Fight to the death


Sorry for the late chapter. I been stressed out with family and trying to convince my uncle to take his medicine and go to the appointments.

Prototype spinoraptor hybrid vs rexy

(See the end of the chapter for .)

Chapter Text

Owen Grady runs out of the woods with a small goat in arms that he stole from a nearby petting zoo....with the old lady T-rex hungrily following right behind.

"Alright everyone! Get into position!"

"Old lady is coming!"

"Oh fuck the hybrid is coming this way!"

Owen stops, throws the goat in midair and heads for cover as the t- rex chomped on her treat.
At the same time the prototype spinoraptor shows up and rexy is angry seeing the hybrid in her territory.

Now officially the fight begins.


Rexy charges at the prototype knocking him down into several trees , but the prototype quickly gets back up and slashed deep into rexy's right eye and left thigh.


Exhausted and Bleeding heavily rexy chooses not to back down from the fight, charges again at the prototype spinoraptor pushing them both into the wilderness and landing in a river.

The prototype spinoraptor sees that they are surrounded by water and uses the information to his advantage as he learned from his training by attempting to drown rexy.

From across the river blue and her family sees the battle that old rexy is struggling with and they Immediately jumped into the fight by biting and chomping on the prototype's arms, legs, back and head.

Gasping for air, spitting water out of her lungs rexy shoves the spinoraptor off her, chomped on his neck and throws him into a sharp rock which ended up in the spinoraptor's chest and staining the entire river with red.


Rexy hears the humans cheers, but suddenly heard them gasp as a dark shadow comes from behind her and before she could even process what's going on,
Another bigger, badder, meaner spinoraptor bites down on rexy's head, killing her while the humans, blue and her family run for safety.



Rest In Peace rexy.
