Chapter 2

ERRRR MERRGAHD. i know this story only has like. 50 reads but thats more than i expected. THANK YOU GUYSSSSS. I will try to update this story more often because i have SOOOOOO many ideas i cant wait. AHAHAHDHFJDKGKS. Anyway. How many of you ship these two? Probly a stupid quesrion since your reading a story about this ship but you never know. Also. What other stories should i do?
~~~~bens pov~~~~
What toby said still had me blushing. I dont know why though, it's just toby after all....
I sat on my bed beside toby and pushed him off causing him to laugh. "What was that for ben?"
"You can leave if you want to toby"
"I dont want to though"
He had a tone to his voice that annoyed me and i rolled my eyes. "Ben s-s-seems to he on his p-period" he studdered and twitched while saying that which made it easier for me to insult him back
"T-T-Ticci T-t-t-toby need to get off of whatever d-d-drugs he is on" i guess that statement really bothered him because he slapped me hard and it hurt. "Ow!"
"Watch yourself ben"
He rolled his eyes and i jumped on his pinning him. I punched down on his chest but he didnt even flinch. "damn you rogers..."

~~tobys POV~~
I looked at ben as he continued to punch my chest. He was blushing and complaining. "one day. You will feel pain toby... And i will be so happy when it happens..."
"Ben..." He looked at me and i pinned him instead "untill that day. Im pretty much unstoppable..." Ben was staring at me wide eyed. His blush darkend and i felt my face heat up. "Ben...why are you looking at me like thT..."
"Why are you pinning me down". Thats when i realized i WAS pinning ben and i quickly jumped back. "Woah. Sorry"

~~~bens pov~~

Why did he do that..? He was blushing too... Wait. Why do i care? He is just my friend after all...unless.

I started thinking. Did i have feelings for the twitching loser in fron of me? No. I couldnt. He even said he was straight.


Toby spoke. Breaking my train of thought. "Wha...?"

"Whatcha thinking about?" He smiled.


"Woah. Calm down benny boy"

"Dont call me that Twitch"
