Chapter 14: Kakorrhaphiophobia


Kakorrhaphiophobia- Fear of failure or defeat.
~Bellatrix can't take the idea of failure for her lord, she will go to any lengths to make sure that it doesn't come to that, and sending love notes for Harry as the best way to distract the boy.

-Rating: Teens and Up
-Relationship: Lord Voldemort/Harry Potter
-Warning/Tags: Sexual Content Mentioned, Love Letters, Bellatrix Lestrange, Crack Fic


Her clothing was still stained in blood, her hair still knotted and her mind wandering while she sat at her window watching the sunrise. She trusted her Lord in every imaginable way, but the battle they had just fought was not what was planned. The potter boy was in their grasp, even Dumbledore was there, as well as the whole of his order. The only significant life that was taken was Sirius Black, and that had been her victory. It made her look at the death eaters differently.

No, she was loyal to her Lord, always would be, but she couldn't blind herself into thinking that maybe this loss had been the start of many. With the many people she has seen survive beyond all odds, potter was one of them. The boy wouldn't be taken easily, but she needed to help her Lord find the way to do so. A jolt of pain brought her to realize that her wand which she had been twisting in her hair was caught. Yanking her wand violently to fix the problem, her fingers slipped, throwing her arm harshly. She felt something slam against her hand. An owl, her hand had knocked an owl passing her window out of the air. The bird righted itself, still stumbling all the stories below, before clutching the letter and attempting to fly. Bellatrix followed the birds attempts closely as a plot began to form.

Her idea was brilliant, her Lord would reward her greatly when it was completed, and she would have fun all along!


"It's perfect!"

Bellatrix started spinning around the room with the letter clutched in her arms. After seeing the owl she decided that the best way to distract Harry would be to start a line of communication between him and her Lord. At least, that would distract her, she thought. The letter was ready to go, she just needed to send it. Looking down she smiled at the forged handwriting and perfectly copied signature.

'Dear Harry James Potter,
Currently known as The-Boy-Who-Lived, or The Chosen One.

I write this letter to you in hopes to discuss our most recent meeting at the Ministry of Magic. I hear of the loss of your Godfather, Sirius Black. I must have you know that was never part of my plans. I would not so easily allow a Noble Lord and last of his family line die.-' Bellatrix was annoyed she had to apologize for taking that dogs life, even through the 'mouth' of her Lord, but she knew the boy cared for him and was the best way to shake him up. 'I am not simply writing to apologize for that one travesty, I have been causing you pain all your life. But my hope is that together, you and I will find a way to set our past aside and come to a mutual understanding of what we hope to gain from winning this war. If you agree to speak with me though these letters, I will wish to compromise and maybe find a way to rule peacefully.

Sincerely, The Dark Lord Voldemort,
Formerly known as Tom Marvolo Riddle
Currently known as He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named or You-Know-Who.'

Throwing back her head in a hysterics as she went over it. She found such fun in writing it she ran over and wrote out another, this one in the messy handwriting of a teenage boy. She didn't intend to send this one out, it was for the purpose of a joke, but she still thought it amusing.

'Hey Voldy!

This is your one and only teenage nemesis. You have recently destroyed my happiness, you shit head. I had finally found my godfather and you tore it away from me. I'm not sure if it was your plan or not, but for some reason you have a thing for murdering members of my family. So if you would like why don't I hit you up with the address of the home I am staying at now and you will be able to take them out as well. Hell, I have a pet owl that I find myself rather attached to, maybe you would even like to take my bed away, seeing as it has comforted me as well. So I'll just write out list of all the fucking things I love, maybe write a will or two and send it over. I hope you have your dick chopped off you musty old dung bomb.

Harry Motherfucking Potter,
The boy who doesn't give a shit and can't die.

P.s. Hey, does it ever upset you that you are a talentless fuck who can't even kill a child? Or maybe you are to focused on not having a nose, can you even smell things?'

When her giggles subsided she felt bad about saying the things she did about her Master, but she was trying to emulate an upset, depressed, angry, vengeful teenage boy. She had made both letters neat and tidy in envelopes, setting the one she was actually going to send by the window and leaving the other on her desk. The malfoy owls check the windows every hour for letters so hopefully her plan to distract the boy and kill him would be in play soon.


The curly haired women was half asleep as she stepped into her room. For some reason her Lord had been upset and angry the whole day. She had gotten more crucio's than she could ever remember getting before. As she stumbled by her bed she noticed the letter was gone, in shock she saw the one on her desk had also vanished. Quickly searching she realized it must have been sent out. Quietly thinking through what it meant she hoped the backlash wouldn't be too great.

When she woke the following morning, two letters were already on her bed. Though they were addressed to other people besides her, she only could assume the Magical owls had known where to take it. She ripped each letter open starting with the one from Potter, hoping to avoid her Lord's wrathful words for a moment.

'Dark Lord Voldemort,
Formerly known as Tom Marvolo Riddle
Currently known as He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named or You-Know-Who

I find it funny how long our names have become. This war has seemed to lengthen our titles and shortened our lives. I was quite shocked to see your letter. No one noticed me receiving it, they all thought of it as a fan mail.

I am not sure if I wish to discuss the latest of battles with you, my Godfather was quite dear to me, and it is a sore topic, though I do not accept your apology I will take it as a sign of good meaning.

I don't know what you wish to gain from this letter, but I will allow you to try to achieve whatever it is, and watch as you fail. My life has been a series of loss and pain and sadly I cannot say you were the only one to cause it. So I cannot put all my hatred onto you, though you do hold most of it.

To answer what you have wanted to know, I hope to gain freedom in this war. I hope that Muggleborns will be safe and free to live in the magical world. I hope that their magic won't be ripped along side their lives from them because of something they cannot control. I don't fully agree with my own side in things like denying creature rights and such either though. I wish for true freedom for all, and a place to escape in the magical world. I hope no other child will ever have the same fate as my own.

Peace will never be found through you, only hate and prejudice. I hope you can see this and maybe stop yourself before it's too late.

Harry James Potter,
Currently known as The-Boy-Who-Lived, or The Chosen One.

P.s. Me writing to you in no way means I care one singular ounce for what you have to say, you just have no one speaking out to your face and I feel I am needed.'

She laughed at the letter, freedoms for Mudbloods, disgusting. She opened the second letter, wincing as she began to read.

'Hello, Brat.

I find it quite amusing you sent me such a letter and feel their will be no repercussions. I am not sorry about the death of a light member, though I am sad at the end of the Black familial line.

I find your language to be vulgar and unseemly for one with such a beautiful face as you. And no you insolent child, i don't wish to kill 'your bed' though I'm intrigued to find what it would be like to force you into my own, if you need comfort after such a painful loss.

I'm excited to receive your list, I do wish that you put your current address on it, and maybe a map of how I can get to you. But unfortunately for you and your virginity, my 'dick' will still be intact.

From, The one who will give you an orgasm and then slaughter everyone you know before your eyes.

P.s. Maybe I have been biding my time waiting till your body was grown enough before I take than kill you. I do have a nose, I just do not show it to anyone I do not trust, which is everyone.'

Cringing, she didn't even laugh. The dark lord had just hit on Potter. No not even hit on, he went full out and described how he wished to bed Potter. She sighed dramatically. Some things she didn't wish to know but helped with her next letters.

A full month of letter writing had passed. She used both letters as references. The ones she sent to the dark lord had only gotten more and more dirty and dark, while the ones to Potter were light and romantic.

Opening two separate boxes she started with the ones to Harry and went towards the middle of the collection.

'Dear Tom,

Today was hard for me. I wanted to speak out against those who hate you. Maybe explain how you have changed, how together we have come to agreements on how the world has changed, how I've grown to care and maybe even love you. Tell them I know you can't take back your past, and the crimes you have committed, but you are trying. But I couldn't, I am still trapped in the body of Harry Potter, everyone continues to tell me that my destiny is to kill you. But I couldn't if I tried, I never wish to hurt a hair on your head. Tom, tell me you feel the same?

Love, Harry.'


I'm scared! Snape found one of our letters, he doesn't know it's you but he is trying to cast a location charm on the sender. I trust your magic, but if he finds out who, if I lose you. I can't live without your letters, without you! Tom I'll try to steal the letter back tonight, I'll let you know.


Bellatrix went to look at the other box, grabbing from around the middle. She knew what she'd find but was somewhat terrified.


I saw you through Severus's eyes when I raided his mind. God you look fuckable. I would ravage you so, rip you apart make you beg for mercy. With these letters I've come to the decision. I'm not going to kill you, I'm going to keep you around to fuck you till you die, hell maybe even after. I hope you are preparing yourself, when we finally see each other you stand no chance.

Your master.'


Today I acquired some things for you. I found this slutty maid outfit that I plan to strap you into, I can't wait till I have you crawling on your knees through my chambers cleaning as I can freely grope your ass. I also got this lubricant from Severus which causes an insatiable itch when used, and can only be satisfied by the cum of the person magically linked to it, which would be me. You will be begging for my cock in any way you can get it.

Your Master.'

She could see that both of them seemed to be intrigued by the other in some way and decided to use it.

She looked at her most recent letters she received.

'My Bitch,

I hope we can meet soon. I have had one too many late nights thinking of you, even invading your dreams to touch your body. Unless you are scared, meet me out back of The Leaky Cauldron in London tomorrow at noon.


The other was more romantic and made her gag.


Again you were in my dream last night, it was rough and scary, but I knew maybe you didn't know you were doing it. I wish to see you, to feel the real warm touch that we could share. Our month of speaking has shown me how caring you are, I hope that soon, we will be able to be together and show the whole world our peaceful union.

Your, Harry.'

The letters lined up. She knew it was time. Writing quickly, she set a meeting and a trap. Her Lord would be proud, she would deliver Potter directly to him. She would win this war with a simple brush of her quill. She knew that her Lord was only saying those disgusting things about wanting the boy in order to make him drop his guard. It was genius and it would work.


With a group of trusted Death Eaters scattered around the alley and rooftops, Bellatrix watched happily as her Lord took his place, he had a beautiful human looking face. Soon she saw the boy come down hidden by a cloak.

"Tom, thank you for agreeing to meet me."

Voldemort smiled and grabbed the boy by his waist shoving him against the wall.

"It's me who needs to thank you."

None of the Death Eaters could even breath as they watched Dark Lord Voldemort grip Harry's chin and kiss the daylights out of him. It was shocking to watch someone so powerful begin to thrust against his enemy. This had not gone to plan. This was not what was suppose to happen.

"Tom, ah, I thought you were, hmm, gentler. Oh Gods, please can we go somewhere."

A snake like hiss left the other and a pop of apparition left the alleyway empty. All the cloaked men and women stepping out in complete confusion.
