Blue vs the indoraptor

Blue must protect Owen, no matter the cost

(See the end of the chapter for .)

Chapter Text

The Indoraptor stared outside at the bright light of the lighthouse right outside the window he was next to. He had never seen a lighthouse's light before. He didn't even know there was a world outside the human building he resided in.

Until the dinosaurs from Isla Nublar were brought into his world did he realize that there was something outside his cold and depressing universe.

He smashed his way through the window, growling and hissing in his attempt to squeeze through.

His claws scrabbled across the slippery roof, rain pouring down onto his body.

He shook his head, looking up towards the sky in wonder.

He never knew water could fall from the sky. It was amazing to him.

He began to climb up onto the roof of the mansion, rumbling low in his throat.

Lightning exploded behind him, thunder clapping loudly, making him look back to the sky, scarlet amber eyes focusing on the full moon behind him, as he dug his claws into the shingles along the rooftop he stood on.

He sat in the very middle of the roof, and opened his jaws in a loud roar, wind swirling passed him, rain pelting him, soaking him to the bone, from above.

The animal closed his jaws, creeping forwards.

He snuck closer towards the scent of Maisie, which he had caught from above the roof. He shook his head, spraying water everywhere. He paused at the very end of the roof, and slowly reached his arm down, warbling in excitement.

His nails touched the metal of a doorknob, which he was a bit surprised by. He pressed his entire finger down onto the door knob, hearing a satisfying click! when it opened.

He peered through the window to see a hyperventilating bundle inside a child's bed, a smirk tugging at his lips: Maisie was in his sights, and she had nowhere to run.

The doors to her balcony swung open, as the dinosaur's foot stepped inside the bedroom, death talon flexing eerily.

He rumbled and hissed in enjoyment upon the scent of fear wafting through his nostrils.

The animal pushed through the drapes of her bed, hissing and clicking. His tail swished sharply, as he stepped into the room, staring straight at the twelve year-old, who squeezed her eyes as tight as she could, trembling.

She was terrified of him being so close to her that she couldn't bear to look at him. He was that scary to her.

The Indoraptor bent down, reaching an arm out, thunder clapping outside, brushing against her bedsheets, reaching out for her. He drew his head closer to her, rouge-amber eyes glaring at the pathetic little thing before him.

He growled a tiny bit, twitching, saliva dripping from his mismatched, lipless jaws, as she started to make muffled screaming sounds under her blanket.

The door next to him on his left was kicked open.

Owen burst in, holding an assault rifle. "Maisie, stay down!" He instructed, finger on the trigger.

The animal drew back to face the angry man, growling deep in his throat.




Three bullets struck the Indoraptor's body, causing him to stumble back with a yelp.

He fell to the ground on all fours, shaking his head, dazed.

He looked to his arm, hearing a small clink! As his flesh pushed the bullet out of his body, starting to regenerate.

His angry gaze lifted from his arm to Owen, who attempted to fire the gun again.


He was out of ammo.

The animal behaviorist looked up at the Indoraptor, who rose to his full height, staring down at him with hate in his eyes.

The hybrid parted his jaws ever so slightly, letting out a little bark of anger, as he backed Owen into the wall of the room.

He lowered himself down onto all fours, making eye contact with him, hissing.

A loud, furious, shriek caught his attention, causing him to divert his gaze towards the doorway.

A grey and blue blur pounced onto his face before he had time to react.


She crept out, favoring her one leg, nostrils twitching when she could smell blood.


The dinosaur jumped, whipping her head around to see Claire, struggling to stand up, her one leg badly injured by the Indoraptor's death talon.

Blue looked towards where Owen went before looking back at Claire. She jumped onto the fallen log that Owen shoved aside, letting out a coughing bark. She tilted her head, not understanding why Owen wasn't with her. She looked at her wound and licked at it when she felt blood drip down her side.

She looked back at Claire, carefully stepping down from the log. She reached her head down to sniff at her leg wound. She could smell the Indoraptor on it.

When the animal activist winced, Blue dew her head back with a little chirp. She stared Claire in the eye, blinking.

" did you get out..?" Claire asked in disbelief, as Blue looked around for something nearby.

She looked back at Claire and barked, death talons flexing. She sniffed at her leg again before looking up sharply upon hearing something moving along the roof.

The dinosaur trotted out of the diorama, looking around for any signs of the young male.

Claire hauled herself to her feet, limping out of the diorama.

Blue looked back at her before running off into the shadows of the building, wanting to locate where Owen was.

She looked up towards the stairway and launched herself at one of the steps, struggling to climb them with her injured hip.

When she heard Owen yell, she dashed off into a hallway, flinching back when she heard the three gunshots.




Upon hearing the angry noises of the Indoraptor, her lips curled back. She snuck towards the doorway, staying as silent as she possibly could.

She noticed the large ebony black and gold hybrid cornering Owen against the wall.

She shrieked in anger, causing him to look at her, as well as her former trainer.

Crouching, Blue roared and pounced onto the Indoraptor's face, scrambling up onto his back when he attempted to bite at her neck.

She avoided his snapping jaws the best she could, as she bit down onto the back of his neck.

He managed to grab ahold of her tail, dragging her to the ground.

She slammed to the ground on her good side, growling loudly, as she scrambled to her feet, shrieking at the hybrid before her. She jumped onto his neck, feeling his claws rake down her thigh, drawing blood.

As he thrashed against her attempts to attack him, his massive head swung around, taking part of Maisie's canopy bed with him, as she screamed loudly in terror.

The Indoraptor managed to drag Blue to the ground again, stepping down onto her thigh to keep her in place, as he attempted to strike at Owen and Maisie.

Blue kicked out with her legs, reaching out with her jaws to snatch his arm in her mouth.

He yelped, stumbling backwards, as his free paw smacked Blue across her face, leaving three, jagged, cuts along her cheek and jaw.

She was knocked to the ground again, blood seeping out from the cuts, as she jumped onto the Indoraptor's side, causing him to trip over a loveseat in Maisie's room.

She snapped at his throat, tail whipping around, as she and the Indoraptor slammed into a bookcase, knocking over a string of Christmas lights, which were tangled around the female Velociraptor in her struggle to battle the larger dinosaur.

Pinned onto his back, the larger animal bit down on her arm.

He managed to shoot his legs out from underneath Blue, throwing her back.

She wailed in pain, crashing into Maisie's bed, as she and Owen attempted to flee out the balcony window.

Lifting her head, she looked to her opponent, blood dripping from teeth marks in her arm. She felt anger burn from deep within her body. She wasn't happy.

As the Indoraptor attempted to lunge at Owen and Maisie, the smaller dinosaur jumped onto his back, digging her teeth into his head, his quills poking her face.

He thrashed and bucked against her attempts to subdue him, growling and roaring with anger in his attempt to fling her off.

His claws raked down her bad side, drawing blood, which spurted from her still-healing bullet wound.

She crashed to the ground on her good side, reaching up to grasp his lower jaw in her mouth, before he slammed her head to the ground, two nails slashing over her eye.

She lay on the ground, panting, bleeding from various wounds, blood pooling out from underneath her.

The Indoraptor grabbed her tail in his mouth and swung her away from him, causing her to smash into the window of the balcony.

She jumped onto his back once again, snarling and barking.

She slashed at his face with the paw of her injured arm, as he smashed his head and upper body through a stained glass window, glass shards falling around them, pricking their bodies, and drawing crimson red blood.

Owen and Maisie were knocked away from the two dinosaurs and slid down the roof before coming to a halt above a skylight, the young girl letting out a short scream.

Blue shoved the Indoraptor back with her head, causing them both to fall over, back inside the room.

She circled the Indoraptor, limping heavily. She suddenly shrieked, slamming into him with all her might.

They both fell out the window, tumbling down the roof on either side.

Blue's battered body slammed into the walls of the mansion, sharp objects cutting through her skin, and drawing blood. It was a miracle she didn't fall completely off, or she would have died.

She dug her claws into the roof, rain washing the blood, both hers and the Indoraptor's, off of her blue and grey hide.

She dug her feet into the roof of the building and started to climb, the determination of saving Owen preventing her to feel any pain.

She couldn't let him die. He was all she had left.

And she wasn't going to lose another Pack mate.


He was mad. He didn't like how the humans kept escaping from him.

But now they were cornered.

Glass cuts and the injuries he sustained from that unexpected attack the female Velociraptor pulled on him had begun to heal into nothing, as his over-sized body clambered up a ladder to the skylight over the fossil room in Lockwood's Estate. He focused his scarlet amber eyes onto Owen and Maisie, who stood on the opposite side of the skylight roof.

He pressed down on the glass with his paw, putting all his weight on it.


The glass couldn't hold his weight, and broke under his paw.

He looked down at the hole he created, gurgling, paw raised. He looked up towards the two humans before slamming his paws down, roaring angrily.

Maisie slipped, screaming, as Owen also slipped on the wet roof, managing to grab part of a pole to keep them from falling to their deaths below.

The Indoraptor balanced on the middle portion of the skylight, careful not to step on the glass and fall through, as he stalked closer and closer to the terrified humans.





He paused midway upon hearing metal against metal. He looked over his shoulder to see Claire, favoring the leg he injured, hitting a gun against the metal of the skylight.

"HEY!" She yelled at the terrifying hybrid.

He snarled at her, thunder clapping above him. His death talons flexed, as she raised the gun towards Owen, who pulled himself and Maisie up from their near-death experience.

A stream of red light from the gun to Owen made the animal turn his head around, angry eyes focused on the former animal trainer, who stared him down, nodding a bit to the female behind him.

That's when heard her voice


That horrible noise hurt his ears, causing him to shriek and charge at Owen, who ran towards him.

The dinosaur swiped at him, as he slid down the skylight, his back hitting the brick wall behind him.

The glass caved in under the Indoraptor's feet. His paws clung desperately at part of the metal railing, panic yelps and screeched escaping his mismatched jaws.

With all of his will-power to stay alive, he hauled himself up onto the roof, glaring at Owen. He shrieked, scenting the fear radiating off of him.

The animal moved closer and closer to the man, the storm raging behind him.

A loud, high-pitched, shriek caused him to whirl around in utter shock, as a familiar grey and blue blur pounced on top of him.


His weight...he was too heavy for the glass to handle his malnourished body.

But with an added two hundred and so pounds, the glass would give way before him without him having any chance to hold onto something to brace his fall.

The female clambered up onto part of the roof behind the hybrid, thunder crashing behind her, lighting striking across the sky.

Owen's eyes flashed towards her, as her jaw parted.

She roared loudly in fury, watching the surprised male whip around to face her wrath. She jumped at him, clinging to him with her sharp talons.

The glass gave way.

Shards of glass and the two dinosaurs, locked in battle once more, fell.

Everything felt as if they were falling in slow motion, the horns of the Agujaceratops below them growing larger and longer.

The Indoraptor cushioned Blue's fall, as he, the animal Eli Mills intended to weaponize, was impaled on the sharp spears on the fossilized creature's head.

Blue looked down at the Indoraptor's body, sides heaving. She won. She won the battle.

The beaten, bloodied Blue raised her head high, shrieking out her victory.

*just kidding* *what should have happened in the movie according to my fanfic*

The room was dark, deserted, and alone. Well...almost alone. Something, or someone, had been left behind.

The Indoraptor lay sprawled out on the skull of the Agujaceratops, but, strangely, there was no blood leaking from his body, no holes created from the horns impaling him. The only cuts he received were from the glass and the female Velociraptor, but those healed into nothing. But how could they have healed if he was dead?

His eye moved, no longer staring at nothing. His lips twitched.

He wasn't dead.

He lifted his head, his paw grasping the horn, as he moved his entire body into a more comfortable position.

He crept towards it on all fours, shoving it own a bit further with his massive head. He looked about, noticing a human leg by the basement entrance. The hybrid launched himself over the side of the porch steps, running towards the leg on his hind legs. He halted, planting his feet into the gravel, as he sniffed the bloody, mauled leg.

It belonged to Mills.

He blinked, looking up a bit. His pupils dilated, his jaws parting, and his tail dropping in shock and excitement.

Eli Mills was dead. His captor was dead.

He never felt excitement before. It was a completely new feeling for him.

The Indoraptor's tail began to wag. He tossed his head back with a loud roar, bouncing on the balls of his feet. He dashed off into the foliage on all fours, growing more and more excited.

The hybrid never felt grass or gravel before, only hard concrete from the time he hatched to the time he was set loose by Wheatley.

He froze, sniffing the air, when he caught a whiff of the female Velociraptor. She was out there, too?

The Indoraptor tapped his death talons, paws flexing. For some odd reason, he didn't want to attack her as revenge for her getting in the way of killing Owen and Maisie.

She fascinated him with her stunning figure, and excellent fighting skills.

His scarlet-amber eyes glanced around before he jogged off.

He was going to track her down and find her, no matter how long it would take.


The indoraptor officially falls In love
