Always and... {Elijah Mikaelson}

{TVDU Imagine}


Y/n Marshall is the younger sister of Haley Marshall. Both girls have the werewolf gene, but what happens when Klaus gets angry with Tyler Lockwood and uses Y/n for leverage?


It was too difficult to even try to see anything but darkness. Y/n attempted to move when she realized that she was sitting on something cold. Her back also hurt and it felt like she was leaning against metal bars. The ropes tied to her hands and feet burned when she attempted to move, they must have been doused in wolfsbane. She groaned and tired her head, trying a failed attempt to open her mouth, there was nothing but a bandana tied around her head. The unbearable pain from the wolfsbane made her want to cry.

"Cryings not going to solve anything love," a voice came from the entrance that had just opened up. A tall figure hung a lantern that lit up almost the entire area they were in. When he knelt down to her leave, Y/n came face to face with her captor and her eyes widened.

"Klaus," but it sounded extremely muffled.

"You seem to be having trouble speaking, please, allow me." Klaus reached forward and removed the wolfsbane bandana from her mouth. She left out I sigh of relief now that that pain was gone.

"What the hell do you want?" she asked weakly, "and how did I get here?"

Klaus evilly smiled before standing up and beginning to stroll around the room," Well you see love, I have a very big interest in making more hybrids, and seeing that you're a werewolf, I don't see anyone better to turn."

"Then why haven't you already?" she coughed, feeling almost too weak to speak. "Turn me, get it over with."

"I'm afraid I can't do that yet love, you see, you're my leverage," he smirked, using vamp speed, getting closer to her to intimidate her. Klaus got the response he wanted, taking she flinched.

"Klaus! I swear to god if you laid a hand on her I'll-" came a female voice from the tunnel. It was difficult to see who it was because of how weak she felt, but the youngest Marshall wolf was able to squint and see her sister.

"You'll do what?" he raised an eyebrow. "Tell me because I would really like to know."

"Y/n, are you alright?" she asked with worry, only receiving a groan for an answer.

"Elijah! She's in here!" Hayley shouted towards the tunnel. Soon enough, the third oldest Mikaelson walked into the room, a look of panic on his face when he saw the condition Y/n was in.

"Niklaus, let her go now. You have no reason to be keeping her."

"On the contrary, I do actually." Klaus reached down and picked her up by her arm, leaving her to stumble at her feet. "You tell Tyler Lockwood to stop breaking the sire bonds or your sister will be next!" his voice rose, making the weaker wolf tremble in his hands. Y/n was beyond scared because this was her first time actually being face to face with the original hybrid.

Hayley stood her ground, not wanting to give up on breaking the sire bonds, "I'm not gonna be doing that. We are helping them whether you like it or not!" The she-wolf admired how strong her older sister could be at times, wishing she could be more like her.

In an instant, Klaus had bitten into his wrist and pressed it against Y/n's mouth, forcing her to drink his blood. "If you don't tell Tyler to stop, I will kill her!"

Klaus pulled his wrist away from her mouth. She coughed as the hybrid moved quit and positioned his hands around her head, ready to snap her neck. Y/n didn't want to, but she couldn't help but let the tears fall.

"Elijah," she choked on her tears. "I'm scared."

"It's gonna be alright Y/n, you're going to be okay, just, look at me." he soothed. As the tears streamed down her face, she looked at the original vampire that gave her butterflies every time she saw him and stared into his eyes.

Hayley saw the look of terror on her younger sister's face and knew what she had to do. "Fine! I'll tell him to stop, is that what you want to hear?! Now, let her go!"

"Very well then," he smirked, before snapping her neck, sending her now limp body to the ground. Elijah attempted to go after Klaus but he disappeared before he could lay a hand on him. Hayley rushed to her sister's side.

"Oh my god, she was never supposed to get involved with any of this in the first place! But he just had to trigger her damn curse!" Hayley was full of anger and rage, standing up and kicking whatever was nearby. Elijah took Y/n's limp hand in his, mentally cursing at himself for not protecting her. He looked over at Hayley and knew that he had to calm her down before they did anything else.

"Hayley, I need you to listen to me," he ordered, grabbing her shoulders. "I need you to find the doppelganger, Elena Gilbert and I need you to get her blood for your sister, do you understand? I will take her back to the house." She nodded her head and rushed out of the tunnels to Elena Gilbert's house. Elijah knelt down next to her again and slipped one arm under her legs and the other under her shoulders, letting her head dangle.

"You're going to be okay, I'll make sure of it," he spoke aloud before using his vamp speed to take them to the Mikaelson mansion. There, Elijah paused in front of the couch and gently placed her down. He then pulled up a chair and took her hand in his.

"My darling Y/n, I am so sorry that I let this happen to you. It's my fault that you were alone I-" he didn't realize it himself at first until he felt a tear roll down his cheek. "I shouldn't have pushed you away when you needed me. I love you Y/n, and I should've just told you that." He rested his forehead on her hand and kept it there for a while.

"Elijah, I got it," Hayley came rushing in with a blood bag in her hand. She then paused at the sight of the original vampire crying. So she placed the blood bag on the table next to the couch and put a hand on his shoulder.

"Hey, it's gonna be alright. She's gonna wake up and when she does, she can drink Elena's blood and complete the transition," she reassured.

"But what if she doesn't want to complete the transition? Or worse, if she does, she'll be sired to Niklaus for the rest of her life unless you guys can help her." Hayley didn't know a time in her life where she has seen Elijah so distraught. "It's my fault she's in this state right now. If had just stayed with her-"

"Elijah, you need to stop beating yourself up about this, she's not gone forever, she's still going to be half alive," she chuckled, trying to make a joke.

"Ugh, you couldn't come up with anything better sis," came a groan followed by coughs from the couch. Haley and Elijah's eyes glued to Y/n as she was waking."I feel so thirsty."

"Real quick, before you say anything Y/n, we have to tell you your options." Hayley started. "You can either drink the doppelganger blood and complete the transition or you can refuse and... die."

"But if I drink the blood, then that means I'll be sired to the bastard that turned me-"

"Unless we help you break the sired bond." Hayley interrupted. "Y/n we can help you." She saw the hopeful look on her sister's face then her eyes trailed to Elijah.

"Hails, can I have a moment alone with Elijah?" she asked. Hayley nodded before walking into the other room.

"Hey," she weakly smiled at him, earning a sad smile in return. "Elijah, look at me," she placed a hand on his cheek, wiping off the fresh tears with her thumb. He then placed his hand on top of hers. "If you're thinking that this is your fault, then you're wrong, cause it's not."

"But it is Y/n, I left you alone when you needed me when I could've protected you." his eyes become glossy. "But instead I just pushed you away when you just told me how you felt. I know it hasn't been long, and it just came as a surprise, it shocked me, but that is still no excuse for my reaction. And I didn't realize that I felt the same way until you were gone. I love you Y/n Marshall, I should've told you that a lot sooner."

"I love you too Elijah Mikaelson." she smiled, getting his help to sit up. "Now, where's that blood bag?" Elijah reached over to the table and handed it to her. She popped it open then drank it like it was nothing. The blood brought her such a crazy relief. Once it was empty, she placed it on the table next to her and made direct eye contact with the original vampire.

"Now what's that thing you normally say? Always and.."

"Forever," he smiled, closing the gap between them. The kiss didn't last too long though, because of another pair of wolf ears in the room.

"Settle down eager beaver," Hayley chuckled, walking into the room. "She just came back to life, give her a minute." she referred to one of Elijah's hands that were on Y/n's waist and one on her cheek. "Now come on, we've got to break that sire bond as soon as possible, that means it might take a while."

"Okay, just, hang on a minute," she said standing up along with Elijah. "I will see you soon enough," she leaned in, kissing him again.

"Come here sis," she opened her arms, wrapping them around Hayley. "Let's go break this sire bond." 


I really hope you all liked this one because it is just too cute! Don't forget to vote and Happy Thanksgiving to those who celebrate it!🦃
