusting at first, but you get used to the taste." She turned and looked at the stupid smile that was on his face, both angry and embarrassed that he found her dislike of the drink amusing.

"I'm Y/n," she forced a smile, shaking his hand. Soon enough, the smile was no longer forced, Newt took her mind off the fact she was here by telling her some weird jokes and made up stories, making her laugh. The blonde boy liked the sound of her laugh, immediately feeling like he could listen to it for hours, no, days, and never grow tired of it.

Minho watched them interact from afar, knowing that deep down, Newt was her key to it all.


Newt lightly chuckled at his girlfriend's actions towards his friend, making Thomas laugh as well. Y/n didn't say anything, but out of the corner of her eye, she saw a small smile appear on Gally's face. Ever since her arrival, despite being stuck in the Glade with nowhere to go, Y/n put everyone in a better mood. She would run around with Chuck during the daytime, helping him pull silly pranks on the other boys. She was a joy to have around, one of the many reasons why Newt loved her.

After breakfast, they all made the small trek to the entrance of the maze. Newt and Y/n walking hand in hand. She all of the sudden felt anxious, feeling her heart pounding faster. She squeezed Newt's hand tighter, giving him a signal of how she was feeling. As a small group of boys were standing in front of the maze to see the runners off, Newt spun Y/n to face him.

"Listen to me," he started, generally tucking a strand of hair behind her ear, calming her instantly. "You're strong my darling, I know you can do this." He caressed her cheek with his hand before pulling her in for a kiss. She placed a hand on the back of his neck, holding him close. He then pulled away and stared directly into her eyes, "I love you, now please come back to me in one piece." he smiled at the end.

Just as she was about to return the three words Minho interrupted their moment, "Don't worry Newt, I'll bring her back in one piece." He called from the front of the maze, standing there with Thomas, waiting for her.

This caused them both to laugh before she returned an, "I love you too," before releasing her hand from his, walking towards the two other boys. She stood at Minho's side and glanced at both of them. "Ready?" she answered, raising an eyebrow.

"Let's do this." Thomas nodded his head, letting them know that he was ready. The maze soon opened, revealing the great, tall, shifting metal walls. Minho looked at them both before they took off into the maze, hearing it eventually shut behind them.

Newt looked at the now shut wall. Although most could have the thought of doubt in mind, he knew that she wouldn't have gone if she couldn't. And it would be Newt to say that, "believe me, she was more than ready." He had faith in her, he knew that she was now aware of what she was doing. He was proud of her and would count down the hours until she returned safely and in his arms. 
