
Get ready to get strapped in for a emotional roller coaster for this is the final chapter!

(See the end of the chapter for .)

Chapter Text

Everyone watched with caution and holding their breaths for dear life as Owen quietly walked towards blue facing the spinoraptor.

"What the hell is he thinking?" Ian questions all logic on this crazy plan.

"I don't know, but damn I love this man!" Claire adds smiling.

"I think the dinosaurs are tired of the drama and want a new home away from humans?" Maisie whispers as some people agree with her.


Blue puffed a small bark at the spinoraptor , and Owen knew she had made her final decision. She was the most stubborn, and bull-headed creature on the face of this planet. When she puffed the air through her nose, Owen had learned to simply give up, and walk away for sake of his blood pressure. No amount of yelling, death threats, or begging, would sway the blue raptor from her final decision.

His best girl turned her head to him, and gave a quiet, almost gentle chitter as if to say, 'You with me on this crazy plan?"

Owen could have fallen over dead; he was sure it would have taken all the angels and demons to come down before Blue would even think about consulting with him. He could feel a small, crooked grin pulling at his lips when he gave a single nod, he was right next to his best girl.

Blue seemed to snort slightly before she turned back to the Spinoraptor , and gave a defiant snarl with all her ivory daggers showing. The other two seemed to bring their small circle closer together as they stood unwaveringly behind their Alpha.

The Spinoraptor seemed confused by this, Owen could see it clouding the anger that had burned in her eyes since he first saw her. She wasn't sure what to make of something so little compared to her, defying her. The crimson eyes flickered over to him, and Owen stood taller; he had approved his Beta's decision.

The Spinoraptor seemed to ponder the blue raptor for a second more before suddenly curling her lip in a confused rage. She let out a livid roar that hurt Owen's ears before pulling her massive claw back. Owen felt his heart stop, and, before he knew what he was doing, he had slid in front of Blue. He held his palm up before barking, "STOP!"

Owen also wasn't aware he had shut his eyes until he heard a slow, rumbling exhale in front of him. He cracked open to see the thumbed hand raised, and claws splayed to swipe at them. Blue shifted nervously, and Owen refused to let out the breath he was holding.

Oh that's right The Spinoraptor was capable of obeying orders due to the chip forced in her brain.
Or she was so confused with him barking at her that she had startled into pausing.

Owen was leaning more towards the latter, but he had her attention. He could do something with this; she had raptor in her, All she needed was positive reinforcement, it was something she had lacked her entire life. He could see the crimson eyes emptying of anger as they filled with innocent curiosity, and her long tail gave a slight flick.

He stood a little taller, though he kept his splayed hand up, and maintained eye contact with her. How much eye contact had she been given in her life? Had anyone tried to be more nicer to her?
Owen could see the intimidating, literal daggers poking from her gums, and he was sure the answer was no.

She was so intelligent, and she had lived in misery her entire life. That cage In Russia probably wasn't large enough for her to run around, and it was so far away from any other dinosaurs that there was no way she knew they existed until she saw them. She was made of raptor and Spinosaurus DNA; both were highly social creatures.
No one taught her it was wrong to kill for sport, she had never been taught boundaries, and no one had bothered to communicate with her with good reason.

Owen didn't risk glancing behind him, but he could hear Claire and Masie breathing. They was close enough to hear him whisper, "Is there any way possible that we can give her and the Russian raptors a second chance?"

The Spinoraptor shifted slightly, and Owen quickly glanced down to see her bleeding sail. She was heavily injured with bruises, cuts, bullets, slashes, and even burns. She had to be in a lot of pain, and he could see some sedative darts deep in her thick, orange scales.

How the fuck was she even functioning?

The crimson red eyes flickered over to the redhead, and Owen swore he saw that anger creeping back in. She didn't like Claire.

"I-I don't know...but we can try."

"Owen, you're the most craziest man alive!" Ian and some soldiers shouts in the background.


6 months later , a new law was passed.

The President had given his stamp of approval for the "No Dinosaur Left Behind Act," dictating that dinosaurs be treated as an endangered species. Given that they have no fault for being created nor do the animals themselves have the ability to control what instincts are engrained in their brains, the only reasonable response was to let them live. Half the animals on the Earth were already responsible for numerous human deaths, yet their rights remained in place. It's just as Allan grant said while he testified in court: "these creatures don't know what century they're in and with an instinct like there's, they will defend themselves."

After years of exploitation for the entertainment of people, it was time to let these creatures live freely.

The new island's location would be unrevealed and protected in order to prevent intruders from either entering and dying or entering and leaving with dangerous predators. No one would purposely enter an island inhabited by prehistoric animals, anyways. Well, with the exception of those still willing to take advantage of dinosaurs. The President of the United States was well aware of the Russian's eyes on those creatures that went to failure.
In order to prevent prehistoric predators from ever setting foot on land inhabited by humans again, accessibility to any dinosaur would be made illegal and impossible.

Soldiers were sent out on a mission all around the world to transport as many dinosaurs from Countries as possible and arresting the owners.
Given their previous experience, Claire Dearing, leader of the Dinosaur Protection Group (DPG) and animal specialist and veteran, Owen Grady were granted access to assist in the dinosaurs' relocation. Just as everyone dreamed, the dinosaurs would be saved.
As for Owen he got to tell his baby girl goodbye and to look after her family with the indoraptor.


14 years later.

Time quickly flew by with Owen's family living in their cabin in California wilderness, as masie graduates from a private high school to college and is now looking forward to a new job working with Claire and Owen...until one faithful day a knock on the door was heard.


"Ian what are you doing here?" Owen asked the old man walking through the door with a cane.

"Well I was in the neighborhood. Ian laughs. the government asked me to find and ask you and your family to be apart of a special project."

"This better not be another Jurassic Park?"

"God no! Is a education project." Ian explains taking a sup from the coffee. We're going to have you and your family live on the secret island and film the dinosaurs once a month to make a episode."

"I'm interested, but Why?"

"Because modern day children need some kind education
That's not boring." Ian replies. Back on the Jurassic world the children loved seeing the dinosaurs and hearing about them and your the man confident enough.
You see Owen, "when I saw you facing the spinoraptor I thought this guy was going to die"

"But I didn't, I trusted blue to help me."

"Yes exactly! you're already trained to work with dinosaurs and they trust you to get close to them."

"Alright I'm in, but make sure that the cabin is big enough for 4 to 5 people because We have a 5 year old boy together."

"Wonderful news and welcome to Jurassic world 3.0" Ian exclaimed.


Thank you happy+endings , Gina, StarkSkywalker15 , Supermoi, NotSoHappyHufflepuff for comments throughout this story.

Thank you
Natsuki158, ForcedToDoThis404, xathira, Chocolatesama, Filiafamilias, alexa5331, Zirconium40, Sobari, youkjl, Wirewolf, Spirit_of_Halloween_1031, Seraphina_Nadir, JunsuChinCritic, Mygayagenda1_tm, Mygayagenda1_tm, colonelengle, UndeadFairie, StarkSkywalker15, and Siren109 as well as 272 guests left kudos on this work!

I'm excited to say I will be making a sequel
Jurassic World 3.0
