3 days later

I swear I watch this movie religiously

(See the end of the chapter for .)

Chapter Text

3 days later somewhere in the California wilderness.

Blue ran far and fast. The sun was beginning to come up, as the forest around her started to fade, the ground becoming more rocky and hard, almost like the flooring of her paddock.

She clambered up a rocky hill, the sun glinting down on her beaten and battered body, as she came into view over the hilltops.

A few green-gray plants decorated some areas, almost as if she had reached some sort of desert-looking area.

Blue's amber eyes scanned the new world around her. She wasn't on an island anymore. She didn't know where she was.

She skidded to a halt at the edge of the hillside, the sun beginning to rise over the horizon. She blinked, her eye membrane cleansing her eyeball.

She opened her jaws in a loud, coughing, bark. Then another.

She looked down at a large neighborhood below her; a town five miles from Lockwood Manor.

She took a step closer to the edge of the hillside and barked again, hoping to call out to any other Velociraptors that were possibly roaming this foreign territory.

But there was no answer to her calls.

The wounded animal stepped back on her good side, before looking over her shoulder in the direction she had came from. Her heart hurt more than her wounds did when she, once again, realized she had no one to back her up in case of danger.

The grey and blue dinosaur looked back down at the town again. It smelled too foreign, too human. She didn't want to encounter any more humans. She had enough human contact to last her a long while.

With one last look at the suburban neighborhood, Blue dashed off, her feet kicking up chunks of dust in her wake.


At some random hospital in California.

"She's badly injured, Owen. We need to go out and find her before the California wildfire gets to her."

Owen stared at Zia from a chair across from his in the hospital waiting room. Maisie was asleep on a bench next to him, still wrapped in the blanket she was given back at her old home.

Owen looked to Maisie before looking at the paleo-veterinarian. "What do you think we should do? Dinosaurs are everywhere, and Blue herself could be anywhere," he responded.

"I don't know. You know her better than any of us, Owen." The paleo-veterinarian furrowed her brow in worry and concern.

Owen sighed, his troubled green eyes drifting towards Maisie. He hated for the job to find Blue to be brought upon his shoulders. He just wanted to go back and finish that cabin of his. He was too reluctant to jump back into the life of dinosaur training. The guilt of losing almost all of his girls was too hard to bear—even three years after the Indominus Rex incident.

"Hey, you guys want any Taco Bell? I mean, I know we're waiting here for Claire, but I haven't eaten anything since breakfast yesterday, and I'm starving," Franklin piped up, walking towards them.

Zia sighed, pulling out her wallet from her pocket. "Get something for all of us, including Claire when she's out of surgery." She handed him her wallet.

Maisie rubbed her eye, looking up at the three adults. "Is Claire out...?"

Owen looked away from the IT technician to the little clone with soft emerald eyes. "No. Not yet, Maisie. She'll be out soon."

She nodded, resting her head on his leg to use it as a pillow.

Owen gently rubbed her head, sighing.

"Blue needs you, Owen. You're the only person she'd trust among the five of us," Zia told him, brown eyes staring at the man in front of her, wishing she knew what was going on inside his head.

The former animal trainer nodded, a bit distracted by a news report blaring through one of the televisions.

"Breaking news! This just in, the San Diego Zoo's lion enclosure has been broken into by a mysterious, rather large animal. Security footage has breached and displayed a T. Rex breaking into the zoo, and standing off against the male lion, Mufasa, before police were called in to contain the animal," the reporter spoke. "The dinosaur, soon after the police had been called, then retreated back the way it possibly came from. San Diego Zoo will relocate the lions to another enclosure while the fences are being rebuilt."

The image was rather startling: the veteran Tyrannosaurus Rex, standing right in front of a lion, who was perched on large rock across an even larger canal that separated the two beasts, the fence behind her smashed and destroyed from her large body.

When Maisie heard the report as she tried to go back to sleep, she covered her head with the blanket, as if she didn't want anyone to see her, not that they would know she was the cause of the dinosaurs to have been set loose out in the open.

"Oh no....." Zia murmured in worry. "If that T. Rex doesn't stay in forest areas..."

"It'll be the second San Diego Incident since '97," Owen finished for her.

Maisie made a little whimpering sound next to him. "I-I didn't want them....I-I didn't..."

Owen pulled her up into a hug. "You were doing the right thing, Maisie. Without you, those animals would have died."

She looked up at him with large, honey amber eyes. "Okay.." she sniffled, snuggling closer to her guardian. Since she looked a bit similar to Owen, it didn't look too strange to other people that she wasn't his actual daughter.

"Mr. Grady? Ms. Dearing's surgery was a success," a doctor spoke, stepping out into the waiting room. "She'll be on crutches for a while, and she'd probably be limping for a few months after she can put a good amount of weight on her leg, but she'll make a full recovery."

Owen heaved a sigh of relief. He looked to Maisie. "Hear that?"

Maisie smiled widely. She nodded. "Claire's gonna be okay..!"

"When can we see her?" Zia asked.

"Soon, very soon. We just need to move her to her hospital room, and then you can go visit her." The doctor nodded before returning down the hallway.


Winter season hurry up!!!!
