Chapter 16: Climacophobia


Climacophobia- Fear of stairs, climbing, or of falling downstairs.
~To scared to use the moving staircase to get to his common room, he's lucky Tom is kind enough to sneak him into his own.

-Rating: Explicit
-Relationship: Tom Riddle/ Harry Potter
-Warning/Tags: Sexual Content, Anxiety, Past Child Abuse, Slytherin Dorms, Sleeping, Tom In Harry's Timeline AU,


Shoes clacked down the glossy hallway. It was so late that even the ghosts had gone to sleep. Normally, Tom would have left his duties hours ago and simply gone to sleep as well, but he had the feeling something was off tonight, and he was never the kind to ignore his instincts. Slowing, he found what he missed on the last 5 passes.

A small light came pouring through under a classroom door. It must have just been lit as he passed, and he heard shuffling inside. Tom stepped forward, excited that something interesting had finally occurred and ready to dish out detentions and take house points. Opening the door to the transfiguration classroom, he noticed a sleeping bag set up, as well as a bag of clothes sitting on a desk beside a pile of clothes. Tom was stunned to see a boy, who must have been a year below him looking through a pile of laundry. "What is going on here?" The boy dropped the shirt and looked at him petrified in his place.

Tom stepped into the classroom further. "Are you sleeping in here? You have a dorm room, you know." Tom noticed the red robes, and smiled, taking Gryffindor points always made his night.

"It's a misunderstanding! It was just a dare for tonight, please don't take any points!"

Tom liked the look of fear on the boys face, it made staying up so late worth it. "I will be taking points, I'll decide how many when we get you to your common room."

The boy packed his things and trudged sadly behind Tom. He had gotten the boy all the way to the moving stairs and started up when he heard the footsteps cease. Turning back, he watched the boy shuffle around at the bottom of the steps. "Well, I don't have all day." The boy looked up quickly, he gripped the handrail, and Tom saw his knuckles turn white. It was almost funny watching the boy try to put his foot onto the first step, but soon he gave up and just fell to the ground crying.

"I can't! I haven't been to my dorm in all the years I've been here. I'm afraid of stairs. I just can't get myself to do it. Please don't take any points, I'm so sorry!"

Tom stared at the boy, hundreds of questions coming forth. "It's impossible to get around this school without using stairs, your excuse is pathetic."

Green eyes shined with tears and looked him straight on. "There are passages all throughout the school, I have a map that shows all of them, if you take the right ones you can get anywhere without taking stairs, but they don't lead to the common rooms."

Tom was amazed by this and wanted this map for himself. He knew of the chamber of secrets, and a few other passageways but not as many as this boy was implying. He looked up at the portrait of the fat lady, and made a decision.

"Okay Gryffindor. How about a deal. Let me see this map and I'll let you stay in the Slytherin dorms until we can find something better."

The messy hair almost looked like dog ears as the boy perked up. "Yes sir!"

Tom sighed and lead the way, letting the boy find ways on the map, to the dungeons.

Never one who didn't think ahead first, Tom knew that his housemates wouldn't be agreeable in having a Gryffindor in their shared space. Tom had Harry stay in the shadows to avoid any light sleepers who may have wandered out for a drink or bathroom break. When he had Harry with him in the 7th year dorm, he quickly had the boy get into his bed, throwing the others belongings into his trunk. The two had the awkward dance of figuring out where each could lay without touching each other. In the end Tom though he would have a horrid time sleeping beside another person, but for a reason beyond his tired mind he didn't mind the small boy, and fell into a peaceful sleep.

Never before in his life has Tom slept in, he wanted to blame it on not being able to sleep with another beside him, or staying up to late, but he had stayed up way later in the past, and he knocked right out beside the other. Checking the time, Tom nearly fell out of the bed getting up, he realized his dorm mates would be awake in a matter of minutes, shoving Harry he woke the boy up. "Tom? What time is it?" Giving a hissed shush, he reached over through the curtains to his trunk, pulling Harry's bag of clothes out and shoving it at him. "They will be awake in 5 minutes, can you get out of here on your own?" Accepting the challenge, Harry nodded and started pulling off his pajamas to quickly change. Tom didn't have time to check that he got away safely as he had to clean himself and dress for breakfast.

As Tom walked up to his group of friends, a small hand gripped the back of his robes stopping him, he glanced back at Harry, who seemed to have ditched his clothing bag and now had one for class. He furrowed his eyes looking down at the boy. "Yes?" Harry peeked around him and noticed his other followers standing near by, with a gentle shove, Tom felt something push into his pocket and Harry spoke up loudly so all around them could hear, "Nothing, sorry thought you were someone else, didn't see the green!" The green eyed boy gave him a wink, before pulling on a disgusted face and ran off.

When Tom had settled down at his desk waiting for class to start, he opened the small note and read the inside, 'No one saw me. See you tonight at 12? I'll be hiding from peeves in the trophy room!" Tom smiled at the note, when he realized the expression on his face he changed it instantly.

For a week the two boys continued meeting late at night, than sneaking into the Slytherin dorm. Tom couldn't even bother to find it an annoyance as he was allowed to study the map and all its detailing. Tom woke that morning, and he found something was wrong. Looking down, hair tickled his nose, focusing harder, he felt small hot breaths hitting his chest. He shifted suddenly, his arms pulling away from where they were holding the small body closely to himself. When he noticed it, for the first time in his life he felt himself blush, he was hard, and it was rubbing with the equally hard buldge infront of it. Backing up to the edge of the bed, he watched tan hand find purchase on the sheets, pushing the owner up just enough to look around, emerald eyes met his own, and in the most human of ways, he gulped. "Tom? What's wrong? Let's go back to sleep."

Without a word in response, the tall boy stood, grabbing a towel and running to the showers. He had to calm down, he had to pretend that hadn't just happened. Tom nearly had it off his mind, or at least could pretend he did as he reached the common room. Loud voices caught his attention.

"-Well, who was it!" Another voice laughed and added, "Yah, we need to congratulate the lucky boy, maybe move them to Gryffindor, since taking a lion to fuck in the slytherin dorm is pretty ballsy." A squeak came followed by a voice he sadly recognized, "I didn't 'fuck' anyone, look I just got lost, I'll go now!" He heard another squeak as he was about to step out of the shadows, "C'mon, Potter right? If you enjoy snakes so much to risk coming here for a good shag, why don't you try me out?" Toms blood began to boil, he had enough when the next statement was made, "Damn, you're right, he is pretty cute, I wouldn't mind a go as well."

Full of unfounded rage, Tom glided into the room, all eyes turning to him. "What's going on here? Who is this Draco?" Tom looked over Harry like he didn't know him. The blonde turned, to look Tom in the eyes with his dull grey orbs. "This is Harry Potter, My L- Tom. He is my Mothers cousins godson. We caught him sneaking out of the Boys Dorm." He stated the last part like an induendo. Harry jumped at that, "I just got lost, really! I must have sleepwalked or something!" Rolling his eyes at the purely pathetic excuse, Tom gripped Harry's wrist. "I'll take him to Severus than, all of you head to breakfast." People began to voice their anger at Harry not being punished on the spot, but one glare from Tom as he left silenced the room.

Tom had a tight grip on Harry, not letting go till they had an empty classroom to themselves. "Well, I hope you know I won't be letting you back there now." Harry's eyes widened and his breath caught. "Tom, I almost got away, please, I have no where else to go!" Tom wasn't in the mood to listening to begin, but when Harry caught his hands in his small grip he paid attention. "One more night, you can't just leave me, please!" The tears forming in Harry's waterline is what finally did it, Tom gave a simple nod, "one more night. After that-" Harry surged forward, he forced himself onto his tip toes and kissed Toms lips. Stunned, Tom didn't move as Harry thanked him and ran off.

The whole day Tom thought over the kiss, any time he lost focus he could find his fingers brushing his lips. At midnight, he felt himself become nervous, he had never felt it before and was angered by the pounding of pulse and the thoughts that wouldn't stop. When he reached the meeting place at midnight he was on the verge of slapping himself to stop the spinning of his head. Harry popped out of nowhere and didn't even give him his signature smile before he just walked quietly behind Toms stride.

Thy reached Toms bed in complete silence, neither even mumbled goodnight as they got under the covers to sleep. Before he had finally fallen asleep he heard a whisper, "Tonight's the last, I promise, tomorrow I'll, I'll find something. I promise." Tom assumed Harry thought he was already asleep and didn't think twice on the words.

His name brought him back to the world of the living. Tom had never been a deep sleeper besides when Harry was beside him, and hearing his name was enough to rouse him. He felt a movement from Harry's side of the bed and more light moans and pants. His name came again, and he felt himself fully focus. The movements held a pattern, and the sounds were distinct enough to recognize, Harry was touching himself.

His eyes drifted open, he saw Harry's eyes closed, his body facing Tom, close enough to reach out and touch, though he didn't. Tom glanced at the time, 2:30. He looked back at Harry, and saw Green eyes flutter open in pleasure, Harry was staring directly at him. As their eyes connect, Harry seemed shocked, but let out the loudest moan so far, Tom could feel the small body convulse, the boy had come from their eyes meeting. Tom couldn't bring himself to stop staring, Harry's eyes filled with tears.

"Tom I-" Harry seemed to be against speaking and started crying harder, the tan body curled in on itself and was shaking with each sob. Listening closely, Tom could make out 'Sorry' with each cry. Reaching over slowly, like he was going to touch an injured animal, he laid a hand on the shivering shoulder. "Harry, what-" the boy jumped away, he moved to the end to go for the trunk to grab his bag. This wasn't suppose to happen, but the blue eyed boy wasn't going to let Harry get away, grabbing the thin arm he pulled Harry harshly back, the small body falling onto his own as they kissed. Like he had the past morning, tom felt himself get hard, he threw Harry onto the bed beside him and crawled over top. Even if the act was primal and utterly beyond human, but beastly, Tom started to grind his hips forward and kiss the life from the lips before him.

Harry cried out beneath their joined mouths, but Tom ignored it. He grabbed the boxers that were already slipping down the others hips and freed his body of the entirely, shoving them to his ankles. Hands pressed at his chest, but he ignored them in order to pull the shirt off the small chest. Their lips had to disconnect to get rid of the offending garment. Harry used this chance to speak. "I'm sorry, I won't do it again! But this is just cruel, why!" When Tom had the body naked he stopped to think over just that. Grabbing a struggling hand, he brought it over his clothed edition and rubbed it over, wincing at the teasing pleasure. "This is why, and you will do it again if I order you to!" This seemed to be what Harry needed to calm. The struggling pushes became desperate pulling, gripping Tom's shirt and going in for another kiss. Reaching his hand down, Tom went in to stretch the hole he knew was waiting, his hand was stopped and he looked up at flushed cheeks. "I already, when I was-" the boy coughed looking the other way, "I did that before."

Even if he didn't think it possibly, this caused him to harden more, looking down he gave a soft 'oh' before his grin turned feral and he attack back at Harry's mouth. Casting a silent spell he added more body oil into play. Pushing the small hips and thighs up he gave no chance for Harry to reject him as their lips were pushed tightly together. With small movements he let himself enter the omg of muscles.

Noises fell from their pressed lips, and no matter how he would deny it later, Tom moaned as well. He loved the heat and the squeeze, and Harry loved the stretch and the harsh movements. When his whole cock had been pressed inside, Tom didn't give Harry a second of comfort, he knew the boy could take it, with rough movements he pulled out almost fully before diving back in, savoring the feeling of slick flesh pulling at him. He started moving faster, he had never had sex before but he knew he could now never go without it, without Harry. A scream left the boy when he angled differently. "There! Merlin yes Tom! Right there! Harder please!" There were no thoughts left in his head. He shoved back in the same way and more screams filled the air. He didn't even think about if he set a silencing Charm that night. Each time he hit the small nub inside, Harry squeezed him.

He could die at this moment and he wouldn't mind, looking at the face before him, eyes closed and mind lost he knew Harry was the same. He wanted to look into those eyes though, he licked over the lid trying to entice them. "Harry, look at me." Fluttering lashes made way for bright jewel eyes staring into his, this seemed to get the other even more worked up. "So perfect, yes, I love you. I love you Tom, don't stop please." Tears filled those perfect eyes. He had never felt love before and any time someone confessed he just felt annoyed. And be it the blood rushing through him of the feeling of pleasure he loved but he didn't mind those words, he accepted them by kissing the other again. Tom felt himself coming close to his peak, he watched Harry grip his own member and jerk violently trying to time it with the thrusts.

"So close, I'm-nh coming! Ah-" with an arched back Harry let himself come for the second time that night. The convulsing muscles made it so Tom couldn't more more than shallow thrusts, the flesh surrounding him moving like a massage over him. Uncaring of the wants of the boy below him, Tom pushed in fully, allowing his sticky cum to cover the hot insides. He kissed Harry again in his blessed out state before lying back onto the bed.

Tom pulled Harry against his side, both were still panting and breathless from the activities. Tom smiled at the small body laid up against him. "So why are you scared of stairs?" A small hum followed green eyes looking into his. "It's a long story." Tom smiled and reached a hand up to the clock behind him. "It's only, 4 in the morning, i doubt it will take two hours." Emerald eyes shone in mirth as he wiggled in closer to Tom. "Okay. But it gets a little dark I guess." Tom looked over at Harry and ran his hand through the even messier than normal, hair. "Well, hit me." Harry buried his face into Tom's chest.

"My dad, he had these three friends that did everything together when they were in school. They called themselves prankster, but to people like Professor Snape, they were bullies." Tom settled in against a pillow at the name of his head of house. Harry continued, "Well, all these friends were really close, and though Sirius, the Black family heir, was my godfather, they were all like uncles to me. And so they would babysit me time to time." Harry sat up, and situated himself laying across Tom's body, his chin resting on Tom's chest, looking up at him.

"One day they had me go to Petters house, while my Mom, Dad, Sirius and Remus went on a double date vacation for a week . I knew that Peter was always more of a coward, but I never thought he was all bad or anything." Harry sighed, he reached up and kissed Tom's lips, getting closer still.

"But Peter didn't like all the pranks they pulled on him back in school, he decided he would get back at them through me. It was funny at first, well not really, but I could let it off as a joke, but when I was going down stairs for dinner he had put tripping jinx's on every step. I fell, got hurt pretty bad. But he kept making me go up and down the stairs every day, I kept falling and tripping. By the end of the week I had a bunch of broken bones and a concussion. After that I just can't do it, I know it's stupid, not all stairs are jinxed, I just can't."

Tom reached and grabbed his cheeks drawing him in for a kiss. "So how do you get around at home?" Harry had a mischievous glint in his eyes. "Promise not to tell?" Tom nodded. "Well, my parents taught me how to apparate! It's not exactly legal, but it is the only way I can get around. But I can't do it here, so the map." Tom kissed him again, deeper this time. "Well, aren't you full of surprises." The small body wiggled on top of him, "I want to be full of other things as well." Looking up at the clock, Tom smiled, "We have an hour." Harry pulled himself back and rubbed himself against the other, getting himself ready. "Perfect!"

When the two boys woke that morning, a trunk with the letters , H.J.P was situated beside Tom's at the end of the bed.
