Chapter 5: Chionophobia


Chionophobia- Fear of snow.
~Tom hated snow and all things involving it, but Harry loved Christmas and made sure to decorate heavily with snowflakes.

-Rating: Explicit
-Relationships: Tom Riddle/Harry Potter
-Warning/Tags: Sexual Content, Christmas, Holidays, Snowflakes, Harry In 1940, After Hogwarts, Slight Crack Fic,


Rolling his eyes, Tom watched as Harry danced around their small flat, tinsel and paper snowflakes overflowing in his arms.

"Harry, must you put up all of those?" Merrily ignoring his boyfriend of two years he continued his task of placing the decorations around on the worn out walls. Harry stopped for a moment to set a glittering bow on Toms perfectly curled hair before laughing and heading off for another armful of goods.

Tom gripped the small silver bow in his hands. He felt guilty hiding everything from the small boy, but he knew Harry wouldn't understand. Harry had been a grave Gryffindor in school, and Tom the cunning Slytherin, if Harry discovered his secret identity... shifting, he set the bow down and followed after the other.

"Hey, tomorrow when you are at work I'll have some of my friends over." Harry scowled at Tom and stood tall, hands on hips. "Tom, why won't you let them see me? Are you ashamed to live with me? That we are together?" With quick movements Tom gripped Harry's arm. "That's not it! I would never think that, we just have things we need to discuss privately, you know them from Hogwarts, it's not like you are a secret."

Harry dropped his arms and breathed out, he looked down to think. As Tom was about to speak up again Harry put on a smile and looked him in the eyes. "If you don't want them to see me I know you have your reasons. I just want to be with you Tom, and I want you to be happy with me."

Tom surged forward and hugged Harry. "More happy than you could ever know." And he was, he had been working at Borgin and Burkes learning dark magic, than coming home to Harry. He was also steadily building a dark army that followed his every command, his life was just starting and it was all working out perfectly. He only wished he could make himself love the things Harry did, but he could never enjoy Christmas.

Tom sat in his transfigured throne before the fire and looked around his living room. Not being able to tell the boy no, Harry covered the place wall to the wall in decorations. With a green flash his followers began to arrive. Settling back he nearly laughed at the displeased looks on their faces at Harry's liberal glitter placements. When each had arrived and bowed before him he stood gracefully.

"I apologize for the unseemly atmosphere, but my lover seems to find this type of 'festivity' necessary, I hope you will all forgive me."

'Of course My Lord' rand through the space and Tom grinned at the absolute respect and loyalty. Calmly he sat again and allowed each of his members to report. Nearly falling asleep when he reached the less influential of his gathered group, he was startled by a small bell ringing near by in warning. Standing sharply he barked an order, "Remove your masks and outer robes!" Hurriedly the group obeyed. As the last mask vanished the living room door opened. Harry stood, he was begging to remove his work robe before he took in the room with a small "oh" he smiled and stepped fully into the room.

"Sorry to interrupt your get together, I was let off early for Christmas." Harry walked over and gave Tom a small peck on the cheek before looking over the room. Tom wrapped his arm around Harry's hips. "It's okay my love, we were almost done anyway, I'm always happy to have you home." With a small concealed apology nod to Tom, Harry looked back at the others. "I was going to heat some water up for some cocoa, could I interest any of you, maybe tea? I have some rather nice cookies as well."

The room looked at Tom first for his thoughts, but given the sharp nod of his head informing them all silently to play along, Harry was barraged with drink orders. Orion Black stood and walked over to the two. "Harry, it's been a while you might not remember me, but allow me to help." with a smile Harry added in. "Of course I remember you Orion, thank you very much." The two went into the kitchen chatting and Tom looked back over the group. "Well, continue your reports."

Tom smiled at the sound of laughter from the kitchen, he could kill for Harry's laugh, but he also felt jealous of Orion hearing it. After a few minutes harry walked back into the room with a tray, passing cups to each person as Orion handed out small plates of cookies. Harry walked over to Tom handing him a cup of his special brand tea, he sat on Toms lap to kiss him and whisper, "I have a surprise upstairs when you're done." before he set off up the steps with a cup and some cookies. Tom sucked in a breath, excited for his 'surprise' which he knew coming from Harry, he would desperately enjoy it. Setting a quick silencing charm he kept his eyes on the stairs the rest of the meeting.

When the last of the green flames went out, Tom headed for the stairs taking them quickly. Each room he passed he looked for Harry. At the last door which lead to the bedroom he felt himself pant. Straightening his clothes he knocked and stepped inside. He took in the bed wide eyed and felt his crotch heat up. Harry squirmed under his intense gaze but straightened himself, pulling the red ribbons, that were the only thing covering him, hug tighter. Tom gulped when Harry looked him in the eye. Snowflakes were charmed and falling from the ceiling, and the bed was covered in a soft white coat of feather like flakes.

"I know you really hate Christmas and so because you have been so sweet about me loving it, I thought you deserved an extra present."

Tom stepped forward and pulled at the satin, causing it to grip the tan flesh tighter. "So my present is you?" Though he said it like he wasn't impressed his entire mouth was dry. Harry seemed to be expecting it though and gave an evil grin. "I will do anything you wish My Lord"

He hissed some words of approval in parseltongue as Harry shifted closer to him. Harry had overheard some of Tom's followers call him Lord in the past, and he knew exactly when to use it in bed to get Tom going. Using his trained hands Harry unbuttoned Toms pants quickly, helping him discard them. "My Lord, am I not worthy enough?"

The mixture of Harry's emerald eyes staring up at him and the use of those delicious words made him dizzy. "Oh my pet, you are beyond worthy. No one else deserves a place by my side more than you." Tom lifted of his shirt and pushed Harry back. The small body shifted back to the middle of the bed to lay his head on the soft pillows. When Tom followed he was amazed that the white flakes were warm, and how incredibly soft they were. He thought at that moment he didn't mind snow anymore, and Christmas might actually become his favorite holiday.

His body molded perfectly on top of the smaller. They were compatible in every way. He licked at Harry's lips, pressing himself closer as they began to kiss deeply. As Harry's arms wrapped around him he realized something. They were made for eachother, created to complete one another. They shared everything, they shared a home and their bodies, they even survived the same childhood. Tom looked at Harry's finger,smiling at the ring that fit perfectly.

Harry noticed Toms distracted look and pulled back. Tom couldn't live letting Harry only know half of him, they needed to love with full hearts, not half in hiding. "Harry, can we talk?" Surprised Harry flinched. "Now? Is something wrong? If you don't want me calling you Lord I can stop." Kissing him again, Tom hoped to await his worries. "No, I love you calling me that, I want to talk about why my followers were here, why I didn't wish for you to see or hear." Harry reached up and pulled Tom close. "That can wait Tom, we are together now, that's what matters."

His smile was twisted, but it was hidden as he worked his way kissing and licking down the tan body, pulling the ribbon off along the way. Harry was right. They were together, and soon they would share everything. It wouldn't stop at a full heart, they would share a soul, share evil, share the world, and even if he had to force Harry, they would share an eternity. He listened to Harry's moans as he stroked and teased his body and prepared him.

Tom knew he was pure evil, he was dark, and Harry was light. But light could be tainted. He would make the bright soul before him become a shadow, he would rule everything with Harry by his side. With a gasping cry of "My Lord" Harry released his orgasm. Tom moved back up and positioned himself over his lover, kissing him to hide the feral grin he couldn't hold back. He slid himself inside and laughed joyously at the feeling of taking what was his. Tom could make himself share Harry's love of snow, he could love Christmas, and Harry would love his blackened soul. If Harry couldn't bring himself to share it, Tom would just lock him away. Harry belonged to him, he would always belong to him.

Tom gripped the ribbon in his hand, Harry had no clue exactly how much he had given with this present.
