Chapter 3

Holaaaaaaa~~~~. Soo what do you guys think so far!? Vote, comment and follow me if you like my stories!! Thank you!!
~~tobys POV~~
About a week after i stayed the night in bens room i was hanging out with my friend winter in my room.
"Soo toby"
"You and ben seem close.."
Oh god. Was he gonna start with this too...
For some reason right after he said it i felt myself blush. "Yeah we are close but we are just friends winter"
"Why do you s-"
Ben came in the room and glared at winter. Winter grinned looking back at ben.
"Toby. I didnt know you were busy... I will leave..." He sounded upset and looked angry seeing winter in the room. Winter noticed and took advantage of the moment, turning to me.
"Toby dont listen to him babe. Ben is just jealous" he then leaned in and kissed me. Ben just stormed out and i pushed winter off.
He only laughed and i ran out after ben feeling bad.
~~~Ben's POV~~~
I dont know why that bothered me so much but i was pissed now.
Damn winter... I have never liked him...
I went to go into my room when somone grabbed my arm and yanked me back. I turned my head to see a very guilty looking twitcher.
"Ben. Im sorry about that..."
"What. Im not mad that you have a boyfriend" i hated the feeling that left in my mouth. I WAS mad. And i think toby knew.
"Ben im not dating him. He just did that out if now where"
"Really..? How immature..."
"Your the one who stormed out"
I blushed out of embarressment.
He's right. I looked up at the twitching loser in front of me and somthing came over my thoughts. I couldnt control myself and without hesitation i cupped his face in my hands and kissed him. Causing him to tense up and freeze. I quickly pulled away within a few seconds. "T-toby im so s-"
He cut me off. "Im gonna a p-p-p-place. Yeah...." He was stepping back, blushing darkly. I knew that must have surprized him, it even surprized me. I ran into my room embarresed of what i have done.
~~~Toby's POV~~~
I left the mansion in a hurry. I was shocked, confused, and strangly upset...
Not because ben kissed me.... But because i didnt kiss back....
