Chapter 12

~ben's pov~

Its been a few weeks now.. I have noticed toby has this habit of.. Not leaving his room for too long. And when he does he completley ignores me, expecially when jeff decides to stand with me whenever toby can see.

Today though, me and Toby were put in kitchen duty, where we had to clean the kitchen. Normally i hate when it's my turn, but today i was glad because it takes a few hours to clean the kitchen. So i would get a chance to make things right between us.

"Hey toby..." I noticed this came out shakily. I was nervous after all. But he snapped his reply

"What.. Im trying to clean..." He didnt look at me, instead he kept his eyes in the sink where he was washing off a pan used for making spagetti. I couldn't help but notice the bangages he was trying to hide under his sleeves.

"Um... Need any help..?" I tryed to offer a small awkward smile, but he still wasnt looking at me. "I could-"

"No, i dont need your help" he looked over once, he seemed colder than i remembered him last.. "I'm pretty sure jeff needs your help cleaning the living room.. I can handle the kitchen myself"

Toby is holding a grudge against me...

"I want to help you though" I looked at him desperatly. I NEEDED him to understand that i never cheated on him. "Toby im s-"

"Ben. Leave me the fuck alone! What part of that dont you understand??"

I stepped back a little and stared at him.

~toby's pov~

I snapped at ben, at this point i was done with him and his lies. But at the same time I longed to forgive him... I just didnt want to because what if he does this again.?
Why should i even forgive him if he only used me to make jeff jealous.

I turned away from ben and finnished off the dishes.
