Chapter 3: Homichlophobia


Homichlophobia- Fear of fog.
~Harry always said his fear wasn't silly, that the legend of the Voldemort says he only comes out when the fog comes, Tom just laughed at him again.

-Relationships: Tom Riddle/Harry Potter
-Warning/Tags: Graphic Description of Violence, Murder, Modern Setting AU, Sexual Content, Anal Sex, Riding, Masterbation.


At dinner, Tom found the way Harry described his fear to be cute. But the messy haired boy didn't really appreciate his commentary and gave him his best pout.

"Tom it's not funny. It's a real fear. Fog scares me, and it's so thick outside you can't see your own hand. I don't care what you say, I'm not leaving the house."

Tom chuckled at his husband.

"You know Demons aren't real right, this creature, Voldemort, it can't actually hurt you. But if you don't want to go into the fog, I won't make you, I'm perfectly fine with keeping you cooped up at home all night."

A foot stomped, and green eyes flashed at Tom before looking away. Harry's arms crossed over his chest and made him look like a pertinent child.

"It's not silly, stop making fun of me. You heard about the missing people in town, and now their is sheep getting slaughtered."

With another soft laugh as to not anger his love, Tom stood and walked over to Harry.

"All just some mad man, but you're right, the fog makes you an easier target. I promise though I will never let anyone or anything hurt you."

With one kiss he had Harry in his arms like puddy. He lifted his husband bridal style and carried him to their shared bedroom. With a joking 'ohhft' at Harry's wait, he tossed the man he loved down on the bed and crawled in beside him. As they both quickly undressed on the bed Tom turned to give Harry a questioning look. The messy hair intrigued Tom as Harry smiled at him. "What? Are you going to tell me I need a comb? You know what we ate about to do right?"

Tom shifted his hand into the black locks and kissed Harry's cheek.

"Of course I know. I was wondering though, if I was 'Lord Voldemort' would you still love me?"

Harry laughed and grabbed Tom in for a kiss.

"What an absurd question, I think I would be the first to know if my husband was killing people in the basement. But-" he pulled along the seam of Toms still in place boxers with his finger. "If you keep being as sexy as you are I don't see how I could hate you, even if you hunting down sheep."

With a laugh Tom kissed the pink lips before him and helped the boxes the rest of the way down. He looked at the clock and noticed he had a little over an hour. With unhurried movements he kissed down the tan neck before him.

The sound of breath catching in his throat as he began to touch Harry's cock was all that Tom dreamed about. He quickened his pace and Harry reached to hold his hand still.

"Need it Tom, need you, I want it please."

Harry reached over with his free hand and grabbed the small bottle they left on the top of the night stand. Tom smirked.

"Prepare yourself."

Harry looked slightly annoyed, but was to horny at the moment to mind. After squeezing a puddle of lube into his hand he passed his own hard on to slip his fingers against his entrance. His free hand he used to hold himself farther open to Tom's eyes. With a lusty hum he pressed his finger inside with his own slow pace he moved it in and out. He added another finger and tried to just rub the tips around inside. After his third finger he gave Tom his signature pout.

"They aren't long enough, I can't find it. Tom please."

With the hand he wasn't using to rub himself, he leaned forward and slipped his own long finger inside the pink hole along with Harry's already situated ones. Harry let out a small muffled moan as Tom rubbed his finger tip over Harry's G-spot.

He wasn't prepared though when Harry pushed him back onto the bed and mounted his hips. With a grind from above Tom pulled Harry into a kiss. The messy haired boy reached back and lined himself up with the dripping hard on under him. Harry keened into Tom's mouth when he slid down the length. Wild black hair flew around as Harry started to gain a rhythm. Sitting up slightly so the chest before him was closer the blue eyed man's started to kiss and nip even as the body moved. Harry's cock and the hand that was stroking it kept bumping Toms stomach. When he finished taking in all of the beauty on top of him, he reached over and took the length in his own hand, twisting and flicking the way he knew his husband liked. With a cry, Harry brought his face up and kissed it, letting the sound of his moan as he came leave into Toms lips. Tom couldn't hold on any longer as the soft hot muscles condensed around him and Harry sped up, he felt himself get close and lifted Harry off quickly, just in time as he shot his load letting it hit the pink hole and lightly tanned inner thighs.

The green eyes before him closed, and the soft body collapsed against his, Harry was always one to go to sleep directly after. He moved his love and helped him under the covers before crawling in beside him, they could clean in the morning.

Tom gave a last kiss to the sleeping man beside him before he slipped himself from the bed. Toeing each slipper on, he grabbed the key he had taped under his night stand. He walked with hurried footsteps and only ten minutes to go. Tom went into the basement, making a quick detour to open the door leading outside before he unlocked a secret door along the wall and stepped inside. It took one match to light a candle so he could step around to light the dozen more around the room.

His smile is feral as he went over to the just located on the other side of the room. With sure hands he flipped the latch holding it closed and opened it to show a young bound and gagged teenage girl. Lifting her the same way he did harry, he dropped her to the center of the room. When he had her placed where he wanted on top of a white intricate design on the floor, he pulled a knife with carvings from a small drawer, and walked over to her. His foot held her chest down, keeping her still, he raised the blade and with all his forces let it fall to penetrate her sternum and puncture her heart.

Wiping the sweat from his brow that he hoped Harry would take as being from their previous activities, he started to speak in hisses until the blood on the floor began to move. It slowly took shape, and when it reached high in the air, it fell to reveal a tall red eyed demon with white skin and a bald head.

The creature eyed him with a smile that showed his pointed teeth, and summoned black robes that covered his body and trailed the floor. With a short nod, Tom watched as it left its place in the center of the room and headed through the door to outside.

A smile covered Toms face when he made it back to his bed and saw Harry still asleep. A tan arm was stretched out as to search for Toms warmth. He slipped his toes from his slipper, and pulled the covers up to join the other man. When he got comfortable the tan body seemed to turn towards him and cuddle against him. With a deep sigh, he stroked Harry's hair, the beautiful man using his chest as a pillow. He kissed the sleeping eyes and left another on Harry's forehead as he whispered, he knew Harry couldn't hear him but he didn't mind.

"Their is no reason to fear, I would never let him harm you, you are the reason I do this, for us to be together forever is my only reason for life."
