What the Hell? {Stefan Salvatore}

{TVDU Imagine}


It was a very peaceful night to begin with. Streets were lit up like normal, the weather was nice and warm, and her favorite song was playing on the radio.

Y/n was on her way back from the Salvatore boarding house. She had just spent a nice evening with her boyfriend Stefan before deciding that it was time to go home since she had school the next day. She said goodbye to him before jumping into her car and pulling out of the driveway. Now, she was on a backroad which was a shortcut to her house.

She turned up the radio a little so the music filled her car. She hummed along and tapped her fingers on the steering wheel as she made a right turn. After the song was over and the people on the radio began talking about recent animal attacks in Mystic Falls, she noticed someone lying in the middle of the road. She stopped her car and stepped out, walking towards the person.

"Damon?" she asked aloud, watching as he stood up. "What the hell are you doing?"

"You know, I've always loved that song," he said as he stepped closer to her. "It's just so catchy."

"What do you want Damon-"

Before she could finish her sentence, he looked her right in the eyes and said, "do me a favor, don't move or scream until I say you can."

"Damon, why are you doing this?" she asked with her voice shaky. She knew that Damon and Stefan were vampires, but she didn't know what Damon was capable of.

"Because I'm a vampire Y/n, it's what we do. We're not all like goody-goody Stefan, feeding off of cotton-tail and Bambi, no, we drink human blood," he smirked, moving her hair from off her shoulders, exposing her neck. "And right now, I can practically hear your heart pumping and the blood pulsing through your veins." he traced a spot on her neck. "Just so many things have happened to me recently, and it's not fair that Stefan and his hero hair get it all. So I figured, what better way to cause Stefan trama, then to make a snack out of his girlfriend." 

All Y/n saw was Damon's eyes turn dark before he bit into her neck, drinking her blood. She couldn't scream or move, because he compelled her not to.

It was only seconds, but it felt like hours before Damon lifted his head to take a breath. Right as he did that, someone snuck up behind him and snapped his neck, sending him and Y/n, falling to the ground. This caused her to hit her head, getting knocked out cold.

"Oh god, Y/n," Stefan panicked, hesitating to approach her. She had lost a fair amount of blood and there was no way Stefan could give her his at the moment because she was out cold.

Struggling to fight off the blood lust, he was able to scoop her up in his arms bridal style and speed to the hospital. He ran in the doors, immediately getting the attention of a nurse.

"You're going to assess her injuries and bandage her up. You will not question anything abnormal and when you're done you are to come and get me so I can give her my blood," Stefan compelled a few nurses. They brought out a gurney and he set her down, instantly getting blood on the white hospital sheet. Stefan watched anxiously as they took her through some double doors, disappearing further into the hospital.


Time seemed to have slowed as Stefan waited for one of the nurses to come to get him. He just couldn't stand the fact that he wasn't with her right then and there. His knee hadn't stopped bouncing since he sat down, people complained about his pacing so he tried sitting down or even thinking about the best times he's had with Y/n, but nothing seemed to calm his nerves.

As if it were on cue, a nurse had come out from behind the double doors and called for Stefan Salvatore. He grabbed his jacket and followed her to the room she was in. He stopped the nurse before going in and pulled a pocket knife from his jacket pocket. Stefan asked the nurse to grab a cup before he cut the palm of his hand and squeezed his blood into the cup. Once it was full, he pulled his hand away and looked into the nurse's eyes.

"You are transferring this to her through an ivy and once you're done you will forget this ever happened."

"I will give this to her then forget that this happened." She repeated before stepping into her room to give her the blood while he waited outside of the room, looking into the window to see her unconscious body, hooked up to a few ivy drips. He sighed to himself and shoved his hands in his pockets.

"Well that's just unfortunate isn't it." A voice came from behind him, taking small steps towards him. "I could've sworn that I killed her." he frowned, stepping beside Stefan.

"What the hell are you doing here Damon?" Stefan asked, not taking his eyes off of Y/n.

"Just wanted to see how my baby brother was doing, you know, since I almost killed his girlfriend and all." He struggled, smirking to himself. Stefan didn't know what he did next but he wasn't looking at Y/n anymore, but a pinned Damon against the wall.

"What the hell is your problem, Damon! Elena stops talking to you for 2 days so you decide to take your anger out on my happiness!? If your goal is for me to hate you, then it's working." Stefan relaxed his grip on Damon and backed away, looking back into her room.

"Well I see this put me in a bit of a pickle-" Damon started, but got cut off by his brother.

"Just go, Damon! Take your sorry ass somewhere else and stay the hell away from my girlfriend." He said in a stern tone, not looking in his direction as he opened the door to Y/n's room, shutting it behind him. He slowly walked up to her bedside and pulled up a chair. He sat down next to her and took her hand in his.

"Come Y/n, I know you can do this," he mumbled.

After what felt like hours, he heard a small gasp escape her lips. "Stefan? Ugh, what happened?"

"I'll explain everything when you're feeling a little better," he smiled, stroking her hair. "Let's just say that I'm gonna need to give you a vervain bracelet." Y/n copied his actions and smiled as well, placing her hand on his cheek.

"I'm glad you're okay," he said, placing his hand on hers. "Damon almost killed you-"

"But he didn't, Stefan," she cut him off. "I'm still alive and human. And believe me, Damon will get what's coming to him, I can promise you that." Stefan gazed into her eyes, relieved that she was okay.

The rest of the night was spent with them telling pointless funny stories until Y/n grew tired. Stefan wanted her to stay at the hospital until morning, just to make sure she was healed fully. So she moved over on the hospital bed, making room for him.

"I don't plan on spending the rest of the night alone, so I'd appreciate the company." she grinned, patting the spot next to her. Stefan greatly accepted and moved onto the bed with her on the opposite side of the ivy drips. Y/n moved as close as she could to him as he placed his arm behind her head. She already felt 100x safer.

"Thanks for bringing me here Stefan, I couldn't be more grateful to have you," she whispered as she drifted off to sleep.

"I'm always gonna protect you Y/n so don't you worry, Damon's never gonna hurt you again." He assured her. "Now get some sleep."
