To the Rescue {Isaac Lahey}

{TWU Imagine} 

(A/n: Okay, so I know the titles a little cringy, but I promise you that this is adorable!)


A party at Lydia's house was nothing new for anyone. Music was loud, teens were drinking, and everyone was either dancing or jumping into the pool. It was pretty chaotic and not 100% Y/n's place to be.

She was here because a friend dragged her to it, telling her that she needed to 'stop being a bum' and to 'get out of the house.' Y/n rejected the offer several times but still had no luck. Her friend had picked her up at 6:30 pm on the dot and they drove to the party. Once they arrived, her friend had left her at the door to go socialize with her more popular friends and to go see Lydia.

Y/n awkwardly stood at the door before walking further in the house, pushing past some sweaty teenagers that wreaked of B.O and alcohol. Once she pushed past the main crowd, she noticed that she was now in the dining room. She saw that there was punch and she filled a glass to have something to do.

After finishing the punch, she threw her cup away and went outside to look for her friend. Seeing that there was just as much of a party outside than there was inside, it was difficult to spot her at first. But when she did, she saw that her friend was sitting on some random guy's lap, making out with him. Sighing to herself, she walked over to the corner and leaned against the wall.

Y/n looked around the party and just watched as everyone had fun. She never really went to parties at all, but her best friend was one of the most popular girls in school, so it was very difficult to avoid these things.

After a few moments to herself, she felt a presence next to her.

"Hey baby," he slurred. Y/n could instantly smell the scent of alcohol coming off of him. The guy placed his hands on her hips and quickly pulled her closer.

"You are so fine, I just wanna," he leaned close to try and kiss her but she pushed his face away.

"Please get off of me," she said, trying not to cause a scene.

"What, do you not want me that bad? Mwah mwah mwah." he slurred again, making kissy noises.

"Please stop it!" she said a bit louder, attempting to pry his hands from her hips.

On the other side of the yard, Isaac Lahey leaned against a wall, bored out of his mind. Derek had told him to come to this party to keep an eye on Lydia and he was practically falling asleep here. He focused his hearing on the party to try and hear Lydia but ended up hearing someone else.

"Please stop it!" He heard a girl cry. Issac frantically looked around the party until he saw where and who the cry for help was coming from. He then heard her cry again, and that gave him just the right hint to look in the right direction. He saw a girl that looked around his age leaning against a wall, and a guy that had his hands on her hips. Isaac watched as the girl tried to pry his hands from her hips with no success.

He thought to himself, trying to come up with a plan that wouldn't make a scene. After a few seconds, a lightbulb went off in his head as he rushed to the punch table and filled a glass. He then walked over to the girl, who was still trying to get this guy away from her.

"Seriously, please knock it off," she said when she finally pried his hands off of her, putting some distance between them.

"Or what?" He smirked, attempting to move in again when someone appeared next to Y/n, wrapping an arm around her shoulder.

"Hey babe, I here's that punch that you wanted." Isaac smiled at her, handing her the glass. She looked at him for a moment and then caught on to what the dirty blonde haired boy was doing.

"Thank you, babe," she responded, taking a sip from the glass. The guys in front of her looked between the two with a shocked expression.

"Hey, this guy wasn't bothering you was he?" he casually asked, adjusting his smile to a more serious look.

"I- wasn't man, I swear!" he cowardly answered, sobering up a little.

"I'm sorry, I don't think I was asking you." He shot the guy a death glare before turning back to Y/n with a concerning look. "Was this guy bothering you, babe?"

"Uh- yeah, he was." She quietly answered enough for him to hear. Isaac looked from Y/n to the guy and took a step forward towards him, removing his arm from around Y/n.

He leaned in close and whispered in his ear, "Keep your hands off of my girlfriend, okay? Cause you have no idea what could happen to you if you ever touch her again." Isaac made direct eye content with the guy, flashing his yellow eyes, indicating a warning. He then returned to Y/n's side and they both watched as the guy backed away scared, leaving the two alone.

"Thank you. You didn't have to do that." she looked up at him with a small smile.

"Well you told him to stop and he didn't, so I had to do something. And that something was not going to cause a huge scene. Besides, he shouldn't have put his hands on you in the first place, drunk bastard." He shook his head, gazing in the direction he backed away. Y/n nodded her head before silence fell over them.

"So, what brings you here anyway? You don't seem like the party type."

Y/n looked in the direction of her friend before answering. "My friend is best friends with Lydia Martin, so she insisted that I come. She told me to stop being a bum but I knew coming here was a bad idea."

Isaac listened for her heartbeat and noticed that it returned to a steady pace when he had approached her in the first place. He nodded his head, indicating that he understood.

"I'm Y/n by the way," she greeted, holding her hand out for him to shake.

"Isaac Lahey," he answered, accepting her handshake. He studied her expressions more to see if she was doing okay.

"Hey, do you want to get out of here, you look pretty anxious," he pointed out to her biting her nails. She looked at her hand before setting it back on her side.

"Well, I suppose it wouldn't be so bad leaving now cause something tells me she's gonna be here for a while." Y/n pointed to her friend, who was still on a guy's lap.

"Alright then, let's get you out of here," he said as he placed his hand on the lower part of her back, keeping her close to him as they walked through the loud and crowded house and out the front door. Y/n didn't know why, but from the moment he appeared next to her, she just felt like she could trust him.

They then walked down the walkway and towards the road.

"Now, I don't have a car, but I could walk with you." he anxiously scratched the back of his neck, feeling embarrassed that he didn't own a car yet.

"That'd be just fine," she grinned. "I don't even live that far anyway. Just about a 10-15 minute walk."


"I knew your name sounded familiar," she placed her hand under her chin as if she was thinking. "My friend talks about you all the time. To be honest, it's a little creepy." she snickered.

"Oh really?" he raised an eyebrow.

"Yeah, she's literally obsessed with the entire lacrosse team. I'm surprised you haven't noticed her obsessing over Stilinski, but she definitely talks about you a lot as well."

Silence fell over them for a few minutes of their walk before Isaac got the guts to say something. "How come I've never seen you before? Surely someone as beautiful as you couldn't be missed."

Y/n blushed and avoided eye contact. She guessed Isaac had just processed what he just said.

"Sorry, that was a little blunt, but it was the truth."

"It's okay, I never really make myself noticed. I sit in the back of all my classes and avoid people at all costs. I don't really go out much either and I prefer to stay home and watch reruns of my favorite tv shows. I guess that's a little bit about me as well," she smiled. Isaac realized that he really liked her smile.

"Thank you for the compliment though, it's something I don't hear often."

"Anytime," he grinned, taking in the new information.

"I like your smile," she shyly said, after another few moments of silence.

"Huh?" Isaac questioned, breaking out of his thoughts.

"Well since you complimented me, it's only fair if I compliment you. And I really like your smile."

Isaac looked from her and pointed his gaze out to the road ahead of them, thinking about what she just said. He received compliments all the time, let alone girls drooling over him. But when Y/n had said it, he felt all giddy and smiled brighter.

"Then I'll make sure to smile more often for you." He winked, causing her to playfully smack his shoulder. Y/n had never felt this comfortable around anyone before, not even her friends. It was a new but scary feeling.

Isaac could tell that she was nervous about something, so in an attempt to calm her down, he took the leap and grabbed her hand, causing her to feel calmer almost immediately.

She just looked at him and smiled, shaking her head, "You are something else, Isaac Lahey."

The rest of the walk to her house was just comfortable silence. They didn't need to say anything else really.

As soon as they approached a small beige house with red shutters, they walked up the driveway and to the steps.

"I didn't know you lived here, I actually live about five houses down," Isaac explained, examining the front of her house.

"Well, I should probably get inside, it's pretty late." she sighed as she looked down and played with his fingers.

"Okay, umm, I guess I'll see you around?" he shrugged, avoiding what he was originally going to say.

"I sure hope so," she chuckled, taking her key out of her pocket and unlocking her door. "Goodnight Isaac and seriously, thank you again for what you did at the party."

"It was my pleasure," he replied letting go of her hand and walking down the steps.

"Actually, there was one more thing I wanted to ask you," he hollered from the middle of her front yard as she was halfway into her house. She turned around to hear what he had to say.

"Why don't you join me and my table for lunch tomorrow? I'm sure the guys wouldn't mind at all. I just, I want to get to know you more, you seem like a pretty awesome person from where I'm standing

His offer had only made her smile brighter by the minute. She had an opportunity to get to know him more and she wasn't about to shoot that offer down.

"I would love to join you, Isaac Lahey." She hollered back before seeing him light up like a Christmas tree. He now had the brightest and cutest smile that she had ever seen, plastered on his face. He pulled his arm down in a victory celebration, making her laugh as he happily jogged off of her property.

Y/n stood at the door for a few minutes longer, shaking her head and smiling like an idiot before shutting the door. She went to the kitchen and filled a glass with water before heading up to her room. She changed into some pajamas and plopped onto her bed.

She laid awake for a few hours, her mind being swirled by one certain boy. She didn't know why she couldn't get Isaac Lahey off her mind, but she was super excited to see him tomorrow.


(A/n: Hope you all enjoyed this cute Isaac imagine! If you have any requests, feel free to leave them in the comments or message me! Also don't forget to vote!)
