Growing up

In the movie Jurassic world blue and her siblings are 3 years old

I'm around chickens and ducks so communication is amusing

(See the end of the chapter for .)

Chapter Text

Years passed. Blue, Charlie, Delta, and Echo grew and grew. They went from rangy hatchlings to fine young raptors, but they soon began to chafe under Owen. When they reached waist height to him, he stopped coming into the paddock. He'd trained them to go into stalls, and it was only with muzzles on that he would pet them. He was still Alpha, daddy, Caretaker, everything, but Blue disliked the distance put between them.

She missed being able to butt heads, and hop around him when happy, and how she had loved riding the thing of his! He was Alpha? Why was he not in with them? He cared for them, treated them well, fed them, spoke to them. They would never hurt their Alpha.

They had even begun to except the dark one as well. He was more hesitant than Owen, but the one called Barry treated them with the same care as their Alpha. He was less preferred because he had no place in the pack, but he was tolerated just the same. None of their other handlers were given this level of trust. Most of them smelled like the little pink foods that sometimes ran through the paddock.

As they were trained, the raptor pack also began to learn some words. They could recognize "follow," "yes," "no," "up," "go," "good," and their names among others. They even knew which one of them was which and had assigned appropriate name sounds.

Charlie was long shriek-long honk, Delta was short shriek-long honk, Echo was short honk-short honk, Blue was a really long honk, and Owen was long honk-short honk. They had no one to guide them on communication, so they developed their own raptor-tongue, patterning it somewhat off of Owen's Alpha speak. They couldn't imitate his sounds fully, which was one more reason that they began to chafe under his tutelage from afar, but they could imitate the patterns of the words themselves.

They also began to recognize that Owen was fundamentally different than they. He smelled different, made different sounds, and looked different. However, recognizing these things did nothing to dampen their allegiance to him. He was Alpha, and that was that.

It all came to a head one fateful day. One of the wranglers fell into the paddock, and Owen finally, finally came in. Blue was about to pounce when Owen got between her and food. Why was he getting between her and food?

Then she scented fear. Fear. From her Alpha.

Why was he afraid? She hissed at him, angry. Angry that he would not touch her like he used to, angry that he would not play like he used to, angry that her Alpha, her father, did not trust her.

"Easy, Blue." He addressed the others in turn, but Blue didn't pay attention. As the food slithered out of the cage, Owen met her eyes one last time. She hissed at him, still enraged at the very un-Alpha behavior. The last time she'd indulged in un-Beta behavior Echo had challenged her for dominance.

Then he leaped from the cage, instincts kicking into overdrive as Blue and her sisters went after fleeing prey. For Owen had labeled himself as such by running. The others left, but Blue's eyes tracked Owen. He spoke with the handler, and didn't look back after fully leaving the paddock. The whistle blew that told the raptors to go into their stalls, and then into the muzzles. Blue disliked the muzzle on good days, but today she was enraged. She balked, fought a bit, but finally got into the rig. When Owen came in, he was followed by a new meat bag.

Predatory instincts already simmering because of the first encounter with a new handler today flared even brighter when she scented this new threat. And a threat he was. Owen was tense, and even though she was angry with him, she could tell that he disliked this new handler. She growled at him, but Owen petted her, stroked her head and neck. Blue quieted, and some of her anger subsided. He no longer stank of fear, and she felt some of her former equilibrium returning.

Owen sighed. "I've got to leave you girl." His mouth moved into the curved shape he often got around them. He scratched the spot right over her eye, the spot none of them could ever reach, and she purred with pleasure.


Blue is precious.

Did I get everyone's names right?


Let me know if you love the story and want me to continue
