Chapter 7: Caligynephobia


Caligynephobia- Fear of beautiful women.
~Bellatrix was beautiful when she tried, but for some reason she could never get Voldemort's attention.

-Rating: Teens and Up
-Relationships: Lord Voldemort/Harry Potter
-Warning/Tags: Canon Universe, Bellatrix Lestrange, Dancing, Death Eater Party, Slight Crack


When it was announced that her Lord was to be holding a ball for his followers and the pureblood family's that supported his cause, Bellatrix knew now was her chance. For years she had lusted for the snake like man. She couldn't keep herself way from his charm and the power he held. Her husband thankfully never was the jealous type, and she knew if he were to be honest, he would as well admit to wanting the man.

Bellatrix looked into the mirror, she had lost her looks in Azkaban, her face was pale and her body skinny. She didn't even want to acknowledge her hair at that point, but knew she had to do something. The fact she had been so dedicated to finding the perfect dress and shoes left little time to fuss over her actual appearance. The ball was in only a few short hours and if she wished to win her Masters favor and hopefully a place in his bed she would have to look like absolute perfection.

Heads turned and eyes widened as the Lady Lestrange took the steps one at a time, she let her hips swing following the movements. Her husband who also looked at his most attractive held his hand out for her to take.

Glossed lips curved at the corners with a slight pout. When she blinked her smoky eye and long lashes made hearts stop. Never before had her face glowed with such radiance, and even her hair shined. She had managed -after four house elves and a lot of screaming- to get it controlled. It had a wave to it that looked as if she were a model in some tropical country, having it fall to bellow her rib cage. But she could tell no one was looking at her face. Her dress wasps tight as her own skin, her bust peaking out of the gold chain link dress, the necklaces falling down her throats were glinting in the light. She stepped into the grand ball room smugly. Her legs showed completely with her short dress, and the golden heels she wore caused her to look taller, making her even more delicious looking.

One by one men flocked to her, and women stole away her groom. Every word, every sigh, blink, lick of her lips was followed. The men with ladies on their arms ignored them in order to get a better look at the unrecognizable beauty. None of them mattered to her, no matter the amount of power they held, they couldn't stand against- she saw him standing in the middle of the crowd. Voldemort was tall and though his features were inhuman, the dress robes that hugged him were more enticing than any other man there. She wasn't the only one to notice, men and women looked over, he not only drew people in with the gorgeous red eyes, but he held them with a perfectly constructed body.

Slipping past the men surrounding her without even a word of parting, bellatrix made her way towards the Dark Lord. It brought her pride to see all the people looking on gasping. Together, the two most powerful -crazy- people there, they looked jaw dropping. Nearly falling over her heels to bow Bellatrix pushed her arm under her boobs to show them. "My Lord, this gathering is wonderful. You look stunning, I was hoping, as your most loyal servant, if I could claim this dance?" Shifting his eyes to her only for a moment, Voldemort just hummed to acknowledge her presence and turned quickly as Severus Snape caught his eye. He left Bellatrix side in a hurry, but she was determined and followed.

"Severus, my most trustworthy spy, tell me, how is Hogwarts."

The bat like man looked at his Lord tensely before bowing, his dress robes looked stuffy and old fashioned but still accentuated his figure.

"My Lord, Hogwarts is filled with annoying children as always. Potter is as much of a brat as always-" he seemed to step closer and dropped his voice. "Though, he has grown since you have last seen him I am sure, he now holds a more- adult figure."

That confused Bellatrix, was he speaking of Harry's power? The boy was a child, useless against her Lord. She noticed her Lord's lecherous grin and wondered what he was taking from those words.

"And Severus, the thing of which I asked you? Have you failed me?"

The smug look on Snape's face proved that he wasn't going to be getting a crucio.

"It is done My Lord. I am sure you will be receiving the fruits of my labor any minute now. It wasn't easy, but I am positive that the boy got wind of this little... party."

Bellatrix jumped hearing that. "You traitor! I knew we couldn't trust him! My Lord, you hear, he let Potter hear about this, that order will be coming in any moment to arrest us all!"

With a sigh Voldemort put his hands out to calm those close enough to hear the outburst. "Bellatrix, that is not part of my plan. Are you trying to tell me you do not trust your own Lord? That my plans are faulty?" Her mouth snapped shut and she shook her head. It wouldn't help her hair to be put under Cruciatus at that moment. Voldemort smirked and walked past her to his throne.

With shining red eyes, Voldemort looked over the crowd. Tears formed in Bellatrix' eyes. She hated being scolded by her Master. After holding herself up in the corner with a glass, she focused on watching other be lively, shooing away all who approached her. When the clock struck eleven she heard a smashing, looking up she saw the glass patio window being broken in.

Her glass fell as she moved forward to stop Harry Potter and his gangle of friends from advancing on Voldemort. The man didn't seem worried though and he stepped up to them.

"Hello Harry, it is so kind of you to finally show, I have been waiting for you."

The boy looked confused and held out his wand, before he could do anything a spell was cast and his wand was across the room. Voldemort stepped closer putting out his white hand.

"Please, may I have this dance?"

Potter was in shock staring at the man, his friends started to argue, but suddenly each were pulled to a different corner, tied and bound magically. Seeing his friends in danger, Bellatrix watched the green eyes narrow. The small tan hand reached out and grabbed the immaculate white one. The two looked so strange together, unlike when Bellatrix was beside him, making him look stunning, Harry was dirtying him in all senses of the word. The boy looked as though he swam through mud, than ran through dust to get there. He needed a comb and a bath, but this didn't stop her Lord. With graceful movements, followed behind by clumsy shuffling, the two made it to the floor. Looking over she watch Snape lead the orchestra to start.

Her eyes widened as she took the two in. She could tell Harry had two left feet, but that was almost impossible to tell, Voldemort lead him gently and steadily across the room. Bellatrix bubbled with envy when she saw her Lord lift Harry's downed gaze to his own. The two stared into eachothers eyes like the moon and heavens were trapped there. Even with her extreme jealousy and hate towards the boy, she had to admit to herself, that in Voldemort's arms they both molded together. She had never in her life seen two people fit so completely, and she couldn't take it. Pushing the tears from her eyes and ruining her makeup, Bellatrix turned and left the hall. She noticed her husband trail after her but was in no mood to speak with him.

She would never compare next to Harry, she would never fit so perfectly. He needed someone powerful, but also short, goofy looking and down right adorable. She stopped and fell onto the bottom step of the stairs. She was powerful, but she was tall, gorgeous and sexy, she would never be able to take that place.

When her husband took a seat beside her and placed a hand on her back she realized something.

She was Bellatrix Fucking Lestrange. She was insane, crazy, fucked up, mental and homicidal. If she wanted a place by Voldemort's side, she would just have to kill the little short bitch to get it.

Standing with pride she left her husband to go plot.
