Back To You {Kai Parker}

{TVDU Imagine} {AU}

{Now this one is a little longer but I promise it's worth it. I think this is my favorite imagine I've ever writen!}

May 20, 1994

"And... We're here," Y/n said as her and the Bennet witch entered a cave with a coffin in the center of it.

"And, you are sure you want to do this?" The Bennett witch asked with a concern look.

"Never been more sure of anything in my whole life." She fake smiled, recalling the most unfortunate event that happened only a week ago...

May 10th, 1994

"I can't believe they're letting you merge with Jo, Kai, this is amazing!" She cheered, kissing him happily on the lips. Kai's hands moved from the knick-knacks on the table to her hips immediately, pulling her closer.

"Easy there tiger," he pulled away with a cheeky smile. "When the merge is successful, we can celebrate," he winked, earning a playful smack on the arm from Y/n.

"Don't get too ahead of yourself Parker," she grinned, wrapping her arms around his neck. "I can guarantee that you'll win, but don't count too much on that after party."

"Awh come here!" He pulled her even closer before pinning her on the bed. He then began to tickle her, making her burst into fits of giggles.

"Kai!" she squealed between giggles, "stop it!"

After a few moments, Kai stopped what he was doing and was now hovering over her.

"You know you're really beautiful right?" he smiled, eyes traveling from her eyes to her lips. This made Y/n blush and hide her face in her hands.

"I'm serious Y/n," he sighed, removing her hands from her face. "You're really beautiful."

In response to his comment, she leaned up and pecked his lips, smiling at him. "And you're really adorable."

"Why thank you," he replied, leaning down to kiss her again. The one thing Kai enjoyed more than magic, was Y/n and her kisses. There was something about her soft, plump lips that drove him crazy. He loved kissing her and could honestly do it all day and never get tired.

"What are you thinking about?" she asked, breaking him out of his thoughts.

"Just about how much I love you Y/n," he said as he tucked a piece of hair behind her ear and kissed her nose.

"Interesting, because I was just thinking about how much I love you," she smiled, running her hand through her hair.

No one in the Gemini Coven ever understood how or why Y/n was with Kai because he was such a monster in their eyes, but what Y/n saw was a different story. She saw a boy who had been mistreated by his own flesh and blood for years. A boy who had been outcast for being born different. Y/n saw the good in Kai that no one else saw. Everyone who ever thought that he'd never been able to love someone other than himself, was proven wrong. Y/n loved everything about Kai, his laugh, his smile, his eyes, his personality. The reason he was so different with Y/n, was because he was himself. She accepted him and actually loved him for who he was, and that's all he felt he needed in life.

"Do you have to do the merge? Because I would really just like to lay here for the rest of the day." she sighed. Kai was now laying on his back with his arm wrapped around her snuggled into his side.

"As much as I'd love to snuggle with you for the rest of my life, I have to do the merge, or the coven will fall." he explained, planting a small kiss on her head before sitting up. "Come on, it's time to go." Y/n sat up as well and Kai draped his arm around her shoulders, pulling her close before standing up and walking out the door of their current home together.


Leaves crunched under their feet as they came closer to the place of the merge. Y/n held onto Kai's hand so she wouldn't fall behind. They knew they had reached the site when they approached a wide circle of witches surrounding Jo. Y/n grabbed Kai's arm before he entered the circle, placing a soft kiss on his lips.

"I love you Kai, I know you can do it!" she assured, pressing her forehead to his.

"I love you too Y/n." He said, stepping away from her and walking into the circle, standing in front of Jo.

"Alright, let's get this started," he smiled brightly, taking Joe's hands in his. The witches around them began chanting as Y/n watched nervously. She had faith in Kai, she knew he could do it.

About halfway into the chant, she saw that Kai's hands were no longer in Joes, but holding his head, grunting in pain. Jo took a careful step back and stared at him with fear in her eyes.

"Kai!" Y/n shouted. She began rushing towards him and was about 3 feet away before she was stopped by a ridiculous amount of pain being shot through her head. It felt as if her blood vessels were popping one by one.

"Kai, what's happening?" she managed to say weakly over the pain.

"I don't, know," he struggled to answer. The pain brought them both to their knees as it intensified. The Gemini coven was chanting a spell, but nothing that Kai was familiar with. Just as it became almost unbearable, Y/n and Kai were able to keep their eyes open to see Josh Parker come out of the trees, chanting the same spell.

"Kai, you will not hurt another member of this coven ever again." He kept a stern tone between chanting. Kai looked over at his girlfriend, who was looking at him with sad eyes.

"Kai," she panted, growing weak by the hold a witch had on her.

"Hey, Y/n, look at me." Kai attempted to fight against the spell so he could comfort her. "Baby, I love you, and I'm going to come back to you, do you understand me?"

He watched as tears began to slip from her eyes as she nodded her head, "I- I understand. I love you Kai, keep me in your heart."

He tried to put a smile on, that famous Kai Parker smile that only brought her joy and happiness. He couldn't stand to see her cry but he couldn't seem to stop the tears from escaping from his own eyes. The last few moments of Kai's life in this world were spent getting his last looks at the love of his life, before a flash of light appeared, blinding almost everyone there.

When Y/n opened her eyes, all of the Gemini coven was scattered across the ground. There was only one person missing however and that was the person that brought her joy.

"Kai!" she immediately called. "Kai!"

She managed to pick herself up and stumble over to where Josh Parker was lying, groaning from the power of the spell. 

"What did you do to him? Where is he?" she asked in a panic. Josh picked himself up and stood facing her.

"He's gone. He's some place where he can't kill any more of my kids!" he shouted loud enough to wake everyone.

"No," she backed away in disbelief. "No. Bring him back!"

"I can't! Kai needs to be gone for good and this, this was the only way!" He shouted over her. Y/n looked around at the coven, shocked that they would do such a thing to their own flesh and blood. She became speechless, turning away and running from the entire coven. Kai couldn't have been gone, there was just no way.

She ran through the forest for the rest of the night looking for him. When she was unsuccessful, she waited until she was behind her front door to burst into tears. Her Kai, her soulmate, her whole world had just been ripped away from her, and there was no possible way that she knew how to deal with that pain.


May 20th, 1994

"Alright, I can begin the spell once you step into the coffin." the Bennett witch told her. Y/n gave her a simple nod as she stepped into the coffin and layed down.

"Now remember, under no circumstances shall you or any of your ancestors open this coffin and remove the spell unless Kai is back, understood?" she ordered, crossing her arms over her chest. The witch gave her a reassuring nod before chanting the spell.

'I'm gonna see you again Kai, remember to come back to me, I love you.' was her last thought before she just saw complete darkness.


Present Day Mystic Falls

Y/n opened her eyes to see a bright light that had taken over the cave. Not only that, but she saw a girl chanting words over her.

It took a few moments to realize that she was awake. And her being awake could only mean one thing,


"Nope, wrong answer, Bonnie." the young Bennett witch replied.

"What?" she glanced around confused. "No, he's supposed to be out, tell me he's out!"

"Nope, and he's never getting out!" Bonnie said with no sympathy towards her. "I was told you were here with a preservation spell. Couldn't have you wasting your years asleep, waiting for your boyfriend to escape the prison world. You have a chance to live, so why not use it."

"No, you don't understand, I can't live my life unless he's in it, put the spell back! Please." she pleaded.

"No, I think I like this. It's time to start living your life Y/n." she sighed, walking out of the cave, leaving her by herself in the now open coffin. She placed her head in her hands and let the tears flow, remembering the events that happened so long ago.

After what seemed like forever, she wiped her eyes and looked all around before stepping out of the coffin. She was a little wobbly at first but balanced herself against the wall. She placed her hand in front of her face to shield her eyes from the bright sunlight that came through the opening.

"Okay, I guess the first step into a new world is to get new clothes and a drink." She said to herself, walking out of the cave and into town.


Y/n awkwardly walked around the new Mystic Falls, questioning to herself why everything looked so different. She knew she had to find out what time she was in, luckily, she stopped her favorite clothing store that was still in the same place as it was in 1994.

She walked into the store, causing the bell to ring. The woman behind the register didn't even look up from her phone. Y/n walked through the clothing ranks and picked out some items that would fit. She grabbed the clothing and went up to the register. The lady behind the counter began to scan them.

"Excuse me ma'am, can you tell me what year this is?"

The lady looked up, not even surprised by the question. "2012," she answered. This made her expression drop, realizing that she had been spelled in the coffin for 18 years. She wiped the look of shock off of her face to ask the lady another question.

"Do you know where a bar happens to be?"

"Mystic grill, about a block from here." she answered, handing over Y/n's new clothes in a bag. She thanked the women behind the counter and walked out of the store, making her way to the grill.


Y/n changed into the clothes in the bathroom before taking a seat at the bar.

"What might we be having beautiful?" The bartender asked, flirting a little.

"Bourbon, lots of it please," she exhaled, placing her head in her hands. The bartender seemed to take the hint and poured her a glass. She took a sip of the alcohol and set the glass back down. All she could think about was Kai and it was impossible for her to stop.

"Keep'em going," she said, setting back down. The bartender poured her another and right as she was about to drink it, a voice snapped her out of her lonely thoughts, making her freeze.


She knew that amazing voice anywhere, but was almost too scared to turn around, afraid it wasn't real. But knowing that she had to turn around eventually, she did, coming face to face with the one and only Kai Parker.

"Y/n, is it really you?" Kai was also frozen with shock, completely confused as to how she was here right now.

"Kai," she hesitantly stepped down from the barstool. Then, something told her that this was real, something had just convinced her, that this was not fake. That sliver of hope she'd been holding onto, was helping her see the light.

"Oh my god, Kai!" she ran into his arms, wrapping her legs around his waist and arms around his neck. Tears of joy shed from the both of them as they held onto each other tight. Kai longed to have her in his arms for 18 years, and that moment had finally came.

"I missed you so much baby," he whispered as his tears fell onto her shirt. They didn't care how many people were looking at them funny, they only cared that they were with each other once again. "You have no idea."

"I can't believe you're here." she whispered in disbelief. After what seemed like hours of them holding each other, Y/n jumped down and became face to face with him. His hands moved to the back of her neck as she cupped his face in her hands.

In an instant, Kai brought his lips to hers, not wanting to wait another second. Y/n could feel him smile into the kiss, which only made her smile. Kai never forgot her kisses and missed them more and more as the days went on. After several minutes, they both parted from the kiss and smiled brightly.

"I thought I'd never see you again." She said quietly as more tears rolled down her cheeks.

"I told you that I'd come back to you, you didn't think I was lying did you?" he smirked. "I'm curious to know how you still look so young, was it-"

"Preservation spell," she finished for him. "I had a Bennett witch do it about a week after they sent you away, I couldn't live with the fact that you were gone Kai, you're too important to me. I told the witch to have her ancestors free me from the spell when you were back, but then a few hours ago, another witch, Bonnie Bennett freed me of the spell. My first thought was you, I thought you were back, but she said that you were never coming back, and that broke my heart and-"

Kai stopped her from rambling by kissing her again, cutting her off. "The important thing is that I'm back now Y/n, I'm here with you, and that's the only thing that matters." Y/n looked right into his eyes, remembering how much she missed them.

"Do you think our home is still there?" she asked, changing the subject.

"Well, I don't know? It might depend on if someone lifted the cloaking spell or not." He grinned, knowing that she'll be happy about their home still being there. An even bigger smile broke out onto her face.

"C'mon baby, let's go home." Kai swung an arm around her shoulder as he escorted her out the door and down the walkway.


The couple had been walking for about 20 minutes before coming upon an open field and with the wave of Kai's hand, their beautiful home appeared out of thin air. Y/n squealed with joy as she ran to the front door, opening it to reveal everything as it was 18 years ago. And best of all, not a speck of dust in sight.

"I've been out of that god awful prison world for a few days, looking for you. But when I couldn't find you, I assumed that you had moved on." he began as they walked into the kitchen. "I came back here and noticed that everything was full of dust, apparently a cloaking spell still can't keep the dirt out," he snickered. "So I cleaned it up a bit, thinking that you'd come back to it one day. I've been hiding out here ever since."

Y/n ran her hands along the countertop. It didn't feel like it had been 18 years for her, but for him, she was curious as to what happened.

"Tell me Kai, what happened to you in there?" she asked with concern as she jumped onto the counter top. Kai took a few steps forward and stood in between her legs, placing his hands on her hips.

"Alright," he sighed. "I was so confused when I first arrived because everything was as it should've been. I was in Mystic Falls, but not in Mystic Falls. The first thing I did was look for our house, which was cloaked, so I absorbed the spell and kind of just hung out there. There wasn't much food in the fridge, so I decided to go into town. It was weird, it was like I was the only person there. Stores and businesses were empty, the streets and houses, also empty. I didn't know what was going on at first so after I basically stole what I needed, I went home."

"Once I was at home I made myself dinner and then went to bed, hoping that I would wake up with you next to me. Sadly, I was wrong. When I went out to get the paper, the top of the article said May 10th, 1994. There was also news about a solar eclipse that day. I went on the day trying to figure out what the hell was happening. At the end I made food and went to bed. The next morning I woke up on the same day again and by the 4th day, I realized where I was. My coven trapped me in a prison world, where that same day repeated over and over again. It was literally my own personal hell and the only reason I didn't resort to death, was because I wanted to see you. You were and still are my only reason to live. I'll spare you the detail from when Bonnie Bennett and Damon Salvatore arrived because it was all uphill from there." he smiled, tucking a piece of hair behind her ear.

"You lived the same day for 18 years? God I feel like an idiot now, " Y/n dropped her head in her hands. "I literally took the easy way out while you suffered-"

"Hey," he interrupted, removing her hands from her face and wrapping them around his neck. "Don't start blaming yourself now baby, I probably would've done the same if the situations were reversed. But now I don't have to worry about that anymore, because I have you here with me now, and that all that matters."

She gazed into his eyes before their lips met in the middle yet again. Kai and Y/n couldn't seem to get enough of each other now that they were together again. An outsider looking in could call them a different version of Romeo and Juliet, but their love for one another was no comparison. Their love was stronger than anyone could ever imagine.

Y/n wrapped her legs around Kai's waist as he carried her from the kitchen counter, to their bedroom. Their kissing continued for a long while before they finally stopped to take a breath. Kai adjusted himself so instead of hovering over her, he was laying right beside her. She scooted as close as humanly possible and he wrapped his arms around her.

"Kai." she said as she traced little patterns on his shirt.

"Yes Y/n?" he smiled, looking down at her.

"I love you," she pecked his nose, giggling.

"I love you too," he replied, returning the same action.


(A/n: I hope you guys enjoyed this cute imagine. Sorry if the ending sucks, I didn't know what else to do for it. If you have any requests, feel free to dm me or comment! And don't forget to vote!)
