Late Nights {Sam Winchester}

{SPN imagine}

{A/n: This imagine contains ZERO spoilers for SPN! Please do not comment any spoilers for the benefit of the people who have not seen it yet! (specifically S15) Enjoy the imagine!}


The rain wasn't too heavy that night, but she could still hear the raindrops hitting against the window and the top of the car. It wasn't a loud sound, but more soothing than anything, besides the muddy, slippery mess it left behind the next day, Y/n loved everything about the rain.

As she woke up from her unintentional nap, she kept her eyes shut for a little while longer, listening. Not only did the raindrops bring her comfort, but she could also hear the tires against the road and the faint sound of a Led Zeppelin cassette tape coming from the front of the car, along with two quiet voices talking back and forth to one another.

When she opened her eyes, it took her a minute to adjust since it was dark, but not dark enough that she couldn't see. She could make out the outlines of the few burger wrappers that laid on the ground from earlier along with the bottom of the driver's seat.

As Y/n stirred in her seat, she noticed that not only her head was resting on her duffle bag, but that she had a jacket draped over her body. It was a big jacket, so she had a hunch at who it belonged to.

She rubbed her eyes, yawned, and stretched before sitting up from her position in the back of the impala.

"How long was I out for?" She sleepily asked, squinting her eyes a little towards the guys sitting in the front.

"Only about 2 hours, you were pretty tired Y/n," came a voice from the passenger's seat.

"Yeah, as soon as we finished the job you came in here before we were done talking with the parents of the victim. When we came back to the car you were out cold so we didn't bother waking you up. Getting much sleep lately Y/n?" asked a voice from the driver's seat, looking into the mirror to see her.

"Not really Dean if I'm being honest, I guess I'm still getting used to life on the road," she answered, swinging her legs off of the seat and onto the floor. She then moved the oversized jacket off on her legs and slipped her arms through it, putting it on. "By the way, thanks for the jacket, Sammy."

"Anytime Y/n," Sam answered, not looking up from the map in his hands. 

"Hey, are we almost there?" Y/n asked Dean, referring to a motel.

"Yeah, just about 15 more minutes." He said, looking through the mirror again. She replied with a simple 'okay' before sitting in the calming quiet.

A couple of weeks back Y/n ran into Sam and Dean while working a job herself. She's a hunter herself and a longtime friend of the Winchester family. Her dad was a hunter and worked alongside John Winchester, most of the time when they were working on a case together, her dad would bring her to whatever motel John had his boys at and she would just hang out with them for a few days or weeks. She trusted them more than she ever knew and they trusted her. They loved it when they all hung out together, even though Y/n was basically the middle child when it came to the both of them.

They always played games and Y/n would willingly tag along with Dean to play pranks on the other residents of the motels. Sam would come along, but only if she was going. From day one he always had the smallest crush on her. Every time she came around, he felt different, a little more anxious, but he never showed it.

Y/n never thought of liking either of them in that way until recently. She didn't notice that she had gotten closer with Sam since she joined them on the road. Dean sees the obvious signs and whenever Bobby comes around, he and Dean will point it out together.

She was however still getting used to the life of motels and fast food because she worked locally. She had her own townhouse and hunted the demons and other monsters that passed through her town. Bobby never has said it out loud, but he's always thought she was the better hunter if it was between her and the Winchester boys.

It was up until a couple of weeks ago that the boys showed up as she was interviewing someone for a case. She hadn't seen them in roughly 5 or so years at that point and was very excited to catch up.

Now they showed up at cases all over the country, but for it to be the exact one she was working on, she automatically knew that they needed her help. And off she went, by the next morning she had packed her hunting gear into the trunk of the Impala and filled up a small duffle bag with some clothes and bare necessities. She asked her neighbors to house sit for a little while, then joined the boys on the road.

Y/n's gaze wandered around the car, stopping at the little digital clock on the radio, reading the time 2:30 a.m. Finishing a job late wasn't unusual, but since they were on the same case for about a week, they were all beat and could sleep for days.

After about 15 minutes, they pulled up to a small, run-down looking motel. Dean parked the car and was the first to get out, next was Sam then Y/n. She grabbed her duffle bag then shut the door. She joined the boys and Sam draped an arm over her shoulders, pulling her close to his side. It was a little friendly thing he did that she didn't mind one bit.

The three friends walked into the entrance of the motel, going up to the front desk.

"Two rooms please, one with two beds and the other with just one," Dean said to the man behind the counter. Whenever they went to motels, Y/n would almost always get her own room. But when another room wasn't available, she'd end up just sharing the boy's room, meaning that she also shared a bed, which she didn't mind. She would normally just share a bed with Sam because Dean didn't like the idea of sharing his.

"I'm sorry sir, but we only have one room with two beds left." The man said with an accent that Y/n found a little funny, laughing in her head.

"That'll be fine, we'll take that one," Dean answered the man, placing a credit card on the counter. He rang up the total then handed Dean his car back along with the room key that read 234. "Thanks." was all he said before they set off down the hallway to find the room.

It wasn't too difficult since their room was closer to the front desk then they thought. Dean turned the key and opened the door. When he turned on the lights and the three of them were in the room, Y/n looked all around, not expecting any luxury whatsoever from a place like this. The walls were painted burgundy to match the dark red carpet on the floor. The comforters on the beds were also a dark red but with golden-colored vines all over. It was an overall ugly room, but it was better than nothing.

They all removed their jackets and hung them on the coat rack that stood next to the door. Dean called dibs on the bed closest to the door by jumping on it, causing a small chuckle to come from Y/n.

"Alright guys, I'm gonna go change." She said, pointing to the bathroom. She got an 'okay' from Sam before walking into the bathroom and shutting the door. Once she was in the bathroom, she unzipped her duffle bag and took out a pair of Mickey Mouse pajama pants and a white t-shirt that Sam had given her.

After changing into her pajamas and brushing through her hair, she zipped her duffle back up then walked out of the bathroom. She saw that both boys were already comfortable, Dean struggling to keep his eyes open any longer, and Sam sitting on top of the covers of his bed. Once he noticed Y/n, he couldn't help but smile.

"Mickey Mouse, really?" he teased, making her cheeks feel hot.

"Come on Sammy, they're comfortable and warm." She defended herself and her pajama pants. Sam put his hands up in defense before standing up and pulling back the covers so they could both lay down. She set down her duffle by the dresser and crawled into bed next to Sam.

"Alright, if any of you wake me up before 12 o'clock, I'm gonna salt and burn both your asses, goodnight," Dean said before turning off the lamp that lit up most of the room. It was now dark but not dark enough that Sam and Y/n couldn't still see each other.

Y/n would be lying if she said she wasn't tired. Even though she took a nap in the car, she still felt like she could sleep for days. So she wasn't too happy that it was freezing in their room and she couldn't get comfortable.

"Cold?" a deep voice asked from beside her. She adjusted herself again so she could face Sam who was laying on his side to face her.

She nodded her head, "Mmhmm." Sam didn't have to think twice before saying, "come here," opening his arm up to her. She scooched towards him to get closer. He then wrapped his arm around her body, holding her close to his chest.

"Better?" he asked, looking down at her. He didn't have to see her to know that she was smiling into his chest, nodding her head.

"You're warm, thank you." he heard mumble. "Goodnight Sammy."

Sam leaned down only a bit to kiss her head, "Goodnight Y/n." before she drifted off to sleep. The Winchester boy stayed awake a little while longer, admiring the girl before him. He loved the warm feeling he got from her, regardless if they were hugging, cuddling, or play fighting, he loved every minute he spent with her.

Whenever she was elsewhere, he would receive a tremendous amount of teasing from his big brother. But whatever Dean said about Sam's feelings toward Y/n, he knew himself how he felt about her and he planned on telling her soon.

Sam eventually drifted off to sleep with Y/n still in his arms. He wished that he could stay like this forever, but what he didn't know was that the girl in his arms wished for the same thing.
