Fading time

I'm a emotional wreck, but I need to continue 😭

Chapter Text

( Owen recording his thoughts )

God why!

Time it self seemed to stopped that day or should I say
Hell on earth.

One moment we were winning against the spinoraptor hybrid with our t-rex......until another more deadlier god damn spinoraptor hybrid shows up out of the water and literally kills rexy and drags her off to the Russians.

It's been 7 months and everyone is forced to hide in the underground shelter to avoid the madness.
When I say madness I mean the wild Russian hybrids that act like killer zombies.

At least blue and her family stayed around to protect us...and occasionally bring home dead bodies of the hybrids that she killed for us to inspect or operate on.

Strange thing is that our best doctors and scientist found growth enhancement in their blood and a chip in their brain. We still needed more research on the Russians.

Owen out ( tape recorder shuts off)
