Stars {Newt}

{TMR imagine}

(A/n: Hello everyone, I just wanted to say that this imagine was inspired by  one of wetwillystilinski shifting stories on tiktok that involved Newt. Sorry I forgot to publish last night! Happy late Valentine's day! Hope you enjoy the imagine!)


She tried to be as quiet as possible. Careful not to wake the other Gladers, she quietly stepped out of her hammock and slipped on her shoes. It was dark by this time, so it was difficult to see where she was stepping. But lucky the moon was shining bright enough so that she wouldn't trip over one of Chuck's many little packs that he kept next to his hammock.

Because the moon was shining bright enough to find her way, she was able to avoid things like the other Gladers in their hammocks, the small tables that she would most definitely trip over and wake someone up, and the blades that some would carelessly leave on the ground. She knew that she would most definitely cut her foot without any issues.

In a hammock, not too far from hers, Newt laid wide awake, thinking. He didn't know what he was thinking of or trying to think about, but for some reason, he just couldn't sleep.

The faint sound of light footsteps, however, had broken him out of his thoughts. He looked to his left to see someone carefully walking out into the open of the Glade, not in their hammock. Newt already had a pretty accurate guess of who it could be, the long hair waving around to give it away.

He waited till she was almost fully out of his sight before swinging his legs over the side of his hammock. He also walked quietly, careful to not wake anyone. The dirty blonde-haired boy kept a distance but followed her to where she was going.

Once Y/n was clear of any other hammocks, she didn't have to worry so much about where she stepped, as long as it wasn't under a tree, snapping a twig, then she was all good.

The Glade was a wide-open space, for the most part, meaning that she had a perfect view of the night sky. She took a deep breath, breathing in the fresh night air. She closed her eyes and felt the faint breeze against her face, going through her hair. She listened for the crickets that chirp at night in the woods. Her sleep schedule wasn't the best, it never was, Glade or not. One of the few things that she could remember from her life before was that she had a terrible sleep schedule. That and her name and some of the constellations.

The night time was much more relaxing and way less chaotic than during the day time. Since she was the only girl in the Glade, it was difficult to get time to herself, especially since Alby didn't want her to ever be on her own. He and all of those boys truly underestimated her and her survival skills.

Y/n then opened her eyes then laid down in the grass, the star-filled sky now surrounding her vision almost completely. She mentally noted to herself the constellations she saw and what ones she would try and make out. It was very difficult, but once in a blue moon, she would memorize one. She would get so happy inside, but no one would ever know, because this was something that she had herself. She'd bet 100 bucks that most of the boys would pester her to educate them on the tiny and distant balls of fire in the sky.

Newt leaned up against one of the small wooden huts and watched Y/n as she felt the breeze blow through her hair. He watched as she looked around the night sky before laying down in the grass. After a few moments of her being by herself, Newt decided to walk over and join her. His footsteps were quiet and he in no way surprised or startled her. She knew he was there, but her attention was to the sky.

Newt silently walked over to her side and laid down right beside her. He placed his hands behind his head and stared up at the sky, trying to figure out what she was doing.

"What are we looking at?" he finally asked after a few moments of silence. He wasn't quite sure of what she was doing at all.

"We're looking at the stars," she answered quietly back, not giving him any context.

"I can see that, but are we looking for anything specific?" He asked, making Y/n playfully roll her eyes. "Shouldn't you be asleep?" She questioned, trying to change the topic.

"I could say the same about you." He answered, sending her a small smile, even though her eyes were on the sky. She let out a sigh, knowing she couldn't avoid his question, she said in a quiet voice, "we're looking for constellations."

That brought a bit of confusion to Newt's face, taking he had never heard of that word as far as he knew. Just as he was about to ask another question, she read his mind, "A constellation is a group of stars that form a recognizable pattern in the sky. I guess a simpler way of saying it is that, it's like connect-the-dots, only with your mind and imagination." Newt was shocked that she knew this, especially since the only thing anyone else can seem to remember is their name.

Instead of prying at her weirdly memorized knowledge, he wanted to know more. "Do you know any?"

"Yeah, I know a few," she shrugged. "You see those three stars that are in a line over there?" She asked, pointing up and further towards her right. It took him a minute before he saw it, but he wanted to be sure.

"There?" he pointed in the same direction.

"Yeah, now, do you see the star below the furthest one on the left?" She moved her hand down more. Newt immediately saw exactly where she was pointing and nodded his head, telling her she could continue. "That there is Orion's Belt."

Newt was surprised by her knowledge of the stars, he actually found it silly that someone would name a star.

"Are you making this up?" He chuckled, moving his attention from the sky to her. She finally looked away from the stars and looked the British boy in the eyes.

"Now why would I be making this up?" she asked in a matter-of-fact tone, thinking about how funny his question sounded to her.

"I'm just saying, I find it quite ridiculous that someone would give a name to an imaginary line of stars." He said, adjusting himself so that his elbow was resting on the ground and his whole body was facing Y/n.

"Well, I guess the world we knew was pretty ridiculous then huh?" She answered, mirroring his position.

"How do you know all of this stuff? Everyone else that comes up in the box can only seem to their name and that is it."

She broke eye contact and looked at the ground in front of her. "Well, I guess I'm not everyone else then. I've never said anything, but since you've backed me into a corner, I'll tell you," she said, making eye contact again.

"I remember this stuff, it's weird. While most can only remember their name, I remember my name, the fact that I had a terrible sleeping pattern, and constellations." she sighed. Although she liked her own little secret, Y/n also enjoyed telling someone about it. "Now I only know a few, but once in a great while, I'll remember one."

Newt was actually very intrigued by her knowledge. Not only did he like hearing her voice, but he also found her adorable when she talked about things she liked. After a long pause of silence between the two, Newt decided to ask yet another question.

"Do those stars make anything?" he asked her, pointing up and more towards her left. She rolled back onto her back to see where he was pointing.

"That's the big dipper," she grinned. "And right next to it is the little dipper."

"Hey, they look like Frypan's ladle," Newt chuckled, causing a smile to appear on both of their faces.

"Huh, I never thought of it that way." She turned her head to look at the constitution from a different angle.

Newt's eye left the sky as his gaze wandered onto the girl that laid not even a foot away from him. Her eyes were still studying the stars however, he hoped that she didn't notice his staring. He admired her love for the stars and he found it really interesting as well.

"Are you just gonna lay there staring and pretend that it's not creepy at all? Or are you gonna ask more questions?" She smirked, not even looking at him.

The British boy was a bit taken aback by her smart answer but continued anyway. "Okay, here's another one for you then, who else knows about your little thing for the stars?"

"No one," she bluntly answered, "just you. All I ask is that you don't go telling everyone about it, I don't wanna have to end up being an astronomy teacher to a bunch of clueless boys." She playfully rolled her eyes again, looking over at him.

"I think I can keep quiet about this, only on one condition though," he smirked, coming up with a small bribe. "If you remember another constellation, I want you to show me where it is in the sky. And, I would also like to come watch the stars with you."

Y/n placed her hand under her chin, pretending to think about his offer. "Hmm, well, it can get lonely out here sometimes," she sighed sarcastically. "I guess I could use the company."

A small smile soon found its way onto Newt's face. "Alright then, it's settled. I keep now our small secret, in exchange for private lessons about the stars."

He stood up and held out his hand for her to take. She just shook her head and accepted. Newt pulled her up from the ground and they were now standing face to face, keeping eye contact for a small second. Y/n was just barely shorter than Newt, in fact, she was about the same height as him. 

"Well then, I guess we better get back to camp. Thank you for the company Newt, goodnight." She quietly said, letting go of his hand and beginning the walk back to her hammock. Newt waited until she was a few feet away before beginning to walk back as well.

He carefully walked around some items that were on the ground and made it back to his hammock. He sighed quietly to himself as he stared up at the moon through the branches on the trees then smiled to himself, proud at the fact that he now knew something no one else did, and the best part of it all, was that it was just him and Y/n, no one else. 
