Chapter 11

Tobys pov~~~

I was walking through the woods, on my way back when i heard somthing buzzing in my pocket, i pulled out one of the stupid little things slender gave us to pass off as phones..
They were so crappy looking.. Like a wanna be apple product but instead of a bitten apple on the back there was the proxy symbol- And these phones almost never worked so was surprized it buzzed
"Is this damn th-thing b-broke or am i g-getting a message..?"

I looked down at it and felt my stomach drop as i stared at the picture of Ben and Jeff kissing...
Jack was the one who sent this to me and it had another message with it.

So sorry toby... I walked into the livingroom and saw this- i figured you wouldnt belive me so i snuck a pic...

I felt my eyes start to water as i leaned against a tree.
Why am i CRYING? Why do i even CARE... He obviously doesnt..... But i thought..... No.... Toby.. Dont....

I dropped to my knees, quickly covering my mouth with my hands letting out a sob. Then another. And another followed after that. I wasn't too good with handling my feelings to begin with.. But i felt somthing break...

How could he.... After all i did for him.... Jeff cheated on ben and now ben is cheating on me with jeff.
Like i was just used to-

To make jeff jealous...... Thats what this was all about...

Im just a toy...

~~Ben's pov~~

I was laying in my room, patiently waiting for toby to come home- and he did. I smiled a little and walked over to him, hoping he knew jeff was messing with him and i wasnt cheating "hi tob-"

He shoved me a little with his side and kept walking. Went into his room and shut the door.
I have never felt so lost or hurt....
