Chapter 1

((My Oc winter is ij this story. Dont get mad at me for having an imagination please :3))

I stood up slowly, walking to the door and leaving the room. Ben was arguing with jeff on the other side of the hall. I think it was some...relationship problems not sure. Its seems that way. So being nosey i walk over. "Guys. Why are you fighting?" Ben looked at me.
"Jeff is a cheating liar..."
Jeff pushed him causing ben to fall against me. "I am not! You know what ben? Im done with this shit."
"Im done with it too jeff! We are over"
Jeff stepped back slightly before leaving. I looked at ben and helped him stand up strait. "Ben...?"
"Im fine. Dont worry" he forced a small smile but i could tell he was hurt. But then again its none of my buisness. Ben needs deal with this on his own. I guess. I started to walk away before he called after me. "Toby!"
"Sleepover in my room tonight"
That was strange. Well. Not really but just the timing. I nodded and walked out into the living room.
~~~later that day~~
I walked into bens room and saw he wasnt even there. What the hell...?

Why did he ask me to come when he isnt even here?

I sighed and sat on his bed,playing with my hatchet and thinking outloud. "Fucking ben..."

I looked up to see the certain 'elf' that was starting to piss me off. "Where were you?"

"On my way here"

I hated his attitude. I plain out hated him somtimes too but whatever. "Why werent you in here?"

"Because im not confound to just one room toby"

"Ben i would hate to break it to you but i think you used the word 'confound' wrong"

"Fuck you".

I laughed a little, rolling my eyes. "What do you wanna do?"

"I need to talk to you"

That was his response. No attitude. He sounded completley serious.

~~~ben's POV~~~

I wanted to talk to toby- er. I needed to talk to toby. But im not even fully sure why. I stayed quiet amd he asked "what..?"
Again i didnt respond.

What the hell am i doing.


He twitched and studdered. I was used to him doing that by now.
"Who's your girlfriend?"
Why then fuck did i ask that? And right after i asked i started laughing.
"I dont have one..?" He sounded like that was a complete waist of his time.


"Ew. Im not gay or bi ben"

"Well i dont know! Your still new here jeez and you seem pretty close with Winter..."
I watched toby cringe with that.

"Yeah were close but you dont see me pounding him in the ass"


It was the first time i have heard him say somthing like that. And truthfully i was offended.
He couldnt help but laugh.
"Ben. Why are you blushing?"

"BECAUSE THAT WAS....was..."

"Inapropriate? What you used to do?"
Tears filled my eyes because i knew he was referring to jeff.

~~~toby's POV~~~
I soon as i said it i regretted it. "Ben im s-"

"Shut the hell up toby..."

He was hurt. I saw it. And i pulled him closer. "Ben listen to me. If jeff left you he made the mistake. You didnt do anything wrong. He lost you and he will regret it because you were probly the best thing in his life and he wont relize that until he gets broken just like he did you..."

I looked at ben. He was wide eyed and blushing dark red. My face felt hot also but i didnt keep my gaze with him.

"Yes toby..."
