Shoebox Letter {Kai Parker}

{TVDU Imagine}


"Wow, it's been almost 2 years, and I still don't know how I'm holding it together. I've had more trouble than ever coming to terms with this, and I feel so stupid for not visiting sooner."

"I found the box in case you're wondering," she said with a sad smile, trying to keep the tears at bay. "I went back to our spot to talk to you and I found the small shoebox by the tree. I opened the lid and saw the envelope first thing. I didn't want to open it, to be honest, I wanted to destroy it because that's how lost I felt without you. But I decided against it and opened it and read the note." she sniffled, unfolding a piece of paper from her pocket,

"Dear sweet Y/n," she read out loud.

"If you're reading this, then that means that things didn't go as planned. I lost my battle, and I will beat myself up forever, knowing that I didn't come home to you."

"You were truly the best thing that ever happened to me and don't you forget it. Every minute of my time, I made sure to spend it with you because you Y/n, you were my whole universe. You pulled me from the dark, keeping me in the light with your incredible smile and beautiful personality. You showed me what it was like to feel loved and to love back. I didn't ever think it was possible for someone to love me for who I was, my own family had outcast me for crying out loud. But when I saw your face for the first time, I felt all tingly inside. When I made you laugh for the first time, oh god, your laugh, it was like music to my ears and I wanted it on repeat forever. And when you did that cute thing when you were annoyed with me, what was it called again? Ah yes, ignoring. It almost seemed 'physically impossible for you to stay that way because, by the end of the night, I was able to hold you in my arms again.

"You made my hellhole of a life worth living as soon as you stepped through that door Y/n. You helped me now I want to help you."

"I want you to find someone one day. I want you to go on cute dates and have your first movie nights. I want you to fall in love then shed tears of joy as he gets down on one knee, asking you to marry him. I want you to live in a small house in the countryside, just like you always wanted to. I want you to have kids and watch them grow up, to see them graduate from high school then college. I want you and your husband to sit in those rocking chairs on the porch on a sunny afternoon as your kids bring your grandkids for a visit. I want you guys to grow old together."

"All I can say is that you were the love of my life Y/n. I wished that someday you would be Y/n Parker, but I knew deep down that that couldn't happen. So I want you to live the life you always dreamed of, not for me, but for yourself. Have the family that I wasn't able to give you. Have the husband that can spend the time with you that I couldn't offer. Live a healthy and happy life without me. Promise me Y/n, please promise me."

"Sincerely, the love of your life, Kai Parker."

By this time she was crying her eyes out. Not a day went by when she didn't think about him, it was impossible. He was her everything and for him to get ripped from her felt so unfair, like that world had turned against her.

"I'm sorry for not visiting sooner Kai," she sniffled, wiping her nose with her sleeve. "It's just been so difficult to bring me here because everything reminds me of you."

"I still haven't come to the best terms yet, it's like I'm sitting around, just waiting for you to come back, when we both know that that's not going to happen." she sighed, wiping her tear-stained cheeks.

"It's very rare that people check up on me you know. I've only heard from Bonnie Bennet about once or twice, but I was Kai Parker's girlfriend, or as others called me, the female psychopath." she scoffed before putting the sad smile back on. "They said that I was a psycho for even being with you, when they didn't even give a rats ass to look at the facts. You made me my best self and I brought out the best in you. No one seemed to notice or care but now that I think about it. We were happy, so what did anyone else's opinion matter."

Y/n of course couldn't see it, but Kai was there, standing right behind her, watching and listening to every word she said. He wanted nothing more than to hold her in his arms again as she rambled about god knows what. But being on the other side didn't give him the opportunity. All he could do was watch over her like he has been for the past few years. Somehow he was allowed to visit earth and check in on her, and her condition shatters his heart. The only thing he had was hope that she would be able to eventually move from this.

"I miss you, Kai," she quietly said under her breath. "I miss you every damn second of every day, but I can't change what has happened."

"I think I'm gonna come here tomorrow, I think it might help if I talk to you more, and plus, someone's gotta replace the flowers." She sadly looked at the headstone that read, 'Kai Parker, 1972-2013.'

"They could've put more effort into your headstone at least." she scoffed, wiping the tears from her cheeks. Y/n stood from her place on the ground, she then crouched down to make sure the flowers were property placed before standing back up. She took a deep breath in an attempt to collect herself a little then folded the letter back up, shoving it into her pocket.

"I love you, Kai Parker, I'll come by tomorrow, I promise." she blew a kiss at his headstone before turning around and walking back to her car.


4 years have passed since Y/n began visiting Kai Parker's grave. At the start, she went every day, sometimes twice in one day, but as time went on, she began lessening the days and now tries to visit at least once a week.

"Hey Kai," Y/n quietly greeted the headstone, placing flowers right next to it. "I should probably fill you in since it's been a few days. Not much has happened besides the fact that I've been going out more with a few new friends. They've really helped me come out of my shell."

"Oh, and before I forget to mention it, I have a date in a couple of hours." She happily smiled to herself. "I started talking to this really nice guy while grocery shopping and we just sort of, clicked I guess."

"He's meeting me at the grill, said he wanted to get to know me better."

"I just want to let you know that I'm not gonna stop coming here. I will always find time to visit Kai."

Y/n spent about an hour rambling on about the past few days before a reminder popped up on her phone.

"Looks like I gotta head to the grill now, I'll come by next week." She blew a kiss at his grave and turned around, walking to her car. She hopped on the driver's side and pulled out of the grass and into the road.


Y/n removed the keys from the ignition, grabbed her purse, and walked into the grill. She carefully looked around the tables until she spotted the person she was looking for. She took a deep breath before confidently walking over to the table.

"Hey, I'm glad you could make it," he smiled, standing from his chair to give her a friendly hug.

"Me too," she smiled brightly, accepting the hug before sitting across from him.

"So," he placed his elbows on the table and his chin in his hands, grinning, "Tell me more about yourself." Seeing his facial expression only made her hide her face in her hands as she giggled. Y/n soon removed her hands from her face and tried to focus her attention back to him, when she saw a familiar face.

Standing on the other side of the restaurant, with the biggest smile on his face, was Kai Parker himself, or, almost himself. Seeing him made her freeze for a few moments as he gave her two thumbs up, mouthing "Good luck." Once she blinked, he was gone.

"Hey, are you alright?" her date asked, placing his hand in hers on top of the table.

"Yeah," she grinned, giving his hand a squeeze. "I'm fantastic."


(A/n: Sad boi hours🥺🥺 I hope you all liked this one!)
