Chapter 14

Hey everyone! I cant belive im almost to 8,000 reads! It makes me so happy you like the story! But dont forget to tap the star! ^.^ thank you

~~ben's pov~~
Its been a week now since me and toby fought and im starting to get worried on why i havent seen him much lately. I walked out into the living room and yawned, i was just gonna sit on the couch and play somthing or whatever. I grabbed the remote and froze when i heard toby in winter's room. Being nosey i pressed my ear against the door and listened.

"Winter what the hell are you doing?" He was laughing throughout that whole sentence.

"Im looking for clothes to wear toby!"

"Well.. I think thats a bit much..."

My mind started to wonder. Then my imagination formed a little 'scenerio' in my mind...

Winter was gripping tightly to the brunnette, panting heavily. Toby smirked a little and pulled away, sitting up.
The blonde teen blushed bright red "i-i. Never expected that from you...."

Toby smiled "really?"

"Yea really.... I have to get dressed now....."

I growled lowly, completely lost in thought when i heard a familiar voice behind me
"Ben...? Why the hell are you outside my room?"

I jumped up and snapped, pointing to toby "Why are you with him?? What did you two do together!? WHY WAS THE DOOR CLOSED!?"

Winter just looked at me, he seemed annoyed "calm down, I'm not like that with Toby..."

I laughed at that "i highly doubt that..."

Toby sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose in an annoyed mannor.
"Ben, Jeff dyed all of winter's clothes pink so he has to wear some of mine. "

(Guys it's been a long time since I've wrote for this and I need ideas. Please help me out. Also my instagram is @/exclipze if your interested in seeing what I have been up to!  Chao!)
