Chapter 10

Toby's pov~~~

Ben was fussing over somthing so small.
I have to leave. Im a proxy
And if i dont leave mr.S will be furious

"Ben i-i-i dont have t-time to sit here a-areguing over me dressing you..."


I hate to admit it. But im still not sure how i feel about ben...
I dont know if this is love i feel for him... Could justt be strong lust...

"Fine toby... You can go"

I laughed "i wasnt waiting for your permission anyway"

"Then why are you still here?"


He stood and yawned, trying to stretch but wincing in pain.
I looked around for my hatchets and grabbed them. I went to leave but stopped and kissed him first. He blushed and tensed up as i ran out to meet up with masky and hoodie.

~~ben's pov~~

He kisses me all the time latley. Why did this one feel different...

I sat on my bed and thought of stuff to do. I was pretty damn bored to be honest. Toby coming home was the only thing i was actually waiting for.

I stood and walked into the livingroom and layed on the couch before i was pinned by a pair of familiar blue eyes and a never fading smile.


"Jeff what do you want...?"

"To ruin toby"

That answer seemed cold. Even for jeff.

"How do you plan on doing tha-"

I was cut off by him kissing me and jack snapped a picture on his 'phone'
Weird little things slender gave us

I pushed jeff off but it was already too late.

Jack sent it.
