Saving blue's life

*Warning blood*

(See the end of the chapter for .)

Chapter Text

The Arcadia sailed away from the burning island, fire bombs and smoke all but covering the once lush and green island.

The inhabitants of the island, the ones who were unable to be rescued, either drowned in the sea surrounding the island, or were killed by ash and magma. It was a very devastating thing for most of the crew members to witness: the poor Brachiosaurus, left for dead, on the only home she had ever known.

John Hammond's dream, the Jurassic Park dream, was gone.


Blue, wasn't inside a cage like the other dinosaurs were. Instead, she was inside the back of a truck, whining and breathing rapidly. Her entire body was trembling, her pupils dilated from pain. She was going into shock.

Her eye darted around frantically, her sides caving in and out rapidly. She flexed one of her paws against her throat, her tail and legs hanging over the side of the table she was strapped to.

She was terrified. She felt as if she were going to die. She was fading in and out of consciousness, a cloth soaked with blood pressed to her bullet wound to try and keep her from bleeding to death.

The dinosaur's paw flexed, clenching and unclenching rapidly.

Zia was pressing both her hands to the animal's bullet wound, blood staining her skin, and the cloth pressed to the Velociraptor's side.

Her brow was furrowed in concentration and concern, as she was worried Blue wouldn't make it back to their destination. She had to make it. She had to.

The boat rocked against the waves of the storm crashing outside, causing the truck to jerk around.

Blue raised her head with a cry of pain, her tail flicking head flopped down again, little groans and whimpers of pain escaping her muzzled jaws.

Her nostrils flared rapidly, the scent of blood overpowering most scents inside and outside of the van. The only thing she could smell was her blood, which was rapidly gushing out of her body.

"It's ok, Blue, just not much longer...." The paleo-veterinarian soothed her gently.

The back of the truckbed silently unzipped.

Owen peeked his head inside, followed by Claire Dearing, and Franklin Webb.

"Oh my gosh! You guys are alive! Y-" Zia whirled her head around to look at them.

Owen pressed a finger to his mouth.

Blue rumbled in pain, twitching.

"Oh no...." The man breathed in dread. "Look what they've done to her..."

He gently placed his hand on Blue's neck, and one on the ridge above her eye.

"Who are these assholes?" Zia asked, still putting pressure on Blue's wound.

"Animal traffickers," Owen responded. "You saw how they treated them out there. They're not gonna take them to a sanctuary, they're gonna sell them."
"Not Blue." Zia and Owen both tried to soothe the twitching Blue. "They need her for something else."

"Like what?" Claire asked, she and Franklin staying farther away from the wild animal.

"I-I don't know, but she-" Blue whined, lifting her head a bit- "she's hemorrhaging! And I don't have the correct instruments to keep her alive!" The young woman stressed.

"Hey...shhhh...." the animal behaviorist rubbed Blue's neck, causing her to purr, eye fluttering shut. "You're're alright..."

She twitched, when Zia removed one of her hands to motion Claire to come over. "Claire, come here! Put your hand here. Steady pressure." She pressed down onto Blue's wound, causing the dinosaur to give a loud snarl of pain, her head jerking up.

Hey, hey, hey!" Owen held her head steady when it flopped back down from pain.

Claire looked to Owen before hesitantly placing her hand down onto Blue's wound, pressing down on it.

"Watch out," Zia spoke, moving around to Owen's side. "I can't take the bullet out without a transfusion from another animal. Which one of you knows how to find a vein?" She asked, looking from Owen to a terrified Franklin, as Blue whined and convulsed in pain.

"Oh! I did a blood drive for the Red Cross!" Claire piped up.

Her colleague looked at her. "Great!" Zia dashed off, as Blue began to whimper from pain.

"Franklin, take over for Claire," the paleo-veterinarian instructed, gathering a blood bag and IV together.

Franklin shook his head slightly. "Nononono....."
The stressed young woman looked back at him.

"Franklin!" She sounded like a mother scolding her child. "Now!"

Franklin scurried over to Blue's side, heart sinking.

"Steady pressure!" Claire hurriedly instructed, moving away to see Zia.

"No....n-" he groaned, placing his hands over Blue's wound


A fresh fountain of blood squirted out of Blue's bullet hole...and hit Franklin directly in the face.

Owen looked away from him, and down at Blue in disgust.

"Oh my gosh! Oh my gosh! I-is it in my mouth?!" He fretted, looking towards Owen. "Did it get in my mouth?!"
Owen shook his head, barely making eye contact with the IT technician.

"You sure?" He asked.

"You're good." Owen looked down at Blue when she began to whine again.

Zia held a blood bag out to Claire. "All the animals should be sedated, but for any kind of tension in their blood type should be close enough- but for carnivores with two or three fingers, no more than three." She paused, covering her mouth with her hand, before dropping it. "I think there's one on board."

Claire looked towards Owen, as he strode towards the two women. "There's several carnivores on this boat!" She whispered urgently. "Which one do you think would have the closest blood type to a raptor?"
Zia ran a hand through her hair. She looked up suddenly. "The big one! The...the...the T. Rex!"
Owen and Claire looked at her and then back at Blue, who began to whine and groan.

The animal behaviorist walked towards her, placing his hands on her neck and eye ridge again. "'s ok, girl...Claire and I will be back soon...." He comforted, hating to see his Beta in so much pain.

The animal flexed her paw, whimpering and groaning. Tears burned her squinted eyes, as she started up at Owen, trembling uncontrollably.

"You guys better go, or she won't live for much longer!" Zia urged.

Owen and Claire quickly rushed out of the back of the van, sneaking past guards, trying to find the massive dinosaur.

Zia rushed back to Blue. "Franklin, go clean your damn face. I'll take over."
Franklin let out a breath in a long whoosh! of relief. "Thank god....." He wiped the dinosaur's blood off of his face with a clean cloth.

Zia looked down at Blue, who stared right back at her with a dilated pupil.

The paleo-veterinarian felt a chill go down her spine, as her gaze veered off towards the animal's injury.

She couldn't get over the fact that Blue seemed...eerily human-like, in the way she practically called Owen back to comfort her by whimpering and groaning, almost as if she were a small child pretending to cry in order to gain attention from its parents.

Franklin looked at his co-worker, and then the dinosaur. " are you comfortable with this?" He asked, still very stressed from all the dangers he had faced on the now-dead Isla Nublar, and being inside a van with a Velociraptor of all things was making him uneasy.

"I'm a doctor. I can't get freaked out over one of my patients," Zia responded calmly.

Blue lifted her head again, whining. She let it flop down, trying to tuck it against her chest.

Franklin noticed a soft, pink, blush accenting to the dinosaur's stomach, which confused him. "Hey, uh..." he moved around the animal to Zia's side. "Does...she look..?"
Zia did a visual examination of Blue's belly. "She does...that's odd...." She put a bit more pressure on her wound when she noticed the dinosaur's eyes flutter.

Blue yelped, leg kicking. She groaned and whined, trembling. She only want to sleep. It hurt so much.

She looked up towards the lights in the back of the van wearily. Her amber eyes were clouded in pain. She could feel a shift in movement, as Zia had Franklin take over.

"Steady pressure," she reminded.
"Yeah, I got that. Let's hope this thing's blood doesn't get all over me again...." He grumbled.

Zia held a light over Blue's eye.

She growled, pupil dilating. She squeezed her eye shut until she was sure the light was gone. She knew Zia and Franklin were trying to keep her alive, but she was so tired. All she wanted to do was sleep. To do something to escape the pain burning through her body.

She faded in and out of consciousness, which made Zia worried.

"Where are they..?" She wondered aloud, stress tugging at her voice. She took Franklin's place with putting pressure on the animal's wound.

They heard angry roaring from the Tyrannosaurus Rex, which made them both flinch.

"It's the T. Rex...i-it's the T. Rex!" Franklin panicked, backing up.

"Franklin!" Zia looked back at him. "Shut up!" She ordered, as Blue began groaning and twitching again. "I can't hear if they're coming back!"

Franklin paced nervously, as Blue's nostrils began to twitch. She tried to reach up and paw at her muzzle. She could smell Owen's scent amidst the overpowering scent of blood.

Zia looked up, as Owen and Claire burst in, breathing heavily, as if they had been running.

"Where have you been?!" Zia asked. "Her life is hanging by a thread!" She stressed, as Owen moved towards his animal.

"Well, almost getting eaten by a T. Rex wasn't my idea on how recieving blood would turn out," Owen responded.

Blue groaned, as he rubbed her neck.

"Easy...easy, Blue..."

"Claire, take over for me. Steady pressure." She moved away from Blue, letting Claire maintain pressure on her wound. "I have to insert an IV into her arm, and set up the blood for the transfusion," she explained, standing next to Owen. "She doesn't deserve to have that muzzle on for the entire time. When I'm ready, take it off for me, will you?" She asked, looking to Owen. "if we keep her muzzle on for too long, her jaws are gonna cramp."

Owen nodded, looking down at the injured animal, who clenched and unclenched her paws in pain. "'re gonna be ok,'re gonna be ok...."

She rumbled gently, as Zia began to set up the blood bag and IV.

"Owen, please distract her while I put the IV in her arm," she instructed.

The animal behaviorist nodded, rubbing Blue under her jaw to try and distract her.

The paleo-veterinarian carefully held the dinosaur's arm still, as she inserted the needle into her flesh.

Blue whined shrilly, attempting to shy away from the painful needle.

Owen gently rubbed her under her jaw, trying to calm her. "Shhhh...."

Zia looked up to him and nodded, letting him unfasten Blue's muzzle.

The dinosaur's jaws smacked together, her tongue licking across her lips in relief.

Owen kept his hands on her neck and shoulder, watching her and Zia.

Blood steadily dripped from the blood bag into the IV in Blue's arm.

Zia looked up at the blood bag, and then a little device she held. She pressed a button, causing it to beep.

Blue chittered weakly, a bit stronger now that the transfusion helped her regain the blood she had lost. It smelled strangely of the Tyrannosaurus Rex that, from what she assumed, was taken prisoner on this odd human landscape as well.

"Ok, I have to make an incision in her leg to remove the bullet." Zia used a surgical knife to slice a small opening into the Velociraptor's leg.

Blue shrieked loudly, raising her head a bit, before letting it flop back down.

Owen and Claire exchanged worried looks before the man rubbed Blue's neck. "Shh...."

Blue's pain-filled eye darted around, whimpers escaping her mouth.

"There's a lot of muscle tissue...." Zia murmured, using surgical tweezers to maneuver through her tissue and reach the bullet. There was a bit of bleeding, but not that bad.

The dinosaur felt her eyes begin to water. A tear slowly slid down the side of her muzzle.

Zia glanced up when she heard her patient whine, and saw the tears rolling down her muzzle. She looked back at her leg, the others anxiously waiting, either putting pressure on Blue's wound, or comforting her, with the exception of Franklin, who watched from afar.

Zia drew surgical tweezers covered in blood back from the animal's thigh. In between them was a bloody bullet.

Franklin glanced at Blue before looking at Zia.

She dropped the bullet into a metal tin, blood dripping from the tweezers.


The paleo-veterinarian breathed a sigh of relief. "She's gonna be ok."

Almost instantly, smiles crept onto everyone's faces. Claire even had tears rolling down her cheeks.

Owen looked down at Blue with a proud smile. He rubbed her side gently, as Zia pulled out a small bandage.

"You may want to muzzle her, Owen," she spoke. She smiled when she saw Blue's tail wag slightly. "You were very brave, Blue."

The dinosaur chirped tiredly, as Owen moved around to the side Claire and Zia were on to retrieve the muzzle.

"The incision on her leg will heal eventually, but her bullet wound is gonna take a bit longer to heal. I'll need to dress the wound with alcohol, and antibacterials when we reach wherever they're taking her," Zia explained. "For now, I'll need to cover her wound with gauze to slow any possible bleeding."

Owen gently slipped the muzzle over Blue's face, causing her to buck. "Easy...easy, girl..."

He knew she never liked muzzles. Even as a chick, she had always hated them. But, she was a good girl, and behaved very well when she needed one.

Zia placed a patch of gauze over Blue's wound.

"She's a miracle, Owen. I don't know how she managed to hold on for this long," Claire commented.

"She's a fighter. Ever since birth," the man responded, stepping towards the dinosaur.

Blue's eyes were closed, and her breathing was even and slow. She didn't twitch or convulse, and, instead, attempted to sleep. She was exhausted. Struggling to find food all day, fighting against a Baryonyx and the Tyrannosaurus Rex, escaping a flow of lava, getting shot, captured, and undergoing a painful surgery was difficult for her. She didn't want so many humans around her, especially Owen, but she appreciated Zia's help with her injury.

When the boat rocked, she snarled, eye snapping open. She lifted her head, attempting to stand up.

"Easy, girl....easy, Bluebird...." Owen helped her calm down, as she let her head flop back down, growling a tiny bit.

"I thought you guys had died!" Zia stressed, as she and Owen began to try and help Blue relax.

Franklin shuddered a bit. "We...almost did. Several times. Some more than once."

Claire sat down on a bench in the van. "They was all a lie...." She clenched her fists. "They used us to get to Blue."
"I wish I knew what they needed her for...." Owen looked down at his beloved animal.

Blue looked around at the humans above her with a tired eye. She let her eyes flutter close.


Okay fans, this is your chance to make your mark in the story. Do y'all want blue to get into a relationship with the indoraptor?

He will not die at the end, but to go on and have a peaceful life.

Reason why because I felt sorry for the indoraptor's abuse and the actors just made him a villain
