Chapter 13: Siderodromophobia


Siderodromophobia- Fear of trains, railroads or train travel.

~Tom just wanted a peaceful train ride, and this boy wasn't part of his plan. Though with his arms around him he didn't really care much after all.

-Rating: Explicit

-Relationships: Tom Riddle/Harry Potter

-Warning/Tags: Time Travel!Harry, Sexual Content, Blow Jobs, This ending tho!


The last look he gave the women dressed all in grey was a kind smile. He had to keep up his act in front of the orphanage's head lady in order to keep Dumbledore off his back. Letting his hateful gaze fall on the muggles passing him, he quickly grabbed up his few belongings and passed through the wall into the 9 ¾ station.

The whole way to the train he got small acknowledging nods from the pureblood family's, and girlish smiles from all the first years admiring his beauty. Though Tom was well sought after and appreciated by all, he wished for some time alone between the noisy orphanage and his noisy school. Finding an empty cabin where he was sure he wouldn't be bothered, Tom settled in by the window to wait.

As the bell struck, he saw the last figures running towards the train, he was always on time and found those arriving late to be pathetic. Reaching a hand over as the train jumped forward, he let his still infant snake free of the confines of his trunk. Tom rolled his eyes at the sound of running feet, he had only wished for quiet, and now he would have to set up a silencing spell to achieve it.

With his wand raised and the spell on his lips, Tom nearly had a heart attack as the door was thrown open. Before he could deny the boy a seat, the door was closed and the boy was getting comfortable. The rudeness of the boy showed his blood status like a badge. Huffing, Tom turned to the window to ignore the other.

Things passed in silence for the first half hour, Tom was happy that the other made no move to speak. He had come to the decision it wouldn't hurt to at least look and see what the boy looked like. His eyes drifted and took in the sight before him. He scoffed at the messy hair, but part of him wanted to loose his fingers wrapped up in it. The tan skin and calloused fingers showed the boy worked outside often, which showed his lack of status further. He let himself take in the scars on the boys hands and arms that weren't covered, and soon found himself at his neck, tracing it up to his mouth. Tom licked his lips and imagined the taste, especially if it was slick with sweat from the sun. Coughing into his hand to chase away the thoughts, Tom's eyes locked with the brightest emeralds he had ever seen. These were eyes could put any jeweler out of business, Tom recognized the killing curse in them. He attempted to hold the gaze of those shining orbs, but was interrupted by the sounds of the door opening, the old lady and her tray stepping inside.

"Any treats for you young lads?"

Tom nearly cursed the women for pulling the boy's attention away. He went the easy way instead and simply stared out the window, the other boy spoke up.

"Here, I'll take however much..." the sound of coins rattling could be heard, "however much this will buy thank you." He heard the women laugh lightly. "Laddy, this will buy half the cart." Tom's eyes jerked up at that. The other simply nodded and accepted the large offering of food. He couldn't help but judge the boys pile of sweets that stacked higher than it rightly should.

When his stomach moved at the thought of eating real food, Tom turned and stared back out the window. Before he could be lost in a daze he felt something hit him. The complaint was on the tip of his tongue until he noticed the wrapped tart in his hand, the boy was bent over, and sat up after a small clink was heard by Toms feet. His foot knocked the butter beer and he glowered at the boy.

"I'm not some charity case!" His words were ignored so he tried again. "I don't need these, and I don't need your help." The emerald eyes met his, and rolled in their sockets. Before Tom could pass back the foods, tan hands gripped new candies showing he couldn't accept the other's back. With another roll of his stomach Tom unwrapped the food and ate silently, neither saying a word to each other. When he finished and opened his butterbeer he felt another hit, this time it was a pumpkin pasety. He again ate silently. The two kept this going until the pile was half gone and their stomachs were bloated. Deciding he could speak rationally now he began again.

"Thank you, that tasted very good, but you didn't need to do it." Emerald eyes met his with a great smile on his face. "You were hungry too right!" The 'too' stood out, but seeing the boys copious amounts of money, he decided it had to have been in a different way. Tom smirked back, "I never formally asked for it, so I won't be doing anything for you in return." A laugh followed, light and playful. "Okay, nothing in return is fine by me, the names Harry, Harry Potter." He frowned at the hand that was held out to him, but took it anyway. "Tom Riddle."

Through the next hour both boys talked constantly. Though they were both interested in differnt things, both had great intellects and were brilliant in their own right. Harry enjoyed talking about Quidditch and what was going on in the world, while Tom leaned more towards history and studies. Though they never seemed able to find a topic they both were equally knowledgeable in, they never ran out of conversation topics. Harry at some point moved to sit next to Tom, crossing his legs so he could face him and carry out the conversations in closer distance. A strange comment caught his attention. "Magic really can do anything don't you think? Even showing me this side of-" Harry looked away as if he had been burned. Trying to gain his attention, Tom brushed his fingers over Harry's chin to have the green eyes look at him again.

The kiss stunned him.

Harry leaned in, taking his lips and pressing his body against the tall pale one before him. No book had existed to tell Tom what to do at that moment, no class had given him step by step instructions to help when a cute boy you met only a few hours prior kisses you out of nowhere. But it wouldn't have mattered if he had a library full of information full of that exact information, since Harry rose suddenly and ran from the room.

What he had hoped would be a quiet, stress free train ride had changed completely. He thought over the last hours, how this boy had just come in and swept him away. Never before had Tom been easy enough to be bought with simple candies and small talk, but he couldn't get himself to be upset over it. Gentle blue eyes looked back out the window. No he wasn't annoyed by talking to the other for hours, he wasn't bothered by another presence interrupting his only time a year to be in true peace and quiet. The pad of his finger tips traced where he remembered hot lips pressed against his own. For years he knew he had fancied other boys his own age, but showing emotions such as lust, desire, or even love was beneath him. Now that he had been fully faced by this so called weakness of want, he couldn't help but want it back. His biggest regret that he would have to live with now was letting Harry get away. He was an idiot who let something so important just pass him by. Tom Riddle was a Lord, he was the king of Slytherin and the last of the true line. More than anyone else, he deserved all, if he wanted it, than that boy's body should be his, since it was his birthright to have everything he desired.

Lost in his racing thoughts, he had no clue how long had passed, but when the train bell signaled they were half way to Hogwarts he realized it must have been about half an hour. Tom stared at the door, he knew the boy wouldn't come back, but he just had a feeling, something inside him calling that he should wait. Not even a minute later, the door opened softly. Black messy hair and emerald eyes came in without a sound and sat across from Tom and his soft brown curls. Much like before, something hit Tom, taking him from his trance. A sandwich wrapped in plastic was in his lap, a pumpkin juice bottle clicking on the floor beside him as Harry straightened back up. Not a word was spoken, but Tom could tell from Harry's eyes he was going to say something along the lines of 'Need to eat some real food instead of just sweets.' With a nod at the unspoken comment he ate all his food.

With the last gulp of his juice, he turned to take in the boy before him. He wondered than, why he had never seen him before, they seemed to be in the same year, and as a Prefect he knew most students. Another thought was, how could he miss someone as eye catching as Harry?

Thinking back on his last thoughts, and full of renewed energy from the food, Tom leaned forward. Harry let out a muffled yelp as his collar was grabbed, and his body forced from his seat. Lips met in a crash as Harry landed on top of Tom. This was the moment that seemed most important. As doubtful as it was, if either of them pulled away at this time, than it was over. Harry seemed to agree, getting his body into a comfortable position over the other, wrapping his arms around the alabaster neck, and letting his head tilt into the kiss. Their mouths parted, and tongues began to tease and play with each other. The blue eyed boy enjoyed how needy the other seemed, thin hips began to grind against his, bringing them both to hardness quickly. Even breathing through their noses, the heat of their kissing and the blockage of each others tongue had them pulling away, panting pumpkin flavored breaths against the mouths before them.

When tan arms untangled from his body, and the cage that was clothed thighs left, Tom let out a groan of annoyance. He knew that they were getting intense for how short of a time they were together, but Harry had to agree that they were both teenage boys, and they were both more than turned on. A command was on the tip of his tongue, the boy would return with his warm pants and lazy thrusts against him, or he would result to unforgivables. But once more this magnificent creature surprised him. All rational thought left his blue eyes, all care and every manner he learned had vanished. Before him, kneeling on the floor, green eyes looked up into his, a grin to smug and to attractive to be legal appeared on the others face.

The calloused fingers he had scoffed at before were now slowly enticing his button loose, and dragging his zipper down. How anyone could, in any sane capacity think of those hands and nimble fingers as 'lower status,' since at this moment Tom wanted to take a photo and frame it for his grandchildren, was beyond him. Shifting, thin pale hips moved to allow the trousers holding him in to be pulled away, along side his boxers. The erection he was sporting seemed to only grow bigger as it curved, tall and ready to be cared for. Fingertips traced him root to tip.

Pulling his blue eyes away, he saw the enamored look in Harry's eyes. Body leaning into the sensation, and eyes glued to the ever changing expressions before him, Tom was lost. A small pink nub peeked out from between reddened lips, almost if the little tip of tongue was shy, it touched the head of his cock gently, pulling back quickly. Tom gave a small laugh as Harry gave a confused look at the taste, his fingers still running Tom's length as he thought over what he had just experienced. With a small shrug, the tongue dipped farther out of kissed lips and trailed over the vein, bottom to top. A soft 'Mmm-Ah' left Tom as a gasp when the slick pink organ trailed a circle around the head, then furrowed deeply into the slit. Green eyes caught blue, and the lips opened slightly, bringing just the head inside, letting the tongue laze around it, than starting to suck. Never before had Tom experienced a blowjob, but now he saw how it was fit for a king such as himself. Embarrassingly a full moan escaped him, half his cock was taken into the slick heat in one go. Strong licks and presses of the tongue inside, as well as the sucking sensation left him panting against the headrest. His fingers did what they were aching to do since first seeing Harry, and dug themselves into the soft mess of locks. Harry seemed to be getting more and more confident, he began to move his head up and down, bobbing and trying to get more of the hot flesh into his mouth. When Tom felt the wall of his throat hit his tip, and new sensation came to join the others. Harry's annoyed hum left Tom gasping for air. 'Yes, god, that please!' Green eyes flashed confusion for only a second, before the humming started, and left Tom gaping. So much all at once, softness, heat, sucking, rubbing, licking, humming and even the occasional scrape of teeth sent him over. He gave no warning, just gripped Harry's hair and thrust his hips forward into the hot mouth, letting himself spill inside.

His flaccid cock slipped from the stretched lips, but they didn't close. Tan fingertips traced harry's mouth, he seemed lost on what to do with the cum in his mouth, and Tom knew what he wanted to see. "I hear that you are suppose to swallow it." Furrowed eyebrows considered him, and with the cute half shrug Tom saw before, he watch the boy's adam's apple move as he swallowed down, grimacing at the taste, but not making it less attractive. Seeing his seed being taken so openly and willingly like that, Tom could almost think himself getting hard again. But Harry pulled himself off of the floor and came back into his lap. Tom felt the hard member pressing against trousers as he rubbed Harry through them. "I see that serving others makes you happy." A soft moan left, both in acknowledgement of the words, and a show of how turned on he was. Silky, ivory hands came and started unbuttoning and pulling away fabric. When he had Harry out, and the heated flesh in his palm, he felt himself become fully erect again.

Hot lips met his, and normally, he would have had enough of a mind left to deny it after what that mouth had swallowed down, but he couldn't and wouldn't stop this. They pushed their bodies and lips together harshly, Harry thrusted into Tom's, hand and Tom turned his head to deepen their kisses. Shifting Harry's hips down, Tom lined his own erection up with harry's and using his both hands he twisted, pulled and flicked at both. One of the tan hands he found himself head over heels for came down and joined his, making one leave to go explore the body before him as it took his place. The thin hand found its way into Harry's button up, smoothing its way over the spine, and following up the stomach to grip at ribs and to tease nipples. Again they had to part for air, and using this opportunity of the neck before him, Tom latched on. Nips and sucking and kissing. He couldn't get enough of it. The salty tang under his tongue was more than he imagined, he knew he could become addicted to this flesh. Murmuring praises into the crook of Harry's throat, he listened to the sounds that he was eliciting. "Merlin Tom, yes! So good, your hands so good, and your mouth. Please touch me more, kiss me. Mark me please!" Not one to let a request go unheard, Tom did just that. The hand that was tweaking a nipple moved down and gripped, kneading at the perfect globe of Harry's ass. His knowledge did go into how two men have sex, and though he always found the thought gross, feeling the perfect shape under his fingertips, he would give anything to be doing just that act. The skin before him seemed to beg him on as he licked up and down, nipping and leaving as many bites as he possibly could. His own orgasm was impending and Harry was the same. With a shout of "Fuck me, yes Tom, fuck yes!" white come landed on Toms shirt, but he gave no mind as he himself reached completion.

The small frame of top of him collapsed, resting with harsh breaths against him. With both hands free Tom wrapped the boy up in his embrace. They both didn't even notice falling asleep like that, until the final whistle blew. Both boys jumped startled at the sound of the warning, five minutes from Hogsmeade. With a sigh that their time was coming to an end, Tom kissed the boy before him again. "What house are you in? I've never seen you before, but now, I want to see you everyday." Tom knew it didn't come out as a question, but a demand. He wanted Harry to belong to him now, and be it feelings left over from having his first orgasms with another, he was damned if he'd let the boy slip away. He loved the soft chuckle from the other. "I don't know, I won't know till I get back. Everything is going to be so different now I hope. It's possible I may not even exist." The strange wording had toms brows knitted together as he stared. Harry just gave another laugh. "I know I know, i'm weird. But no matter what it's like I hope you will be there. I want to be with you. I know it's stupid, but if this is the real you, the you I have come to know during this trip, than you are who I want, you know?" Totally lost, he just stared, Harry laughed again and kissed him, and kissed him and kissed him again. Tom stopped the kisses with a questioning look. Harry grinned. "One more for the road, it's going to seem like seconds to me, but it will be decades for you, so I want you to remember me." Before harry could kiss he stopped him with his hand from getting closer, "Harry what on Merlin's green beard are you talking about!" Calloused fingers gripped his hand, kissing each tip of his fingers before his lips crashed together with Tom's. They kissed till the last whistle blew. Harry jumped up, pulling his pants back on.

"It was nice to see you like this, even if it was for such a short while, I think i'm going to miss you, Tom. I promise we will see eachother again in 50 years. And please, for me, stop where you are, stop at 2, don't make any more, I want you like this when we meet again."

Tom bolted upright as Harry raced from the room, as he looked out into the corridor he saw that the fluffy black hair was gone, and only students in robes carting trunks remand. He thought over the last words, what did he only have two of that would actually change him, he had his- no, harry couldn't know about that. Tom becond Nagini back into his case, straightened his attire and moved towards the door. He would locate Harry in the great hall, and he would talk to the strange boy again. Even after his illiterate thought process, Tom was still positive, he had to have Harry to himself.


Harry woke from a yelling women's voice. But instead of his Aunts shrieking, he heard a voice that brought tears to his eyes. "Harry! I won't call for you again, your Tutor is here, so if you don't come down this instant, than you are grounded." Bounding from his bed, and forgoing getting dressed, Harry nearly flew down the stairs. He didn't look around at the Manor that was his home, and in the Potter line for centuries, or the old portraits of his ancestors gaping at him. No Harry was focused on one thing as he got to the bottom of the steps, his Mother wide eyed and staring. "Harry, where are your clothes!" Ignoring her words he grabbed her up in a tight hug, gripping her for dear life. "Mom, oh gods mom! I love you, I love you so much, never ever leave me, I need you, I love you so much!" Lily was surprised by her sons antics, but being friends with James' gang, she was ready for anything, ruffling the hair before her she just smiled. "I love you to Harry, but where are your clothes? Underwear isn't an appropriate outfit to see your tutor in." Harry looked into her eyes, the same as his own, he saw her glance behind him, "Mr.Riddle, I'm sorry, he seems to be still half asleep." with a turn he saw Tom. He ran into his arms as well. "Thank you! Thank you for doing this! Thank you for becoming who you are, thank you for stopping! God, if I had woken back up in that tent, if you were still killing, if everyone was still dead. If I didn't have my family-" He broke off with a choked sob, running back and gripping his mother again. She soothed him gently with a stroking hand in his hair.

"Harry sweetheart, what kind of dream did you have? That's simply horrible. Let's get you back to bed, I think you are to sick to study today. I'll have your father come home early." Harry looked up at the mention of James, tears streaming down his face. "And Sirius, and Remus, please! And can you get Snape, and oh god, Dumbledore, please!" Lily laughed, "Okay baby, let's get you to bed, we can't just call all those people away from work, and you know i haven't talked to Severus since you were born, and Dumbledore-" Harry stopped her cold. "NO! You have to! Write him a letter, something! You don't know how much he would give for you, has given for you, he saved my life! But, just because one stupid word, you left him! He's sorry, he cares about you, you were his first friend, his only friend, he's so alone and he needs you! Please mom! If you don't I will!" Lily looked at the determination, it would be strange messaging Severus so randomly, but she had put it off for so long anyway. "That wasn't all there was to it, but okay, I will write Severus, if he doesn't answer he doesn't-" Harry chipped in "He will!" and Lily continued, "But before that, you need to go lay down. Now, Mr.Riddle, you can leave if you wish." Harry yelled 'No' ending that thought. "No Mrs.Potter, I'm sure Harry would like someone to talk to, he seems scared, i'd like to stay." With a nod she let them both continue upstairs.

Harry stopped at the banister and looked back at her, "Get Sirius and Lupin here at least! Please!" Lily sent back an alright and he headed to where he thought his room was. As soon as the two were inside, Tom wrapped him up in his arms and kissed him senseless, resting his lips against the other's cheek as they pulled away, "You remember, finally, you remember, I have been waiting, years and years i waited, and now you're in my arms again, merlin i think I could just die." Harry kissed him back deeply. "It's only been minutes for me, but Tom, you, everything. You did everything for me. My family is alive, my friends, everything is perfect, and I have you, I can't stop crying." Tom licked a path up his cheek. "It won't stop being perfect, me and you together, all eternity we will be together." Harry kissed him again, wrapping his legs around the body before him as he was carried to the bed. Magic did something amazing, and his life was actually happy now.
