Chapter 8

----SMUT WARNING!!!!!---

Toby's pov~~~~~

I woke up the next day in Slender's office. I was on the bed in the corner of the room.


No one else was in the room so i got up and walked out- back to ben's room. The mansion was pretty quiet since i woke up at night but once i got to ben's room i put my ear on the door.

All i heard was his voice. Moaning....
Sayin MY name.
For some reason.... That turned me on. So i went in his room and ben froze watching me close the door.

~~~ben's pov~~~

I watched toby walk over to me

"T-toby what are yo-" before i could finish my sentence he locked lips with me.
I looked down and saw he was 'excited' which made me a bit nervous knowing what was going to happen tonight.
After a while he pulled away; grinning.

"Toby...what are you doing...."

He didnt answer he just smiled; pinning me on the bed.

~~toby's pov~~

I pinned ben's hands over the top of his head and watched as he squirmed a bit. I leaned in and kissed him again to my surprize he kissed back- roughly.
I slid my tounge across his bottom lip asking for acsess but he didnt let me so I dropped my hips on to his making him gasp a little; forcing my tounge into the smaller boys mouth.
He moaned once i did so.

I couldnt wait any longer and I pulled off the tunic he always wore and pulled away from the kiss moving down his jawline and neck. To his chest. I kept getting little moans from him when i started to kiss around his waist.
Then he pulled my hoodie off, my shirt following. I felt him slide his hands up my chest and around my neck smashing his lips onto mine.

I quickly started uncliping my belt. Being positive where this was heading.

~~ben's pov~~

I heard toby's belt click and i tryed to help the beautful brunette on top of me get it off.
It was dark in the room besides the moonlight from outside which was hitting toby perfectly.

He is perfect...

I got snapped out of my thoughts when i felt myself being undressed further than i already was. I looked down as toby took the tip of my already hard member into his mouth.

"Ahn- t..toby~" i couldnt hold back my moans. Toby did this so differently.
Jeff always got right down to buisness.
I like this better. I over all just love toby more.

I pushed his head down further and luckily he didnt gag. Then again i dont think he has that reflex.
I felt the other male start to bob his head and i moaned again. Pure pleasure i was feeling right now.

~~toby's pov~~

I bobbed my head faster and all i could hear was ben moaning quietly but after a while he got louder. And i knew why.

"t-tobyyy~~~ nnnn~~~ i-im g-gonna. Ahnn~~~ c-" he didnt to finish his sentence when my mouth was filled with the warm liquid. I swallowed it and cleaned the rest off of ben's member.

I pulled my pants down. Just enough and bent ben over the bed.
"T-toby w-wait-"

I thrusted hard into him causing him to yelp at first but it soon shifted to a moan once i started to rock my hips faster.
"Mmm~ b-b-ben,"

He gripped the sheets; arching his back before i heard him call out my name causing me to pound myself harder into him.

I held ben's waist and moaned quietly- but it was still his name

After a while i felt a knot in the pit of my stomach which caused me to moan a little louder.
"Ben~" that was all i could say before i came into the smaller boy in front of me and he moaned out my name loudly. Then i pulled out.

laying down beside him i ran my hand through his hair and whispered.


He answered panting "yes...?"

"I love you...."

Ben froze up before blushing "i-i love you too toby".

//HI GUYSSS. sorry im not good at writing lemons yet.... But its not that bad for a first attempt i guessss. Anyway i hope your enjoying my story//

//ALSO! Check out my youtube channel
@Ghostly girl animations. //
