Chapter 17: Microphobia


Microphobia- Fear of small things.

~Due to Harry's sucky potion skills, Tom is stuck being 5 inches tall until Slughorn can figure out what went wrong, but in the end Harry finds he prefers the small Tom Riddle, over the big one.

-Rating: Mature

-Relationships: Tom Riddle/Harry Potter

-Warning/Tags: Harry In Tom's Timeline, Potions, Captive, Kidnapping, Masturbation,


All italics are Tom's POV


Tom wasn't focused, he leaned forward, onto the desk in order to get a better look at the person next to him. He usually hated working with other houses, but the way this boy was made it bearable. Small delicate tan hands came over and picked up an ingredient, Tom's thoughts gave an impatient gasp as the boy leaned forward. Whenever he went to stir, the green potion was reflected in his eyes. Small sweat drops from the heat made the boy look as if he had just gone through a vigorous activity, and Tom could think of many. He sighed, no thinking like this didn't mean he had a 'crush' or any other pathetic emotion for the other, he was just a teenage boy lost in heated lust. He let himself focus as the other spoke up out of nowhere, and tried to brush his staring off as boredom.

It was perfect, the shade looked the exact way the book described, acid green. Harry applauded himself for his work, even with a Slytherin sitting at his table. His attention was brought back to Slughorn as the next part of the lesson began.

"Now my students, because we wish for this potion to be short lasting, and only work for up to a minute, please add one singular mayfly wing as it comes to its final boil."

Reaching over to the laid out ingredients Harry didn't even look up as he grabbed the small silky texture and plopped it into his concoction. He turned to his Slytherin partner, a grimace on his face from being forced to work with the other. "Well, is it up to your oh, so perfect standards your majesty?" The words dropped with sarcasm. Long pale fingers reached over and scooped a small amount into a phial. "We will see." The boy in green tipped the still hot liquid to his lips and consumed the entire contents. For a second his eyes flashed green, before the once tall and graceful body shrunk. Silk green robes fell to the floor around the tiny body, and small Tom Riddle nodded to Harry.

They waited for Tom to change back, him not leaving his bundle of uniforms in case he changed suddenly. A minute passed, then two, and three. A small glare was directed at Harry, but he pretended to not notice as he rose his hand waiting for Slughorn. The fat man came over, fingers looped in his vest.

"Well Mr.Potter, your potion seems to have worked wonderfully, I expect no less with Mr.Riddle as your partner. What is your question."

Harry had the decency to look down and blush. He took a breath and looked back, rubbing the back of his neck. "Yeah, he's small and all, but what do I do if he won't change back?" Slughorn gave him a furrowed look. "Well my boy the mayfly wings does wonders, it should only take a minute." With a stare at the ceiling as if trying to escape, Harry's voice got smaller. "Yeah, about that, what if it's been like five?" The joyous smile on the man's red face fell. "Well you did add the mayfly wings didn't you." Harry nodded, he reached over and grabbed the silky objects, handing them over. Slughorn a jaw dropped. "Mr.Potter! This is skin from a Bow Headed whale! These look nothing like mayfly wings! How on earth did you confuse the creature with the shortest lifespan with the one with the longest! This is unacceptable."

Harry stared, he had tears welling in his eyes from being yelled at, he didn't need to look down at Tom to know he had a face of hate. The fat man continued to murmur to himself before looking back at Harry. "This is reversible but I have to brew a enlargement potion, it will take neatly two weeks to finish. Never have I ever felt with such incompetence. With your Mother and Godfather being two of the best Potioneers I know this is just, well it's just pathetic." Hearing himself being put to shame and the mention of his family made the tears start leaking down. Slughorn sighed at the tears.

"Well, this is your mess, you will be in charge of Mr.Riddle till I can fix this, I expect you to get him to each class on time and get him notes! Even doing his homework until this is fixed, come to my office for Tom's time table after lunch." The old professor gave Harry no chance to speak out before he walked away. He finally let his gaze fall and looked at Tom, who was still buried in his clothes looking annoyed. With a swish of his wand, Harry shrunk Toms clothes, hoping it would cheer the other up a bit. A shaking hand pocketed Toms wand with his own, before reaching down a hand to collect the small body. A swift kick from Tom to him had Harry moving his hand away, he sighed knowing he deserved it, and put it out again to let Tom climb on.

How on earth had Tom not been paying attention enough to notice the boy had ruined the potion. Cursing his horny brain Tom crawled into the hand that was laid out for him. The punishment Horace had given was quite interesting. He now had an all inclusive pass to stare at Harry for as long as he wished. He was also happy to have a break from all his classes and work, though he was brilliant he still enjoyed time to himself. Tom scowled when he was placed in Harry's pocket like a pen. Though, as he shifted he noticed that behind his knee was right where Harrys nippled was. He would be sure to make 'accidents' happen to be able to play with it a bit and watch the reaction.

With his head barely peeking out of Harry's pocket, the duo set out of the classroom, both people's bags on his shoulder. On the way to the great hall, harry watched a group of Slytherins point at him whispering, he knew that this wasn't a good idea, Slytherins and Gryffindors don't mix. His path was blocked by a group of his housemates.

"Hey, you guys headed to the great hall too?"

The redhead didn't seem amused with Harry's cause atmosphere, and tossed his nose up at him, "We heard that you are going to be spending more time with the snakes after a little accident, we want to know how it will affect your ability to play seeker." With a friendly smile that he wasn't really feeling, he tried his best to give them the response they wanted. "Slughorn just says I need to watch him while he is getting better, it should only take two weeks and our game against hufflepuff isn't for a week. But really, their seeker is a Longbottom, I'm not really worried." The head of Gryffindor team, Joe Wood came up in a fit of rage. "Two weeks! You can't take a two week break! It doesn't matter if you are a better seeker, if you get lazy you will definitely lose." The nervous tick Harry had of rubbing his neck came back, "I know, but I can practice- ouch!" Pain came from where is right breast pocket was situated, he looked and saw Tom with a mound of Harry's flesh, covered in fabric, gripped in his hand. He understood the meaning. "Look guys, talk later yeah?" He didn't wait for a reply as he ran off.

When he had reached the great hall, Harry was on track for his normal seat, when he felt another bite of pain. "Would you knock that off? Don't you know how to use your words?" Looking down he saw the small mouth move but was unable to hear at all, small hands pointed dramatically at the green lined table. "Oh hell no, I am not sitting with them." Tom was adamant though and gripped his flesh again. "Ow, okay alright, just for today!" Letting the small pointing fingers lead him, he stood awkwardly behind Malfoy and Lestrange, they turned back giving him a look of disgust. "What do you want?" Their words were rude and haughty but the silenced instantly when Tom popped up over the pocket, making space for Harry.

The whole table was quiet, all eyes focused on him as he set Tom onto the wooden surface, he decided it would be best to explain. "So, there was this potions mix up that sorta happened ," Tom crossed his arms and gave him a stern look. "Okay, okay, I kinda shrunk Tom and it will take two weeks to fix, Slughorn said I need to take care of him till then." Being five inches tall, Tom couldn't get far, but soon he got his way over to Avery and stared until he was picked up. Avery gave a nod, and pointed his wand at Tom, than Tom seemed to be speaking into his ear, Avery humming his agreement all along. When Tom was set back down, he went back to Harry, pointing at a fork he wished to be shrunk.

Simply moving from one side of the table to the other was a journey. Toms small body took its time but managed to get over to Avery without winding himself. His follower did as commanded, even silently and lifted him. Tom forced himself to shout at the top of his lungs into the ear half the size of his body to be heard. "Use a Sonorus!" He was obeyed immediately. Thankfully now he could talk at his regular volume and be heard like he normally would. "Avery, I have a mission for you. Get me an enlargement potion. I want it available immediately if I get bored. Until that point in time I will be using this time as a Holiday. I wish for you to take care of my pet, and to remind the house who their king is even in my absence. If you have anything important to share with me, it will wait till meal times, besides that, I wish to have a wide berth from all of you." Avery replied with a quiet "Yes My Lord" and set Tom back down on the table so he could go back to Harry and get fed by hand if he so wished it. Tom smiled genuinely at the odd red clad boy knowing he wouldn't be seen. Yes, this would be like a holiday, but he would be able to spend it with a boy he was attracted to fawning over him the whole time. A laugh left him causing him to stop dead in his tracks, he had just thought he had even enjoyed the boy's rough language and angry pouting. This was going to be strange, but Tom was just getting more and more excited.

In order not to be late for his own classes, Harry had to start making mad dashes from one side of the castle to the other. That he could at least say caused him to stay in fit shape for quidditch, but the money he had to dish out to people in Tom's class for copies of notes had no upside. It was only the first day and he was exhausted.

With Tom in his pocket, he headed towards his bedroom to get some sleep after dinner. A pinch roused him from his drowsy state. "What now!" The small face huffed at him, than pointed towards his pants, Harry understood right away rushing them to the bathroom. He moved back and forth past stalls, deciding what to do when he decided to just summon a small toilet over the sink drain, this was just a small problem in a list of dozens he was having with Tom.

Harry was at his wits end when he had finally gotten into his bed and had Tom set up in a transfigured bed on the shelf above his head rest. He closed his eyes and felt a small tap on his cheek, looking over he saw Tom.

"Oh my god, go to sleep! I'm so tired whatever you need I don't care. Why do I have to help you, you have your stupid followers don't you." Tom simply huffed at him silently and Harry got the gist of, 'excuse me I wasn't the one to add whale skin.' He lifted Tom back up to his bed. "Look, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to yell, I'm just so tired and my whole house hates me. Can whatever it is wait?" When the small body nodded Harry smiled, "okay, let me know in the morning." As he laid back out in his covers he decided to add, "I really am sorry."

A smile light up his face. He was truly going to only ask for something simple, a few heating charms or blankets. When Harry had sent him back to bed he was planning to just get under the blankets he had till they warmed. Now though, after hearing the angry boy actually apologize, he decided something different. The breathe of the large boy calmed and became even, signalling Tom that the other was finally asleep. Carefully, he grabbed his blankets and crept from his bed, sliding onto the pillow under the shelf he was currently residing on. With soft steps, he walked over to the boys face, his own face light up by how vulnerable the other was at that moment. Bringing himself closer he let his hands drift over the face. He leaned in and laid a kiss on the corner of pink lips. It was almost like nothing since that same mouth could swallow his current form whole. Tom laid out his covers beside the boy's neck, taking the body heat willingly to warming his blankets. When he had enough of touching the other and his blankets were significantly hotter, he walked back to his bed and laid down to sleep.

It almost became normal for Harry, he didn't even notice as three days had passed since the accident. He could always be found running flush faced into a classroom and grabbing Tom and his mini supplies, than running to the next class, due to Tom's pinching and biting he was sitting at the slytherin table daily. The snakes weren't all bad though, Avery was actually quite nice and Lestrange knew all about Quidditch.

With a smile he reached his dorm room, setting Tom on the bed. "Hey Tom, I smell horrific, all the sweat you know, I'm going to take a shower." He normally left Tom to his studies while he showered, and the shrunken boy would shower in the sink in the morning, but now Tom stood as if he wanted to come along. "Do you need a shower to?" Tom gave a barely noticeable nod as he reached out to be picked up. With a sigh Harry took the tiny boy and headed in, setting Tom on the ledge of the sink as he turned and went to the shower across from it. "I won't be able to hear you, so just wait patiently till I'm done and don't die." He laughed at the little scoff as he stripped and walked over to the tap, turning the water on scalding. After his time soaping up and getting clean he walked over to Tom, this time wrapped in a towel. He noticed the little face was bright red. "You okay Tom? Is it to hot in here?" Tom seemed to dislike what Harry had said and turned away from him. Gathering his clothes he carried Tom back to their beds.

In the past three days, Tom had found himself going down to Harry's bed at night and touching himself in on the others pillow, running his hand through soft hair. But besides quick bits while the other was changing, Tom never saw the boy's body fully. He used Harry going to the shower for an excuse. Tom was set on the ledge of the sink, but besides putting his head underwater to look wet, he didn't plan to shower. Pushing heavily he turned the sink faucet on. Tom undressed and took a place leaning against the metal knob. Harry stripped before his eyes. The water started and Tom felt himself harden from seeing the water start to cascade across the caramel skin. Tom began to touch himself when the boy began to run his hands down his body, the soap suds making a perfect contrast against his skin. With a hum Tom let himself cum before he jumped into the sink basin to get the look of just showering. Harry came over and handed him a towel, he ignored the comment from Harry, but yes, it was definitely to hot and it had nothing to do with the temperature or steam.

It hadn't even been a week before Harry completely lost it. He looked down at the small boy. The teachers had just reprimanded him for doing Toms homework incorrectly. How was it Harry's fault, he didn't even understand Runes. He knew the small boy was laughing at him, even if he couldn't prove it. Harry had half the mind to throw Tom on the bed if he didn't know it could kill the other. "Seriously! Why do I get in trouble! I have my own homework, and I can't even go to practice because I'm taking care of you! Why do you even go to classes, you can't even do anything." Tom just crossed his arms and stare at the other. Harry just wanted to get away from Tom but he couldn't. "Why me? Why is this happening to me! I mean really, is my luck that bad! I'm sure a dozen other people would take you. Who wouldn't want you, the oh sexy perfect Slytherin." Harry blushed as he realized his words. "Not that I find you sexy. I mean sure you're attractive. I'm into girls though! I can notice that you're hot, but that doesn't mean I like you." The tan body crouched on the floor as he kept digging himself a deeper hole, Tom smirked at him. Harry didn't stop himself though, he looked up. "It's perfectly natural for a teenage boy to fantasise about such things, it's common really, and I mean we are just in close quarters so of course I- I mean, anyone would. But just because you have good looks, oh god." Tom started to laugh again. Harry got onto the bed and buried his face in the pillows, seeking some form of escape. Tom came over and leaned against his pillow arms crossed. Covering his flushed face Harry tried again. "Look, one time, maybe two, just a few! That's it okay. I'm not all obsessed with you or anything, I don't even like you, you have a horrible needy personality. I mean really don't have to explain myself to you." Tom gave a small nod, but his grin was still there. Harry realized he wasn't getting away from this topic and went for the next best thing. "Im taking a shower." The small boy ran from the room, with a quick turn around he ran back and grabbed a towel. "You better forget everything I just said!"

At breakfast, Tom gave Avery the signal they had prepared. The other slytherin gave a nod. It was time, by the end of this meal he would be away from Potter, and back to his old life, well he had a few hours he could go unaccounted for to get everything situated first. Tom smiled again at the cute look on Harry's face that night. Avery pocketed him and left the hall, Tom overheard Harry and the Potions Professor's loud yelling, and laughed. Poor Harry was in more trouble than he could have predicted.

After breakfast Harry was in a panic. He searched everywhere, high and low. Tom was gone. He saw him go to speak to Avery and just went back to discussing Seeker rules with Lestrange. He nearly cried as Slughorn walked up to him.

"Professor! I can't find him! He's gone!"

The fat faced professor stared like he didn't understand, he face suddenly bloated and turned horribly red. "YOU WERE IN CHARGE OF HIM MR.POTTER! IF YOU LOST HIM HE COULD BE DEAD! YOU ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR ANYTHING THAT HAPPENS TO HIM!" The yells could be heard across the hall, Harry was in tears.

Avery had taken the day off of class, first helping Tom revert back, and than managing to show Tom everything he had missed. At lunch his Knights all gathered to report to him. He stood from the throne like chair he was sitting in when the topic of what punishment Potter should receive was circulating through the group. "Don't worry about his punishment, everything is in place now, his entire life will be destroyed, he will have nothing let, no where to run, and then I will collect." The group went quiet, some shivering in fear. "My Lord, I wish no insolence towards you, but what do you mean collect?" Tom ignored the shaking voice and turned to Lestrange. "I need a sample of his handwriting for a secondary plan in case Potter decides to be difficult, I believe I can rely on you to gather this." The tall boy stood and bowed to his leader, heading from the room immediately to see to his task. "Dismissed."

The day went horribly for Harry, all day he was berated by people, his fellow Gryffindors congratulated him, making him feel worse and the slytherins all hexed him. Not a single person in the school was actually on his side. By dinner he almost walked out of the hall, that is until all talk stopped and every eye turned towards the door. Tom walked in regular size, live as could be, flocked on both sides by his pureblood friends. Slughorn ran to him immediately, "Tom my boy! You are alright!" With a graceful nod Tom smiled at him, "yes, no thanks to my helper," he glanced at Harry, "I was left all on my own in the dungeons, for some reason, magic may have been involved somehow, when I grew hungry enough, my body just reverted back." The whole hall was following on every word, Tom received pats on the back from his dorm mates that he shrugged off. He had lost Tom at breakfast, there was no way he could have possibly made it to the dungeons. Sending a glare at Tom he waited for Slughorn to turn to him.

"Mr.Potter, you left, poor, defenseless Tom all alone in the dungeons. Who knows what could have happened. If he had not changed back, well, then he would have surely died from hunger. I am so disappointed in you, if I didn't already know the Headmaster would deny it, i would request your expulsion. So I will do what I can, I'm not a cruel man, but you risked a student's life. I am taking all the house points you currently have, as well as putting you in detention every saturday and sunday evening. Also your Hogsmeade pass has been revoked."

Harry felt tears roll down his face, and outpour of anger from his house was heard behind him, but one look at the grin Tom held and he knew. Tom had set him up. He had purposely left. He probably had Avery sneak him out at breakfast. Running quickly he heard Tom start to talk but didn't want to hang around for the rest of it.

Tom turned his smile feral at Harry for a moment, the raven picked it up instantly. He watched the boy run from the hall. This was better than he had expected. Harry was in tears, his house had just turned on him, his teachers now hated him and he had probably lost any friends he had, since Lions like to side with the group decision. He turned to Slughorn, "Harry tried his best, but he is just a silly boy, I do not blame him for his mistake, but you are correct with your punishments, my life was at risk." Horace looked full of pride at that, he was proud to have a student congratulate him, pathetic. Everything was working well, but now Tom had to see how his prize was doing. He turned from the Hall, following the direction the other left. At one point Tom had to start relying on passing paintings to direct him, but finally, he reached the boy. He never thought victory would be so sweet, but seeing the small frame curled on the floor crying was better than anything he could have imagined.

The only quiet spot Harry could find was a small opening behind a tapestry. No one ever came to this hall, so he hoped he would be left alone. He was sure he couldn't return to his dorm, and it would now be impossible for him to play seeker. Until he graduated his entire school career was ruined. The only solace he had was that maybe his Mom would understand and send him to Beauxbaton or even Durmstrang, he wasn't going to be picky at this point. His racking sobs were interrupted by someone entering past the tapestry. He called out hoping he didn't sound like he had been crying. "Go away! I was here first, I'm sure there is other places you can get off in asshole." The voice that followed his insult was the last that he wanted to hear. "Yes, but those places don't have a crying lion." He sent deathly daggers to Tom, picking himself up off the dusty floor and pushing the other aside to leave. The older boy shoved him against the wall before he could get away. "Is that anyway to treat your friend, after all we have been through?"

Shoving him but still not getting away, he just scowled. "Us friends, yah if the sun fucking implodes. What's your bloody problem, you could have been big this whole time? Was that your plan? First make me take care of you for a week, walk you everywhere, get you notes, do your homework, then you go and destroy my life? I have nowhere to sleep now, I can't even get to my trunk for clothes. The second I go into my dorm they will kill me. Im fucking trapped and all I want right now is to go to my bed." Toms grin turned vicious. "Well, you can come to my bed, and my dorm would gladly accept you, after all you did take such good care of their king." Fed up with Toms comments and wanting nothing more than to punch the boy he went for the next best thing. Gathering saliva in his mouth, he spit into Tom's face. "You are not a fucking king, you are scum. I seriously hope you become small again so i can step on you. Never talk to me again! I cant beleive me screwing up one potion makes you feel you have the right to destroy everything. Go fucking die Tom Riddle!" With that he stomped away, hoping that he would never have to see those blue eyes again, and embarrassed that he was seen in such a pathetic state.

It had been two days since Harry had spit on him, he had searched everywhere, only coming upon the boy a few times before running off again. He found that Harry had been skipping classes, and taking meals in the kitchens. Sadly he couldn't stand around the fruit portrait at all time waiting on the other. When he did find Harry, it usually went the same way, Harry trying to leave, and Tom making some sexual comment that set the smaller boy off. Tom loved it, every time he saw those green eyes his blood pumped faster and his adrenaline went crazy. It wasn't enough though, he wanted it constantly, not just twice a day. Something would have to change soon.

Harry finally found peace. Not a single soul was in the dorm since there was a game against slytherin, so Harry finally found the time to go grab his belongings. He had spent two days skipping classes and hiding out, resorting to showering in the locker room and cleaning his clothes with spells. With a glance at his bed he had an internal battle which lead to him whispering 'five minutes' to himself and laying down, the shrunken trunk still in his pocket. He hadn't expected to sleep nearly two hours, but was awoken by the loud sound of his former roommates entering. "Potter, why are you here, you know you aren't welcome here. Harry didn't want to fight, he had just woken up after the first sleep in a real bed for days. "Yeah, sorry, i was just grabbing my trunk." One of the Weasleys decided that wasn't good enough. "Where are you staying than? In the kitchens with the elves? Don't think anyone else would take you right now." Harry brushed past the boys without a word, he didn't want to think about how he had been sleeping on the cushions of window sills or tucked away on a chair in the library. A jolt went through him as he was hit with a spell, his feet locked, causing him to fall down the last five steps to the common room. All of the room began to laugh as he straightened himself. A girl's voice cut through the crowed. "Let him alone, you're all nothing but bullies and followers." Harry nodded to Minerva, a girl who had full right to be angry at him, but seemed to be on his side.

Not speaking another word, Harry left. Outside the dorm was the face he had never wanted to see. "I thought I told you to fuck off?" Blue eyes shined with excitement. "Well, I was lonely, how is your dorm situation? Rethinking my offer." He glared at Tom before heading down the steps. It was no good to taunt the other boy. The best thing Harry could do is ignore him, but this seemed to annoy Tom. "Where are you staying? Did you find someone else who let you share their bed? Doubtful they are as attractive as me, though Diggory is quite fetching." Green eyes looked back, but didn't reply. Was Tom making all this comments because of what he said that time. He was hoping Tom had forgotten about that, but now it just seemed he was using it to mock Harry, it pissed him off. Tom continued anyway. "Has a cat got your tongue? Where is that Gryffindor pride?" Quickening his step, Harry walked away, he managed to lose Tom in the crowd of green that was heading to the Slytherin dorm after the match.

Even two days after the blow up of Potter's life, Tom couldn't get enough. Harry attempted to avoid him, but always just ended up yelling at him. Poor Potter was so easy to goad into anger. His excitement soared when he came across Harry outside the Fat Lady painting. Yes, this was the change. Something was different now. He lost Harry before he could get a reply from the other, it bugged him, crawled at his skin, he needed to lock down that small body, make it so it had no choice but to stay by him and continue the angry bickering. Tom wouldn't allow for his heart to beat so rapidly all on its own. His fingers tightened around the warm phial in his pocket, no, he had to do something.

The next day he saw Harry in class with a quick whisper to the teacher he was allowed to sit in the open seat beside him. He found ways to get Harry to sit with him at meals, and even followed the boy from a distance every night to see where he was going. Yes, his plan would work, he just had to wait for the proper moment.

After a week, Tom gripped the letter he carried with him everywhere. Yes, It was time.

Everyday Tom had bothered Harry, it had been a full week now since he lose his world. It was almost like he couldn't turn a corner without the snake popping in to make some comment or try to rib him. It was even worse that Tom had all the teachers eating from his hand and managed a seat next to him in all shared classes. When a pale hand reached over and started to rub his thigh inappropriately he had enough, shouting as he stood up from his seat. "Will you just stop! I hate you! You ruined everything, because of you I have no friends, I have no house and I'm sleeping on a fucking crate. If you don't have anything else you would like to destroy for me, than just leave me alone!" Storming from the class he heard Tom cover for himself with, "I have no clue Professor, I simply asked if I could see his notes." He was so sick of Tom getting away with everything and leaving him screwed over. No, he was done, he wouldn't let Tom bother him. He kept letting Tom get to him, even with ignoring him he still lost control from time to time, no, now he had to block him out completely, pretend he wasn't even there.

As Harry walked to the old storage room he was using, he felt something like a presence behind him. Each time he turned though, no one was there. He convinced himself that one of the school ghosts was playing a trick on him as he turned into his makeshift bedroom. A hand gripped his shoulder and threw him against the wall. Looking into blue eyes, he just raised an eyebrow, giving no indication of Tom other than that. Dusting off his shoulder he moved around Tom to his bed, which was crates transfigured into a mattress. The other stepped forward and began to speak, "I don't like being ignored you know." Harry just opened his trunk to grab his P.J.'s. He wouldn't change the normal way though, even while ignoring Tom, he still couldn't allow the other boy to see him naked. A pale face got into his, the tall body bowing to be nose to nose, "I won't let you ignore me anymore." Simply reaching a hand up he grabbed his glasses from his face and set them on top of his now closed trunk. With a wave of his wand the P.j.s swapped places with his clothes. He set them on the floor to clean later and moved to sit on his bed, pulling out a book.

Tom was furious at this point. "You aren't afraid of me?" He was, oh yes Harry was terrified of this boy, but he wouldn't let that reason allow Tom to boss him around and ruin his life. His fingers flipped the page in his book, but he screamed as the bed dipped. As was pinned he imagined the worst, but then he felt something hot trickle into his mouth and slide down his throat. Toms hand held his face and kept him from spitting it out. Soon he was surrounded in all black, when a hand the size of him lifted the clothing that had once fit him away he screamed. Tom just smiled and looked down at him, "Yes, well just try to ignore this. Your own concoction, don't you like it?" Harry screamed again, this time the world went black as he passed out.

Tom smiled as he looked at the small body in his palm. Harry had fainted, how sad. In place of the boy on the bed he placed the letter. It had taken time to achieve, but it was a perfect copy of Harry's writing, informing the school and his family he was running away. Tom purposely had it seem open endedly as a suicide note. With a swish of his wand, all of Potters belongings were collected. After pocketing everything, he started to leave, his focus solely on the small naked body in his hand as he stroked a finger over the smooth flesh.

Months had passed, Harry's family came to the school, tears running down their face, imagining the worse. The whole time, Tom watched the small face in his pocket screaming for them to see him. Not a soul noticed the small boy, no one even wanted to. Soon enough it was like he had never even existed.

It was his last day of class before he knew it. The tip of his finger ran through Harry's hair before the other bite it. His face light up, the fight Harry had was the most important thing to him, he wished him to never lose it.

Tom stood in the entryway of his manor. It was the Riddle family home, unused since his father had sadly perished. He had taken care of the man who watched over the place, and was just tidying up a bit in the hall when he heard a loud crash. He walked up to the master bedroom and took in the naked boy on the bed with a smile. "Harry, is there anything I can get you?" The other stared at him, he stood up from the bed, stopped by an invisible chain holding him to it. "No, but I can get you a lobotomy." Tom smiled at the rude comment and walked over, sitting onto the bed beside the other. "I need to go out soon, do you need to use the bathroom or eat before hand?" The boys snarl dropped and he looked up at Tom with fearful eyes. "I'm sorry, please, can I stay here? You don't need me there do you? I'll be good I can't even leave this bed please!" Tom carded a hand through the unruly hair. "Now, now, you know I like to have you by my side at all times. I would die before I go somewhere without you. Now when you're ready drink this." Shaking hands gripped the small warm phial from Tom. Tom quieted any last complaints with a tug on Harry's locks. Tears spilled from the boy's eyes as he downed the liquid. Tom smirked and picked up the small struggling boy. This being was his, no one would ever see those green eyes except him, and though Harry could go outside and breath fresh air, he would never be able to run again. His lips kissed the small stomach as tiny arms pushed at his face, he placed the body in his shirt, leaving the room to grab his cloak.
