Chapter 18-20


Staurophobia- Fear of crosses or the crucifix.
~Tom kidnaps priests and kills them after his own childhood trauma, when he takes Harry he finds that not everything is the way he thought, and that not all priests are the same.

-Rating: Mature
-Relationships: Tom Riddle/Harry Potter
-Warning/Tags: Violence, Murder, Serial Killer!Tom, Priest!Harry, Kidnapping, Mention of Child Abuse, Mention of Pedophillia


'Lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil: For thine is the kingdom, and the power and the glory, forever, Amen.'

The Lord's Prayer? It wasn't common at Harry's Church, no, they tried to discover new prayers and new ways to praise God, they didn't fall back on one that have lost meaning with overuse.

It was strange, Harry could remember doing his normal before bed schedule, put out all the candles and organizing bibles for morning service, but he couldn't remember going to his bed, and he certainly wasn't there now. He not only wasn't in a bed, but something wasn't right, his body was sore and it was as if he wasn't laying down, he could stilips feel his glasses on his face, he would have definitely taken those off. The voice came again, clearer this time, he knew it was an actual person now, but he didn't recognize it.

"Our Father which art in heaven, Hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven."

No, he wasn't at home, he wasn't at church, he was in danger. With force he opened his eyes to talke in his surroundings. His throat let out a sob, stopping the prayer and gaining the man's attention. He was standing, tied to what he couldn't see but could feel was a wooden cross. The room was dark, light only by candles, and from what the flickering light could allow, what looked like blood splattered the room.

"Ah, so you are finally awake Father?"

Harry finally took in the man speaking, tall, aristocratic, handsome. He was nothing like what Harry was expecting. "Where am I?"

The man smiled and walked around Harry in a full circle, coming back to face him, trailing a hand down the stubble on Harry's face. "Well, Father, this is my home, to be more specific, my basement, and the place you will die." Harry sucked in a sharp breath. He pulled at the restraints but found they were to tight, "Who are you!"

Grey eyes flashed in amusement. "You haven't heard of me? On the news maybe? Well, never mind that, my name is Tom Riddle, but the society calls me 'The Demon.'" Green eyes opened wide as the memory of his mother calling and warning him about this exact man came to him.

'Harry, I just think you should be more careful, lock the doors when the last person leaves, maybe have Ron or Hermione stay late with you?'

'Mom, really, you know as well as I the priests he took had ties with child abuse, I don't fit the profile.'

'Harry at least promise me you will be safe?'

'I promise Mom, I'll see you tonight.'

Harry stared at Tom in shock for a long moment before he could speak up again. "Why, why did you take me? I've never touched a child, I would never do something like that!" Tom just turned with a sigh and grabbed something behind him. "That's what they all say, it's all lies. Do you know what they did to me when I lied?" He didnt finish his sentence or give Harry time to reply. He turned with a whip in his hands.

The only noise Harry made for an hour was screams and sobs, Tom not relenting as Harry swore up and down he never even looked at a child that way. At the end, he looked down at his clothes, his cassock was ripped in places, showing blood dribbling from the showing cuts, even where rips couldn't be seen, he knew the skin would be covered in bruises.

Tom came up to him again, placing his glasses back on his face, one lense was broken, but he could see from the other. The handsome man took a seat before him, staring at him long before speaking.

"As a child, I lived in a Orphanage. My mother was mentally ill, so the women who watched after us decided I was as well. Children learn from what they see, so soon I was this evil presence. I had done nothing, the way I was treated turned me to an outcast, and I found comfort in being alone, but that just proved to them I was 'evil' and they brought in a priest. Well, he was also a pedophile. He had them tie me down to do an exorcism, but that's not the only thing he did to me. For years- are you crying?"

Harry looked down at the man, tears running from his cheeks and his eyes puffy. "Yes, I am. No child should go through that. I became a priest to stop that from happening, I wanted to create a safe place, I wanted to protect children."

The tall man stood quickly, his chair falling behind him. His grey eyes flashed in anger as he grabbed the whip again, "Liar! I told you what would happen if you lie!" Harry straightened his back as much as he could attached to the wooden boards. "I'm not lying! Just listen please! Just 5 minutes!" With calculated movements Tom righted the chair and sat again, never setting down the leather weapon. His nod signaled Harry his time was running.

Green eyes looked at the floor, unsure if he wished to speak, but knowing he had to. "My father, he was pastor. He and his two friends were all the head of churches in the same district. But they were sick, I was the easiest target for them. From a young age they 'trained' me, kept me to silence. They did horrible things to me. I never spoke up because, these were three men that everyone I knew looked up to. I was a toy to them, a treat that they got to enjoy because they managed to keep their hands off the other children. I never had anyone to save me, no one would believe me. I had started to believe God wasn't real, if he was, why not send someone for me? But no, I realized, God was showing me that I had to do this myself, I had to find the strength within myself. I was 15, 12 years it took me to take these men down.

Remus and Sirius, my dads friends, they lived alone together, so, they created a 'playroom' for me. I used my dads card and bought a bunch of stuff online, some things that disgust me to this day, but I also bought cameras. I went over there one day and told them I had a suprise, I said that I had to set up and would let them all in after an hour. I set all the cameras up, and I forced myself into the outfit, and all the gross things I bought, and I let them in. It took them hours to finish with me because of all the toys and how the outfit 'excited them' but in the end I had proof. I took the film to the police and they were arrested.

I almost left religion all together at that point, but I couldn't let them win, I couldn't let them take God from me. I went into school, and I became a priest, I set up my church as a way for children and family's to escape that, a way for them to feel safe and protected. I would never touch a child, I would never hurt a child, I would never put a child in a position where their lives feel like nothing but a pleasure object for another. I want children to know they are important, and to know they are loved. I'm not lying to you, I promise, what happened to you, I wish I could have been there, I pray everyday that I will be there to stop the next one. That priest failed you, and paid the price, please, let me go so I can continue to do my work, soI can continue to make others pay, and save those who have been lost."

Tom looked at him wearily. Harry had spoken nothing but the truth, but Tom seemed to set in his ways to believe him. "Well, Harry, the good priest, I feel that my punishment for you isn't enough, I'll come back with something that will make you stop lying once and for all." The tall man left Harry in silence, all alone in the dark.


Tom rested on his couch. None of the ones he brought before had such an elaborate story, maybe- he stopped himself. All priests were sick, he wouldn't believe that man's lies, he wouldn't let those striking green eyes, or the soft tan skin distract him from what was right. He turned his tv on to look at the news, flipping through till he recognized bright green eyes. The women had red hair, he had been crying and seemed tired and weak. He turned the sound on to listen to her words.

'Harry has been through so much, I failed him once when he was a child, and I allowed those men to hurt him, but he has powered through it, he saved himself and he protected himself, but Harry isn't like those other priests, he has never hurt a child and never would after his own childhood. Please let him go, let me not fail him this time.'

Tom didn't even take the time to turn off the Tv as he rushed to the basement. He found the seat before Harry and sat while panting. "It wasn't a lie." It wasn't a question, and Harry didn't take it as one, he just nodded. Tom stood and began to pace the room. "I don't know what to do. I can't kill you, if I do, I- but I can't let you go, if you tell the police they will make me stop." Harry didn't say a word and just stared. Grey eyes flashed dangerously and came to stand near the other man. "What do I do?"

Harry looked at him and gave a calm smile. "Tom, God is with you, inside you. You may have been wrong when you decided how to use your actions to kill, but you had good in your heart. You chose the wrong path, but life will never give you a dead end, there will always be a choice you can make, and that choice is yours, no one else can make it for you."

Grey eyes left green and went to look at the moving chest before him. Silence reigned as Tom let his gaze wander the other, it may have been Minutes or hours, only God himself could be sure. "Harry, the reason I took you... I knew your church helped children, and I think I knew deep down you weren't like the others. But when I was passing by, I saw you through the window, you were in the chapel and I couldn't look away since you are so beautiful that I thought you were the embodiment of sin. I took you because, I felt what those men must have felt. Though you aren't a child, so I guess it would be different, but I still knew I didn't have a chance with you. I felt pure temptation, and I would have given anything to touch you, feel you, to be inside you. Maybe the one I meant to punish when I took you was myself."

Harry just stared, his green eyes taking in the words Tom had spoken so honestly. He smiled and let his emotions show to Tom that he wasn't angry. He believed that God had lead him here, and it had to be for a reason, maybe it would be so he could save one last soul. "Tom, our lives are filled with billions of situations and even more choices. Both of ours lead us to where we are right now. I'm glad I met you, I'm glad I was able to speak with you, and if any of those situations had changed, you may have just become a shy timid boy, who walked away from the church after you saw me, instead of coming inside, we may never have met. I'm glad that our lives lead us to meet since it was God's plan. God is showing us, what we each could have become, he's showing us, how even with the same history we have both gone on to make different choices and that lead us to different situation. Tom, God isn't the one who failed us, others are, other people used their situations and choices to push us into a corner. Me and you, we are given the chance to see, we are given the chance to know, it is so rare and so unheard of, we can do nothing but accept it. You have your own trail to go through, when you reach heaven, but I will be there with you. I promise, I will not let you go through it alone. You will suffer, it will hurt, the guilt of taking a life will cause you great pain, but in the end, it's a choice like any other."

A loud crash echoed upstairs, followed by loud voices and shouting, Tom grabbed a small handgun and hid by Harry's side. Long pale fingers held the gun to Harry's temple, his lips came forward in order to whisper.

"Do you promise? We will meet again? And maybe, in heaven, we can live the life that was never possible here?"

Harry was shivering, he feared death, but he needed to be strong. "Tom, if you fight, if you find the will to make the right choices before God, I swear to you, I will stay by your side."

The voice cracked with sobs left hot puffs past Harry's ear. "Will you cherish me? Can we be something? I will take the pain as long as their is a promise of something better with you."

Harry gave a nod as the door burst forward, a row of men holding guns entered and yelled at Tom. With a kiss to wild black hair, the gun clicked, and a shot rang through the room, followed by a barrage of bullets from the uninvited guests.

Green eyes opened beside grey as they both took in the sight of a pristine golden gate, light surrounded them. Harry felt a cold hand grip his own and looked to find Tom smiling at him. "I'm ready." Harry nodded and lead the other up to their fate.

Chapter 19: GamophobiaSummary:

Gamophobia- Fear of marriage.
~It was time for their marriage, they were both happy and excited, but their families were what they should have known would be the biggest source of stress.

-Rating: General Audience
-Relationships: Tom Riddle/Harry Potter
-Warning/Tags: Crack Fic, Wedding, Chaos


Our story begins on a beautiful summer day in mid July. Two men, deeply and passionately in love are separated by only a wall as they prepare for the rest of their lives.

Our hero of the story, a short but well built man stands before a mirror, he has fixed his tie more times than he can count, and is still shaking where he stands. The hero's green eyes sparkle as they match with the jeweled pin on his tie. He was filled with nerves and about to be a jumbled mess of tears, but the thought of the love of his life being beside him soon kept him strong.

The hero's love was staring at a small sheet of paper, he had memorized it days ago, but the words didn't feel perfect the way he thought they should. He looked in the mirror before him, his red eyes took in his tall form. Looking behind him he could imagine the shivering form of Harry nearly in tears because of all his emotions. Tom stood and looked at himself, he would make this day one no one forget. He would show his love through his words so he needed to rewrite the vows again.

Both men were so focused on thoughts of each other and the lives they were going to step into today, that they didn't even have a thought towards what was going on beyond their doors. A war was raging outside in the garden where lights and lace was strung up creating a magical place where the two would soon be joined for eternity. Two completely different groups of people, each member with different motives and views, were battling out of view of the lovers.

Let's begin with the largest family of both groups, a redheaded horde that was covering the whole area. Ron, the youngest boy of the family was at the outside dining table, food and snacks had been laid out for people to enjoy. His red freckled face was drenched in sauces and crumbs as he dug his way through the massive pile of appetizers and sweets. His older twin brothers had maniacal grins plastered onto their faces as they watched their carefully placed whoopy cushions go off, and the firecrackers they had charmed to activate at certain phrases scare the crowd senseless.

The youngest Weasley, Ginny was in what could only be called a cat fight with a bushy haired girl by the name of Hermione, both were wearing atrocious dresses, and seemed to have their minds both set on being maid of honor even if it landed the other in the hospital. A blonde girl with a dazed look in her eye was calming both girls, she tried to explain calmly that Harry had chosen her for the Maid of Honor, but both girls turned their anger on her screaming, 'Luna you bitch!' and racing after her with sharp nails prepared to strike.

A small skidding boy bumped into his grumpy professor and looked into his eyes with fear. "Sorry to bother Professor Snape, but have you seen my Toad?" The grumpy man leaned forward, the smell of hard liquor on his lips, "Mister Longbottom, for what reason did you bring a Toad to a wedding, 70 points from Gryffindor. And to those in the horrid red family, 90 points!" He was ignored as the boy ran off. The man grabbed a flask and took another swig mumbling, 'I have to watch those eyes smile happily again, and not have them looking at me. 700 points for choosing another again Lily.'

Two separate couples stood holding each other in the back, both for different reasons, Harry's school friends, Seamus and Dean were perhaps practicing for their own wedding, or from the ferocity, their wedding night.

But The rest of Harry's last real family were holding each other tightly, trying to give comfort. Sirius couldn't stop his terrible mood swings, causing him to cry, and turn around feeling angry about his godson growing up. He wasn't helping his lover any as the wolf inside the calm man was going up and down the emotional roller coaster with the other. Remus found himself kissing his lover to try and slow the onslaught of feelings they were sharing. Neither noticed a mousy boy bumping into them on his search.

Two tall blondes looked over the scene disgusted, they were currently being berated by a giant man who was going on and on blubbering about story after story involving our hero. Narcissa looked at her husband with a roll of her eye, Lucius understood and stepped forward, "Hagrid, it is nice you like the Potter brat, but you are keeping us from the rest of this horribly tacky gathering." At those words warm brown eyes narrowed at the blondes. The redheaded mother stormed over in a fit of rage, her oldest sons trying to hold her back from violence as they approached, the giant taking his crying and sniffling elsewhere.

Short and fat, The ex Minister, Fudge was trying to take the place as the orchestrator of the ceremony from Dumbledore, who simply sat and smiled at the man's musings of why he should be the one to run the wedding. Twinkling blue eyes pretended to listen as he ignored the idiotic rambling.

Yelling caught some of the people's attention as they looked back, they saw a muggle family cowering in the corner. The family was made up of two fat men, and a skinny women. The thing that had set them off was a tall skinny lady with long curly wild hair, threatening them. She had gone to everyone there, asking for a fight, trying to taunt people into battle. Bellatrix had finally found the response she was looking for in the Dursleys, but sadly the fight wouldn't be as epic as she hoped.

Music signaled the group to calm down. Everyone found a seat and the blondes wrangled in their wayward son. "No, Father! I still haven't found Harry, he is making a mistake, he needs to be with me, I have to find him! I have to tell him." The older man pushed his son into a seat and tried to hold him down.

The two men straightened themselves. They were ready. Harry held out his arm and a snowy white owl came over. It nipped lovingly at black locks to try and pull the white veil forward. Tom looked at his vows, throwing them to the side, he decided to speak from the heart instead. A small rat like man entered the room groveling at Tom's feet with praises of 'Master this and Master that.'

The tall man enters the ceremony area and took in the disheveled audience. Some looking like they had been in a fist fight with ripped clothes and bruised faces. His focus for the strange crowd died when he took in the sight of his lover walking down the aisle with his crying Godfather leading him. His breath stopped when Sirius gave Harry a small peck on the cheek and green eyes met with his on the alter. Dumbledore pushed Fudge out of the way and stood between them. The ceremony was beautiful. Tom nearly felt his heart stop when the veil lifted and he saw green eyes sparkling with tears staring at him. Nothing would destroy this day, he knew it. He would have to speak to the Malfoy family later about punishments, since their son had stood and screamed 'Harry, you are meant for me, just one time, let me fuck you and you will see we were made for eachother.' The giant was forced to carry the boy from the property since he wouldn't be silenced.

Everything was leading to this, and Tom grabbed Harry up in his arms and gave him a kiss that the two would never forget. He heard the fat muggle family take their leave with some rude comments, but he didn't break the kiss. Tom was set on showing Harry what their future held with this kiss, what their feelings were and how fate created them for no other.


Green and Red eyes opened with a start. The two lovers looked at each other in shock. Before they even had a moment to process the dream they both yelled at the same time. "Let's just Elope!"
As they both nodded the left their warm bed and quickly got dressed both packing a bag. Their wedding was the next day but they hoped their loved ones would understand as Tom booked plane tickets and Harry locked the door behind them

Chapter 20: AtaxophobiaSummary:

Ataxophobia- Fear of disorder or untidiness.
~Tom liked everything being in its place, but with his new roommate that didn't seem to be possible.

-Rating: Mature
-Relationships: Tom Riddle/Harry Potter
-Warning/Tags: Violence, Dub Con, Murder, Threats, Blackmail, Bullying, Harry in 1940


Harry POV:

When he let himself fall back onto his bed he was in heaven. The feeling on soft silk sheets touching his skin left him in a dreamy state, he looked back over the room. The amount of space he could call his own was almost terrifying. His side of the room had a desk big enough to sleep on and even a wardrobe that he could hide away in, he only had enough clothes to fill half of one drawer on the bottom, but he didn't let it bug him.

The roommate he was suppose to have had yet to come greet him, but he knew it was since classes were in session. He almost didn't get to go to Hogwarts, it was his first year, and school was already a month in. His family didn't care much for his inherited abilities, and refused to let him go at all for the first three years, all until an accident where he accidentally made their rationed food disappear. When the Dursleys realized they could at least get him away from them, he was on the next train to Hogsmeade.

He rolled across the floor like a child, he never thought he could call all of this his own. Until that day, the most he could call a room was a cupboard, and his desk was a piece of cardboard. The thought of his new roommate excited him, the student was allowed his own room due to an uneven amount of students, Harry just hoped he wouldn't be upset by the sudden change. The door clicked, and quick as he could harry straightened his clothes and stood casually.

"Hi there, would you be my roommate then?"

The boy stepped fully inside, Harry only saw a flash of a scowl before a smile that topped any he had seen before appeared.

"Yes, I'm Tom Riddle. I see you have found your bed already?"

With a nod he watched the tall skinny boy cross the room gracefully.

"I can be a bit overwhelming. I always wake at 5:45 exactly, and go to sleep at precisely 11, unless I have prefect duty. what year are you, I am a sixth year."

He smiled back, he was worried when he was first put in slytherin, he had heard they were all cruel. The ones he had seen so far were nothing like him, all seemed as pompous. He also knew it was uncommon for different years to room together, but the rest of the dorms were at capacity. He had heard parents sent their children here because it was known as the safest place in all of Great Britain.

"I should technically be in about fourth year, but my family is muggle and wouldn't allow me to attend, I don't know anything about magic so I'm starting from the bottom, hopefully if I study hard I can catch up."

Toms entire attitude changed in an instant. Harry almost didn't hear the word muggle leave Tom in such a harsh way. Tom gave a jerky nod and started towards the door.

"Well, breakfast is served at 7, and classes start at 8. Do not lose our house any points."

With a slam of the door Tom had left. Quite concerned at how Tom seemed to dislike him for something he said, he turned to finish unpacking.
A month into his stay at Hogwarts, Harry had only spoken to Tom the one time. Even Tom's friends and the rest of slytherin seemed to have something against him. But despite their rude behavior towards him, he wouldn't let it get to him, he had a lifetime worth of hatred and abuse at the Dursleys and he wasn't go to deal with it here as well.

Harry didn't find himself alone though. He managed to find students who all accepted him even though he was in an opposing house, together they seemed to be a wonderful friend group. After he said goodnight to his closest of his friends, a gryffindor and a hufflepuff muggleborn, he headed back to his dorm. When he stepped into his room, he was greeted by a fuming Tom sitting on his bed.

"This isn't acceptable. Do you see my side of the room? I allowed this to go on to long since I didn't wish to have to speak to you."

Harry looked at Tom questioningly and went to stand closer, closing the door.

"Is there a problem, Tom?"

The angry look on Toms face seemed to multiply.

"Yes, you Mudblood are my problem. You are a disgrace to this house, as well as having those idiotic friends, and you cannot even keep your side of a dorm room clean."

It was Harry's turn to be angry. He was the first to admit his side of the dorm was a disaster, he had his little amount of clothes lying about, books on the floor and all over his desk, as well as papers strewn everywhere. The use of that word though, and having it said on only the second time he had spoken to Tom.

"Do not say that word!"

Tom stared at him as if shocked he could speak back to him. But before Tom could comment on it Harry started again.

"You know nothing about me. Is that why you and everyone else treat me like I'm not there? I am not a muggle born, I'm a half blood, and my best friends are muggleborns. I'm sorry my room is messy, but I can simply fix it with a spell if asked. But seeing as you want me to do it, and you're such a prejudice asshole, I will work with all my might to make my side of the room worse than the owlery!"

Harry turned and stomped from the room unsure of where he was going, but refusing to stay there that night.

After sleeping in an uncomfortable dusty window sill all night, Harry found himself in a horrid mood the next morning. He had told his friends what had happened and all of them were shocked to hear the perfect slytherin prefect was actually so judgemental.

"I always thought he was kind to everyone, like muggleborn or not you could go to him for anything."

Harry smiled at his hufflepuff friend.

"Yeah, I did to, but the first time we talked I mentioned my family to him, and he never spoke to me since."

His group of friends were all eating merrily in the sun away from their tables. His gryffindor friends screamed first, when he turned to look he felt it himself, itching powder was falling like snow over the group, all of them started writhing on the floor attempting to itch every part of their body. The school nurse ran out at the sound of their agony and hurriedly got the group together in order to levitate them to her office. On his way, he noticed green robes running down the hallway and some giggling, he knew them, they were Tom's friends.

After they were through with the overzealous nurse, they all returned to their dorms to sleep. Harry however had plans of revenge on his mind. When he arrived he checked to make sure Tom was gone before he went over to his desk. Quietly, he cast a spell he had learned from a ravenclaw. He muttered the spell over each of Tom's books and giggled to himself before going to his bed for the perfect watching point.

It took Tom two hours to come back, Harry had fallen into a nap, but awoke when he heard Tom yelp. As quick as he could, Harry peeked out from behind his curtains and looked at Tom. Across his face were the letters from the page of the book, when he flipped open the next book in anger, again the words shot from the page and attached to his skin. Tom of course noticed Harry's uncontrollable laughter and ripped his bed curtains open. With a fit of energy, Harry took off. He left the room laughing, Tom hot on his tail, he turned and saw Tom looking horribly upset. When they reached the common room Harry decided to nag him a bit more. Still running he turned and looked at Tom, he stuck his tongue out and waved his hands by his face.

"Such a slowpoke, you can't even catch little old me!"

Before Tom could get close enough to grab him, he pushed two students aside and ran into the school hallway. Tom followed after him as he ran up stairs and down corridors. When Harry dared to look back he saw a smile on Tom's face. That smile made harry feel light. He laughed and called out to Tom again.

"Awe is baby Tom angry, is his feelings all hurt?"

A laugh followed and it nearly shocked Harry enough to trip. He just had to taunt him for it.

"Is Tommy bear having fun for the first time in his life?"

Tom nearly caught him, he felt the press of fingers on his back, but he hadn't outrun Dudley for years for nothing. He heard Tom laugh again as Harry sped up, and saw a genuine smile light up Toms face entirely. On the way up the moving staircase Harry saw his gryffindor friends entering their common room.

"Hey Weasley! Hold the door for a mate!"

He saw the redhead two flights up nod. Quickly he ran through the door to the red common room followed by Tom. He heard yells from around the room, but ignored them to make a getaway into his friends dorms. He slammed the door shut, taking one last look at Tom's smile beforehand.

"Harry open this door!"

Leaning his whole weight against it he didn't budge.

"Nah, I'm quite comfortable here with my friends." He looked up and laughed when he saw some of his other friends figure out what was going on and coming closer.

"Harry open this door now!"

He found his new favorite thing was tormenting Tom, so why limit himself.

"Okay, I'll open it, if you give me a big, wet, kiss!"

His friends all giggled at him and he heard Tom try some spells on the door that he knew wouldn't work.

"Fine! Open the door and I'll do as you wish."

Everyone stop giggling. Harry looked up, his friends grabbed him and opened the door.
"We know your slytherin Harry, but we gryffindor are all about bravery, you chose the wrong dorm to hide out in."

Harry squealed and kicked as they let Tom in. He came over to Harry and grabbed his hand, pulling him back the way out of gryffindor tower. Harry heard his friends trotting behind them.

"Hey Tom, where is Harry's kiss."

Blushing ear to ear Harry looked back at them.

"I was joking about that you jerks!"

Tom sighed and stopped in the center of gryffindor common room.

"I did agree to his terms, and you lions won't let me live it down."

In a second, Harry was in Tom's arms being kissed on the lips, he pushed Tom away and touched a hand to his mouth. With a simple eyebrow raise he watched Harry. The messy haired boy looked up, tears lining his eyes.

"That was my, That was my first kiss you snot head!"

With a slap to Tom's cheek Harry ran out the portrait hole and down back to the dungeons, Tom followed slowly behind thinking what had happened over. When Harry calmed down enough the next day he realized that Tom seemed to be actually enjoying himself chasing him. The kiss was a misunderstanding but Harry wouldn't let it stop a potential alliance, and even getting his house to stop treating him cruelty would benefit him since he wouldn't have to watch his back.

Looking out from his bed he could see Tom's curtains open, it had to be almost 7 which meant Tom had been gone for an hour. Making up his mind to do his best to get tom to like him, Harry waved his wand, a few simple spells later and the room was spotless.

On the way to the Great Hall for breakfast, Tom was standing to the side of the hall with his friends talking, Harry decided this was a good enough time as any to try and show he was trying to be friendly. When Tom caught his eye, he smiled and waved. The people standing around Tom looked confused and annoyed at Harry, but Tom didn't scowl, he gave a curt nod and went back to his people. He couldn't stop himself from laughing at the shocked look on the slytherins faces at Tom acknowledging the house 'mudblood'.

Deciding to wait for Tom and him to be alone to talk he didn't try to initiate anything throughout the whole day. When Tom arrived at their dorm late that night he sat up and looked over to Tom.

"Hey, you're back late, did you have a lot of prefect duties to take care of?"

Tom didn't even spare a glance his way.

"If I did it is none of your concern."

That wasn't what Harry had expected as an answer but he had to work with it.

"I am your roommate. We should at least try to get along, anyway having someone as cute as me as a friend wouldn't be so bad."

He watched Tom look back shocked for a moment, some red coloring his face before he looked away.

"I have so many problems with what you have just said, I don't even know where to begin. We have no need to get along, we haven't the whole time you have been here, I have no friends in the first place, and you aren't, 'cute'."

Harry let himself look downcast for only a moment.

"Well than, if you have no friends you should maybe try with me and see how it goes. I thought I was cute, you know, the big green eyes, messy hair and my face isn't half bad, you are making me all self conscious now."

He could feel Tom's unease from where he was.

"How on earth did you become a slytherin? You have none of the traits, and you are not pure blood."

Harry smile fell, he had wondered himself a few times.

"Did you ever stop to think, the way I act on the outside is a way to trick all those around me? I mean even you do it, the whole, perfect slytherin, handsome,kind, trustworthy. You play all the teachers and students with being attractive and helpful, why do you not think I'm just playing everyone, even my own house?"

With a laugh Tom just ignored him. Before Tom got into bed though he said on last thing.

"From now on, I don't wish to have anything to do with you. You are a stain to this house, and I don't wish for it to transfer to me."

Harry knew when he wasn't wanted, and that would be it. He stood from his bed, threw on his slippers and left the dorm. He had nearly completed a full lap around the school when he saw someone come out from a shadow down the hall. Before he could hide he was seen.

"Hey, slytherin, it's a bit late to be walking around in the dark."

He breathed out in relief that it wasn't a teacher, but was still on edge of if this prefect hated slytherin, how many points they would take.

"I could be saying the same thing to you. I'm on my way back now, so can you please not take any points, I'm already hated enough."

The boy came closer and stopped before Harry.

"Potter right? My names Jax Lupin. It's my responsibility to take points, but I have a way to forget you were ever here if you're up for it."

With a nod, Harry watch Jax' face light up.

"Great, I have been watching you for a while, you were quite cute running through our dorm the other night and I'm single now, how about, if you agree to date me, I won't get you into any trouble?"

Not even having to think it over, Harry agreed. He had never dated anyone before, and though he didn't know Lupin, the guy seemed nice, and it would be useful befriending a prefect. If he wasn't going to be able to get Tom on his side than he would get the next best thing. He reached his hand out to shake, but lupin pulled him in and gave him a kiss.

The whole way back to his dorm room, Harry was in a daze over how sweet the sandy blonde was, he was kissed goodnight again as Lupin left him to say the password alone.
Tom POV:

Tom woke at the same time he did every day, he followed the exact same routine of talking to his followers and getting his work for classes prepared. The argument he had with Harry still bothered him, but he could only hope that the boy would listen and stay away from him. Every time he saw the messy haired boy he got more and more annoyed. The fact that he found himself smiling and even laughing in his presence was unforgivable. He had gone his whole life without experiencing these feelings for another and he would go on the rest of his life without them even if he had to kill Harry to achieve it.

As he was leaving his common room Abraxas poked his shoulder for his attention.

"What do you think that gryffindor is doing waiting outside our dorm?"

Tom glanced over and saw the Gryffindor prefect Lupin standing and waiting in the hall across from their entrance. With a shrug he ignored it and walked quickly, he was hoping to go to the library before heading to breakfast.

It bothered Tom that when he sat down at the slytherins table his eyes immediately went to scan for messy black hair. He shook his head and focused on eating till a loud ruckus took over the hall, it was mostly coming from the lions table, but a few snakes were whispering amongst themselves as well. Not one to ignore his surroundings, Tom lifted his head gracefully and looked towards the commotion. Lupin was standing surrounded by lions, all seeming to be arguing with him, when a few stormed off, he noticed a set of green eyes curiously watching beside the sandy blonde. The fork in his hand clattered as he saw what was going on, Harry's hand was held by Lupins and the two were smiling and talking to the group that surrounds them. Before Tom could get upset, Harry was grabbed into the man's arms and kissed, he leaned into it and wrapped his arms around the taller boy. The bench scraped as he stood furiously. He wouldn't allow this, just because he didn't accept his feelings did not mean Harry was allowed to go elsewhere for them.

Abraxas put his hand on Tom's arm to calm him. "You alright there Tom? I know it's disgusting, but we knew from the start that the mudblood was a disgrace. This shouldn't be a surprise."

With a sharp slap Tom knocked the hand away, "This is unacceptable, take care of them. Make it hurt." With the order, Tom stepped over the bench and left the hall, he only spared a single glance to see Harry at the red table in the other boys lap. He wouldn't allow Harry to smile like that for long.
Tom didn't check in at all with his followers that day. He had given an order and he simply trusted it would be taken care of. When curfew had hit, Tom headed to the prefects bathroom to take a shower before his rounds. He stepped inside and heard people talking, he kept out of view to listen before making himself known. Any information he could gain even through eavesdropping was welcomed.

"Ow, fuck-"

"Sorry Jax, you should really tell a teacher, this looks pretty bad."

Tom heard a deep laugh and a small gasp as the people further in shuffled.

"When I have such a cute nurse to patch me up I don't mind a few cuts and bruises." The other laughed and Tom knew the sound instantly.

"We have only been dating for a day, not even, and you are already hurt, I mean how am I even worth it, what do you even know about me?"

The knowledge of what was going on upset Tom. A soft gasp had Tom jerk suddenly.

"I know that you make the best noise when I kiss your neck. I know your hair is so soft though it looks like a mess. I know that your eyes draw me in and leave me breathless. I know you fascinate me."

Tom gaged on how simply cheesey that whole little speech was, but Harry seemed different.

"But you don't know my personality. I'm a slytherin, what if I'm just using you?"

That made Tom smile, it would make him happy for that to be fact.

"Well, then use away. I really don't mind as long as I can call someone like you mine."

That's when Tom realized it. It doesn't matter if Harry actually likes the kid or not. The idea of him belonging to someone else was what made Tom realize he was jealous. When he heard the sound of kissing he stepped in.

"You are not supposed to bring lower years into this bathroom Lupin."

The two boys stopped and parted as Tom entered the main area. Lupin smiled and stood, his face was purple in areas with small bandaids littering his chin and cheekbones.

"Sorry Riddle. Harry was just patching me up. We will head out now, its curfew so I need to walk him back."

Gritting his teeth Tom stopped the pair.

"No, you don't have any duties tonight and it's in the other direction from your dorm. I can take him back."

Before Lupin could argue, Tom grabbed Harry's arm and walked him out. The first few flights of stairs Harry's struggled behind him before he gave up and just let Tom lead.

"You didn't even let us kiss goodnight. I mean what does it have to do with you? He's my boyfriend."

A growl vibrated low in his throat. He still didn't understand why he was so jealous. He had o reply so harry spoke for him.

"Geez why are you acting all jealous, are you in love with me or something?"

Tom stopped short. Was that it? Did he love Harry? He knew he felt something for him, but all he got when he thought it over was just being happy. He had to use this chance to his advantage, he need to get Harry close to him and away from Jax Lupin.

"No, but you are still my roommate, and if you get hurt I'll have to listen to you cry all night."

Harry stepped closer.

"What do you mean 'if you get hurt'?"

Holding in his grin, Tom put on a straight face.

"Lupin is known as a player around here. He dates anyone who says yes, and throws them out when he's bored."

The laugh startled Tom.

"I've known the guy for a day and you think I'm head over heels for him? He's just like a friend who gives kisses. I mean I only agreed because having a prefect as a boyfriend lets me use the big bathtub back there, but beside him being nice I don't know him at all."

The look Tom gave hid the actual cheering he had inside, Harry was just using Lupin. Harry took his look another way though.

"What I like kissing is that so bad?"

Tom stopped himself from going to parseltongue, he had forgotten that Harry had allowed another to kiss him. With calming breaths he let his charming smile show.

"No, of course not, kissing is nice. But, as long as you know what he is like it's fine. I just want you to be happy."

He watched Harry stare at him.

"Tom do you have mood swings? You are sending me in circles. One day you are ignoring me, than you are laughing and kissing me, than you yell at me to leave you alone, and now you want me to be happy? I don't know how to feel about all of this. But thanks for telling me, I'm still going to give Lupin a chance, but if he cheats on me I won't just sit back."

Sighing Tom realized his unsureness had screwed him over. He let a plan fully form before he answered.

"I'm sorry I've been spinning you around harry. The reason I've been so mean, it's that I've never had any real friends, and I saw potential in you and it scared me."

Harry put a hand on Tom's shoulder to comfort him.

"That's not true, you have so many friends, all of slytherin loves you."

Tom nodded and continued.

"But they don't actually care about me, just my family line and abilities. You Harry, actually care about others and I was jealous. I'm sorry, I didn't mean to be so cruel."

A smile lite up Harry's face and Tom saw his hand reach out to him.

"My name is Harry Potter, would you like to be my friend?"

Tom stared at the hand, Harry was trying to start things over between them. He thanked Harry internally for making his job easier. He grabbed the hand and gave a strong shake.

"I would really like that Harry, I'm Tom Riddle."

With another nod harry laughed and Tom let himself laugh along side.
It didn't take to long for the boys to become inseparable. It became impossible to see one without the other. Even when Jax was there with his boyfriend, Tom wasn't to far to be found with a book in his hands.

Harry began to share every worry with Tom, every fear and concern. They would talk for hours about nothing and everything. Tom could tell that Lupin was jealous, he thrived on it. He would purposely sit extra close, or whisper into Harry's ear things that could be said out loud. His plan was taking shape, Harry trusted no one as much as he did him.

The one thing Tom couldn't stand was hearing of Jax and Harry's relationship. The night Harry didn't come back to their room was the night he sat in fear of what he would hear the following day. He wasn't one to fear, so this lead him to anger. Tom cursed many of the slytherins in anger, and took out his fury on anyone who dare speak out. He was right when he guessed Harry would tell him all.

He listened, he cared, he waited. Telling Harry Jax was no good, Jax was a cheater, Jax was nothing. He could say all he wanted since it was under the guise of a caring friend.
It took till a few days before winter break for Tom's full plan to come into effect. He had been Harry's friend, and whispering things in his ear for a while. Now was finally the time to let his plan take place. His most attractive Follower knew the plan, and didn't ask questions. His jealousy still was uncontrollable as he watch Harry and Jax get closer and more intimate. He had expected Jax to throw Harry away, but sadly Jax just seemed more attached.

He went to Harry and asked him to come with him to the library, Harry who would take any excuse to get away from his studies, even a walk to go and study more jumped at the chance. Tom felt his heart beat quickly as the first part of his plan was successful, followed by the second. He let Harry notice the sound first, then the slightly open door, he didn't even need to look himself to know what Harry had seen. The door opened wide and both groaning men looked up, noticing Harry. Orion Black played his part perfectly.

"Jax, ignore the brat, you already said I feel better than he did."

The comment caused Tom to shudder. When he had found that Harry had fully given himself to Lupin, he had puked up everything in his stomach. Looking over he saw a tear roll down Harry's face, and grinned when Orion continued.

"C'mon baby, don't stop, you are already inside so move."

Harry turned and bolted from the room, with one shared smirk from Orion he followed after. He heard the shout of 'Jax.' And knew he had to reach Harry first. The small boy had stopped and was crying in the middle of the hall, Tom rushed over, putting his arm around him. Harry turned crying into his arms.

"You were right, Merlin I'm such an idiot. Why didn't I listen to you Tom?"

Before Tom could reply Jax ran up to the two.

"Harry, it's a lie, I swear it's not true."

Harry stood in anger but still held onto Tom's hand for comfort.

"A lie? I saw you, I walked in and you had your- you know, in him!"

Jax took a step closer but stopped when Harry moved back into Tom's chest.

"It was Tom. He set me up, he is jealous of us. Harry, Tom is evil."

For second Tom was worried. If Harry listened to Jax everything is over. The hand in his tightened.

"So Tom unzipped your pants than? Did he also lube you up? Did he line you up and shove you in too? Maybe he sucked you first to make you hard? Oh wait he was with me. You are just a pathetic wimp who can't take responsibility for your own actions."

Harry turned and pulled Tom along beside him. He stopped and looked back.

"Remember those secrets you told me about your dorm mates and house team? I do."

With a harsh pull Tom let Harry pull him away. He knew Harry was a slytherin for a reason. The kind face, and friendly aura made people open up to him, but he didn't let it go to waste. When the two boys reached their dorm room, they sat together on Harry's bed.

"It shouldn't have shocked me. You warned me at the beginning. I mean, why should I be upset, there's plenty of fish in the sea, right?"

Toms thoughts contradicted his nod. He finally got Harry away from Lupin, he wouldn't allow him to be anyone again.

Christmas rolled around, Harry promised Tom, that since he had no money he would tell Tom about his life as a present. It was perfect since Tom had been asking for weeks. Harry sat Tom down Christmas morning before he could even look at the small stack on his trunk. Tom listened as a story similar to his own played out, afraid muggles, cruelty to magical children, years of abuse and ignorance. He held Harry in his arms after, leading the boy back to his bed to open presents. Harry got trinkets from each of his little friends and a package which held a Gryffindor scarf, Tom opened the card, it was an apology from Lupin, asking Harry to wear the scarf if he wanted him back. He grabbed the scarf and chucked it into the fire, when Harry asked he simply bit out 'Lupin' and the discussion was over.

Tom waited till that night to give his present, one of his followers had picked it up for him when he asked. Though it looked like a simple serpent ring, it held a spell which would at all times allow Tom to find him.

"Harry, I got you a present as well."

Harry stood from his bed and came closer.

"You didn't have to Tom, I know you don't have much money either."

With shaky hands Tom grabbed Harry's and slid the ring onto a finger.

"It simply reminded me of you. Promise to wear it?"

Awestruck Harry stared at the ring.

"How much was-"

Tom smiled and pushed Harry into bed.

"Go to sleep, and don't take it off."

Waiting till Harry went to sleep, Tom charmed the ring to never come off the finger, he needed to be sure Harry kept it on him.

For a full month after Harry left Lupin, Tom watched as different boys tried their luck getting close to Harry. He wasn't worried as he scared them away in the end, but Harry seemed to notice something was wrong a week before valentines.

"Tom, I've had a few boys try to talk to me, but then I never see them again. Do you think I'm doing something to scare them away?"

Laughing Tom smiled at him and patted his shoulder.

"No, they probably just see that they are not good enough for you."

Harry hummed in thought.

"Do you think anyone good enough will send me a valentines? I miss kissing and stuff, it was nice you know?"

Anger boiled in him thinking over Lupin touching what was his.

"I doubt it. This school doesn't have much to offer."

Harry stopped where they were walking from the common room to their bedroom.

"What do you mean?"

Not filtering himself Tom couldn't stop his comment.

"It's best if you stay single. You shouldn't be with anyone."

He was caught off guard by the slap.

"I deserve to be with someone too! I shouldn't have to be alone!"

Tom watch Harry runoff. Harry wasn't alone, he had Tom and that should be enough. He went to his room and waited, when Harry didn't come back he looked at a clock and realized the time, Tom ran out after him.

It only took a few minutes for Harry to be located due to the ring. With a thud Tom punched the wall, gaining the attention of those before him. Harry looked unconcerned at Tom as the hufflepuff separated from him. He noticed the pink just kissed shine on Harry's lips and stepped forward grabbing the small hand.

"Thank you for watching after Harry for me Diggory, but it is after curfew."

He saw Harry give the other boy a small wave and smile before he let Tom pull him along. Not a word was spoken till Harry stopped him.

"Tom, I'm sorry we fought. I was upset and I shouldn't have taken it out on you."

Tom remembered the plan he made months ago to be Harry's friend and gave a charming smile.

"It's okay Harry, I'm sorry I wasn't a better friend to you. I got so worried when you didn't come back.

The laugh filled Tom's heart as Harry let a smile grow.

"I don't know what it is, but Prefects seem to have a thing for me. Maybe I'm just a bad boy?"

He was happy to have Harry joking around again, he needed to keep them as friends.

"I thought Diggory was engaged to a Weasley?"

Shrugging Harry followed along side him holding his hand.

"I'm not sure but he's a great kisser, it's so nice kissing tall boys, it's like they are surrounding me, you know?"

Tom shook his head and laughed, Harry wasn't making this easy on him. He would need to think of another plan. Something would have to be done to make Harry belong to him alone, and it would have to happen soon.
Valentines set the stage for Tom's final plan. He decided on it when he noticed the pile of letters, chocolates and sweets on Harry's bed. He was glad he had beaten Harry back from class, since it gave him the time he needed. Acting quickly he grabbed the pile and brought them to his bed, he didn't even look at his own pile. Tearing at envelopes as though they had done some wrong, he read each letter. Most disgusted him, being some form of sexual story of what they would do to his Harry, and some went into Harry's assets. The ones he was the most angered by was Lupins, which came with flowers, again asking forgiveness, and diggory's, knowing he had touched harry.

Without hesitation he went to his desk and scrawled a note before setting it under his roommate's pillow gently. He hid Harry's letters in his bag and got to going through his own letters so Harry wouldn't be suspicious. The green eyed boy entered an hour later, he had lipstick smudges on his cheeks and heart shaped candies underarm. The boy sulked when he reached his bed.

"I didn't get any letters or flowers?"

Tom smiled and looked over at him.

"The night is still young hmm?"

With a sigh Harry came and sat beside Tom. He grabbed a letter and opened it.

"I guess, why do you have so many admirers? Most of these are girls too, lucky!"

Tom looked over as Harry had his face in the note reading.

"What do you mean?"

Harry sighed.

"I had guys stopping me all day to confess, none of them were really my type. But, I mean I'm not really into girls I guess, but it still would have been nice."

Angered by the thought of people confessing to what was his he pointed to his cheek, harry just grinned.

"My friend was putting on lipstick and gave me some kisses, she said it was festive."

Tom nodded in agreement. The two spent an hour together before Harry went to his own bed. Tom watched Harry light up as he found the letter. Green eyes read quickly before Harry ran from the room. Tom stood slowly, picked the letter up, burning it before grabbing his bag and heading out after the other boy.

Tom got to the girls bathroom as he heard harry sigh. The other must have thought he was late, Tom stepped inside surprising Harry.

"Tom? Why are you here? I got a letter from someone who wanted to talk alone, weird place though right?"

With one last glance to check that the hall was clear he stepped inside. Going to the sink he spoke in parseltongue opening the entrance.

"Harry, I wish to show you something."

When he held out his hand, Harry grabbed it, trusting his friend as they went down the stairs.

"Tom what is this place? The person might be back soon, will this take long?"

The amount of trust Harry put in him was pathetic for a slytherin. He didn't speak a word as they reached the bottom and the entranced closed. They walked in silence to a large opening. Tom whispered in parseltongue and watched Harry's shock as the basilisk rose its head from the depths of water.

"Tom, what is that!"

Tom dumped his bag and the letters fell to the damp stones. He looked to the basilisk and hissed it an order, when he looked back at Harry he saw green eyes transfixed on the snakes large body leaving. He reached and grabbed a pile of letters.

"Weasley, Zabini, Lupin, Longbottom, Diggory, sound familiar? 18 letters, 18 names."

Harry sucked in a breath. Tom stepped closer.

"Harry Potter, you belong to me, I own you, from now on you will not speak to another man or woman, unless you wish for their death. If you try to leave me, you will find I'll be able to find you. There is no escape. If you think you can simply tell someone, you are wrong, if anyone tries to save you, the basilisk knows every one of these 18 names and will hunt them or their future descendants down. Your place is beside me doing as I ask, and if you are a slytherin, you will realize that fact as true."

Harry couldn't breath, everything he thought about Tom was a lie. Jax told the truth and now Harry was trapped. He never spoke a word as Tom took him back to bed and let him sleep.

Harry Potter: POV

When Harry woke Tom was over him watching. He jumped up suddenly.

"A dream?"

Tom shook his head grinning, Harry started again less confident.

"A joke?"

Tom again shook his head, he leaned over and kissed Harry's neck. With a choked sob Harry couldn't think.


The laugh scared Harry, he looked on terrified.

"Your fate is sealed. Your hufflepuff is dead, and you are mine. From now on you call me Marvolo, and until I decide it, you belong to me."

Toms long pale fingers reached forward and gripped Harry's chin. A long pink tongue was dragged over his tan flesh, tasting and marking. Harry tried to get away, pushing and shoving. But Tom was to excited, he waited to long to be denied now.

The hand that once held Harry's as a friend, as a confidant, now pushed him back, sinking the small body back onto the mattress and pillows. He heard a small sob and crawled over top of the other.

"Tom, you're my friend, why would you want this?"

The grin covering his face was terrifying. Harry tried to turn away, but fingers left bruises on his cheeks, holding him still.

"Because, I want you. Does there need to be any other reason. I didn't want you with those others, so I waited patiently, I played the good friend, I listened to your problems, and now I'm taking my reward."

Green eyes shone with tears, "I'm a human being, not a prize. Please, I won't tell anyone about the chamber, but you have to let me go."

Tom squeezed tighter, his free hand undressing his prey, "Let you go? Well, you being a Slytherin should know better than anyone that isn't an option. Maybe if you bore me in the future, but till than, you belong to me. If that is for eternity, then so be it. Your life and death is in my hands."

Sobs left the small boy as the hands moved at their own will, uncaring for the body beneath them besides the search for their own pleasure. But Harry was a Slytherin, and the snakes knew how to bide their time, to survive until they can bite back.


Harry laughed as he thought of his past ideas. The way he thought he would stand any chance at fighting back. No matter how long Harry plotted, no matter how long he waited, Tom was right. Harry had to accept the fact that he had to rely on self preservation to survive. After Tom forced him to create a Horcrux, his life was forfeit.

He looked around the room, all the masks and hooded figures bowed before them, before Tom. At first it had been discouraging to some, seeing a beautiful boy like Harry sitting naked besides the most powerful dark lord who has ever existed. Harry felt the hand comb through his hair, as it gripped he knew his job at the signal. He crawled onto Tom's lap and prepared for what was to come. At this action the whole room cleared.

Tom grinned into his neck. "I wasn't sure if I should tell you or not, but Jax Lupin died. Funnily enough, he ran into one of my werewolf followers while out with his son. Don't worry, the child lived, but is now cursed. See what betraying me does my love? I'm glad you learned your lesson long ago." Harry let him slid down onto the other and move his hips as Tom laughed at him.

If he had listened to Jax, listened and realized what a monster this man was. But you couldn't go back in time. You pay the piper with every choice you make, and you have to suffer if you choose wrong
