Chapter 5

~~Toby's POV~~
I stood up. Ben still staring at me.
Why is he looking at me like that
I noticed he didnt seem to happy either, did i do the right thing...?
"Somthing wrong..?"
"It's too soon for me toby..."
Those words comfused me at first and he clearified "I just recently broke up with jeff. I don't know if i can do this..."
I sat beside him again "ben... I wouldnt hurt you the way he did."

Ben smiled and so did I, he seemed happier now but still unsure. I could tell because so am I. "Im going to go get somthing to eat, I will be right back"
With that i left the room.
Sure enough winter was in the kitchen..

Of course...he is going to try to ruin this....

Winter hated ben, the feeling was mutual.
"What do you want, winter?"

"Nothing. Can't i just be in the kitchen..?"

"Your timing tells me otherwise"

He chuckled "Toby you know me so well...why be with a video game charector..?"

"Because i have known him longer and i actually like him that way"
Im not going to lie, Winter was actractive but that doesnt matter. Im not gonna hurt ben like jeff did.

//I KNOW ITS SHORT IM SORRY but to make up for it im gonna write anither chapter today. A long one. :3///
