Chapter 9

Hey guys. What are some good ideas for other stories...?

Ben's pov~~~~

I woke up the next morning and groaned in pain.


I sat up and looked at him asleep beside me- the only time he was perfectly still.

It didnt last long before he groaned and turned over complaining

"Bennnnnn..... I can feel you staring at mee im t-t-tireddddd..."

"Who's fault is that...? You came in my room last night..."

"I made a good ch-choice to...."

I felt a blush take over my cheeks and he chuckled while sitting up, being careful to keep the blanket at his waist
"Ben. Do you think anyone heard us...?"

"I hope not... That would mean we woke them up.."
Toby looked tired but i wasnt gonna let him fall back asleep so i literally pushed him off the bed.

"BEN! That wasnt nice!"

"Im still in pain because of you"

He laughed a little
"Too much to handle benny..?"


Toby's pov~~~

Ben turned bright red when i said it.
"Ha! Im right!"

"Toby stoooooppp"
I watched him cover his face with a pillow and i hit him with the other

"No. Get dressed ben. I cant stay in here too long"


"Im a proxy. I have my duties..."

He sighed heavily. I knew this was different since him and jeff werent.

"Ok toby..."

I stood and got dressed before walking over to his side of the bed and grabbing his ankles.

Ben's pov~~~

"Toby? what are yo- TOBY!" He pulled me off the bed and i hit the floor "WHAT WAS THAT FOR!?"

"Calm down"
He walked away and grabbed my clothes off the floor and put them on me "you were taking too long"

"You dont have to be so mean"

"I wasnt"


I looked at him, i was only making such a fuss because i was trying to stall him.
I dont want him to leave.

//HAI GUYS. CAN I ASK A HUGE FAVOR!? Can you check out my new ticci toby fanfiction and can you start tapping that star when you read my stories? Why? It is a magicial star!//
