Chapter 21-23


Oneirogmophobia- Fear of wet dreams.
~The first time Voldemort and Harry shared this type of dream, they were sure it was a mistake, now meeting in the real world they aren't as sure.

-Rating: Explicit
-Relationships: Lord Voldemort/Harry Potter
-Warning/Tags: Canon Universe, Sexual Content, Voldemort Wins, Blow Jobs


A tan hand snapped out, grabbing glasses from the night stand before the owners eyes could even open. Harry looked over himself as he placed his glasses on his face. His whole body was covered in sweat, and his pants were tented from the pulsing erection that would not go down easily.

The dream he had was a shock, but at the same time the most erotic thing he had ever experienced. He never could have imagined Voldemort that way on his own, but even with the villain creating the imagery he had just had, he should not be this affected. He closed his eyes to rub them, but the thought of sharp nails cascading down his sides, and the hissing voice praising him for his body's 'talents' through gasps did nothing to sedate his horny mind.

Harry stood to go to the shower whispering to himself that it was simply a mistake.

Over the next week the dreams continued. Not allowing Harry a single peaceful night. His friends all assumed nightmares and a first he would have agreed with them. But he wasn't as sure now. Harry looked at himself in the mirror. Slowly over the past week, every time he woke from a dream he was less disgusted. His constant thought of 'simply a mistake' wasn't covering it. It may be true, that this is just a mistake, that Voldemort isn't sending these dreams on purpose, but the problem is Harry was starting to enjoy it. The few times he woke after the dream and decided to touch himself instead of will his hard on away, his thoughts were of red eyes and sharp teeth working down his body.

He couldn't have these thoughts though, it was betrayal to everyone, even just being confused was a destruction of their trust. Harry nodded to himself, 'it's simply a mistake.'

When his dreams of sexual desire were interupted by a nightmare of note, he realized his meeting with the villain of his dreams was near. He got his team together, the people he could trust, and set out to the Ministy of Magic.

As he found himself facing Voldemort, the Order of the Phoenix surrounding his one side, his friends the other, he couldn't see a monster standing there even with the horde of Death Eaters behind the tall white form.

Harry stepped forward, his allies taking it as a sign of defiance towards the snake like man, and a show of being on the offense. Even as those he saw as his family and friends stopped confused behind him, he continued walking, his stride leading him directly towards the towering monster. His only thoughts when looking at those dangerous eyes, were the whispered praises and pleasure that this body had given him. His short frame wasn't effective for his plan, but he needed to try anyway, he threw his wand to the floor by his side, and stepping up on his tiptoes, he gripped the bald head, pulling it down as to meet in a kiss with him. Voldemort started to pull away, but Harry growled, "I need to make sure." And pulled the other back in.

Green eyes opened in surprise for a moment as the other went against expectations and deepened the kiss. Long pale fingers pulled off Harry's glasses, and a slit tongue plundered his mouth. Harry could feel the taller man starting to push his hips against the small body in his hold. A smile and flush covered his face as he realized Voldemort was hard from a simple kiss. A soft whimper left Harry as the monster pulled away, he was about to complain when he felt strong hands on his shoulders pushing him down.

It wasn't till that moment that Harry realized the yelling and shouting happening around him. His friends and family were screaming at him, and had drawn some Death Eaters into battle with different hexes and curses they were throwing at the beast that was currently seducing their savior. Harry only gave it a quick glance, watching one side full of emotions, unable to keep itself together and fall because of their own riled up actions.

His knees hit the floor with a thud, but it wasn't forced or unwilling. He glanced up at the dilated red eyes that were taking him in. Tan hands reached up and parted black robes. His body was shaking, but not with fear, he felt excitement and lust pumping through his veins. When he freed the hard member from its fabric prison he had to take a moment to study it in all its glory.

His dreams had glanced over the size, the power, the smell, he now had the opportunity to see all of it, feel all of it. His fingers grazed over the top, the body above him shook and gasped. Not being able to wait any longer, he reached forward, dipping his tongue out to be able to taste the drops that were resting at the peak. Fingers twisted into his hair and tightened. Shuffling to be as close as possible, Harry blocked out all the background noise as he let the hard shaft slip between his lips. He could only take it about half way at first, but he did his best to lick at it with his tongue and suck. He heard a hissed moan, and some swearing in parseltongue, he decided he wanted more of those sounds even if he had to injure himself to get it. Relaxing his throats and letting his hands twist and rub the showing cock, Harry tried his best to push the pale hot flesh in further. He actions were amazing to the other as Voldemort responded with tensing his fingers and thrusting his hips. Harry tried to stay still and let the bony hips allow the pace.

A groan was his only signal as the cock buried itself fully inside his mouth, his eyes rolled back with the pain of the forced opening, and the lack of air. He could feel hot liquid slip down into his stomach. Harry fell to the floor coughing and wheezing as he was let go. Skeleton like fingers reached down and helped him up, that was the only time Harry realized he must have come, since inside his pants were wet and sticky. Green eyes looked unfocused into red.

'Yah, it wasn't a mistake, i'm positive now.'

The whole room burst with roars, some screaming 'traitor' and 'brainwashed' and the others in black robes yelled about how it was a 'trap' or a 'trick.'

Harry didn't mind them, he just focused on the one he seemed to be head over heels for. Soft words came out beside a chuckle.

"Let's go home, I have a few more things we can try."

Before anyone could fight them, Voldemort turned them, and they both disappeared, only reappearing again when they reached the monsters green and silver room.

Chapter 22: Cyberphobia


Cyberphobia- Fear of computers or working on a computer.
~Tom is a businessman who hates computers, Harry is the IT guy. Tom needs help with his computer, and Harry is the one who takes the call.

-Rating: Explicit
-Relationships: Tom Riddle/Harry Potter
-Warning/Tags: Sexual Content, Computers, C.E.O!Tom, Modern Setting AU, I.T. Crowd Au


Another day in the office. Tom Marvolo Riddle, head of Riddle industry. He looked out his top floor window, the whole world was at his feet. The newest in a line of secretary's stepped in. Mrs.Granger had yet to file any form of complaint against Tom, and her future was looking bright.

"Mr.Riddle, the businessman from Japan would like to do a video call with you."

Tom nodded to the beautiful girl and turned to his screen. "On." Nothing happened. "Turn on." The blasted thing wouldn't start. Tom had no time for useless things. He was a brilliant man, genius buissness owner, but he couldn't figure out electronics for the life of him. "Mrs.Granger, Call IT. Have them send someone up." He heard the affirmation and continued to gaze out at his view as he waited.

It took nearly twenty minutes for a worker to finally show up. The IT worker had no manners, he walked in with his disheveled clothing, untamed hair, and annoyed looking green eyes. Without even a 'Hello' the man spoke in a deep accent while heading to the computer, "Have you tried turning it off and on again."

Tom had no words even if he tried. He continued to stare, the longer he did the more attractive he found this man. Tom took a deep breath in as the man kneeled before him with a sigh, he didn't know what this man was planning but it was exciting him. Pale fingers twitched, Tom was about to reach out and lace his fingers through a nest of raven hair when the computer technician turned to look under his desk.

Tom held in a groan of what he was expecting being taken away. He watched intently, his pants tented tightly, the small body kneeling under his desk had the most perfect round ass that was shifting with the bodies movements. Green eyes met him as the man came back up. "This is a brief case. Do you have an actual computer here?" Perfect chocolate curls shook as Tom was forced not to speak.

The green eyes trailed down to see what had his boss so quiet. The perfect pink mouth gaped as the owner noticed the erection Tom was sporting. A moan finally left him at the sight of that perfect tongue, those eyes hidden by glasses continued to stare at his groin intently. With broken movements atom let his legs fall open, putting the bump up for full inspection. The two men's eyes met in a snap.

The small body moved quickly, standing and nearly making it to the door before Toms long strides caught up and gripped his arm. Tom captured soft pink lips in his, wrapping his long arms around the other, he pulled back for a moment. "What's your name?" The small mans flushed face looked at him breathless, "Harry." Tom pecked the pink cheek and smiled, "You are really cute Harry."

What happened wasn't something that Tom could have planned for. "Cute! I'm cute, I knew it, I knew this was to good to be true, you Tom Riddle are a jerk! You planned this, is this a prank, it's cruel and harsh, and I will file a complaint!" Grey eyes couldn't even focus on what the other was yelling about, he could only think about how cute the beet red face was when it was scrunched up in anger, he didn't think he could forget those narrowed eyes. Tom removed ten hideous glasses and just kissed the other again.

Harry pushed at Tom and moved his mouth away again. "Don't you find this disgusting. Going this far for a joke! You know I've been in love with you for years don't you. That's why your doing this!" The taller man stopped and stared unblinkingly at the other. "You have?" That only seemed to upset Harry, and Harry started to pound on Toms chest with his fists, tears starting to fall from his eyes. "You know this, you are the reason I came to work there, I was in love with you, but now you are just playing around with me!"

Tom managed to wrangle both fists into his hands as he reached forward to kiss the other, missing and only catching his cheek. "I had no clue, and honestly did you think I could manage a boner simply to make fun of you? I need stimuli for such things, and you are the perfect stimulus."

Harry looked dumbfounded, he couldn't manage a single argument accept, "But, you, I'm a man!" Tom kissed the silly nest of hair again and licked a stripe up the others cheek. "I like both, men and women work equally well for me."

Green eyes looked stunned as Tom pushed Harry onto the leather couch in the corner. The tall body laid out on top of him, pulsing its hips to get needed friction. The movement didn't go unappreciated by Harry, as he let out a moan. Tom let the kiss break again as Harry pushed away. "Are you sure this isn't a joke?" Tom laughed and kissed him again, accentuating it with a deep thrust. Fumbling hands all tangled together as both men tried furiously to strip the other. When Tom managed to lift the thin legs around his hips, he realized he didn't ring the condoms from his desk, but luckily he was always prepared.

Long fingers reached into the cushions of the couch and extracted a small bottle, pouring the contents on to the puckered hole that was waiting for him. Harry gasped at the cold feeling. "Are you sure you want to do this with me? I'm in love with you, what if I can't let go?" Tom growled and pushed the concerned thoughts from Harry's mind with a kiss, "Than don't. Here, hold you legs up."

Raven hair fanned out around the flushed face, Harry had his legs gripped tightly to his torso, offering himself up willingly to Tom. Massaging the small opening, Tom let his finger slip inside. He paid close attention to all of Harry's gasps and groans, waiting till he was sure to add another. A near scream rang through the office when Tom discovered the others 'pleasure spot.' Continuing to attack it with his fingers, and the tan neck with his mouth, he was drowning Harry in exctasy.

"Do you think you can take me now?"

Green eyes opened and the arms holding Harry's legs released in order to pull Tom into a deep kiss. Without breaking it, Tom took the kiss as a yes and pressed himself inside. If only Tom had a camera at this moment, Harry's head thrown back, eyes wide and unseeing, that perfect tongue was showing from where the lips were wide open in moans. To get more of the pleasures looks on the others face, Tom pushed in deeper, filling the other completely. "Dear God, Tom, move! Please, feels so full- now!"

Who was Tom, CEO of Riddle industry to ignore such glorious pleas. With long drawn out movements, he pulled his hips back, and plunged back inside the heat that was calling to him. Harry cried with the movement, bringing his face up to hide in the crook of Tom's neck. Trying his best to hold on while Tom let himself go with punishing quick thrust, Harry tried his best to breath through his moans.

It wasn't long until them were both hitting climax with a deep kiss, Harry hadn't even needed to touch himself for his cum to be dripping in between the two. Tom groaned into the kiss, "You keep getting tighter. We need to do this more, oh god!" Harry didn't even mind that Tom had still been inside him when he released, he found he much enjoyed the feeling actually. Tom pulled out and sat back on the couch. "Who knew IT had such an amazing catch, where is your office even located." Harry was rubbing at his hips as he sat up, "The basement. Oh your computer, I'll have a new one sent up right away."

Tom pushed Harry back against the couch seat, "Make sure you come back up with it, I have a dinner proposal for you." With a deep kiss, Tom let Harry get dressed and do an awkward walk from his office to IT. Hermione came in a few minutes later after Tom had dressed himself as well. "Well, you seem more chipper now." Tom nodded and motioned to the forgotten boxers on the armrest. "I haven't felt this excited in a long time. Hermione, do try and see if there is some open office space up here to move the IT department to, otherwise I'd like an office setup downstairs."

Hermione didn't even question it as she nodded and left the penthouse office

Chapter 23: Samhainophobia


Samhainophobia: Fear of Halloween.
~Harry didn't like Halloween, or the children in masks or the adults partying. He hid out at home, hoping for it to end soon. Tom didn't expect anyone to be home.

-Rating: Teens & Up
-Relationships: Tom Riddle/Harry Potter
-Warning/Tags: Robbery, Debt, Break In, Halloween, Cuties


Halloween was everything Harry hated, people in masks, people covered in blood, children laughing and being loud.

Maybe if life had been different he could have enjoyed it, could have found it to be fun and exciting. But now, it only helped dredge up the past and remind him of bad memories. He glanced at his alarm clock, the worst of it would be over, all the children who had come and ring his doorbell, even with all his lights off and curtains closed, would be home and in bed. Harry was safe until around 3am when all the party goers would be stumbling home drunk. His laptop blinked informing him of its soon death, so quietly as to not show to anyone outside, he ran from the closet he was hiding in and grabbed a cord. With jittery movements Harry went back to his hiding place, he couldn't risk someone seeing the light from his electronics.

With headphones in and some silly movie playing, Harry never noticed the back door window being smashed, or the door itself creaking open. He had no clue anything was amiss even as footsteps echoed through his home. Green eyes began to droop as he stopped paying attention to his screen. It could have been so normal, he would have fallen asleep, cozy and cuddled up in his fort of blankets and pillows in the closet. But nothing ever went right for Harry on Halloween.

The closet door opened, and Harry was wide on alert, the bugler noticed him right away, and they both dived for each other. Harry screwed up, he forgot to think about all the blankets wrapped around his feet, and the stranger had the jump on him, smashing his over the head with the nearest object. Everything darkened even before emerald eyes fully closed.

Shaking his mop of messy black hair, Harry woke to being tied to his own kitchen chair. He looked down and saw his own work ties holding him down, he could feel another in his mouth to keep him from talking. The glasses on his face was Harry's only solace. Looking over to the moving figure, he saw his kettle on and warming water for tea. Grey eyes turned to look at him, "Would you like some tea?" Harry shook his head furiously.

Harry growled the best he could when his assailant took the seat across for him and poured his own drink. The boy had a smooth voice as he talked. "I can't let you go. I really don't know what I can do with you. I can removed the gag, but you can't scream." Harry nodded and waited for the boy to take the ties away.

"Look kid, I won't tell anyone you were here, just leave and we can be done."

The curly brown hair was tossed back as a laugh rang through the room. "You think I'm dumb enough to believe that? This is my third strike, I'm 18 in two months, if you tell, than they will send me to prison. You don't know what it's like I just need money to get food and a place to sleep, and they want to punish me for it."

Harry looked at the kid in pity, he knew what it was like just trying to survive on the streets, the fear, the hurt at seeing others so happy. "I do know."

Those words angered the boy. "You know! You know! You and your big house, and all your electronics, you don't know! I was beaten every day in that home. No one ever came to take me away, I watched child after child leave happily as I just sat there in pain! Don't say you know when you don't know anything!"

Green eyes opened wide, he was expecting an outburst, and he expected the kids past, but he didn't think Halloween would bring him so close to his own childhood. "My parents were murdered on Halloween. I was only one, I was sent to my aunt and uncle, every day was a new hell with them. Today is the one day a year I have to sit and remember my past, that Halloween took the only family that loved me and left me in a world of abuse. Kid, the world is shit, but you need to make something of yourself, no one else will ever help you. We are all selfish creatures. So all I can say is do the right thing. On the second floor, behind the portrait of my parents. The code is 10-31. If you take it you have to promise that I will never see you again."

The grey eyes stared at him in confusion before running up and opening Harry's safe. The boy came back and held the large bag of cash out towards him. "Why?"

Harry smiled and motioned towards the money. "It was my escape fund, I scraped and saved and learned the stock market to get it. I never could get myself to use it, so it's yours. Use it to escape. This is the one time. Never again in your life will someone help you, and I guess my reasons are selfish, I don't want any memories of that time."

The boy just stared and didn't move. Harry just wanted to go back to sleep in his closet. "Look, I'm not going to even remember this in a few months, it's not important to me, and I try to forget Halloween anyway." The boy came over and kissed him. Chapped lips didn't move away for a full minute, Harry wasn't sure how to act, but the boy pulled away and took the money as he ran out the door.

Harry looked at his wrists. Damn kid didn't untie him.


True to his word, Harry forgot the entire incident. Not once in six years did it register to him. Even when he met the boy who had grown since than did he notice. Hermione had dragged him to a party for investors of the newest political, Malfoy something or other. Harry could care less, but this man had better ideas and values than all the other idiots out there.

Hermione lead him up to the blonde haired man, he looked stuck up and annoying, but he had some good policies in place. "Harry Potter, CEO and founder of Patronus Industries." The blonde seemed to look at him in a new light as he announced his title. "Yes, Mr.Potter, you gave a generous donation, I couldn't ignore it after I saw the note attached asking I look into a better system for Orphans and Homeless youth."

Green eyes narrowed, he wasn't sure if the man was mocking him or not. "Yes, it goes back to my own past and childhood, no politician seems to care, all to focused on being cruel to eachother." The blonde man nodded, "I agree, I actually have a friend who shares your views, he has helped me come up with a plan for that issue. Well here he is now, Tom!" Malfoy called over a tall brown haired man. Tom seemed to freeze as he took in Harry, but nodded and walked over, to the group. "Draco, you need me for something?" Malfoy turned back to Harry. "Yes, Tom, this is Harry Potter, he is big on the plan for our troubled youths. Would you mind explaining our proposal?" Malfoy didn't say another word as he left the two.

Grey eyes looked over Harry carefully. "It's been a while has it not?" Harry just stared at the man and tried to think, "Sorry, but have we met?" Tom laughed, and it seemed to remind Harry of something. Grey locked on green. "You told me you would forget and I guess you are true to your word." There was nothing he could do but nod at the strange man.

"I'm sorry, how stupid of me, I need to introduce myself. My name is Tom Riddle, I own Voldemort Loan Offices." He put out a hand to shake. Harry accepted it and listened for the next two hours to the man speak about their youth proposal as well as a variety of other things. It wasn't that Harry minded talking to the handsome man, quite the opposite actually, but he realized he had to find his friends before they left without him. He said his goodbyes and went to search the hall.

Harry could feel grey eyes on him at all times, even when he put his coat on to head out. Something felt familiar about the man he had spoken to, but he couldn't place where or how.


For the third time that morning, Harry yawned into his coffee. He smiled at his secretary Ginny as he headed into his office. Without notice he sat in his comfortable chair that sat before a wide open window that took in all of London. The coffee nearly spilled as a voice came from the guest chairs. "Good morning Harry."

With a deep swallow he drank the coffee he nearly spit. "Tom, I wasn't expecting you. And I guess Ginny wanted to scare me, really shouldn't have hired her, even if it was for Ron."

Tom stood and set a brief case on Harry's desk. "For you."

He narrowed his eyes at the case, if this was a buy off, he wasn't going to accept it, he opened the latches and looked at the money. "Mr.Riddle, I'm sorry, but whatever you are trying to buy, I'm not selling." Tom smiled and came around to stand beside him. "I'm not buying anything, I'm paying off a debt in full."

He looked at the money again, when on earth had he lent anyone this much money. "I never lent anyone this much money. You just have me mistaken for someone."

Tom leaned down and spoke so his breath ghosted by the carmel colored ear. "You did say you never wanted to see it again, but I wanted to see you. Do you truly not remember, second floor, behind a portrait, 10-31."

Harry gasped as it came flooding back, Tom was the thief that had attacked him. "You, but, how?"

Tom smiled and nuzzled the side of Harry's neck, the other staying still in shock. "I took what you said to heart. No one would help me, everyone is just selfish, I took that money and started my company, and from there kept growing. And you, I never could forget my first love now could I?"

Turning quickly, Harry came to stand at full height before Tom, only reaching to bellow the others chin. "That was six years ago. I'm glad you are better off now, but I don't see what it has to do with me, I won't accept this money."

Tom grinned, and reached down, kissing Harry passionately. His lips were soft this time, he pulled away with Harry still in his arms.

"Even so, you still owe me a different debt, making me fall for you." He pressed his lips to the other, this time deepening the kiss with his tongue. With a flushed face, Harry pulled away, Tom kissed his nose. "You owe me for six years you know. I'm not letting you get away again."

Harry smirked at the man, "You know you were the one to run away last time."

Grey eyes crinkled with a smile and Harry felt himself getting picked up. "Well we better start right away than." Harry couldn't say a word against it as he was carried from his office.
