Evil Russians

10 years later. Somewhere in northern Indiana. ( as if Indiana doesn't have enough problems. )

"So let's get this straight. You want me to help your secret Russian government to make another hybrid in exchange for freeing me?" Henry wu said sitting in a jailhouse.

Yes very correct Mr. wu, we want to to make project spinorapter a reality." Stein the Russian says.

"We already have a raptor and a Spinosaurus that we captured from site B a few years ago. We just need your help with the experiments." Bill the Russian said.

"It won't be obedient you know. Without the blue raptor blood it's a prototype failure just like the indoraptor and the Indominus rex!" Henry comments angrily.

"Ah yes the indoraptor I lost the bidding during the auction and it's somewhere running loose in California." The Russian leader announces walking into the room.
"At least this way everything will as planned just as long as you follow orders!"

"It won't obey commands!"

"We already have plans to make it obedient!" One of the Russians comments holding up a silver briefcase.
"We don't need that pathetic blue raptor, indoraptor or the little hatchings according to our spies!"

"Impossible...the prototype, he was made too be infertile!" Wu comments with eyes wide as dinner plates.

"Well life found a way apparently!" Alien grant announces tied up in the middle of the room.

"Why is this old man here?" Henry questions every Russian in the room.

"We've Captured him for top secret information about site B, the Spinosaurus and the raptors." The Russian leader announces. "Owen and the dinosaur protection group are under protection of the American government."

"Okay we've got a deal. give me a few years and I'll have a perfect hybrid." Wu comments proudly.
"I just need a few thousand dollars, a lab and some experiment animals."


Please don't be angry if you're Russian.

The idea came from stranger things season three
