Chapter 6

Ok.. First of all, thanks for 122 reads!! I never thought anyone would want to read this trash. So yeah. Thanks. Now I'm going to rant.

So you know those authors who make a seperate chapter for read milestones and stuff? And some who do it every other chapter!!! I hate that.. I'm sorry, but I hate it. Okie, on to the story! :D

I look in the mirror, turning to see my reflection. I choose some makeup, and begin to apply it. I start with the eyeliner, only applying a small bit, aiming for a natural look. I skip the blush, and add a light purple lip tint that barely shows. I apply a small amount of black eyesshadow, and decide to leave it at that. I admire myself in the mirror. Gotta say, I look decent. Quickly, I pack a small, black bag. I put the phone in, among other essentials. I deem myself ready, and teleport to Sans and Papyrus' place.

"Hey, (Y/N). Come on in. You must be.. Cold to the bone." I gave him a half smirk, and waltzed inside. "Heh. Tough.. Tough crowd. That one usually gets a chuckle, at least." Sans teleports in front of me, leaning against a wall with the lower part of his spine exposed. He swiftly re-adjusts his jacket, a blue dust coating his cheeks. He glances at me. I look away, pretending that I didn't see his spine. Maybe it's the equivalent to flashing your belly or something.

"Um.. Ok. Where do I put my bag?" I ask. Sans looks at me, the blue dust still present.

"Uh.. Right here's fine." He gestures towards a bench that has a dried ketchup stain on it. I place my bag on it hesitantly. "C'mon. Papy's been waiting for you." He teleports to the kitchen, which is followed by a yell.

"SANS! HONESTLY, JUST BECAUSE YOU HAVE MAGIC DOES NOT MEAN THAT YOU CAN TELEPORT EVERYWHERE! YOU ARE LOSING EXERCISE, WHICH I'M SURE ISN'T GOOD! EVEN IF YOU'RE A SKELETON, YOUR ECTOPLASM CAN BUILD UP TO AN UNHEALTHY AMOUNT!" Papyrus' voice echoes through the house. Sans walks out of the kitchen looking bashful and slightly offended. He's looking at his feet dejectedly.

"Hey, you ok?" I ask, genuinely concerned.

"Fine," He snaps, his tone defensive. "W-Why do you ask?" His voice wavers slightly.

"No reason.. Just genuinely concerned."

"Well, maybe keep your nose out of other people's lives." Ouch. Ok, fine, Sans. If that's how you want to be. He glares at the wall.

"Fine, then. Sorry for being worried." I snap back, my voice equally hostile. He meets my gaze, his eye illuminated yellow and blue. Papyrus leaves the kitchen, and looks at us.


"Yes, let's. I'm sure (Y/N) will love it." A smirk breaks out on his face. Should I be worried?

"Yeah, I'm sure I will!" I smile at Papyrus, who grins back.

"VERY WELL! COME WITH ME! I HAVE PREPARED A WONDERFUL DINING EXPERIENCE, WITH ALL THE SILVERWARE ARRANGED PROPERLY! I, HOWEVER, HAVE ALREADY EATEN. SO YOU AND SANS CAN TALK THING OUT BY YOURSELVES!" Papyrus leaves, looking pleased with himself. Sans takes a seat at the table, and immediately teleports the majority of the spaghetti off of his plate, leaving him with only a fifth of the original. He smudges around the sauce, and breaks a noodle in half, and teleports the rest into a charred looking area, where he disinegrates it with a blaster. I give him a look.

"As if it's your place to judge." He rolls his eyes, and gets a bottle of ketchup from the fridge labeled, 'Grillby's special'. He takes a bottle of vodka from a cupboard and pours a substantial amount into the bottle. He then teleports back to the table, takes a seat, and glares at me. I raise an eyebrow, but say nothing.

I poke at my spaghetti hesitantly. Sans' stunt made me concerned for the quality of the spaghetti. I raise a forkful to my lips, and hesitantly bite down. Almost immediately, I choke back a sound of disgust. It's.. Not spaghetti, that's for sure. It is, however, better than the food I got after the incident. Which, thanks to the restarts, is around 2 years. I chew it carefully, then swallow. Sans looks at me curiously.

"Isn't it.. Gross?" I consider saying, 'I've had worse', which would make me sound badass, but I can't pass up an opportunity to be spiteful.

"Maybe keep your nonexistant nose out of other people's lives." I shoot.

"Whatever.." He grumbles. "As if I care whether or not you eat cardboard." Oh. Maybe that's why it tastes vaguely like a tree.

"Just be glad you have something to eat. Some people or monsters don't." Sans chugs the ketchup, and heads to the kitchen to add more vodka. I roll my eyes, and continue to eat. Sans watches me, which kind of freaks me out. I avert my gaze, not wanting to increase the awkwardness of the situation.

"So.. Uh.. Not that I care, but.. Why exactly are you fine with eating literal cardboard?" He asks, pointing his ketchup bottle at my half eaten dish. His voice is slurred, and his cheeks are dusted with blue again.

"None of your business." I reply smoothly. Sans walks drunkenly towards me, staggering unnaturally.

"Whatever. You can act like you've had it tough, but I can guarantee I've had worse." Oh, really. I choose not to say anything to aggrivate the situation. "I mean," He continues. "What's the worst that could've happened? You had to take a test you didn't study for over and over again?" He scoffs, chugging his almost empty ketchup bottle. I glare at him, trying to keep my cool. "Heh.. I bet you had the most perfect life ever.. Nice boyfriend, parents who love you.. Friends who care.." He leans against the table smugly. It's all I can do to stop myself from yelling at him. "You probably never once faced a hardship in all 37 resets." He taunts.

"That's it." I snap, slamming my plate on the table. I almost want to tell him about the beatings, the abuse, just to make him feel bad. But then I remember. He won't care. He's just like them. "Papyrus, thanks for dinner, but I gotta go. Your brother is being a dick." I teleport back home before I can hear his response.

The purple moss of my cottage awaits me. I plop down on the couch and sigh. How can Sans be so bipolar? I remember how all of this started.. I just asked him if he was ok. He could've said, 'Alright, thanks'. Or, 'I don't want to talk about it'. But no. He had to go and be a butt again. I make my way to my bed and crash. It's been a long day.

I wake up to my new bedroom, the duvet unfamiliar. I guess I fell asleep.. I remember nothing from my dreams. I sigh. Sans stole my first night in my new cottage! How could he.. Ok, maybe that incident isn't his fault, but everything else is. I brush my hair, take a shower, all the essentials for waking up. While I'm eating breakfast, the doorbell rings. I teleport to my bedroom, pull on a jacket, and teleport back to the door.

"Um.. Heya." It's Sans. "So.. Uh.. Sorry for getting drunk last night.. Drunk me can be an ass, I've heard. I.. Uh.. Don't really remember much from the night.." He's lying. I can tell. His posture is slumped, and he's avoiding my gaze.

"You're lying." I state. "You remember everything. You're a horrible liar, by the way."

"Well, sorry for caring about your feelings." He shoots. He then sighs into his hands, pulling up the hood of his hoodie. "Look, I.. I have temper issues. I'm sorry for snapping just now. Can I take you to Grillby's to make up for it?"

"Sans, I'm not going to forgive you every time you do something generally unforgivable, which is beginning to be everyday. First, you tried to kill me because I'm different. Then, you tried to kill me and tie me up, just because you though I killed someone for some reason! Next, you snap at me when I ask you how you're feeling. Then, purposefully push my buttons to make me snap! Oh, and let's not forget you lying to me just now for literally no reason!" He stares at me, temporarily speechless.

"I-I was drunk, ok!" Classic, overused excuse.

"That's no excuse! I've been in the Underground for 3 days now. That's a lot of bad stuff for 3 days, Sans." I sigh. "Just.. Leave me alone."

"I said I was sorry!"

"You sound like a child, Sans. Go away. Don't make me say it again." I say, pointing a finger firmly down the road. He sighs, and disappears into his classic blue flames. I groan in annoyance. Why does trouble follow me everywhere?

A/N: OKOKOK so sorry for not uploading. I have 3 tests to study for, sooo... I have an excuse?!?! So, I will only be uploading every 2 days, and the weekend, until next week. Hope you understand.

Edit: OH AND BY THE WAY, where I live it's 4 DEGREES COLDER THAN ANTARCTICA!! So.. That's nice.

Welp, I'm off to Grillby's. Papyrus, you want anything? *Catchphrase in progress*
