Chapter 24-26


Chorophobia- Fear of dancing.
~Harry snuck away from the Dursleys to attend the Prince's Ball, but when the prince asked for a dance he wasn't sure he could keep himself calm, being angry wouldn't help him much right now.

-Rating: Teens and Up
-Relationships: Tom Riddle/Harry Potter
-Warning/Tags: Cinderella AU, Crossdressing, Forced Crossdressing, crack


Harry looked out his dusty window. Though his job in life was to clean everything he set eyes on all day, he never had it in himself to clean his own room. He could hear the bashing and stomping of the Dursleys below him, that family wouldn't know calm if it came up and spat on their shoes, Oh but they would notice the spit and have Harry clean it.

The Dursleys were going to a ball, The Prince's ball to be exact. Though their pig like son was no prince, the girls there would be all dressed up and the ones the prince didn't choose would get stuck with good old Dudley. He heard a scream and decided it was time to show himself. Harry wasn't very excited for them to try and shove his lack of invitation in his face. It wasn't that he wanted to go, it was just that their voices annoyed him.

A mop of black hair showed from around the corner, setting Petunia off. Harry rolled his eyes as he straightened his apron.

"You disgraceful boy, I told you to iron my dress, but not the ruffles, and look at them, they are all flat!"

Harry took some calming breaths, oh this was just the start, more would come soon. "If I remember your exact words Aunt Petunia, you said 'I want this dress spotless, I want it ironed so smooth I could sleep on it!' Don't you remember?"

That was the wrong thing to say as Vernon came storming out, he could sense Harry's back talk from a continent away.

"Boy! Fix your Aunt's dress and come right Dudleys tie this instant!"

So tempted to ask which Vernon wanted done first, but knowing it would only cause more trouble he sent his Aunt to change and went to go fight a strip of fabric onto his cousins thick neck.


It was done. The horrific family was dressed and settled into their carriage, heading for the castle. Harry found a nice spot on his balcony and sighed as he watched the light show above the beautiful structure in the distance.

He was about to turn and get some sleep before the family returned and demanded this or that, when a voice scared him into tripping.

"Harry, Harry Potter?"

With a nod Harry turned to the voice and nearly screamed. Before him was a man, he was wearing a large blue dress, covered head to toe in glitter and holding a wand. That isn't the most terrifying part though, the man was floating in mid air, small sparking wings flapping quickly to keep him aloft.

"How!? What!? Who!?" All the oxygen in the world couldn't keep up to his quick breathing. The man smiled.

"Harry, my name is Sirius, I'm your Fairy Godfather."

The man was smiling wide and happily and it just creeped Harry out. "Okay." No other words could leave Harry, and the man seemed to accept this and move on.

"Well Harry, fate kinda fucked up, no worries, she got a pay decrease. Anyway, we need to get you to that ball, like now."

Sirius waved his wand, Harry stood confused as glitter and shimmer passed over his eyes. Expecting a nice dress suit he nearly screeched at the sight of a dress. He looked at Sirius for a hard moment as the other nodded in approval.

"Well, a carriage is waiting for you out front, have fun at the ball."

Without a word Harry turned and walked into his room, closing and locking the balcony door before he laid on his bed. Sirius came and rapped on the window. "Harry, the carriage is waiting, this is no time for a nap." Harry turned over and locked eyes with the creep.

"I'm not going."

Sirius only knocked harder. "Why not, you have to go! Do you not like the dress?"

Harry took a deep breath before standing and opening the door to glare at the man. "I AM A BOY!"

With a shrug Sirius only replied, "so?"

His jaw dropped and Harry turned, intent on closing the door. Sirius stopped it with his foot.

"Com'on kid, if you don't go, I'll lose my job! You look amazing, no one will recognize you I swear, so just go for a few hours and I'll never bug you again otherwise I will bug you all night!"

Harry thought it over, it couldn't hurt to go for an hour, take a look around and then come back and sleep, there might even be some good food. Turning and walking to the door to the house Harry nodded. "Fine, one hour and then you're gone."

Sirius cheered.


Harry was starting to regret it as the horses pulled up to the castle. His hair was hurting from the decorative green and gold pins in it stabbing him, he was having just as much fun with the jeweled gold wire wrapping around his ears and the gold necklace with a green locket around his neck. He sighed as the green corset tightened around his thin waist, for as beautiful the velvet floral pattern was on it, he hated wearing it. Kicking up his feet Harry admired the horribly uncomfortable glass shoes with gold flakes melted in and a small green butterfly on the tip of each.

He hated it, but if he had to, he could admit he looked... beautiful. Probably resembling a fairy princess with all the gold flake accents and floral embroidery. Reaching up to rub his eye he remembered the layers of makeup that transformed his already feminine face. Sighing, Harry tried to summon all his grace and dignity as he stepped out and walked into the castle.

As Harry hit the indoor lighting, he caught all available eyes. Within seconds of entering the ballroom, he was surrounded, dozens of suitors asking his name and way too many other personal questions. A tall, beautiful, silver blonde man took his hand and lead him to the dance floor. He followed along, stumbling slightly in his heels and the man turned and grabbed his waist, beginning to lead him around the floor of couples in a beautiful dance. Harry nearly puked after the fifth man took him in their arms and spun him a countless amount of times.

Harry was back with the blonde boy for the next dance, and as it came to a close, the man dipped down and got an inch away from placing his lips on Harry's. The raven was a second away from beating this guy shitless, as he felt the blonde's breath on his skin. He was saved as a deep voice called "And now presenting, Your Majesty the Prince, Tom Marvolo Riddle, Heir to the Slytherin Kingdom, Son of-" Harry ignored it as he slid out of the distracted blondes arms.

Deciding after such a close call that it was about time for him to skedaddle, Harry headed for the door. A quick turn of his head, had him spotting the Dursleys, he knew than that he was right, he had to get out of there fast.

As he reached the door a guard stopped him. "The prince has been announced, no one leaves or enters while he is in attendance."

Harry refused to accept that. "Look, knight dude, I'm seriously just going to sneak out and go home to sleep." The guard didn't answered though, he just ignored Harry. With a deep sigh, Harry slid over to a corner he hoped no one would bother him at. He watched the crowd part to allow the price access to greet everyone. Harry was to short to see the man, but the man was sure making an impact on the gossiping old ladies. That meant one of two things, he was drop dead gorgeous, or hideously ugly.

Harry's hope was dashed when the suitors found him again. They all started to talk at once, trying to gain his attention, and he had to guess they were trying to keep him away from the Prince for some reason or another, as they blocked his view no matter where he turned. The blonde was back again, Harry felt a shiver run through him as the man started to run his hand along Harry's side as he attempted to get closer. Oh if he wasn't wearing a dress that could possibly flash the other pervs, than he would so be giving this guy a crotch full of his knee. The blonde tucked his nose into the crook of Harry's neck and began to whisper words that Harry was sure we're supposed to woo a girl into his arms. The pale hands got a bit more friendly as the other suitors left and Harry was pressed against a wall.

This couldn't go on for much longer, because one of two things was about to happen, the blonde would discover something quite shocking that wasn't supposed to be there, or Harry would become a wanted criminal. Before anything could go farther a hand reached out, pulling the blonde away. Harry gave a grateful sigh as he looked up upon the most handsome face he had ever seen. The blonde blanched at the sight.

"My lord, is there something I can help you with? I was just becoming acquainted with this fine lady, and hoping to ask her to my manor."

The blonde sent Harry a look saying that the raven would have no way of refusing his 'dashingly good looks' but Harry couldn't take his eyes off the grey ones before him, and the grey ones were just as locked on. The Prince held out his hand, and Harry knew it was The Prince, because who else could this be. Harry accepted the appendage and was lead into the dance floor, why had he accepted? Was it this man's powerful air and all demanding aura? Harry had to drop his train of thought as he was lead into a waltz. He let himself relax into the hold and felt he was just drifting with how well he was lead around.

As the song ended the prince brought Harry to the open terrace to look out over the kingdom. Harry was to dazed to even really notice but Tom began to speak.

"As far as the eye can see and farther still, it all belongs to me. I was against my family's urges to marry, they wish for me to share it all with someone, and I had felt that no one would be good enough. But I saw you, a shimmer of the gold caught my eye, so beautiful even as Malfoy was feeling you up, your eyes just drew me in. I felt possessive and jealous before even hearing your voice, is that insane? Is it strange that I wouldn't mind sharing all of this if it was with you? That I wouldn't mind marriage if you could be my princess? I don't think I could survive without one at my side after meeting you."

Harry blinked away his daze as he started really hearing the words. By the end he was scowling. With all the strength his body could muster, Harry brought his heeled foot down on Tom's toes.

"I'm a man you jerk wad! It's pretty fucking obvious!" With a sharp movement Harry ripped the silk of his dress so he could actually move in the damn thing, he pulled off the shoes, throwing them at Tom. With a quick move, he climbed up onto the railing and jumped into the soft grass below. The prince ran to see if he had landed safely as Harry picked himself up off the ground, he was fine since it hadn't been to far of a fall. He turned and pointed a rather rude finger Gesture at the man before he ran off towards his waiting carriage.


A week passed and Harry thought he was done with that whole night's events, but when he walked into town to get the Dursleys groceries, he noticed sign after sign with his portrait, marking him as wanted by the royal family. Though he looked like a girl in the photo, the description listed him as male, with all of his details right below. It wouldn't be long for the Dursleys to figure out it was Harry and turn him over for a reward. Without getting what he had come for Harry ran home to pack his minuscule amount of belongings before heading out.

Harry made it to the edge of town when he saw guards blocking the path in and out. He walked around to all exits and found he was trapped, there was no way for him to go anywhere without him being apprehended.

If there was one thing Harry hated, it was feeling trapped. With a renewed anger he stomped the full way up to the castle to give this prince a few choice words. He expected a duel with a few guards, or maybe at least someone yelling at him, but he was simply ushered inside and lead up to a room that he was pushed inside of.

When the prince turned Harry felt his anger boil over.

"You, you, asshole! You self centered, egotistical, jerk faced piece of shit! How dare you trap me here! A road block? The signs? I told you I'm a boy, why go to all this trouble! Or was it because you were embarrassed that you danced with me, that you said those things? Maybe you should just let things go, okay!"

Tom smiled and walked over, grabbing up Harry's waist. "I know, and I don't mind." Tom leaned down and kissed Harry, shocking the smaller boy. "I was wrong the other night, I don't need a princess, a consort will work just as well." Harry could have argued, but then again, he saw no real problem with this

Chapter 25: Bibliophobia


Bibliophobia- Fear of books
Hermione's love of books doesn't always rub off on those around her, Harry was the only person she had that could protect her from the unwanted advances of other Library attendees. When Harry starts harboring feelings for the other frequent bookworm, Hermione has to use her cunningness to keep Harry in regular attendance.

-Rating: Mature - Explicit
-Relationships: Tom Riddle/Harry Potter
-Warning/Tags: Slight Sexual Content, Mixed Timelines, Library, Hermione Granger, One Sided, Slight sexual content, Voyer, Voyerism


Hermione sat alone in the library again, and though it was normal and most people did it, she had the annoyance of boys trying to speak to her while she studied. She had grown more confident and into her own skin as the years progressed, and most boys her age noticed. As the third boy that morning came to speak to her, she glanced over to the other full time book work, Tom Riddle. He was never bothered because of his hostile aura, and most girls gave him a wide berth even though they dreamed of sitting beside him. A Hufflepuff seventh year attempted to gain her attention with a hand on her thigh, that's it! Hermione slammed her book and stomped from the hall with a loud shush from the librarian.

The raven hair caught her eye and Hermione walked over to the sleeping boy, grabbing his wrist. "Milne? What's up, you headed to breakfast?"

Shaking her curls Hermione looked him in the eyes with determination, and with a voice demanding and harsh she spoke quickly. "Ron refuses to go with, and none of the other girls like reading, and would probably only make it worse. From this point on you will go to the Library with me and you will sit with me till I'm finished, to keep those boys away."

Hermione knew Harry knew she was in no mood to argue. He nodded drowsily and walked with her to breakfast. Hermione smirked as her Library trips would now be peaceful.


Harry watched as the bright witch grabbed her sixth book off the pile. He glanced over at the boys looking her up and down a table away, to afraid to get closer with a Gryffindor boy so close to her. Harry yawned, it was nearly time for the Library to close, and for them to go to bed and he was ecstatic for that prospect.

A booming 'no' in the silent library caught Harry's attention. He glanced over to the seventh year Slytherin who was glaring up at a third year Gryffindor. The girl had tears in her eyes, and as Harry moved to go tell the boy off for hurting her, Hermione gripped his wrist and shook her head. With a sigh he watched the girl runoff and Hermione closed her book signaling it was time to go to sleep.


It took a full week for Harry to hate books, but only took him three days to be unable to take his eyes off the Slytherin prefect. Hermione had noticed and asked him if he was still bored, he simply stated he didn't trust the boy in green and knew he was up to something. He didn't really know why he couldn't stop staring, but it had to be a reason like that right?


Two weeks and his first wet dream and Harry knew why he was actually staring. He wasn't able to look in the other boys direction all day. He was embarrassed even though he knew Tom didn't know. He sat up straight when he caught Tom's eye on a quick room scan, "Mione, I don't think I can come here anymore."

Hermione glanced up from her tome and noticed his flush. "Is it because of Tom?" She didn't need an answer from the way Harry flinched, she smiled into her book. "Harry, do you like him?"

With a hand rubbing his neck Harry couldn't meet her eyes. He couldn't meet a single eye in this room, he really needed to leave. Hermione reach forward and grabbed his hand. "Harry, liking boys is okay, it's okay to crush on someone, we all know what it's like to have feelings, you don't have to hide it or feel ashamed. It's your heart, and you, a Gryffindor, know how important that is."

Harry nodded and gave his a friend a smile. It made sense, why should he be ashamed of having a heart? Sure he was nervous, but that doesn't mean he should hide away in his room, Mione needed him here so he would suck it up.

Hermione sighed as they walked into the library, Tom had beaten them here again, she glanced over to her green eyes friend who had spotted him within seconds of entering. Hermione walked confidently towards her normal table and passed it to sit one closer to Tom. She could see the thankful look on Harry's face and smiled.

She had told him not to hide his feeling and to be confident, but she only meant it so much. She was glad Harry figured out he liked boys, but she couldn't have him confessing to Tom and getting rejected, when that happens he will refuse to ever come again. Hermione glanced at the boy, he had taken up his stance of staring with his head on his arm. He looked like a love struck girl and more like he should belong at the table of swooning girls next to Tom.

Hermione heard a door slam, she glanced up, Harry was looking in the direction of the noise. She glanced at Tom, his eyes were glued to Harry's black mop of hair, his eyes didn't stop scanning her small friend until Harry looked back towards the Slytherin. It was so fast she thought she almost imagined it as Tom went back to his book.

It took a full four days for them to be sitting at the table beside Tom. Hermione knew she was being risky with this, and Harry seemed excitable today to. She tried to calm her friend as he stood from his seat and walked over to Tom's table. Hermione sucked in a breath, this was it, if Tom said no she would have a swarm of boys on her anytime she was here again.

She and the rest of the room went deathly still when Tom reached up, pulling Harry forward by his tie and kissed him infront of everyone. Hermione's smile was cut short as a boy took the opening to come try and hit on her. At least from now on she would have two boys to stay protect her rather than one.

She closed her book and left the room as she watched her friend settle in beside his new boyfriend. Hermione sighed, she would have to be thoroughly invested in this relationship from now on.


She was cutting it close. Hermione skidded into the library, she noticed the librarians absence but assumed it was to use the bathroom or some such activity. She had ten minutes before the library closed for the night.

With a quick step she hurried to the shelf she needed. Her ears picked up at some noise from the other side of the bookcase and she leaned forward to hear better.

"Tom, God Tom, we only have- not there!"

A deep chuckle resonated through the shelves. "Harry, I am going to take as much time as I please, I'm a prefect I'll just walk you back later. Now turn."

Hermione heard shuffling and had to duck out of the way when Harry's face appeared between the open hole where books were missing. She hadn't been seen. Hermione couldn't tell you why she was still listening, call it some strange whim.

Harry's voice filled the space. "Tom, can we go slow today, and not all at- ONCE! Tom!" A moan left her friend and Tom grunted at the same time. She heard slaps of skin on skin and gasps, the rhythmic thumping of Harry against the shelves. With a smile she grabbed the book she needed and sat down to read with the sounds behind her. It was rather calming, and proved to her that these two wouldn't need such a close eye as she at first thought. A loud cry echoed behind her as Harry must have come, the slapping sound didn't stop though and Hermione chuckled to herself, they wouldn't need such a close ear either.

The other boy groaned was muffled by Harry's skin presumably as the thrusting died. Hermione stayed seated as the two laid on the ground feet from her. She smiled and tucked a stray hair away as she turned the page to the soft sounds of evened out breathing.

Chapter 26: Alektorophobia


Alektorophobia- Fear of chickens
~The twins prank goes horribly wrong and leads Harry into Voldemort's arms.

-Rating: Teens and Up
-Relationship: Voldemort/Harry Potter
-Warning/Tags: Weasley Twins, Pranks, Voldemort Wins, Crack Fic, Canon Universe AU, Slight Violence, Kissing

Hagrid smiled cheerily as he carried a resisting birds in his arms. Harry nearly jumped from his skin at the sight of the creature, hiding under the Gryffindor table for safety. Hermione dipped her dead below the table, meeting Ron's eye as he did the same on the other side, the red head spoke first.

"Mate, did you drop something?"

Harry didn't look up, his head between his knees as he hid. Hermione put a hand on his shoulder. "Harry, what's wrong? Come out, they are about to serve your favorite dessert."

Harry still didn't speak as the creature he first hid from made a loud squawking noise. Harry shivered. Slowly, Hermione and Ron slid under the table next to him. Both friends placed a calm hand on his shoulder. "Please tell us, we are you best friends Harry." Hermione a voice was calm and trusting.

Lifting his head slightly, showing the tears, Harry regarded his friends. "You won't laugh?" His friends shook their heads. "You won't judge me?" Ron gripped his shoulder and said a sturdy "Never." Harry nodded and lifted his face to face them. "I'm afraid of... chickens-" before he could continue Ron snorted. Hermione punched his shoulder and rubbed Harry's arm. Harry glared at his ginger friend and continued. "The Dursleys took me to a farm, and Dudley pushed me into a coop, I landed on some of the eggs and the chickens went nuts. They pecked me and scratched, it was horrible!"

Hermione cooed him sweet words softly and tried to hold in her own laughter. This obviously was serious to her friend, but it was still funny.

The group of friends didn't notice the two identical redheads giggling from where they were eavesdropping.


Harry went to bed with a light heart as he finally got what he was hiding from his friends off his chest. He didn't feel the need to set any spells on his bunk since he was so tired and simply rolled over into a deep sleep.

At quarter to two, the door to Harry's dorm cracked open, bringing with it a sliver of light that went unnoticed. Harry didn't wake as two grinning boys sneaked up to his bed and slid open the curtains. The only movement Harry gave as a drop of potion was dripped into both his eyes was a scrunch of his nose as he turned over undisturbed.


The morning was the same as any of the others that Harry had since starting Hogwarts. He pulled on clean clothes and leaned against Ron as the sleepy duo followed the rest of their roommates to the common room.

As Harry his the last step he looked up, his face paled immediately. He couldn't find his voice until a screech left him, startling the rest of the room. Two twins broke into outright laughter as Harry spinned in circles taking in the rooms inhabitants with fearfully wide eyes. Hermione voice came to him, but she was nowhere to be seen. He continued to turn, taking in the dozen or so girl bodies with chicken heads adorning their shoulders. Harry screamed as one came and touched him, their beak getting worryingly close to his face.

With a mad dash he ditched his belongings in order to run faster and bolted from the room. Harry cried and screamed at each girl body he passed, he tried to keep his eyes down to avoid the dead eye stare the bird heads were giving him. But he continued to bump into people, his worst fear continuing to jump up in his line of sight. With a loud yell of 'GET AWAY, STAY AWAY!' Harry left the school and ran across the grounds to the forest. He kept telling himself he would be safe there.

There was no one counting how long he ran, it could have been minutes or hours, he could care less about spiders or centaurs, he could deal with them. After a while he just let the small worn trails take him. He briefly wondered when he would hit the other side of the forest and where it would lead as his whole body smashed against something.

Arms gripped his shoulders, and Harry looked at the chest before him. He was frozen in fear, but this chest didn't look like a girls, he glanced up slowly and saw a strange twist between a snake and a man before his eyes. With a sigh he stepped back the man's eyes on him wide. "I have some shitty luck don't I? Well at least your not a chicken."

Voldemort stared at his enemy with an arched brow, or what should have been if he had hair. He wasn't sure, but he thinks the boy had finally snapped and was officially on another planet. "I agree with that statement, but I'm rather confused by the other."

Trying to calm himself from his adrenaline filled run and now facing someone who wanted him dead Harry put a hand on his chest to calm his beating heart. "I don't like chickens."

There was nothing else he could do. Voldemort nodded and watched the boy in complete confusion. If he killed the child, would he even notice? And what's the point in beating his enemy if his enemy isn't... all there? Harry looked at the basket on Voldemort's arm. "Bringing some treats to your granny?"

Red eyes glanced at the basket and then back to lense covered green, he continued slowly and with confusion. "No, I killed my grandmother, I am collecting samples for some new potions. Potter why aren't you fighting or trying to run?"

For the first time Harry looked somewhat shocked like he just realized he was just standing here having a chat with the dark lord. The boy pondered his own thoughts for a moment.

"I think facing my biggest fear made it so all my other fears are kinda... separate? Not real? I'm not sure but you're not as scary right now, give me an hour though."

Voldemort was a bit angry to hear he wasn't the boy's biggest fear, but he was still not away from the train of thought that this boy had gone mad. He glanced over the sweaty disheveled boy for a moment. "You look tired." Harry gave a 'no duh' look and sat on the ground. Voldemort sighed and lifted the boy up. "Well, let's get you home to rest." Before Harry could complain he was sucked up and compressed into nothing before he opened his eyes on the most luxurious room he had ever seen.

The ghostly white man carried him into a separate room and set him beside a bath before heading out. Harry didn't want to think over what was going on, this was all some terrible dream anyway, there was no way he could face two fears in one night, and that one would take him home.

After getting squeaky clean and putting on the clean clothes that were sitting out for him, Harry walked back into the bedroom and got into the bed to sleep. He glanced up from the covers as his enemy entered the room, he left the door open and a busty ladies body with a chicken head was in view, Harry screeched and hid under the covers. Voldemort waved his wand, slamming the door as he sat beside the boy who was cuddled under layers of sheets and a down comforter.

Getting comfortable against the headboard, Harry, still under all the blankets leaned against him and began his story from Hagrid entering the great hall.

After an hour of shaky sobs and tears, Voldemort pulled the blanket away to look at his new belonging. He reached down and gave the small boy a kiss, shocking the green eyes enough to stop their tears.

"I promise Harry, you will never have to see another chicken again. From now on I will protect you. I will keep you safe from all... feathered creatures."

Harry looked up with shining, trust filled eyes. "You promise? Forever?"

Voldemort nodded and kissed the boy again. "Forever."


The snake like man left his bedroom, he couldn't help bursting out in laughter as he reached the great hall of his manor and summoned his dark army.

One after another the robed figures appeared. He was sure they were shocked to see him smiling and giggling like a school boy. He pressed his lips together to stop his laughing but couldn't as his voice rang out in between laughs.

"The boy who lives- ahaha - is no more- HAHAH- because- oh gosh, hah- because of Chickens."

The whole room stared at him as if he was playing an aprils fools joke in early October. Voldemort cleared his throat and tried to calm himself.

"Harry Potter ran into my arms, because he has a horrifically hilarious fear of chicken. Truly, how on earth could I make something as ridiculous as this up."

The crowd looked from one to another and all landed on Snape who just nodded, confirming Voldemort's story, causing the whole room to fall into laughter


This is the end for the book
