Fluffy situation

Grant gets captured by little cinnamon rolls


I'm back for a short chapter

(See the end of the chapter for .)

Chapter Text

Don't ask how I escaped the Russians. Don't ask how I stolen a motorcycle and traveled 3 days straight to California to warn everyone of the coming war.

As suspected the Russians sent three of their mind controlled raptors after me ( probably because "hey we can make more if anything to them!" )

Here I was lost in the wilderness of California being surrounded by raptors fixing to kill me and....suddenly I was rescued by more damn raptors!
Except these raptors weren't like the Russian made ones, they had to be American made because one of the raptors which was the leader that I recognized to be the famous blue and the supposedly mate the indoraptor ( That everyone thought was dead )

Blue let's loose a bark to command her hybrid family to charge at the Russian raptors for intruding on their territory ( for America bitches! )

I quickly ran away from the battle...only to fall into a raptor nest....full of 7 chirpy ,fluffy black and blue babies


Meanwhile with the Russians.

*A flower pot is thrown aggressively across the room*

"Damn those raptors!"


Things are getting interesting
