Seeing daddy again

Blue reunites with owen after 3 years

(See the end of the chapter for .)

Chapter Text

Her nostrils quivered. She could smell something rather familiar. She narrowed her eyes, standing up.

Humans. In her territory.

She stepped back before sneaking off into the foliage. She didn't want to be tranquilized again.

She crouched down when she heard the sound of a human's cautious footsteps.

She narrowed her eyes, peeking through the foliage in anger at the strange human approaching her territory.

She kneaded her claws into the ground, lips curling back.

As the human grew closer, the bushes in front of her rustled.

The screams of a few Compies distracted the stranger, as they ran out of the Ford Focus.

Blue launched herself onto the top of the Ford Explorer, roaring.

When the human whirled around, a sudden wave of shock overwhelmed her.

There, standing before her, was none other...than Owen Grady.


"Hey, girl. You miss me?" Owen asked, standing in his familiar training position Blue knew so well.

She shrieked softly, cocking her head. She jumped down from her vehicle with a snort.

"Easy-hey!" Owen held his arm out, as if he were holding his clicker.

Blue took two steps closer, hissing, paws tucked close to her chest.

"Hey," Owen spoke, trying to seem dominant to his former Beta.

Blue rumbled in irritation. She was her own Alpha now. She had no reason for him to be there. All she wanted was for him to leave her alone. Although she had longed for many years he'd come back, she still felt a nagging sense of anger and annoyance at his sudden presence.

"I brought'cha something." The man gave the dinosaur a gentle smile.

When he raised his other arm, a strip of beef jerky in his hand, Blue crouched down briefly with a shrill squawk.

"Woah, girl!" Owen spoke over her loud noises.

The Velociraptor continued to hiss and snort, her angry breathing becoming quicker, lips twitching, threatening to curl back and display her teeth.

"Here you go...that's right..." Owen gently tossed the strip of beef jerky at the dinosaur.


Blue blinked when the tiny piece of food hit her nose before falling to the ground. She looked back at Owen, finally curling her lips back and growling.

Owen gave his head a brief tilt. "...ok."

Blue roared at him, growing agitated. Couldn't he get the message that she didn't want him there?!

Her nostrils flared when she scented another, approaching scent. She couldn't quite make it out, as the scents were jumbled together between earthy cologne, sweet-scented perfume, and ammunition. Whatever the scent was, she couldn't let it distract her from the man in front of her.
"Hey..!" Owen clicked something in his hand. The clicker. He had it all along.

Blue opened her mouth in a shrill shriek before cutting it off with a sharp click. She parted her jaws very slightly, growling.

Owen clicked his clicker again. "You know me." He clicked it twice, as Blue began to circle him. "Eyes on me."

Blue's nostrils flared, as she smelt the familiar scent of his clothing and skin. She chirped, lashing her tail. She sniffed at him again.

"Yeah...yeah...that's right...that's right..." Owen's tone was starting to relax her.

She gave a few little squeaks, tilting her head. She sniffed his outstretched palm, nostrils quivering. She stretched her neck out, her nose brushing his palm.


Blue yelped loudly, starting to thrash around, pawing at something stuck in her neck. She rubbed her head against the ground, as Owen, who was knocked to the ground by her tail, scrambled to his feet.

"Damn it! I told you to wait for my signal!" He yelled, alarmed.

Blue stumbled a tiny bit, letting out a confused screech, as Owen outstretched his arms to the approaching mercenaries that surrounded the two.

"Back your men up right now!" He cried urgently, eyes wide and darting back and forth.

Blue stumbled, gargling from dizziness.

Her blurry vision bypassed Owen, and focused on the muzzle of a gun...a gun that was pointed straight at her.

With an enraged cry, the Velociraptor pounced onto the mercenary, knocking Owen away once again. Her teeth tore through his thick vest, biting deep at his neck and sternum.

Another tranquilizer hit her thigh, causing her to whip her head around with a little yelp before focusing back onto the mercenary below her paws.

Under her belly, the stranger drew his sidearm.

"No! No! Don't shoot her!" A gruff, urgent, voice yelled.

Owen pushed himself up to his hands and knees, eyes wide in horror.


Blue threw her head back in a shrill scream of pain. The pain was excruciating. It was the worst pain she had ever felt in her life. Worse than the injections she was given as an infant to keep her healthy. This shot was the worst shot she had ever had in her life.

She lost her balance, falling over onto her side, blood pooling out from a gushing bullet wound in her hip area. She kicked out a leg, whining in pain, her vision growing blurry.

"Wheatley, you son of a bitch!" Owen growled behind her.


There was the sound of a tranquilizer hitting something, before a thump.

"Owen!" A feminine voice yelled the animal behaviorist's name. "What are you doing?! Owen!"

Blue closed her eyes, her breathing hitching in pain. Her body was starting to feel numb. She was losing consciousness. She was too weak to keep her eyes open from the two tranquilizers being fired at her, as well as from the sidearm being shot up at her body and she soon knocked out.


Yeah 2 chapters in one day!
Thanks for reading fans!
